Simple, the rules of this little forum thing are as follows...
You state 5 powers in any current skill tree. Go into as much detail as you want.
State what they do, what they look like, that sort of thing.
Want to lay out numbers? Go for it! Want to expand on someone's power ideas? DO IT!
And without further delay, here we go!
1- Rifle Smash! A close-range munitions power. You rear back with your assault rifle and smack your opponent in the mouth, laying him on his butt.
2- Cyber-Gun! A medium-range sustained Power Armor attack. Your right forearm conceals a collapsed SMG that deals continuous damage to a single target.
3- Sword Lunge! Single blade Lunge attack. You draw back and thrust forward 50 feet with your sword, impaling your adversary!
1- Lead Storm - Munitions - maintain - The user dash toward its target while dealing AoE damage around target using SMG, the user can dash towards and on any surface, including buildings, this power ultimately has a homing effect if the target is aerial. an Advantage is supported to change the homing property into a "dash around the target" type.
2-Bite the Dust - Munitions - charged/tap -Must be near the target(melee range) - The user flash steps to behind the target, then using a single pistol, deliver a head shot, dealing massive damage (think sniper rifle but melee range version) This power have a possible insta-kill rate to non-bosses. The tap version have considerably weaker damage.
3-Internal Factory - Infernal Supernatural - Slotted-Passive, the user constantly add a stack of buff/debuff called Internal Factory to his/hers friends and foes around over time . This buff/debuff stacks up to 30. Each stack of the buff will increase damage and dodge% of your friends while decrease the damage and dodge% of your foes. Every critical scored by your friends (and yourself) consumes 3 stacks of Internal Factory.
Unrelated: The acrobatics travel power should totally enable the user to run vertically on buildings and ceilings.
1. Shard Storm - Toggle
While active, any enemy that gets close to you takes damage every second.
Adv 2 - Every other tick of damage also repels enemies
Adv 2 - Every other tick of damage causes enemies to repel to you
2. Gather Strength - Maintain - Roots User
For every second damage is dealt and there is a chance that any enemies within 25 feet are knocked down (Knock is based on Str or Ego whichever is higher). Fully maintaining this power stuns all enemies within the area and you get energy for each target that is attempted to be stunned.
Adv 1 - Double the range of AoE
Adv 2 - Instead of knocking down this power knocks up and knocks away after a full maintain
3. Siphon - Maintain
Target's speed, damage and damage reduction is reduced increasing your own speed, damage and damage reduction. The effects of this power lasts twice as long as this power was maintained.
Adv 1 - This power becomes an AoE of less effectiveness against your targets
1 - Carousel! - Might / Infernal Supernatural - maintain - the user grabs the enemy with a chain, pulls him towards himself, headbutts him (which takes 1 second) then if the enemy survives the user swings the enemy in a 50 feet radius dealing damage to up to 5 enemies + the swinging enemy until the swinging enemy dies or until the maintain ends. If the enemy survives the whole thing he will be sent flying. Enemies immune to CC will take 2x headbutt damage instead.
2 - Ultimate Shadow - Martial Arts - block - the user assumes a defensive stance. After 2 seconds have passed, constantly generates significant threat against selected target, and the first direct attack will result in a flashstep counter with massive damage (the type of weapon used for this attack will be determined by the energy builder). This effect reduces your energy to 0 and energy generation by 25% for 5 seconds, and can only be used every 30 seconds. If attacked directly before 2 seconds have passed it's effects are equal to Parry.
3 - Dangerous Machine - Gadgeteering - summon - This machine will roll for a random effects every 2 seconds and lasts 12 seconds. The effects can be: 1)Applies random debuff(s) or random enemy(ies) 2)Applies random buff(s) on random enemy(ies) 3)Applies random debuff(s) on random teammate(s) 4)Applies random buff(s) on random teammate(s) 5)Releases a cloud of hallucinogenic which will mess with anyone caught in the cloud 6)Destroys the machine causing a hard explosion which will knock down anyone within 15 feet, and send flying with 5 bleeds anyone unlucky enough to be within 5 feet of the machine.
Pulverize -Combo Power/AoE/ 3 targets- Using your mighty fist, you smash and punch your opponents mercilessly with your strength! Each attack of this combo has a 30% chance to knockdown your targets
Obliterate -Charge Power/AoE/ 5 targets/ Stun- A Backhanded swing of your fist with enough force to briefly send your target into a stunned state. Fully charging this power stuns your target(s).
Wrecking Crew -Active Offense- You fill yourself with such rage that your physical attacks hit even harder! Increases the damage of all your crushing attacks, slashing, and piercing attacks by __%, has no effect for other damage types.
1. Vanish -- martial arts, darkness, or sorcery (could be any); reverse lunge, teleport
You teleport away from an attacker to a distance of 60' and you gain 10% resistance to all damage for 10 seconds
This power would have a 1 minute cooldown.
R 2: 15% resistance, 12 seconds
R 3: 20% resistance, 15 seconds
Advantage: 50% threat wipe and stealth (like evasive maneuvers)
2. Energy Charge -- celestial, buff targets
You give a target (not yourself) energy, related to the cost of this power. If the target is illuminated, this chains to another, nearby target
R 2: gives more energy
R 3: gives more energy
Advantage: heals some damage, too
Advantage: does some damage to illuminated enemies
3. Expanded Quiver: archery, ranged attack
When you choose this power, you gain three more types of arrow attacks. These attacks have a shared cooldown of 30 sec.
Long-Range Arrow: 120' range, increased damage
Corrosive Arrow: damage plus disorient and toxic DoT
Incendiary Arrow: damage plus fire AoE and clinging flames
R 1: increased damage
R 2: increased damage
Advantage: Organized quiver. Cooldown time is reduced
Barrage - Launch a hail of blasts. 100' Range, 5' line, ~100 base damage every .5 seconds, 5 seconds maintain.
