First one was removed by forum bug, so please any Community Moderator, merge it back. It need to be placed immediately after PART 1 and before first reply of other player.
For existing powersets. I imagined some with unique mechanics, like Prone, Guardian and Circle of Shattered Twilight/Seething Soulstrike. Aurora's Ray may look like a Pokémon move, but actually it may be great for dodge builds, since Chilled Form scales with Dex, and dodge comes before shield, and Ice set used to be tanky overall.
Energy Projector::Fire::Heatwave Maintain, 50', Single Target. Is no longer mezzing power by default. It contradicts powerset theme - Fire is all about massive DPS, with sustaining DoTs, reducing resistance etc. To burn them faster! And here is all of sudden MEZZ! Mezz is of theme of Mentalist, Sorcery, maybe Electricity, Ice... But Fire is not supposed to slug things up... So, Heatweve by default should be just Maintained attack, and have stacking Resistance debuff too, and Engulfing Flames converts it to mezz and cuts its damage roughly by 50% due decreased tick rate (1s vs 0.5s). It's too cool-looking power to be useless.
Energy Projector::Fire::Burning Rage Buff Form. This is Enrage version, that procs on applying Clinging Flames or Plasma Burn. Heavy Weapon builds and dragon @nacito would love it. Scales with Strength, as normal Enrage does. May have access to Endorphin Rush.
Energy Projector::Fire::Fiery Cyclone Maintain, 25', PBAoE, self root Swing around a lash of searing flame, that deals Fire damage, inflicts Clinging Flames. And knocks enemies back. Advantage: vortex technique - makes enemies Knock To & applies Furious to self.
Energy Projector::Ice::Aurora's Ray Maintain, 100', single target. Releases rainbow-colored beam, that deals Cold damage. Adds short lasting damage debuff to the target, that scales with # of Chill debuff stacks. Advantage "Refraction": each tick adds shield points to you, which amount scales with # of your Chilled Form stacks (doesn't work with Concentration).
Energy Projector::Force::Hyperdrive Energy Unlock. Your mastery of hyperspace allows to gravitate nearby energy. The more you've accumulated on you - the faster you recharge. This power hangs energy-over-time buff each time, you fully charge one of your Charge Up damaging powers, or hit 5 or more enemies with Charge Up damaging power. Doesn't work on taps or maintains, but works on tapspam charge-up AoE. This energy Return scales with Recovery & is affected by Endurance & Constitution.
Technology::Munitions::Shot Fighter Offensive Passive. Increases Crushing, Piercing, Fire damage, resistance to those types, also Critical Chance & Severity. This power gotta be alternate to TC for Soldier AT.
Technology::Munitions::Flamethrower Maintain, 50' 45 degree AoE, self-root Fire damage. Has 20% chance to apply Clinging Flames per tick. Gatling gun costume. 2 PT Advantage: "Burn, baby, burn!" FT deals 50% more damage if only one target is hit.
Technology::Munitions::Railgun Ultimate, Charge, must be fully charged, 120', 5' cylinder AoE. Releases hyper-velocity round, that penetrates almost any kind of defense (Defender approves). It deals Piercing damage, but ignores 50% of target's resistance & 50% of shields. Deals more damage for each stack of Concentration (not Chilled Form) you have. Rocket launcher costume. Railgun also applies Overpower debuff, that debuffs damage resistance for all types.
Technology::Munitions::Prone Block. Reduces only Ranged Damage, but doesn't do that for Melee Damage. Increases Knock, but not Hold resistance. This power allows to execute some of Munitions powers, like Assault Rifle or SMG-Burst if this block is toggled on (/bind ? powertrayexec 1 16), but powerful attacks like 2-Gun Mojo, Lead Tempest, Gatling Gun, can't be launched from under block. Soldier AT should choose that as block.
Technology::Munitions::Omni Gun Maintain, AoE, 100', 45 degree cone, cooldown, ultimate Deals following damage types: Fire, Ice, Piercing, Crushing, Toxic, Electric, Particle, Sonic & rapidly applies various lingers.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Medi-Cannon Maintain, 50', Single Target. One of most genious of your inventions, it allows you to restore structural integrity of almost anything! Chance to critically heal increases as long as power maintained. Allies, affected by Medical Nanites get 50% Critical Severity (critical heal magnitude) from this power. Advantage: Simultaneous Assembly - it heals 5 allies within 15' around primary target, restoring 50% less HP of it does to main target. "Gadgeteer Medical Cannons" new Weapon Bone requested. TOP PRIORITY POWER! Impossible to make full-tecnology healer ATM.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Cape Block Block. It fits perfectly into Night Avenger, use your own cape like a shield! This power can counter similar to parry, but deals Slashing damage (with blade/boomerang) & doesn't counter melee attacks, only does that within 25' to 100' ring. It inherits Ranged damage bonuses.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Raygun Spray Maintain, 50', Cone AoE, 30 degree cone. Deals Particle damage, and has Viper's energy spray animation. Utilizes Gadgeteer Rifle skin, and is red by default. Advantage: Extradimensional Phase Disruptor (2 pt) - enemies, that are managed to get Out-of-Phase debuff, will be forcible returned to normal, receiving Particle Damage, interrupt and firework explosion. Advantage - 2 PT - Microwave Polarizer - intense microwave radiation scorches enemies. This power gets 20% chance to inflict Plasma Burn per tick, that visual is red-colored too.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Orbital Cannon Revamped to Ultimate. Damage buffed drastically, same for energy cost, it now deals continuous damage without advantage, and initial blast stuns targets.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Thaumic Tempest Maintain, 50', PBAoE, self-root. Gadgeteering version of Lead Tempest, that also deals Magic-based damage, and works with both Targeting Computer or form to buff paranormal damage - it's techno-magical power. Advantage inflicts random effects.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Stasis Cannon Maintain, incapacitate, 50', single target Deals Particle Damage to target, and also causes it to incapacitate. Utilizes gadgeteer rifle skin. Advantage: Temporal Energy Capacitor (2 pt), changes this power to charge up, and its radius is extended the further it is charged in a manner of Ego Sleep.
