In 2015 It began
In 2016 It continued because we can
Now in 2017, the Adventure continues...It's DawnCon 3
Join us July 21-22 for DawnCon 3. A comic con style event to be held on Champions Online in the Champions HQ
Hosted by Paragin Dawn
Music provided by Ghost Captain of Dawn Radio
It starts off July 21 with Pogoman and the Paragon Radio Podcast on BlogTalkRadio (link to show as we get closer)
Then July 22, DawnCon runs from 2-8pm server time
Guests include but not limited to.....
Pogoman: Paragon Radio Podcast host
Eben Brooks: singer and songwriter
Grotume: novelist and game story writer
Swackhammer: artist and letter of digital comic "Zombies ever After"
Tahquitz: leader of HERC helping COH veterans on all games
mini events will be :
Where in the world is huntingrose: find her hiding somewhere in the game
Costume contest hosted by HERC: cats include superhero gaming anime cartoon and sgi-fi
Jeopardy: test your trivia knowledge
Come to DawnCon July 21-22 for the onyl known comic con style event on any MMO
DawnCon 3: The Adventure continues
My characters
Owner, art effects and writer oc Von Phillips will be there. Despite the name, his new ongoing series , "The Crucible" cross many MMOs/ Check out for yourself
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I will have my water balloons and fun cannon at the ready, for all-out goofy warfare.
My characters
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
One week to go
The schedule for DawnCon III
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
My characters
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Paragon Radio Podcast with Pogoman
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.