I recently started trying to acquire some Diamonds and Destruem Bearings for an item I have in mind to acquire, 2 of each required.
Then the players told me it was a minimum of 60 Gravitar queues for just 1 Diamond, making it 120 in total.
I have no data on Sky Command, as nobody gave that information, but let's assume it's the same drop rate.
So 240 queues just to get 1 gear item.
In my opinion, that's just too much grind.
So based on the above, I thought, CO needs to introduce the Reputation system present in Star Trek Online, which is similar to this.
Basically, you do an Advanced Difficulty queue, you are awarded 1 Requistion item and a number of Vendor currency.
To translate this to CO, each Advanced Gravitar or Sky Command queue would award a Diamond or Destruem Bearing guaranteed along with Silver Champions Recognition.
This would also have the added benefit of making all queues available at all times, instead of the current rotation system where Gravitar, Sky Command and Lemurian invasion would all be available at once instead of in sequence.
And if you're going to state the case that introducing this system would cause playtime to drop, I disagree.
I already don't want to do this because of the excessive time invested, if they changed it to a Reputation system, I'd play more since it would be easier/quicker/efficient to acquire the endgame gear.
Especially across multiple characters.
All the current reward system achieves is the exact opposite, I play less because I dislike random drop grinds on principle.
STO originally had the random drop system and it was dropped in favor of the guaranteed drop system long ago.
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Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad

SC and LI I can't speak to, since that stuff makes my soul bleed. I would guess that it's around 5-10 runs per thingy on those, too. (It will just FEEL like 10x that.)
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More non-token rewards would fix that, imo. Not just costume drops and figs, maybe chances at high-tier mods and the like. If I knew I could maybe get a r7 mod off of a rampage, I'd be WAY more likely to queue.
RIP Caine
And then it's one month for any other characters on the same account, thanks to sponsorship tokens.
Three separate players said 60 is standard, so I'm assuming that is a given for now.
I haven't done it enough to judge for myself, nor do I wish to at this point in time.
FYI, I am one of those unluckiest players, so it will most likely be 60.
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I'm usually fine with taking panta's intel at face value, so if he says 10-20%, that sounds about right. My personal experience has been far more generous (closer to 1/3), though it's been many months since I've rampaged consistently.
Im for this idea, it would make end game gear more available for players, with a more fair system. Just like cryptic called it when they had to revamp the old borg gear system in sto. But....the ones who put in all of that effort to play and earn should be given some sort of boost/head start/or possibly a finished rep if they obtained the full set through the old way. I havent as of yet, im just thinking about what its been like to rarely score drop towards that set deserves something for the trouble.
I just hope they limit it to one and not go crazy with like the sto devs!!!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Regardless, I'd love the idea of a reputation system idea for CO.
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Well, sort of.
Specific item projectss are unlocked at various stages, with the final piece being available at level 5.
In the context of CO, you'd get a Auxiliary item at level 3, a Defense item at level 4 and the Offense item at level 5 with a bunch of other items along the way.
Getting to level 5 takes time though, but I'd be okay with that if it eliminated the RNG drop system completely.
And by the time I'd got there, I'd have several gear requsition items and a lot of currency ready to start projects with. Here is how STO handled the Reputation restructure:
Star Trek Online Season 7 Dev Blog #8
I'm not sure how that translates to CO exactly, there could be a currency conversion, but odds are high that players would simply have their gear without having to do rep and that would be the only perk.
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
My characters
EDIT: this will also lead to fully geared people being taken down a notch (hence-balancing pvp)....and people with new found power to cry "overpowered!" so Devs, if nerf-taddlers start to yell about that, give them a permanent tin foil hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And tell them to leave us alone! -Cat
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
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