Customizable emanation points
tier 1?
- 0pts Flame Thrower - replaces the bolts with a tongue of flame.
- 0pts Beam Projector - replaces the bolts with an intense beam of energy.
- 1pts Challenging Strikes
These aesthetics have bee missing for way too long. Superheros often blast stuff when they aren't punching stuff.
Heavy Weapons:
Line Breaker - Focus a series of blows on a single opponent. .83 activation time ~400 base damage average of three hits, knockdown on the third hit
tier 1?
- 3pts Crippling Challenge
Heavy weapons can't tank? Dps isn't that great either. ಠ_ಠ
Power Armor:
Powered Systems - Your natural prowess is augmented by servos, electronics, armor, and a high-tech power plant. Balanced Role Slotted Passive. + 8% all damage, + 8% damage resistance, + all stats (~50 at level 40)
no visual fx
tier 1
Power Armor needs this. It's way too hard to pick super stats for, and AoPM looks too wierd on PA costumes. Plenty of other concepts could use it, too.
Self Explosion...This ability costs all of your health to use instead of energy.
Area of Effect 25 foot sphere
Max. Targets 10
R1 10k Crushing Damage and Fire Damage to both foe and friendly target.
45 foot knockback
R2 12k Crushing Damage and Fire Damage to both foe and friendly target.
50 foot knockback
R3 14k Crushing Damage and Fire Damage to both foe and friendly target.
55 foot knockback
Lovely Cascade... Lovely Cascade unleashes a titanic blast with shape of Lovely Heart flinging aside any enemies in its path.
Kissie Hold... The same power that PSI mobs use. With your lovely kiss, target is hold but can attempt to break free.
Freeze Ray: Tier 3 Ice power. 100-ft ranged maintain, 3 second maintain time, does damage every 0.5 seconds. Does Avalanche-scale damage to a single target. Snares the target on each maintain pulse, freezes the target at the end of a full maintain. Freeze applies a 0.5/1/1.5 (per rank) second stun to the target.
Advantage: Chill of Death- 1 pt advantage. Stacks a 5% damage resistance debuff on the target per pulse, each stack lasts 5 seconds. Caps at 12 stacks.
Force Barrier: Tier 3 Force power. 80-ft radius maintained AoE shield. Allies within the area of the shield gain 40/60/80% additional damage resistance (per rank) for the duration of the maintain. (Damage resistance numbers are in Cryptic math). 10 second maintain, costs 50 energy per second. 40 second cooldown.
Advantage: Retributive Force - 2 pt advantage. Allies in the area of the shield gain a stacking multiplicative damage bonus each time they are attacked, 1% per stack, stacks to 10, each stack lasts 3 seconds.
Tiger's Rage: Tier 1 Fighting Claws power. Melee-range AoE. Swipe with both claws in an arc in front of you. Applies Shredded to all targets.
Advantage: Tiger's Feast - 3 point advantage. Heals you for 1%/2%/3% of the attack's damage on a critical hit.
Tornado Storm (Might): You hold both hands together and spin around bashing all foes around you. A charge up move. At 50% or higher charged up it will cause knock down on all foes. Advantages include a way to change it to a maintain and another to gain knock/hold resistance while swinging.
Piledriver (Might): You pick up the enemy flip him over then smash him on the ground. Deals crushing damage and holds target in place until the animation is over. Also grants a stack of Enrage when you have it on toggle.
Resist (Might): Grants X% damage resistance when activated. Also grants Resistance to All Damage from penetration damage. This is an active defense.
Shield/Barrier Shards:
Every time your shield/barrier is broken, there's a chance that the enemy will take damaged.
Adv.1 Fortified shards - Shards will inflict 25% more damage to the enemy
Adv.2 Razor shards - Shards will cause Bleeding effect for 30secs
Temporal Roar:
Enemies on a certain raidus will be slow with half of their speed.
Adv.1 Gotcha! - Travel powers are cancelled. Unable to use TPs for 15sec
Increases attack speed by 10%, however, lowers defense by 3%
Adv.1 Insatiable thirst - Increases movement speed by 3%
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
Multiform - Using your energy you are able to separate yourself into multiple forms, with a cost to your energy equilibrium. Each copy of yourself uses the same powers as you do, even when using a freeform build.
Rank 1: Separate into two forms.
Rank 2: Separate into three forms.
Rank 3: Separate into four forms.
I know this power is more than ready to be implemented as Star Trek Online has had this functionality for well over a year now (a device that allows you to spawn two versions of yourself from alternate realities).
Single Blade and Dual Blade Block - Similar to your heavy weapon block only instead you are using a single blade weapon or your dual blade weapons in the block animation.
That's it really, this is one part of the game that really doesn't need updating all that much as of right now since we are already spoilt for choice when it comes to powers.
Major Transform : Chairs listed as henchmen into henchmen. Aoe- cone- ranged- NND
Minor Transform: Big weapon to fairy wand with extra glitter, usable on others, no personal immunity. DECV protects.
Cosmetic transform: Clone to default costume, ranged- AOE- megascale - 1" =10km
Bite the Dust - Munitions - charged/tap -Must be near the target (melee range) - The user flash steps to behind the target, then using a single pistol, deliver a head shot, dealing massive damage (think sniper rifle but melee range version) This power have a possible insta-kill rate to non-bosses. The tap version have considerably weaker damage.
Ultimate Shadow - Martial Arts - block - the user assumes a defensive stance. After 2 seconds have passed, constantly generates significant threat against selected target, and the first direct attack will result in a flashstep counter with massive damage (the type of weapon used for this attack will be determined by the energy builder). This effect reduces your energy to 0 and energy generation by 25% for 5 seconds, and can only be used every 30 seconds. If attacked directly before 2 seconds have passed it's effects are equal to Parry.