Technology::Energy Sword I think laser sword attacks are barely connected with Power Armor, thus maybe better carry out those attacks into their own category.
Technology::Energy Sword::Quantum Stabilizer Offensive Passive. Increases all non-physical Melee damage and Particle damage by certain number, and non-physical Ranged damage by 50% of that number. Any hit you deliver will increase a counter, and when certain threshold is reached, it'll activage destroyer-like wave for Melee Particle damage, and lockout will be set for a while. This passive also has weaker version of PFF-like shield, that has flat regen over time. This power has been added
Technology::Energy Sword::Particle Reverberation Energy Unlock. All enemies around you, that suffer Plasma Burns fill you with energy in exact way Thermal Reverberation does. This also scales primarily with Intelligence, instead of Endurance (because theme is hi-tech).
Technology::Energy Sword::Energy Cyclone Maintain, 25', PBAoE, self root Swing around a lash of glowing energy, that deals Particle damage, inflicts Plasma Burns. And knocks enemies back. Advantage: vortex technique - makes enemies Knock To & applies Furious to self.
Technology::Energy Sword::Energy Beam Maintain, 50', 5' Cylinder AoE, skillshot Energy Beam cuts down everything in its path. Advantage "Melta Cannon" - 5% chance per tick to inflict Plasma Burn. Note: it's not new power at all, it's just Plasma Beam variant, that utilizes device stance, because that stance was requested when plasma beam became toggle. This is also not tagged as PA-Slot power at all, so its animation won't mess with another of them, because it enables PA lockout when coupled with PA powers. This is "plasma beam" variant for non-PA builds, because toggle is not very comfortable, it can delay other non-PA powers a bit.
Technology::Energy Sword::Warp Dash Single target, 60' melee, lunge. Utilize miniature warp-drive to close distance with target. This deals Particle damage as a side effect of the warp, and also puts Disorient on target, if it is further than 20'.
Technology::Energy Sword::Warp Retreat Single target, 100', reverse lunge, threat wipe. Utilize emergency warp-drive, to teleport away from foes, which resets your target's threat. Advantage (2 pt): Zero-Energy Absorber, while traveling through wormhole negative energy is used to revert back damage, i.e. using threat wipe will heal portion of health.
Martial Arts::Unarmed::Thundering Kicks Unbug its buff from wearing it off when combo is block cancelled, and buff its damage. TOP PRIORITY FIX! Impossible to make normal dodge builds with this.
Martial Arts::Unarmed::Tornado Kick Melee (10') PBAoE maintained attack. Advantage will extend range to 15' and cause full maintain to create burning patch right at character's location, but that is Martial Arts fire, and it deals Dimensional damage, that penetrates 50% of resistance and shield.
Martial Arts::Parry It now doesn't counter outside 10' range, and deals Crushing damage, that is buffed, doesn't depend on attacker power and inherits Melee damage bonuses.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Lunacy This is multi power, it has two modes - 50' sphere AoE with 15' radius (executed if target is selected) AND 25' PBAoE (executes if no target is selected). It's Mentalist AoE Maintain. Deals Ego damage to enemies around you or your target. Advantage: "Schizophrenia" - this maintain now can apply stun or disorient at targets in both modes, and full maintain will add Ego Leech.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Regain Senses 25', Single Target, Revive. Brings one ally back from the knockout. Advantage applies a linger, that energizes that ally over time.
Mystic::Sorcery::Circle of Shattered Twilight Charge. This power creates a circle, that grants energy and short lasting attack buff, when an enemy is defeated within 100'. Moreover, standing inside that circle allows you to execute very powerful Sorcery maintained attack - Seething Soulstrike. Cannot be used with other circle, and dissipates if you stand outside it after a while. Standing within circle & attempt to summon it, will execute Seething Soulstrike, standing outside of it will summon a circle.
Mystic::Sorcery::Seething Soulstrike Maintain, 100', Single Target, self-root. Deals continuous Magic damage, and has more duration, than other maintain powers. This ability is unique from other maintains - it requires standing inside Circle of Shattered Twilight (thus it's problematic to use it against trash - this powerful attack is designed for bosses, and + it roots, but damage and comfiness should worth it). Advantage causes it to flay target's soul and make vulnerable to Paranormal and moreso Magic Damage.
Note: Both Circle of Shattered Twilight & Seething Soulstrike count as one ability (like Night Warrior & Shadow Strike), require 1 PP and rank up simultaneously.
Mystic::Sorcery::Mana Reverberation Energy Unlock. Summoned Sorcery entities, such as sigils and demons now provide energy to you.
Mystic::Sorcery::Sigils Revamp, now they are intangible, like Ball Lightning, and deal Magic damage instead of Fire/Electric one. Some of them may be placed at enemy's location automatically.
