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a quality of life thing

psychicslugpsychicslug Posts: 738 Arc User
Was trying to find out with all the power unlocks going on now what ones I had unlocked as had been a while and could not remember which were and were not. But discovered no indicator like the masks for costume pieces there is no such indicator for powers "the ultimate's to be more specific" but could go for all powers. As I am a life timer I can pick and choose any power but this should be the case for all as they can get the powers from lock boxes, auction house, and zen and questionite store ect. A way to know if I have an it unlocked would be nice here is the full thread https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/championsonline/#/discussion/comment/12782996


  • grondgrindergrondgrinder Posts: 19 Arc User
    I am inclined to agree this would be a much wanted QoL fix for everyone. By simply adding the common blue/greyed mask icon to all current and future non Z-Store unlockable powers, just like costumes would great.

    Should work, as I pursume it works by the same principle as unlocking costumes.
    "Thumbs up for the triumph of the human spirit, or thumbs down to summon a day of holocaust that will never end?" - Glorious Godfrey
  • shadowzero66shadowzero66 Posts: 335 Arc User
    It'd be nice, but the devs still haven't gotten the costume stuff entirely sorted out. For example, a lot of the old cash shop costumes were retired and turned into lockbox/token/random drops. It's not always indicated on the new items that you already have it if you purchased it before. The crafting/5K kill costumes are acknowledged but the cash shop stuff (e.g. Halloween and Epic Samurai sets) are not. Fortunately, if you attempt to use them, you'll get a message telling you that you've already unlocked it and you won't consume/bind the item.
    Grind for the Grind God! Tokens for the Token Throne!
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Posts: 405 Arc User
    I would VERY much love to have something telling me rather I had unlocked a power or not. At the very least can it simply not even appear as an option if I have not unlocked it? That would take care of the problem.
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