1. High-Precision Shot (Munitions)
Charge/Tap Ranged Attack
(Animation: Does someone remember the first animation for Gunslinger? This, but only one shot.)
Steady grip, aim, check the wind, breath in, adjust aim, fire, breath out.
- Single target Piercing Damage.
- Advantage: Feeling lucky, punk?: When fully charged, this power scores an automatic Critical Hit.
2. Reinforcements (Munitions)
Controlled Pet
(Available Skins: Policemen, Frontline Soldiers, SWAT, Agents in suit and tie, etc.)
You believe in teamwork. And superiority of numbers. But mostly teamwork.
- Summons 2 soldier pets, which attack the enemy with their assault rifles/SMGs.
- At Rank 2 this power summons 3 soldiers. Your soldiers also gain access to grenades.
- At Rank 3 your soldiers gain a bonus to attack and defense.
- Advantage: MEDIC!!!: This advantage exchanges one of your soldiers for a medic, who is equipped with a pistol only, but is able to heal friendly targets around him.
3. Taser Shot (Munitions)
Charge/Tap Ranged Attack / Paralyze
(Animation: The taser used by Resistance prison guards or ARGENT counteragents.)
Originally given out by SAF (Superheroines Against Foxbat), these devices turned out to be quite popular with the whole hero community.
- Single target electrical damage
- Paralyzes the target. Paralyzed targets can't move or attack. The target is able to struggle to break free from the hold early, and damage the target takes will reduce the duration as well.
- Duration and durability of the Paralyze increases each second charged.
- Advantage: ZAP!: The electricity from your taser tends to overload your enemies equipment and bodies. After the Paralyze wears off, your enemy suffers a short debuff to defense and offense.
Only found some Force Suggestions...still looking for my Mentalist ones...
Kinetic Spheres - You send balls of force out which encapsulate your targets and deal crushing damage over time. They are momentarily paralzyed but this effect quickly wears off.
+Deals crushing damage over time to 5 targets max.
+ Adds a 4 second paralyze on casting to all targets
(Reworked Crushing Wave) - Would use a different animation to current one, I would use perhaps a wave of force fields hitting the target instead of watery waves. Lockdown would be removed and damage and repel would tick every .67. Damage would be nerfed I think to other non lock down and fast ticking cone powers.
Defensive Bubble - You can utilize your forcefields for offensive or defensive purposes. You can entrap your foes in a force field which reflects a portion of all out going damage back to the attacker. You can also use this bubble to shield your allies and yourself, granting temporary damage reflection and high damage mitigation. (Basically a merge of Containment and Protection Field, so dual fuctionality like Rebuke's heal/dmg mechanic).
+ Places a paralyze on a target and reflects 60% of out going damage back to target
+ If a friendly target, provides high damage mitigation and reflects 50% of all incoming damage back to the attacker (100% of damage). This buff lasts for 20 seconds on a target but can be deactivated prematurely by overwhelming damage.
Force Field - (Mah AoE shielding *-*) - When the going gets tough and your team need protection, you are ready to prove your worth by creating and expanding an impenetrable and large field of defensive energy, repelling all would be attackers and providing the ultimate defense.
+Provides immense damage resistance to all targets within the bubble
+ All targets within field cannot be knocked
+ Your force field is affected by your damage resistance values and can be healed
+ Lasts longer than a normal active defensive
- It is a pet so it can be attacked and destroyed
- Accepts only half added damage resistance from you
- Only recieves 1/3 of the healing it should.
- You can only hold a powerful shield like that for so long (25 seconds) (100 sec recharge)
Force Crush - You focus your force fields and stack them in a tower of solid energy over your opponent and then release them for devastating damage.
+ Deals heavy crushing damage to up to five targets around your main target.
+ Knocks down all affected targets
Kinetic Reverberation - Never has knocking enemies been so rewarding! By focusing on Kinetic Capture, you can draw energy from your enemies in terms of the energy they produce whilst flying through the air.
+ Energy Return scales with STRENGTH or EGO whichever is higher. But is affected by your Intelligence and Endurance statistics.
+ Each time you attempt to knock an enemy you gain a burst of Potential Energy.
+ Can be slotted in an Offensive or Balanced passive power slot.
+ Greatly increases your Crushing, Fire and Particle Damage. This increase scales with your Super Stats.
+ Increases your resistance to Crushing, Fire and Particle Damage. These resistances scale with your Super Stats.
+ Generate Energy when you hit more than one target with a ranged Crushing, Fire or Particle Damage attack (not counting DoT effects!). The amount of energy gained scales with your Ego. This effect can occur once every 4 seconds.
+ Rank 2 (2 AP)
+ Rank 3 (2 AP)
+ Unshakable (2 AP) - While having Demolition Expertise slotted, your Knock Resistance is increased with every stack of Enrage or Concentration, whichever you have more stacks of.
Energy Core (Tier 1)
Set: Power Armor
Typ: Slotted Passive
Animation: None. Overheat Exhaust creates a small flame burst, similar to the blast-off effect of Jetpack Flight.
+ Can be slotted in an Offensive or Balanced passive power slot.
+ Greatly increases your Energy Damage. Also increases your Physical Damage. This increase scales with your Super Stats.
+ Increases your resistance to all damage. These resistances scale with your Super Stats.
+ Reduces the energy costs of Power Armor Toggle powers. This reduction scales with your Intelligence or Endurance, whichever is higher.
+ Rank 2 (2 AP)
+ Rank 3 (2 AP)
+ Overheat Exhaust (1 AP): Attacks made against you while your energy pool is less than 15% have a chance to trigger Overheat Exhaust, which applies Plasma Burn to enemies within your melee range.