Mystic::Infernal Supernatural::Whirlwind Lash Maintain, 50', Single Target, self-snares. Lashes enemies with infernal flame for Toxic damage, that also can Poison targets. Perhaps makes sense to make similar powers for Slashing (Bleed, Bestial) & Crushing (Might, Knockdown ?) damage. Not very needed powers, there are already combo chains, and combos ~= maintains.
Mystic::Infernal Supernatural::Aspect of the Infernal Removed visual effect, and that effect is returned to Drifter store.
Mystic::Supernatural::Vine Cyclone Maintain, 25', PBAoE, self root Swing around a floral lash, that deals 50/50 Slashing/Toxic damage, inflicting bleeds or poisons. And knocks enemies back. Advantage: vortex technique - makes enemies Knock To & applies Furious to self.
Mystic::Darkness::Ebon Ruin Fix: remove Shadow generation by default, and put it to advantage. Instead, this power generates Fear by default. TOP PRIORITY FIX! Impossible to make decent darkness build, that won't ruin (pun intended) cosmic fights, with uncontrollable lamebrain AI.
Mystic::Darkness::Qliphothic Aura Buff form. Affects up to 20 teammates in 100' range. Spatio-temporal distortion protects from Ranged and/or AoE damage. Grants +X% resistance to all Ranged damage & additionally +X% resistance to all AoE damage. This increase scales with your Super Stats. This is magic-themed version of IDF, that works a bit another way.
Mystic::Darkness::Shadow Force Maintain, Single target, 100' Unleash intense stream of negative energy from both hands at selected target, utterly annihilating it. Seizures the target, like LA/Celestial Conduit does. Advantage: Immobilizing Force - 2 PT - Shadow Force now roots the target & repairs duration of the Root. Eclipsing Force - 2 PT - now if used against another player - applies a sprite, similar to Takofanes' one, that eclipses opponent's view.
Mystic::Celestial::Guardian Block. Has -50 pt effectiveness for Physical & non-Physical damage, but this power adds 1/3 of reduction, it provides to all allies 15' around you. Advantage decreases resistance it provides by -100 pts, but allies receive same damage reduction as you, and radius is extended to 25'. For instance: at R2+adv it'll provide 300-150=150% damage reduction, but for allies within 25', not just you. Graphics: rimefire shield, and a character plays Meditate emote. Note, that some effects like Dino Spike PBAoE require own blocking, and presence of ally with Guardian nearby won't protect against their debuffs. 2 PT advantage - "Responsible for those you tamed". This Block power now grants extra resistance & knock protection to all of the Pets, that you have on, and Block status is imposed to them (so this protects them from Medusa AoE/dino poison DoT etc).
Vehicle Weapons::Tesla Hull Toggle. While toggled on, causes you to deal constant Electrical damage to enemies 25' range. Visual - lightning bolts similar to Electric Flight/Sparkstorm, that attract to any surface, whatever colored depending on vehicle. Enemies hit by it consider you as main threat.
Vehicle Weapons::Flamethrower, Flashbang and Warning Shot Increase amount of threat their debuff generates. TOP PRIORITY FIX! Impossible to make tankish vehicle with such low threat generation.
Devices::Elder Worm Humidity Dome Removed visual effect, and that effect is returned to Drifter store.
Combos::All Revamp, now they don't require using macro or mashing buttons, and work close to maintains. For instance 3-hit combo will produce 9 hits, before maintain bar is expired, just like most maintains.
Technology::Archery::Sleeping Arrow Charge, 100', 0'-15' sphere AoE Releases a pinkish-colored cloud of gas, which radius varies of charge, and it causes up to 7 enemies within its range to Sleep. Range is 100', but cost a bit more, than Ego Sleep. Reworked Gas Pellets & Toxic Arrow existing powers, to their gasses don't break sleep. This is done for purpose of making "non-superpowered" mezzer concepts (i.e. when telepathy/etc is excluded by theme). Advantage causes an enemy to generate threat while sleeping.
Technology::Archery::Freezing Arrow Charge, 100', 15' sphere AoE Causes enemies to become held and deals Cold damage, but must be fully charged. Advantage: Flash Freeze (2 pt) - it's now tap power, but it stuns enemies, not holds them.
Technology::Munitions::Anti-Tank Cannon Charge Up, 100', Single Target, Blast, self-snare Shoots high caliber round at enemy, that deals Crushing damage. Charge time doesn't increase damage it inflicts, but instead increases its Critical chance (+100% crit at full charge). Advantage - 2 PT - Cumulative Shell - this power now inflicts Armor Piercing debuff (regardless of charge time).
Technology::Munitions::Automatic Grenade Launcher Maintain, 100', 15' Sphere AoE, self-root. Deals continuous crushing damage to all targets, but secondary ones receive only 50% of primary's damage. Advantages:
2 PT - Concussive Ammo - it now inflicts Armor Piercing debuff, and also knocks up primary, and knocks down secondary targets.
2 PT - Incendiary Ammo - now deals extra Fire Damage tick, can apply Clinging Flames, and Fire Patch.
2 PT - Taser Ammo - now deals extra Electric Damage tick, can apply Negatice Ions, and Stun targets.
2 PT - Cryogenic Ammo - now deals extra Cold Damage tick, can apply Chill, and Root targets.
Technology::Energy Sword::Quantum Wave Maintain, 50' range, 120 degree Cone AoE, self-root Unleash continuous barrage of energy crescents, while swinging a sword, that deal Particle Damage and cover wide area - 120 degree, similar to Shockwave. It inflicts Plasma Burn (chance is bigger in melee range), and can sometimes knock enemies down (advantage?).
