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Alien Lockbox and a Roin'esh inspired powerset

a1fightera1fighter Posts: 365 Arc User
edited January 2017 in Suggestions Box
This lockbox has a alien theme, some are merely re-skins, so should not be too difficult. Re-skin of the Roin'esh style, notable for folks who do not use the Z store. Not a fan of Roin'esh nor the Marvel Carnage things, but we are long overdue for this power imo. I would rather see this than a re-skin of The Night Avenger or something.....

Alien Costume: Re-skin of the Roin'esh, but with larger domes and tail options, something like this

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Also, back tentacles, head tentacles, feet tentacles, and hand tentacles.

Alien Weapons: The This is tricky idea but, standard weapon styles which come with lockboxes, but these are attached to the arm/hand.
In essence, more Roin'esh hand options but they manifest when the player draws their weapon. These are located
In the weapon section. No fancy animations necessary
Weapons are, a hammer, sword, scythe, mace, and rifle.

Aura: Do we already have something like this

Unlock Power. Symbiote madness, something like this

More original though, marvel is watching, still......so petty....

Loyal side-kick: A Roin'esh companion

The Archetype Powers.

Eh, don't feel like getting too deep into the powers, but I am think dps/hold control.

Thoughts? Anyone interested in a Roin'esh power spinoff? I always wanted tentacle parts, and an alien theme lock-box seems like the perfect opportunity to add them, since we do not have Roin'esh power set, which is essentially dark dimension power tree in-game already. perfect for a re-copy imo.

Post edited by a1fighter on


  • I'd love to see a Roin'esh power set.
  • opalflameopalflame Posts: 205 Arc User
    I need this.
    Ink@Opalsky in game
  • superwavessuperwaves Posts: 34 Arc User
    Tendrils ftw
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,337 Arc User
    Hell yes to the weapons... I've got a few character concepts that would greatly benefit from such weapon models... and considering that the weapon hand models we have work just fine with weqpon attacks using imaginary weapons, you're right that animations are a non-issue. it would be great to have weqpon hands as actual weapon models... just with we could actually select material types on weapons..
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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