Flying Phoenix Kick (Tier 3)
Set: Unarmed
Typ: Movement (Lunge)
Animation: The charge animation is a battle stance, similar to Form of the Master or Dragon Kick. The rest could be the same as Thunderbolt Lunge, but with a Burning Chi effect around the characters foot (as if he was wearing a Scourge or Cursed Boot). Chi Detonation would look like a Fireball explosion.
+ Must be fully charged.
+ Lunges to the target.
+ High single target Crushing Damage.
+ Knocks Back the target. (Not very far though.)
- 15 seconds cooldown
+ Rank 2 (2 AP)
+ Rank 3 (2 AP)
+ Chi Detonation (2 AP): If the target of this power is affected by Burning Chi, Flying Phoenix Kick will consume the debuff and deal a burst of Dimensional damage in a 10 ft sphere around the target. Additional targets caught in the Detonation are also Knocked Down.
The sound of this is good. Maybe, um... y'know... mention some of these around the water cooler?
"These are great ideas!"
"We can put them into NWO maybe. But all the class' abilities are set a specific way. There's no way we can add these. I guess we can put them in that other game we have."
The character raises its hand in the air and rotates the claw at hyper turbo speed until it forms the shape of a drill the size of a Teleiosaur. It then brings it down to put the fear of GAR into the poor hapless targets standing in its path. This is the reason claws haven't had an AoE yet. If it had one, it'd be too awesome for the game. Disclaimer: Hot-blooded yelling not included.
Psy-Comm Bits
"Unleash your inner Korean"
Show your ability to micro by creating a swarm of controllable summons, suspiciously resembling floating phallic objects. They have three modes - ranged mode where they pewpew telekinetic darts, melee mode where they pop out Ego blades and attack with knockups that can juggle a target and defense mode where they take positions around the character and project a diamond lattice force field.
Starlight Buster
Sorcery / Heavy Weapons
Create a huge magic circle at your feet whlie you hold your staff/axe/etc like a mortar and gather a huge ball of energy at the tip with a ring of arcane symbols orbiting around it. Then let it rip as a huge maintained beam 5 times the width of your character while the refrain of a Nana Mizuki song plays in the background.
Gunslinger cyclone - pbaoe, like lead tempest except geared toward damage rather than dodging. +adv to make the chance to crit and +crit sev higher the longer you maintain it. Single pistol.
Arc of Fire. single pistol, sideways sweep of the barrel as a full auto barrage, doing damage in a cone, like a breath weapon. +adv to increase the chance to crit and +crit sev the longer you maintain.
Aimed Shot. Single pistol, charge attack to do a single spike dps burst. Damage should be in line with 2 gun mojo, only in one large burst after a 2 second charge. +adv, incindeary rounds. When the bullet hits, it explodes, doing half of the base dps to all targets in a 10 foot radius.
I really want single gun powers.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Shoulder Beam Power Armour
Shoulder mounted beam cannon for continuous particle damage in a 3ft cylinder with a 50 ft range. Similar to Minigun, but energy based. Shoulder Slot power.
Ranking up increases damage. Special Advantage: Here's My Sunday Best
Changes Shoulder Beam from a targetted power to a non-targetted power (like Plasma Beam).
Body Buster Brick
Grab an enemy, give 'em a squeeze, then throw them straight up into the air. The squeeze deals crushing damage, the throw counts as a knock up, and the impact causes AoE crushing damage.
Ranking up increases damage and throw height.
Special Advantage: Ultimate Muscle
The throw up is now a throw down, and you slam the enemy into the ground, losing the fall height damage but increasing the damage dealt to the enemy. AoE damage does not increase.
Nano Drones Gadgeteering
Summon a swarm of nano drones that surround your body in a defensive formation. The drones will seek out enemies in a 25ft range and attack them, dealing continuous damage while active. They have a chance of holding the target while swarming.
Ranking up increases the number of targets that can be swarmed at once.
Special Advantage: Bees?
Increases damage dealt to held targets.
1- Lead Storm - Munitions - maintain - The user dash toward its target while dealing AoE damage around target using SMG, the user can dash towards and on any surface, including buildings, this power ultimately has a homing effect if the target is aerial. an Advantage is supported to change the homing property into a "dash around the target" type.
2-Bite the Dust - Munitions - charged/tap -Must be near the target(melee range) - The user flash steps to behind the target, then using a single pistol, deliver a head shot, dealing massive damage (think sniper rifle but melee range version) This power have a possible insta-kill rate to non-bosses. The tap version have considerably weaker damage.
3-Internal Factory - Infernal Supernatural - Slotted-Passive, the user constantly add a stack of buff/debuff called Internal Factory to his/hers friends and foes around over time . This buff/debuff stacks up to 30. Each stack of the buff will increase damage and dodge% of your friends while decrease the damage and dodge% of your foes. Every critical scored by your friends (and yourself) consumes 3 stacks of Internal Factory.
Unrelated: The acrobatics travel power should totally enable the user to run vertically on buildings and ceilings.
1. Sticky Bomb - Gadgeteering or Munitions:
You do a short dash toward your enemy, (like say 20'), plant a sticky bomb right on them, then do a quick jump backward, (as said bomb goes off). It'd have an advantage that knocks the enemy back.
2. Drill Punch - Gadgeteering:
Similar to chainsaw gauntlet, this power would be a cross between a short lunge and a maintain DoT attack. Basically, you'd do a 20' forward lunge and a large drill would pop out of your hand, as you drive it into your enemy. It would have an advantage that would apply 1 bleed and applies stagger or trauma.
