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Recurring player's question about the game's state: Viability vs. Concept

aironfaaraironfaar Posts: 8 Arc User
Hey guys, I've been playing Champions Online on and off for a few years now and am always baffled by the many additions and changes when I come back. This time coming back, I started to feel a bit of concern while clicking a little through the forums.

In the past, I've perceived an air of "build your characters as you enjoy it; as long as you don't completely lose sight of viability, concept characters are good enough for most to all content" within the community. Now, I'm seeing lots of things along the lines of "the META is the only thing you can use in endgame content, really".

Did I merely look at the wrong places or did CO really go down that route? From my experience, the game used to allow concept builds to be viable with a bit of work and sometimes compromise, but what I've read so far makes it sound like that changed.


  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    You can still bring most concept builds to endgame content, maybe with some compromises.
    The main thing that the few endgame fights require is a bit more role specialization than was needed in the past. So as a dps you are expected to do some significant damage, as a tank you are expected to be able to survive some pretty high damage hits and hold agro, etc.
  • aironfaaraironfaar Posts: 8 Arc User
    I see. Well, that's quite a relief - thanks! I'll just recreate my concept builds from scratch and see how my ideas will fare after all the changes to some of the power sets I used. :)
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    Perhaps one build concept that doesn't work great in Cosmic fights is the AoPM hybrid build. I have many toons that use AoPM, in Hybrid mode, as a general stat boost. In tough team content, this is often a drawback for the team, because of how Auras work, among other things.

    Still, I made some dual-passive toons to have AoPM when solo, and another passive, focused on tanking or DPS, for endgame team content (Cosmics).

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    The thing most likely to cause problems in endgame fights is pets, because the pet AI is idiotic so pets attack things you don't want attacked. Aside from that, the main concern about builds is that certain fights have DPS checks, and the difficulty of that check varies with the number of characters in the fight. Thus, if you're not filling some other essential role, and your dps is low, you're a liability.

    However, the DPS checks are not that severe; most builds, if you play aggressively and actually attack the right targets at the right time, are sufficiently capable.
  • edited March 2017
    The more difficult content does incentivize better builds, but "build your characters as you enjoy it; as long as you don't completely lose sight of viability, concept characters are good enough for most to all content" certainly applies.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User

    The thing most likely to cause problems in endgame fights is pets, because the pet AI is idiotic so pets attack things you don't want attacked. Aside from that, the main concern about builds is that certain fights have DPS checks, and the difficulty of that check varies with the number of characters in the fight. Thus, if you're not filling some other essential role, and your dps is low, you're a liability.

    Oh, yeah. Forgot about pet builds.

    Aside from standard PvE, they are terrible in Rampages, Cosmics, and even in most event-boss fights. Bad AI, constant resummoning.


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,634 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    aironfaar said:

    Hey guys, I've been playing Champions Online on and off for a few years now and am always baffled by the many additions and changes when I come back. This time coming back, I started to feel a bit of concern while clicking a little through the forums.

    In the past, I've perceived an air of "build your characters as you enjoy it; as long as you don't completely lose sight of viability, concept characters are good enough for most to all content" within the community. Now, I'm seeing lots of things along the lines of "the META is the only thing you can use in endgame content, really".

    Did I merely look at the wrong places or did CO really go down that route? From my experience, the game used to allow concept builds to be viable with a bit of work and sometimes compromise, but what I've read so far makes it sound like that changed.

    When reading Cosmic HQ, you'll typically see calls for:
    "need Healer"
    "need Tanks"
    "need more DPS"
    "need CCer"

    ....and particular auras as well such as AoPM, AoAC, and AoED. So in terms of what's *needed* the roles tend to be specialized when talking about the endgame. But there are lots of concepts that can fit within these roles and you don't have to fill a specialized role to show up.

    As a Tank, you can pull your weight by helping the other tanks soak damage....all you need is rank 3 block and a defensive passive.

    As a DPS, if you learn the fights, you can contribute by attacking the right things at the right times...saving AOs and/or Ultimates for DPS checks. You just need to find a way to do more than 10K dmg at the right target and time.

    As a Healer, you can contribute by ensuring the tanks stay alive, providing timely rezzes during Eido fights, and bringing a nice aura or two to buff up the DPS.

    CCer is a bit specialized but there is a variety of options to choose from with regards to the build...see the link in my sig.

    All of the above can do their part with concept builds + Merc gear. It's being done on a regular basis. The only hard NO is pets...they mess up some of the more fragile fights and repeatedly die to all the AoEs thrown around by the cosmics.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    kamokami said:

    ....and particular auras as well such as AoPM, AoAC, and AoED. So in terms of what's *needed* the roles tend to be specialized when talking about the endgame. But there are lots of concepts that can fit within these roles and you don't have to fill a specialized role to show up.

    In practice, 70-80% of the people at any given cosmic fight are going to fill the role of 'dps', and pretty much any build designed as dps (offensive passive in an offensive role), played correctly, is capable of putting out enough damage to be a net asset. The main problematic builds are hybrid, tank, or support builds that are trying to be dps; it's not impossible to put out enough damage to be pulling your weight, but it's not easy (also, this really only matters for Teleiosaurus and Eidelon; there are no significant dps checks in Kigatilik or Qwyjibo).
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Some of my favorite toons to play at cosmics are debuffer/buffer types with one of those auras. Only the one with AoED appears high in the rankings, but the others with AoRP, AoAC and Medical Nanites certainly contribute. Slowly leveling up a dedicated AoPM healer.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • aironfaaraironfaar Posts: 8 Arc User
    Thank you for all the responses, especially for the more detailed ones! I'm now positive I'll get to enjoy the game thoroughly during this iteration, too. :)
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 979 Arc User
    Another one misled by what I call the "newbie vets". These are the folks who have joined the hunt recently, they think they know it all, they tend to be pretty rude and it, and they are convinced that winning these fights comes down to min-maxing the heck out of their builds.

    @aironfarr, as someone who has been doing Cosmics since they day they dropped (OG), let me tell you that your performance and acceptance at endgame has almost nothing to do with your build or your gear. It has everything to do with learning the fights. As long as you don't screw up and shoot a sleeping heart (or something equally egregious), pretty much nobody is going to take notice of your build.

    Fortunately, there are plenty of great guides around and if you study them a bit, you can become a tactical expert in very little time. The big problem comes with the lazy asses who do not bother to read the guides and end up breaking stuff.

    Think about it this way, if you are a damage character, the difference that you are going to make in the over all fight with a DPS of 2200 vs 2400 just really isn't that much one a 12 MILLION HP cosmic. But, if you screw up and shoot a sleeping heart and he heals for 500,000, okay NOW you have made a big difference and NOT a good one.

    So, don't destroy your concept just to eek out a few more points. But do remember that you are a hero and have a job to do. If you are damage, you should focus on putting out damage, tank should focus on taking damage and keeping aggro, healer heals, wind blows, fire burns... etc etc.

    So, ignore the newbie jerks who tell you to min-max your build and instead learn the fights (which many of them have never bothered to do). Of course, if you want to go ahead and min-max a build, that's fine, too, but it is still much more important to learn the fights. If you do that, you'll always place above cut to get your goodies and nobody will **** at you.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • aironfaaraironfaar Posts: 8 Arc User
    @pwestolemyname Thank you very much for your response! Reading it put like this brings back that fun, lighthearted approach to character building back. :)
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