Technology::Gadgeteering::Shield Projector Block. Inherits Experimental Blaster costume, and SMG Burst stance. This blocking power utilizes shield projector device "weapon", that generates energy barrier in front of you, that deflects incoming attacks. Taking damage while this block is active generates Energy Charge buff, that increases all outgoing Energy Damage strength for 10-12 seconds, with strength depending on Rank, but around +50%. This effect cannot stack. Advantage: Holographic Projection (2 PT) - all Pets, you have active receive resistance to Damage, Knocks and Block status, which protects from special effects of some attacks or decreases certain roomie's damage.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Isotopic Label Buff. On-next-hit. Enhances next attack with unstable isotope, that will deal Particle damage over time, reduced with number of targets hit, and each target deals DoT as a Sphere AoE around it. Advantage: Radiation Burn (2 PT) - target, that suffers this DoT has chance to setup Particle Burn (per tick) to any target affected in its AoE, and also Burn Through to self.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Pulson Shotgun Click, 50', 30 degree Cone AoE, 2 sec CoolDown. Deals 50/50 Particle/Crushing damage and knocks all targets back. Has very short cooldown, that allows it to trigger MSA effectively. Advantage - 2 PT - Brickbuster Nozzle - now this power applies Burn Through effect to its targets. Advantage - 2 PT - Nailed to the Ground.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Energy Sniper Rifle Charge, 120', 3' Cylinder, max 3 targets. Must be fully charged. Damage taken interrupts that charge. Damage splits evenly between its targets. Advantage - 2 PT - Cold Fusion Stabilizer - it now deals more damage, the furthur shot travels, up to +60% Base damage increase at 120' range.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Sonic Boom Generator Now its Resistance debuff advantage shares one of Hyper Voice, has stack cap of 3 & debuffs all Energy damage targets receive, not just Sonic, but in a lesser degree. Added new 2 PT advantage: Energy Hypercharger - fully charging this power now hangs Energy Charge buff (similar to Shield Projector's one) to self.
Technology::Gadgeteering::HP-Extractor Maintain, 50', single target. Even its creator has no idea how this device works! Deals Particle damage to target, and heals self at same time. Utilizes "Gadgeteer Medical Cannons" Weapon Bone (shares with Medi-Cannon). Advantage: Osmose (2 PT) - this power now heals allies within 20' sphere with 50% effectiveness. If user has Medical Nanites slotted passive - its effectiveness is now 100%.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Nanite Bomb Click, 50', target anything, CoolDown. Throws a bomb with nanomachines inside at direction of your target. That target may be either hostile, friendly or even self. Establishes the Nanite Field, that deals continuous Particle Damage to hostile targets in 15' range. CoolDown allows it trigger MSA. Advantages: 2PT - Nano Constructors - now this Nanite Field heals friendly targets within it, it benefits your bonus healing. 2PT - Nano Destructors - now targets, hit by field have chance to get Disintegrated.
Brick::Might::Powerdrive Energy Unlock. Your rush of the battle provides endless energy to you! Each time you fully charge one of Charge-Up attacks, or maintain one of Maintains (doesn't work with Toggles) at duration of half length, 15s Energy over Time provided, that stacks 3 times. This energy return scales primarily with Endurance, but is affected by highest of your Strength or Ego.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Precognition Slotted Support Passive. Establish a telepathic link, through which you transfer sight of upcoming events. This aura has 100' range, up 20 targets. It increases own, and allies Dodge and Critical chances, scaling with SS for self & Pre - for allies. Maybe even additive bonus. The Mind AT could get a choose between AoRP and this.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Empathic Healing Revamp, now it has its TRAVEL time removed, and also it's turned into Cylinder AoE heal, because as ST one it blows hard. Maybe removed scaling over time, and instead it slightly scales down with # of targets.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Psionic Healing Revamp. Removed its TRAVEL time and not smart energy-returning mechanic. It's Sphere AoE by default, and advantage makes it cooldown on full charge power, that also places HoT & possible Resistance Buff.
Mystic::Darkness::Dimensional Shifting Slotted Defensive Passive. Your Qliphothic origin allows you to transform your body to hostile environments with unnatural speed. Each time you receive specific Damage type, this passive hangs (or refreshes) 20 second resistance buff to that specific Damage, which bonus scales of Superstats (or Con) and maybe even bigger than Defiance (think about 150%-160%). But you can have limited number of those buffs, equal to rank of this power. Advantage: 2PT - Horrific Visage - now enemies, that attack you receive back Dimensional Damage, and if they're in melee range - they can get Fear.
Mystic::Infernal Supernatural::Toxic Beam Maintain, 100', single target, self-root. Launches continuous intoxicating beam at one target, dealing heavy Toxic Damage. Each tick has chance to inflict Deadly Poison, and also utilizes Voodoo Doll weapon Bone. Advantage: each tick may inflict Jinx (or maybe some other Curse).
Travel Powers::Aerial::Orbital Tractor Beam Utilize orbitting satellite with gravitational tractorbeam mounted on it, to displace your own body in all three directions. Animation - like Orbital Cannon, but ringed beam, like Qularr transmitters have. Also imposes ringed aura on character when flying at max speed. Also may worth to have R3 device version of it.
Travel Powers::Speed::Rocket Speed Propel yourself horizontally with the power of jet fuel! Switches on Jetpack graphics, if you have it worn, and always produces Jet sound. Utilizes Mach Speed animation. Also worth to have R3 device version of it.