3. Summon Ninja - Martial Arts:
This is a temporary pet with a slightly different mechanic than other ones; You throw down a smoke bomb at your feet, which temporarily puts you into stealth. At the same time, 3 similar smoke bombs appear around the enemy you targeted, and 3 ninjas appear. One stays at range and throws a few shuriken, while the other 2 lunge at the target and attack w/ swords.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
2. Drill Punch - Gadgeteering:
Similar to chainsaw gauntlet, this power would be a cross between a short lunge and a maintain DoT attack. Basically, you'd do a 20' forward lunge and a large drill would pop out of your hand, as you drive it into your enemy. It would have an advantage that would apply 1 bleed and applies stagger or trauma.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Tactical Shot - Munitions - Single Pistol - T3 - Click - Ranged Single Target Piercing Damage - 50' Range - If used from Stealth Damage is doubled. If used from Stealth has a 45 second cool down. - Animation - Character takes a knee similar to Hold Out Shot. - If used from Stealth cannot get critical hits. If not in Stealth can land critical hits.
Rank 2
Rank 3
2-Point Advantage - Stim Pack - Similar to the advantage on Hold Out shot. however the amount healed is increased based on whether or not the character is in Stealth or gets a critical. If used from Stealth the amount healed is equal to half Rounded up of the damage done. If not in Stealth and lands a critical then the amount healed is equal to the critical. This Heal can critical as well.
Magnum Shot - Munitions - single pistol - T1 - Blast - Line Area of Effect-50' Range- 3-5 Targets based on charge time. Leaves a Lingering Debuff on the first four targets called Exit Wound. This Debuff functions the same as Bleeds applied by Single Blade powers. - Animation looks similar to Sonic Boom Generator minus the ball of light that builds up on the weapon.
Rank 2
Rank 3
2-Point Advantage - Dum-Dum Round - Removes the Area of Effect component of the power and increases the Damage on the single target by 80% and adding a knock down to the damage.
Disruptor - Gadgeteering - Particle Rifle - T1 - Blast - Cylinder Area of Effect - 100 foot range - up to 7 targets - Has a chance to stun per amount of charge with a full charge having a 100% chance to stun all targets affected. Deals Particle Damage
Rank 2
Rank 3
1-Point Advantage - Adds Sonic Damage to the damage of the power.
1. Clock Up - Movement, tap/charge. Power Armour
You move towards your opponent at blinding speeds, smashing into your target with great force upon impact.
2. Child of the Night - Ultimate, click, buff. Darkness
Darkness surrounds both you and your opponent, causing them to be gripped with fear in your very presence, decreasing their damage and defenses. Increases Dimensional damage for a short period of time.
3. Lunar Illusion - Summon, Darkness
Your opponent's seeing double... Literally! Summons a copy of yourself that uses your Energy Builder and first three powers. There can only be 4 clones at a time.
1. Clock Up - Movement, tap/charge. Power Armour
You move towards your opponent at blinding speeds, smashing into your target with great force upon impact.
Salt Spray - uses a Shotgun and rock salt to put necroed threads back into their graves.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
2-Bite the Dust - Munitions - charged/tap -Must be near the target(melee range) - The user flash steps to behind the target, then using a single pistol, deliver a head shot, dealing massive damage (think sniper rifle but melee range version) This power have a possible insta-kill rate to non-bosses. The tap version have considerably weaker damage.
3-Internal Factory - Infernal Supernatural - Slotted-Passive, the user constantly add a stack of buff/debuff called Internal Factory to his/hers friends and foes around over time . This buff/debuff stacks up to 30. Each stack of the buff will increase damage and dodge% of your friends while decrease the damage and dodge% of your foes. Every critical scored by your friends (and yourself) consumes 3 stacks of Internal Factory.
Unrelated: The acrobatics travel power should totally enable the user to run vertically on buildings and ceilings.
...the ultimate Contrast Moe (or not).
While active, any enemy that gets close to you takes damage every second.
Adv 2 - Every other tick of damage also repels enemies
Adv 2 - Every other tick of damage causes enemies to repel to you
2. Gather Strength - Maintain - Roots User
For every second damage is dealt and there is a chance that any enemies within 25 feet are knocked down (Knock is based on Str or Ego whichever is higher). Fully maintaining this power stuns all enemies within the area and you get energy for each target that is attempted to be stunned.
Adv 1 - Double the range of AoE
Adv 2 - Instead of knocking down this power knocks up and knocks away after a full maintain
3. Siphon - Maintain
Target's speed, damage and damage reduction is reduced increasing your own speed, damage and damage reduction. The effects of this power lasts twice as long as this power was maintained.
Adv 1 - This power becomes an AoE of less effectiveness against your targets
2 - Ultimate Shadow - Martial Arts - block - the user assumes a defensive stance. After 2 seconds have passed, constantly generates significant threat against selected target, and the first direct attack will result in a flashstep counter with massive damage (the type of weapon used for this attack will be determined by the energy builder). This effect reduces your energy to 0 and energy generation by 25% for 5 seconds, and can only be used every 30 seconds. If attacked directly before 2 seconds have passed it's effects are equal to Parry.
3 - Dangerous Machine - Gadgeteering - summon - This machine will roll for a random effects every 2 seconds and lasts 12 seconds. The effects can be: 1)Applies random debuff(s) or random enemy(ies) 2)Applies random buff(s) on random enemy(ies) 3)Applies random debuff(s) on random teammate(s) 4)Applies random buff(s) on random teammate(s) 5)Releases a cloud of hallucinogenic which will mess with anyone caught in the cloud 6)Destroys the machine causing a hard explosion which will knock down anyone within 15 feet, and send flying with 5 bleeds anyone unlucky enough to be within 5 feet of the machine.
More Chain powers, because theres not enough to make a build.
Another Darkness power, because theres not enough good ones to make a build.
Seeing a pattern with my choices?
