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Can you play this game on a Mac?

I may need to update my computer but not really wanting to get another windows/microsoft PC. So what other computers or OS can you recommend?


  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    Theres actually options?​​
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • narf#9213 narf Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    There's no Mac client. You can install Windows through Bootcamp and dual boot or through Parallels (would need to buy Parallels (or VMWare), usually can find it in a bundle at below retail) from within the Mac OS. Also, make sure the Mac in question has a discrete video card.

    Apple has been slacking on their desktop and notebook division the last few years, so you might want to take a pass on them, especially if you do a lot of gaming.
  • akaara1akaara1 Posts: 174 Arc User
  • morigosamorigosa Posts: 709 Arc User
    I don't suggest Parallels or VMWare - they may have gotten better since the last time I checked, but virtualization software tends to have issues with graphics cards and graphics-intensive games.

    I've heard rumors that it's possible to get the client running on a mac using some variation on Wine, but I haven't tried to do that myself, so I've no idea how difficult the required setup is. (Probably very, if it even works at all.)
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    The only real option is to use boot camp. All others would bog down the system too much. The higher iMacs and a MacBook Pro 15 can handle this game. I play on a MacBook Pro 15 with a 1.5 nvidea graphics built in and it works fine. Do not use VMware, parallels or wine it will be like running 2 operating systems at once. So far I think I'm the only one that has responded that actually does it. I do believe Kaiserin plays on an iMac but I cross wires all the time so I may be wrong.
  • visionknightvisionknight Posts: 10 Arc User
    I play on a Mac Mini using Crossover and it runs fine. I did pick up the smcFanControl to increase CPU cooling.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    I used to play on a fairly unimpressive macbook, using boot camp, but I had to use really low graphics.
  • doctordevicedoctordevice Posts: 2 Arc User
    I got it running as a Mac app using Wineskin Winery. It has occasional crashes, but runs at acceptable speed for me.
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