Technology::Munitions::Omni Gun Maintain, AoE, 100', 45 degree cone, cooldown, ultimate Deals following damage types: Fire, Ice, Piercing, Crushing, Toxic, Electric, Particle, Sonic & rapidly applies various lingers.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Stasis Cannon Maintain, incapacitate, 50', single target Deals Particle Damage to target, and also causes it to incapacitate. Utilizes gadgeteer rifle skin. Advantage: Temporal Energy Capacitor (2 pt), changes this power to charge up, and its radius is extended the further it is charged in a manner of Ego Sleep.
New advantage for Guardian - 2 PT advantage - "Responsible for those you tamed". This Block power now grants extra resistance & knock protection to all of the Pets, that you have on, and Block status is imposed to them (so this protects them from Medusa AoE/dino poison DoT etc).
Mystic::Darkness::Shadow Force Maintain, Single target, 100' Unleash intense stream of negative energy from both hands at selected target, utterly annihilating it. Seizures the target, like LA/Celestial Conduit does. Advantage: Immobilizing Force - 2 PT - Shadow Force now roots the target & repairs duration of the Root. Eclipsing Force - 2 PT - now if used against another player - applies a sprite, similar to Takofanes' one, that eclipses opponent's view.
Travel Powers::Aerial::Orbital Tractor Beam Utilize orbitting satellite with gravitational tractorbeam mounted on it, to displace your own body in all three directions. Animation - like Orbital Cannon, but ringed beam, like Qularr transmitters have. Also imposes ringed aura on character when flying at max speed. Also may worth to have R3 device version of it.
Travel Powers::Speed::Rocket Speed Propel yourself horizontally with the power of jet fuel! Switches on Jetpack graphics, if you have it worn, and always produces Jet sound. Utilizes Mach Speed animation. Also worth to have R3 device version of it.
Mystic::Darkness::Shadow Force now is stated, that it causes seizures of affected character (not a player), and added PvP advantage, that messes with another player's screen (maybe even with frequent intense blue/red flashes, if that's not against the law).
So, Multifarian got some techno-magic (power corruption beam on AB, astral transmitters), but what's about players? And we didn't got any recognizible techno-magical stuff, despite of mission with TM shell distributing at QWZ. So, please add Thaumic Tempest to GCR vendor/Event vendor/anywhere , that would be Lead Tempest version, but shoot eldrich bullets for Magic damage, also count as Gadgeteer power. l would so love to replace Plasma Beam on my main for that (it's still not PA toon), and it also would make possible to create costumes for energy-weapon based characters, that wouldn't involve any "Connectors".
Today l had funny dream, in which a whole bulk of new powers came into CO, including AoBD - some kind of "Aura of Burial Despair" or something - perhaps "Burial Sorcery" is some kind of necromancy. lol. Also several technology powers appeared, including AoE maintain under AK-47 (from where is even it?) style. But no any technology heal or AoE maintained power, that doesn't shot bullets. Then l entered a game, & saw that Technology::Munitions::Flamethrower appeared, though it was unacessible & #BUKT & under close range category FS/SR, but l still thought it's kewl, so l can switch my Main's AoE to it. That's how much l'm tired of Plasmabeam's #JAM already.
Now l got a thought - if l was a dev, l would choose this strategy for introducing new powers: first l would release very quick a set of powers, that are very crucial for certain themes (for instance - full time Technology heal and Mentalist's revive), but used for them not very qualitative already existing visual (just like Viper Energy Spray on video). This way people would still able to build a char around favorite theme. And when it's close to revamping certain frameworks - l would do upgrade of their visual (such as - increase its brightness with rank etc). To fill spacebars in themes, that we surely have, and only then start to deepen.
Let's just remember a hype when just one power - Hyper Voice - was introduced, l saw a bunches of sound-themed characters appeared when it was just added. So l believe if Technology full-time heal comes onto scene - there would be not less number of sci-fi medicOs, if unbug Thundering Kicks - a bulk of new generation dodge tanks, add EU to laser swords - tons of these, and so on...
Technology::Archery::Sleeping Arrow Charge, 100', 0'-15' sphere AoE Releases a pinkish-colored cloud of gas, which radius varies of charge, and it causes up to 7 enemies within its range to Sleep. Range is 100', but cost a bit more, than Ego Sleep. Reworked Gas Pellets & Toxic Arrow existing powers, to their gasses don't break sleep. This is done for purpose of making "non-superpowered" mezzer concepts (i.e. when telepathy/etc is excluded by theme). Advantage causes an enemy to generate threat while sleeping.
Technology::Archery::Freezing Arrow Charge, 100', 15' sphere AoE Causes enemies to become held and deals Cold damage, but must be fully charged. Advantage: Flash Freeze (2 pt) - it's now tap power, but it stuns enemies, not holds them.
Mystic::Infernal Supernatural::Toxic Beam Maintain, 100', single target, self-root. Launches continuous intoxicating beam at one target, dealing heavy Toxic Damage. Each tick has chance to inflict Deadly Poison, and also utilizes Voodoo Doll weapon Bone. Advantage: each tick may inflict Jinx (or maybe some other Curse).
Technology::Gadgeteering::Shield Projector Block. Inherits Experimental Blaster costume, and SMG Burst stance. This blocking power utilizes shield projector device "weapon", that generates energy barrier in front of you, that deflects incoming attacks. Taking damage while this block is active generates Energy Charge buff, that increases all outgoing Energy Damage strength for 10-12 seconds, with strength depending on Rank, but around +50%. This effect cannot stack. Advantage: Holographic Projection (2 PT) - all Pets, you have active receive resistance to Damage, Knocks and Block status, which protects from special effects of some attacks or decreases certain roomie's damage.