Pulverize -Combo Power/AoE/ 3 targets- Using your mighty fist, you smash and punch your opponents mercilessly with your strength! Each attack of this combo has a 30% chance to knockdown your targets
Obliterate -Charge Power/AoE/ 5 targets/ Stun- A Backhanded swing of your fist with enough force to briefly send your target into a stunned state. Fully charging this power stuns your target(s).
Wrecking Crew -Active Offense- You fill yourself with such rage that your physical attacks hit even harder! Increases the damage of all your crushing attacks, slashing, and piercing attacks by __%, has no effect for other damage types.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
You teleport away from an attacker to a distance of 60' and you gain 10% resistance to all damage for 10 seconds
This power would have a 1 minute cooldown.
R 2: 15% resistance, 12 seconds
R 3: 20% resistance, 15 seconds
Advantage: 50% threat wipe and stealth (like evasive maneuvers)
2. Energy Charge -- celestial, buff targets
You give a target (not yourself) energy, related to the cost of this power. If the target is illuminated, this chains to another, nearby target
R 2: gives more energy
R 3: gives more energy
Advantage: heals some damage, too
Advantage: does some damage to illuminated enemies
3. Expanded Quiver: archery, ranged attack
When you choose this power, you gain three more types of arrow attacks. These attacks have a shared cooldown of 30 sec.
Long-Range Arrow: 120' range, increased damage
Corrosive Arrow: damage plus disorient and toxic DoT
Incendiary Arrow: damage plus fire AoE and clinging flames
R 1: increased damage
R 2: increased damage
Advantage: Organized quiver. Cooldown time is reduced
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Barrage - Launch a hail of blasts. 100' Range, 5' line, ~100 base damage every .5 seconds, 5 seconds maintain.
Customizable emanation points
tier 1?
- 0pts Flame Thrower - replaces the bolts with a tongue of flame.
- 0pts Beam Projector - replaces the bolts with an intense beam of energy.
- 1pts Challenging Strikes
These aesthetics have bee missing for way too long. Superheros often blast stuff when they aren't punching stuff.
Heavy Weapons:
Line Breaker - Focus a series of blows on a single opponent. .83 activation time ~400 base damage average of three hits, knockdown on the third hit
tier 1?
- 3pts Crippling Challenge
Heavy weapons can't tank? Dps isn't that great either. ಠ_ಠ
Power Armor:
Powered Systems - Your natural prowess is augmented by servos, electronics, armor, and a high-tech power plant. Balanced Role Slotted Passive. + 8% all damage, + 8% damage resistance, + all stats (~50 at level 40)
no visual fx
tier 1
Power Armor needs this. It's way too hard to pick super stats for, and AoPM looks too wierd on PA costumes. Plenty of other concepts could use it, too.
Area of Effect 25 foot sphere
Max. Targets 10
R1 10k Crushing Damage and Fire Damage to both foe and friendly target.
45 foot knockback
R2 12k Crushing Damage and Fire Damage to both foe and friendly target.
50 foot knockback
R3 14k Crushing Damage and Fire Damage to both foe and friendly target.
55 foot knockback
Lovely Cascade... Lovely Cascade unleashes a titanic blast with shape of Lovely Heart flinging aside any enemies in its path.
Kissie Hold... The same power that PSI mobs use. With your lovely kiss, target is hold but can attempt to break free.
The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
Riposte - Single Blade Block/Attack
Corps-a-corps - Single Blade Knock Down
Yeah, I like fencing.
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
Piledriver (Might): You pick up the enemy flip him over then smash him on the ground. Deals crushing damage and holds target in place until the animation is over. Also grants a stack of Enrage when you have it on toggle.
Resist (Might): Grants X% damage resistance when activated. Also grants Resistance to All Damage from penetration damage. This is an active defense.
Grappling/Wrestling Power Set Suggestion 2012-2013
How a Wrestling Power Set Can Work
Every time your shield/barrier is broken, there's a chance that the enemy will take damaged.
Adv.1 Fortified shards - Shards will inflict 25% more damage to the enemy
Adv.2 Razor shards - Shards will cause Bleeding effect for 30secs
Temporal Roar:
Enemies on a certain raidus will be slow with half of their speed.
Adv.1 Gotcha! - Travel powers are cancelled. Unable to use TPs for 15sec
Increases attack speed by 10%, however, lowers defense by 3%
Adv.1 Insatiable thirst - Increases movement speed by 3%
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Rank 1: Separate into two forms.
Rank 2: Separate into three forms.
Rank 3: Separate into four forms.
I know this power is more than ready to be implemented as Star Trek Online has had this functionality for well over a year now (a device that allows you to spawn two versions of yourself from alternate realities).
Single Blade and Dual Blade Block - Similar to your heavy weapon block only instead you are using a single blade weapon or your dual blade weapons in the block animation.
That's it really, this is one part of the game that really doesn't need updating all that much as of right now since we are already spoilt for choice when it comes to powers.
Minor Transform: Big weapon to fairy wand with extra glitter, usable on others, no personal immunity. DECV protects.
Cosmetic transform: Clone to default costume, ranged- AOE- megascale - 1" =10km
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Munitions - Any rifle as an energy builder .
Mentalist - control any NPC , each NPC will have different combat abilities .
Think Afterburner from CoH...for those of you who know.
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Munitions: Just boost the damn AR with 10-30% more damage, it feels so underpowered.
Travel power: Climbing walls
More specifically, you like sabre, correct? Good man! I fenced sabre in college.
I'm liking some of these power ideas. Keep posting 'em, eh?
I was a JV foil fencer at the Air Force Academy, (the coach decided my short arms were better suited for foil. Go figure :P ).
But I really enjoyed what sabre training I could get, love it.
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
1. High-Precision Shot (Munitions)
Charge/Tap Ranged Attack
(Animation: Does someone remember the first animation for Gunslinger? This, but only one shot.)
