If there's one thing I love to do in CO, is to teach folks about the endgame content and give them confidence to know that they can join Cosmics or TA possibly. However, I'm more focused on the Cosmic bosses here. There's been plenty of people who wish to do Cosmics, but arent entirely sure of their build or gear setup yet entirely to where they have to stay in the PowerHouse. Sure, they could go to the Battlestation to take on 5-man groups of mob enemies, but how could they really see if their build works against cosmics without having to leave the PowerHouse just yet?
A Cosmic Battlestation Or C.O.S.M.I.C. The Champions Organized Super Menace Information Center.
Now I'm not entirely good at explaining myself with words, but allow me to as best as I can, please? --- So of course there are the four cosmics currently (Teliosaurus, Kigatilik, Qwyjibo, Vexx, Eidolon), They would have 2 - 3m HP and There will be difficulty levels that change the fight a little. Each cosmic will feature 5 near Immune A.I of 2 Tanks, A Healer, A DPS, and a Crowd Controller/Debuffer, each performing their roles flawlessly.
Players will help out the A.I in taking down the cosmic based on their respective roles. --- -Difficulty-
Master: Light damage, mode used to learn the basics of each cosmics.
Legendary: Moderate damage, mode used for those teams to figure out and apply their teamwork, much room for error.
Cosmic: near-Actual Cosmic Damage! The kinda-Real deal. Mode actually leaves little room for error, but it still works like the actual cosmic.
--- Kigatilik:
- 1 Tank A.I : Tanking the damage from Kigatilik, away from the DPS, Threat building But not enough to keep from a Player Tank and blocking ALL tells when possible.
- 2 A.I DPS: 1 ranged, 1 Melee, Deals damage to Kigatilik as best as they can, sometimes getting threat, but will have a threat wipe handy. At least one DPS will go after the Ice Tombs that occur on anyone before returning back to their original positions.
- 1 Crowd controller: Takes care of holding the dogs as best as they can.
- 1-2 Healers: heals the crowd as best as they can, standing behind the the DPD, but within range to heal the tanks with Arcane Vitality pref.
Master: Kiga will be Pre-phase 2. Dogs will be at a set position away from Kiga, and will not attack other roles.
Legendary: Kiga will be Pre-phase 2. Dogs will be at their normal stations beside Kiga to be aggro'd for CC.
Cosmic: . Players have the choice of Phase 1 or 2. No A.Is spawned, until Phase 2 is underway.
- 1-2 Tanks. Tanks will tank the dinos as best as they can. Blocking Tells and Dino bites, hopefully attacking in between to try and keep threat on both dinos.
- 1-2 DPS: DPS would block tells from the dinos and attack when possible. Preferably having and using Ego surge, as a visual active offense, during Dino DPS check. (Perhaps the tanks have Ego surge as well)
1-2 healers: Mama healer would be angled to heal DPS and the mama tanks, while safe from tail whip, with Arcane Vitality preferably. Baby tank healer would be safe from baby able to keep baby tank healed. Of course blocking dangerous tells.
1 Debuffer: Optional. Could definitely help out with debuffing the dinos with lowering damage resistances and having an active offense as well.
Master: Baby will be prespawned aside mama within a safe non-frenzy area. Mama already at 2/3rd health.
Legendary: Baby will be spawned at 2/3 mama health. If baby tank is present they will have to pull the baby. If not, baby will be spawned with an AI Tank aside the mama.
Cosmic: Normal rules apply.
- Ain't happenin'!
--- Qwyjibo:
- 1-2 Tanks: Tanking Qwyjibo's smashing punches, blocking tells AND that fireball. Getting back into positions while blocking, when pushed back.
- 1-2 DPS: Doing their damage, blocking tells, also blocking as they get pushed back and moving back into position. Melee in their proper spot. A Ranged Cylinder DPS that is angled to where they arent hitting the hearts at all.
1 healer: Angled where they could heal the DPS and tanks at once. Blocking and slow position returning applies.
1 crowd controller: of course responsible for keeping the hearts in hold check. Blocking still applies.
Master: 1 heart is spawned on the side of Qwyjibo.
Legendary: 2 hearts are spawned at both sides of Qwyjibo
Cosmic: 3 hearts spawned normally as if the real Qwyjibo.
Please bear with me as I wish to update and explain this as best and often as I can. I do plan to provide art, pictures, and organizing this Suggestion as appropriately as I can, I'm moreover trying to get this down as a save spot as I work further into this.
Vexx, this is a hella cool idea. There are so many new people who just don't know about fight specifics or where to find info. Another good idea would be to add Irwin to the C.O.S.M.I.C. with a Tutorial Video on each boss (Complete with aussie accent) sorta like that Maxx Planck guy.
Vexx, this is a hella cool idea. There are so many new people who just don't know about fight specifics or where to find info. Another good idea would be to add Irwin to the C.O.S.M.I.C. with a Tutorial Video on each boss (Complete with aussie accent) sorta like that Maxx Planck guy.
No kidding, I'd be in the C.O.S.M.I.C Battle station dang near every day teachin' folks, it'd be a blast! Steve Irwin wanna be as the spokesperson?! GENIUS!
For Cosmic difficulty the damage should be identical to real cosmics, so people who want to test their build can.
I was thinking about actual damage being the thing, though I figured having the damage enough to be the margin for what is sufficient in the real content.
I know, I'm still thinking of their actions too moreover. Not everyone wants to learn in a full team so don't want to hold them up from learning cosmics by themselves, with a friend, or with a team without a certain role, right?
I do plan to provide art, pictures, and organizing this Suggestion as appropriately as I can,
I'm moreover trying to get this down as a save spot as I work further into this.
Thank you!
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
Steve Irwin wanna be as the spokesperson?! GENIUS! I was thinking about actual damage being the thing, though I figured having the damage enough to be the margin for what is sufficient in the real content. I know, I'm still thinking of their actions too moreover. Not everyone wants to learn in a full team so don't want to hold them up from learning cosmics by themselves, with a friend, or with a team without a certain role, right?