Like Celestial Block version for hi-tech themes, because Meditate emote isn't match obviously, is that OK?
Technology::Gadgeteering::Isotopic Label Buff. On-next-hit. Enhances next attack with unstable isotope, that will deal Particle damage over time, reduced with number of targets hit, and each target deals DoT as a Sphere AoE around it. Advantage: Radiation Burn (2 PT) - target, that suffers this DoT has chance to setup Particle Burn (per tick) to any target affected in its AoE, and also Burn Through to self.
Brick::Might::Powerdrive Energy Unlock. Your rush of the battle provides endless energy to you! Each time you fully charge one of Charge-Up attacks, or maintain one of Maintains (doesn't work with Toggles) at duration of half length, 15s Energy over Time provided, that stacks 3 times. This energy return scales primarily with Endurance, but is affected by highest of your Strength or Ego.
So, Technology::Energy Sword may get phased out of PA, just like l suggested. Yeah, and l think it makes sense to copypaste to game code pretty much all l put there (don't forget also Burning Rage for Fire), those Warp powers would be easy to make and fun to play, Plasma Beam as versatile maintain was in good part of non-PA builds (although for my Main theme Raygun Spray > PB, but PB could fit bunch of themes & is comfy to use). Energy Cyclone - could be pretty hard to make (not sure how much), and (probably) not tintable, but again - not sure. But whilst EC is great to get - l wouldn't want it to be only energy "weapon" maintain, it just won't fit Main.
Furthur l think this LS standalone set, btw may even be somehow connected to Radiation, because of Plasma Burn DoT, that shared with some radioactive devices, and those standalone PA powers, which players want, like concussor, plasma, eye beam may get green color by default & names, resembling radioactive stuff, this way CO could get more thematism for those concepts as well.
Added a couple powers, that l put for Hacker AThere.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Pulson Shotgun Click, 50', 30 degree Cone AoE, 2 sec CoolDown. Deals 50/50 Particle/Crushing damage and knocks all targets back. Has very short cooldown, that allows it to trigger MSA effectively. Advantage - 2 PT - Brickbuster Nozzle - now this power applies Burn Through effect to its targets. Advantage - 2 PT - Nailed to the Ground.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Energy Sniper Rifle Charge, 120', 3' Cylinder, max 3 targets. Must be fully charged. Damage taken interrupts that charge. Damage splits evenly between its targets. Advantage - 2 PT - Cold Fusion Stabilizer - it now deals more damage, the furthur shot travels, up to +60% Base damage increase at 120' range.
Also for Raygun Spray Advantage - 2 PT - Microwave Polarizer - intense microwave radiation scorches enemies. This power gets 20% chance to inflict Plasma Burn per tick, that visual is red-colored too.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Sonic Boom Generator Now its Resistance debuff advantage shares one of Hyper Voice, has stack cap of 3 & debuffs all Energy damage targets receive, not just Sonic, but in a lesser degree. Added new 2 PT advantage: Energy Hypercharger - fully charging this power now hangs Energy Charge buff (similar to Shield Projector's one) to self.
Technology::Energy Sword::Quantum Wave Maintain, 50' range, 120 degree Cone AoE, self-root Unleash continuous barrage of energy crescents, while swinging a sword, that deal Particle Damage and cover wide area - 120 degree, similar to Shockwave. It inflicts Plasma Burn (chance is bigger in melee range), and can sometimes knock enemies down (advantage?).
Suggested by @xrazamax , because the set lacks proper AoE, and plasma/chest toggles with advantages won't cut it, because of #JAM .
l know this thread contains some silly powers, but now this is more serious stuff:
First, Mentalist support & healing abilities are highly underexploited, so -
Mentalist::Telepathy::Precognition Slotted Support Passive. Establish a telepathic link, through which you transfer sight of upcoming events. This aura has 100' range, up 20 targets. It increases own, and allies Dodge and Critical chances, scaling with SS for self & Pre - for allies. Maybe even additive bonus. The Mind AT could get a choose between AoRP and this.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Empathic Healing Revamp, now it has its TRAVEL time removed, and also it's turned into Cylinder AoE heal, because as ST one it blows hard. Maybe removed scaling over time, and instead it slightly scales down with # of targets.
Generally l think there should appear AoE heals with all possible shapes - think Arcane Vitality (Cone), Celestial Conduit (pseudo-sphere due chaining), Medi-Cannon (true sphere), Empathic Healing (Cylinder). Elder Worm EH already heals multiple targets for solid amount. Cylinders have up & downsides comparing to AV cone, such as, they might not catch unwanted DPS & reach tanks at dino more consistently.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Psionic Healing Revamp. Removed its TRAVEL time and not smart energy-returning mechanic. It's Sphere AoE by default, and advantage makes it cooldown on full charge power, that also places HoT & possible Resistance Buff.
Then as Darkness EU scales of Con, and it supposed to be kind of tankish powerset overall (selfhealing, extra hitboxes)... How about adding Defensive Passive to it?
Mystic::Darkness::Dimensional Shifting Slotted Defensive Passive. Your Qliphothic origin allows you to transform your body to hostile environments with unnatural speed. Each time you receive specific Damage type, this passive hangs (or refreshes) 20 second resistance buff to that specific Damage, which bonus scales of Superstats (or Con) and maybe even bigger than Defiance (think about 150%-160%). But you can have limited number of those buffs, equal to rank of this power. Advantage: 2PT - Horrific Visage - now enemies, that attack you receive back Dimensional Damage, and if they're in melee range - they can get Fear.