Steady grip, aim, check the wind, breath in, adjust aim, fire, breath out.
- Single target Piercing Damage.
- Advantage: Feeling lucky, punk?: When fully charged, this power scores an automatic Critical Hit.
2. Reinforcements (Munitions)
Controlled Pet
(Available Skins: Policemen, Frontline Soldiers, SWAT, Agents in suit and tie, etc.)
You believe in teamwork. And superiority of numbers. But mostly teamwork.
- Summons 2 soldier pets, which attack the enemy with their assault rifles/SMGs.
- At Rank 2 this power summons 3 soldiers. Your soldiers also gain access to grenades.
- At Rank 3 your soldiers gain a bonus to attack and defense.
- Advantage: MEDIC!!!: This advantage exchanges one of your soldiers for a medic, who is equipped with a pistol only, but is able to heal friendly targets around him.
3. Taser Shot (Munitions)
Charge/Tap Ranged Attack / Paralyze
(Animation: The taser used by Resistance prison guards or ARGENT counteragents.)
Originally given out by SAF (Superheroines Against Foxbat), these devices turned out to be quite popular with the whole hero community.
- Single target electrical damage
- Paralyzes the target. Paralyzed targets can't move or attack. The target is able to struggle to break free from the hold early, and damage the target takes will reduce the duration as well.
- Duration and durability of the Paralyze increases each second charged.
- Advantage: ZAP!: The electricity from your taser tends to overload your enemies equipment and bodies. After the Paralyze wears off, your enemy suffers a short debuff to defense and offense.
The Doctor on the PDB
Fahrenheit on the PDB
Kinetic Spheres - You send balls of force out which encapsulate your targets and deal crushing damage over time. They are momentarily paralzyed but this effect quickly wears off.
+Deals crushing damage over time to 5 targets max.
+ Adds a 4 second paralyze on casting to all targets
(Reworked Crushing Wave) - Would use a different animation to current one, I would use perhaps a wave of force fields hitting the target instead of watery waves. Lockdown would be removed and damage and repel would tick every .67. Damage would be nerfed I think to other non lock down and fast ticking cone powers.
Defensive Bubble - You can utilize your forcefields for offensive or defensive purposes. You can entrap your foes in a force field which reflects a portion of all out going damage back to the attacker. You can also use this bubble to shield your allies and yourself, granting temporary damage reflection and high damage mitigation. (Basically a merge of Containment and Protection Field, so dual fuctionality like Rebuke's heal/dmg mechanic).
+ Places a paralyze on a target and reflects 60% of out going damage back to target
+ If a friendly target, provides high damage mitigation and reflects 50% of all incoming damage back to the attacker (100% of damage). This buff lasts for 20 seconds on a target but can be deactivated prematurely by overwhelming damage.
Force Field - (Mah AoE shielding *-*) - When the going gets tough and your team need protection, you are ready to prove your worth by creating and expanding an impenetrable and large field of defensive energy, repelling all would be attackers and providing the ultimate defense.
+Provides immense damage resistance to all targets within the bubble
+ All targets within field cannot be knocked
+ Your force field is affected by your damage resistance values and can be healed
+ Lasts longer than a normal active defensive
- It is a pet so it can be attacked and destroyed
- Accepts only half added damage resistance from you
- Only recieves 1/3 of the healing it should.
- You can only hold a powerful shield like that for so long (25 seconds) (100 sec recharge)
Force Crush - You focus your force fields and stack them in a tower of solid energy over your opponent and then release them for devastating damage.
+ Deals heavy crushing damage to up to five targets around your main target.
+ Knocks down all affected targets
Kinetic Reverberation - Never has knocking enemies been so rewarding! By focusing on Kinetic Capture, you can draw energy from your enemies in terms of the energy they produce whilst flying through the air.
+ Energy Return scales with STRENGTH or EGO whichever is higher. But is affected by your Intelligence and Endurance statistics.
+ Each time you attempt to knock an enemy you gain a burst of Potential Energy.
I'll find my mentalist ones...SOON(tm)....
EDIT: Found the majority of them... >>Here<<
Note..they are possibly quite OP, but the ideas and mechanics behind them are the main objective.
My Characters on PRIMUS
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I am @RavenForce in game
Set: Munitions
Typ: Slotted Passive
Animation: None.
+ Can be slotted in an Offensive or Balanced passive power slot.
+ Greatly increases your Crushing, Fire and Particle Damage. This increase scales with your Super Stats.
+ Increases your resistance to Crushing, Fire and Particle Damage. These resistances scale with your Super Stats.
+ Generate Energy when you hit more than one target with a ranged Crushing, Fire or Particle Damage attack (not counting DoT effects!). The amount of energy gained scales with your Ego. This effect can occur once every 4 seconds.
+ Rank 2 (2 AP)
+ Rank 3 (2 AP)
+ Unshakable (2 AP) - While having Demolition Expertise slotted, your Knock Resistance is increased with every stack of Enrage or Concentration, whichever you have more stacks of.
Energy Core (Tier 1)
Set: Power Armor
Typ: Slotted Passive
Animation: None. Overheat Exhaust creates a small flame burst, similar to the blast-off effect of Jetpack Flight.
+ Can be slotted in an Offensive or Balanced passive power slot.
+ Greatly increases your Energy Damage. Also increases your Physical Damage. This increase scales with your Super Stats.
+ Increases your resistance to all damage. These resistances scale with your Super Stats.
+ Reduces the energy costs of Power Armor Toggle powers. This reduction scales with your Intelligence or Endurance, whichever is higher.
+ Rank 2 (2 AP)
+ Rank 3 (2 AP)
+ Overheat Exhaust (1 AP): Attacks made against you while your energy pool is less than 15% have a chance to trigger Overheat Exhaust, which applies Plasma Burn to enemies within your melee range.
Flying Phoenix Kick (Tier 3)
Set: Unarmed
Typ: Movement (Lunge)
Animation: The charge animation is a battle stance, similar to Form of the Master or Dragon Kick. The rest could be the same as Thunderbolt Lunge, but with a Burning Chi effect around the characters foot (as if he was wearing a Scourge or Cursed Boot). Chi Detonation would look like a Fireball explosion.
+ Must be fully charged.
+ Lunges to the target.
+ High single target Crushing Damage.
+ Knocks Back the target. (Not very far though.)
- 15 seconds cooldown
+ Rank 2 (2 AP)
+ Rank 3 (2 AP)
+ Chi Detonation (2 AP): If the target of this power is affected by Burning Chi, Flying Phoenix Kick will consume the debuff and deal a burst of Dimensional damage in a 10 ft sphere around the target. Additional targets caught in the Detonation are also Knocked Down.
"These are great ideas!"
"We can put them into NWO maybe. But all the class' abilities are set a specific way. There's no way we can add these. I guess we can put them in that other game we have."
"No! STO."
Fighting Claws
"Who the hell do you think we are?"
The character raises its hand in the air and rotates the claw at hyper turbo speed until it forms the shape of a drill the size of a Teleiosaur. It then brings it down to put the fear of GAR into the poor hapless targets standing in its path. This is the reason claws haven't had an AoE yet. If it had one, it'd be too awesome for the game. Disclaimer: Hot-blooded yelling not included.
Psy-Comm Bits
"Unleash your inner Korean"
Show your ability to micro by creating a swarm of controllable summons, suspiciously resembling floating phallic objects. They have three modes - ranged mode where they pewpew telekinetic darts, melee mode where they pop out Ego blades and attack with knockups that can juggle a target and defense mode where they take positions around the character and project a diamond lattice force field.
Starlight Buster
Sorcery / Heavy Weapons
Create a huge magic circle at your feet whlie you hold your staff/axe/etc like a mortar and gather a huge ball of energy at the tip with a ring of arcane symbols orbiting around it. Then let it rip as a huge maintained beam 5 times the width of your character while the refrain of a Nana Mizuki song plays in the background.
Arc of Fire. single pistol, sideways sweep of the barrel as a full auto barrage, doing damage in a cone, like a breath weapon. +adv to increase the chance to crit and +crit sev the longer you maintain.
Aimed Shot. Single pistol, charge attack to do a single spike dps burst. Damage should be in line with 2 gun mojo, only in one large burst after a 2 second charge. +adv, incindeary rounds. When the bullet hits, it explodes, doing half of the base dps to all targets in a 10 foot radius.
I really want single gun powers.
RIP Caine
Power Armour
Shoulder mounted beam cannon for continuous particle damage in a 3ft cylinder with a 50 ft range. Similar to Minigun, but energy based. Shoulder Slot power.
Ranking up increases damage.
Special Advantage: Here's My Sunday Best
Changes Shoulder Beam from a targetted power to a non-targetted power (like Plasma Beam).
Body Buster
Grab an enemy, give 'em a squeeze, then throw them straight up into the air. The squeeze deals crushing damage, the throw counts as a knock up, and the impact causes AoE crushing damage.
Ranking up increases damage and throw height.
Special Advantage: Ultimate Muscle
The throw up is now a throw down, and you slam the enemy into the ground, losing the fall height damage but increasing the damage dealt to the enemy. AoE damage does not increase.
Nano Drones
Summon a swarm of nano drones that surround your body in a defensive formation. The drones will seek out enemies in a 25ft range and attack them, dealing continuous damage while active. They have a chance of holding the target while swarming.
Ranking up increases the number of targets that can be swarmed at once.
Special Advantage: Bees?
Increases damage dealt to held targets.
^Yes please sirs of Cryptic. We wants this!
"Saying 'Everything is fine as is.' in the MMO world is like holding your breath. Eventually you die from lack of common sense."
You do a short dash toward your enemy, (like say 20'), plant a sticky bomb right on them, then do a quick jump backward, (as said bomb goes off). It'd have an advantage that knocks the enemy back.
2. Drill Punch - Gadgeteering:
Similar to chainsaw gauntlet, this power would be a cross between a short lunge and a maintain DoT attack. Basically, you'd do a 20' forward lunge and a large drill would pop out of your hand, as you drive it into your enemy. It would have an advantage that would apply 1 bleed and applies stagger or trauma.
3. Summon Ninja - Martial Arts:
This is a temporary pet with a slightly different mechanic than other ones; You throw down a smoke bomb at your feet, which temporarily puts you into stealth. At the same time, 3 similar smoke bombs appear around the enemy you targeted, and 3 ninjas appear. One stays at range and throws a few shuriken, while the other 2 lunge at the target and attack w/ swords.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums :biggrin:
Fast forward to about 10 seconds...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
there's my suggestions for this list...
The power to Modify Difficulty Ramps
The power to Balance other Powers
You move towards your opponent at blinding speeds, smashing into your target with great force upon impact.
2. Child of the Night - Ultimate, click, buff. Darkness
Darkness surrounds both you and your opponent, causing them to be gripped with fear in your very presence, decreasing their damage and defenses. Increases Dimensional damage for a short period of time.
3. Lunar Illusion - Summon, Darkness
Your opponent's seeing double... Literally! Summons a copy of yourself that uses your Energy Builder and first three powers. There can only be 4 clones at a time.
- DONE! It's called "Rifle Butt"
- NOT DONE! And not clear perspectives, since all PA powers deal Crushing/Particle damage now & SMG should deal Piercing logically.
- DONE! It's called "Cut Down"
Now l would be glad if in 2017 at least one of mine 3 powers be introduced:- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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