For instance, for Gravitar R1 this power will be totally enough, because Grav deals only Crushing damage. But for Qwyjibo you have to go R2 then, because he deals Fire & Crushing. Dino is mix of Particle, Crushing, Slashing, so it's more consistent to take R3. Some enemies may deal more than 3 damage types, and cause the oldest buff to dispel (or just inability to adopt the new one, depending of how this power is built), so that's specific kind of new mechanic.
Mystic::Darkness::Dimensional Shifting
Slotted Defensive Passive.
Your Qliphothic origin allows you to transform your body to hostile environments with unnatural speed. Each time you receive specific Damage type, this passive hangs (or refreshes) 20 second resistance buff to that specific Damage, which bonus scales of Superstats (or Con) and maybe even bigger than Defiance (think about 150%-160%). But you can have limited number of those buffs, equal to rank of this power. Advantage: 2PT - Horrific Visage - now enemies, that attack you receive back Dimensional Damage, and if they're in melee range - they can get Fear.
For instance, for Gravitar R1 this power will be totally enough, because Grav deals only Crushing damage. But for Qwyjibo you have to go R2 then, because he deals Fire & Crushing. Dino is mix of Particle, Crushing, Slashing, so it's more consistent to take R3. Some enemies may deal more than 3 damage types, and cause the oldest buff to dispel (or just inability to adopt the new one, depending of how this power is built), so that's specific kind of new mechanic.
how to argue against your own power.
Well, that power is inspired by Unstable Brute mooks, those roam in QWZ. They receive lingers like those sometimes on hit:
Spongy Flesh - Crushing
Fibrous Shell - Slashing
Unpierceable Hide - Piercing
Liquid Seepage - Fire
Wooly Coat - Cold
Unnatural Physiology - Toxic
Mirrored Scales - Particle
Insulated Hide - Electric
Honeycombed Bones - Sonic
Psychic Vortex - Ego
Paranatural Sheen - Magic
Crystillian Vaneer - Dimensional
Gravitar deals Crushing Damage only, unless l'm missing something, so you would have whole fight the "Spongy Flesh" buff, that'll provide +150%-+160% Crushing Resistance, and it will mitigate Gravitar's damage. Though these mook's adoptation seems to can stack more than 1, but in my idea it can't.
Also it's not clear if Technology::Gadgeteering::Medi-Cannon might have ability to heal self. Biosteel regen ray and drone healbeam cannot. Thus it may make sense to make one more full-time tech heal, that'd do it for sure.
Technology::Gadgeteering::HP-Extractor Maintain, 50', single target. Even its creator has no idea how this device works! Deals Particle damage to target, and heals self at same time. Utilizes "Gadgeteer Medical Cannons" Weapon Bone (shares with Medi-Cannon). Advantage: Osmose (2 PT) - this power now heals allies within 20' sphere with 50% effectiveness. If user has Medical Nanites slotted passive - its effectiveness is now 100%.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Nanite Bomb Click, 50', target anything, CoolDown. Throws a bomb with nanomachines inside at direction of your target. That target may be either hostile, friendly or even self. Establishes the Nanite Field, that deals continuous Particle Damage to hostile targets in 15' range. CoolDown allows it trigger MSA. Advantages: 2PT - Nano Constructors - now this Nanite Field heals friendly targets within it, it benefits your bonus healing. 2PT - Nano Destructors - now targets, hit by field have chance to get Disintegrated.
l don't like charge ups, but was convinced into making this. l think it works well with NPC/"Fun" Cannon skins:
Technology::Munitions::Anti-Tank Cannon Charge Up, 100', Single Target, Blast, self-snare Shoots high caliber round at enemy, that deals Crushing damage. Charge time doesn't increase damage it inflicts, but instead increases its Critical chance (+100% crit at full charge). Advantage - 2 PT - Cumulative Shell - this power now inflicts Armor Piercing debuff (regardless of charge time).
For existing powersets. I imagined some with unique mechanics, like Prone, Guardian and Circle of Shattered Twilight/Seething Soulstrike. Aurora's Ray may look like a Pokémon move, but actually it may be great for dodge builds, since Chilled Form scales with Dex, and dodge comes before shield, and Ice set used to be tanky overall.
Energy Projector::Fire::Heatwave
Maintain, 50', Single Target.
Is no longer mezzing power by default. It contradicts powerset theme - Fire is all about massive DPS, with sustaining DoTs, reducing resistance etc. To burn them faster! And here is all of sudden MEZZ! Mezz is of theme of Mentalist, Sorcery, maybe Electricity, Ice... But Fire is not supposed to slug things up... So, Heatweve by default should be just Maintained attack, and have stacking Resistance debuff too, and Engulfing Flames converts it to mezz and cuts its damage roughly by 50% due decreased tick rate (1s vs 0.5s). It's too cool-looking power to be useless.
Energy Projector::Fire::Burning Rage
Buff Form.
This is Enrage version, that procs on applying Clinging Flames or Plasma Burn. Heavy Weapon builds and dragon @nacito would love it. Scales with Strength, as normal Enrage does. May have access to Endorphin Rush.
Energy Projector::Fire::Fiery Cyclone
Maintain, 25', PBAoE, self root
Swing around a lash of searing flame, that deals Fire damage, inflicts Clinging Flames. And knocks enemies back. Advantage: vortex technique - makes enemies Knock To & applies Furious to self.
Energy Projector::Ice::Aurora's Ray
Maintain, 100', single target.
Releases rainbow-colored beam, that deals Cold damage. Adds short lasting damage debuff to the target, that scales with # of Chill debuff stacks. Advantage "Refraction": each tick adds shield points to you, which amount scales with # of your Chilled Form stacks (doesn't work with Concentration).
Energy Projector::Force::Hyperdrive
Energy Unlock.
Your mastery of hyperspace allows to gravitate nearby energy. The more you've accumulated on you - the faster you recharge. This power hangs energy-over-time buff each time, you fully charge one of your Charge Up damaging powers, or hit 5 or more enemies with Charge Up damaging power. Doesn't work on taps or maintains, but works on tapspam charge-up AoE. This energy Return scales with Recovery & is affected by Endurance & Constitution.
Technology::Munitions::Shot Fighter
Offensive Passive.
Increases Crushing, Piercing, Fire damage, resistance to those types, also Critical Chance & Severity. This power gotta be alternate to TC for Soldier AT.
Maintain, 50' 45 degree AoE, self-root
Fire damage. Has 20% chance to apply Clinging Flames per tick. Gatling gun costume. 2 PT Advantage: "Burn, baby, burn!" FT deals 50% more damage if only one target is hit.
Ultimate, Charge, must be fully charged, 120', 5' cylinder AoE.
Releases hyper-velocity round, that penetrates almost any kind of defense (Defender approves). It deals Piercing damage, but ignores 50% of target's resistance & 50% of shields. Deals more damage for each stack of Concentration (not Chilled Form) you have. Rocket launcher costume. Railgun also applies Overpower debuff, that debuffs damage resistance for all types.
Reduces only Ranged Damage, but doesn't do that for Melee Damage. Increases Knock, but not Hold resistance. This power allows to execute some of Munitions powers, like Assault Rifle or SMG-Burst if this block is toggled on (/bind ? powertrayexec 1 16), but powerful attacks like 2-Gun Mojo, Lead Tempest, Gatling Gun, can't be launched from under block. Soldier AT should choose that as block.
Technology::Munitions::Omni Gun
Maintain, AoE, 100', 45 degree cone, cooldown, ultimate
Deals following damage types: Fire, Ice, Piercing, Crushing, Toxic, Electric, Particle, Sonic & rapidly applies various lingers.
Maintain, 50', Single Target.
One of most genious of your inventions, it allows you to restore structural integrity of almost anything! Chance to critically heal increases as long as power maintained. Allies, affected by Medical Nanites get 50% Critical Severity (critical heal magnitude) from this power. Advantage: Simultaneous Assembly - it heals 5 allies within 15' around primary target, restoring 50% less HP of it does to main target. "Gadgeteer Medical Cannons" new Weapon Bone requested.
TOP PRIORITY POWER! Impossible to make full-tecnology healer ATM.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Cape Block
It fits perfectly into Night Avenger, use your own cape like a shield! This power can counter similar to parry, but deals Slashing damage (with blade/boomerang) & doesn't counter melee attacks, only does that within 25' to 100' ring. It inherits Ranged damage bonuses.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Raygun Spray
Maintain, 50', Cone AoE, 30 degree cone.
Deals Particle damage, and has Viper's energy spray animation. Utilizes Gadgeteer Rifle skin, and is red by default. Advantage: Extradimensional Phase Disruptor (2 pt) - enemies, that are managed to get Out-of-Phase debuff, will be forcible returned to normal, receiving Particle Damage, interrupt and firework explosion. Advantage - 2 PT - Microwave Polarizer - intense microwave radiation scorches enemies. This power gets 20% chance to inflict Plasma Burn per tick, that visual is red-colored too.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Orbital Cannon
Revamped to Ultimate. Damage buffed drastically, same for energy cost, it now deals continuous damage without advantage, and initial blast stuns targets.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Thaumic Tempest
Maintain, 50', PBAoE, self-root.
Gadgeteering version of Lead Tempest, that also deals Magic-based damage, and works with both Targeting Computer or form to buff paranormal damage - it's techno-magical power. Advantage inflicts random effects.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Stasis Cannon
Maintain, incapacitate, 50', single target
Deals Particle Damage to target, and also causes it to incapacitate. Utilizes gadgeteer rifle skin. Advantage: Temporal Energy Capacitor (2 pt), changes this power to charge up, and its radius is extended the further it is charged in a manner of Ego Sleep.
Technology::Energy Sword
I think laser sword attacks are barely connected with Power Armor, thus maybe better carry out those attacks into their own category.
Technology::Energy Sword::Quantum Stabilizer
Offensive Passive.
Increases all non-physical Melee damage and Particle damage by certain number, and non-physical Ranged damage by 50% of that number. Any hit you deliver will increase a counter, and when certain threshold is reached, it'll activage destroyer-like wave for Melee Particle damage, and lockout will be set for a while. This passive also has weaker version of PFF-like shield, that has flat regen over time.
This power has been added
Technology::Energy Sword::Particle Reverberation
Energy Unlock.
All enemies around you, that suffer Plasma Burns fill you with energy in exact way Thermal Reverberation does. This also scales primarily with Intelligence, instead of Endurance (because theme is hi-tech).
Technology::Energy Sword::Energy Cyclone
Maintain, 25', PBAoE, self root
Swing around a lash of glowing energy, that deals Particle damage, inflicts Plasma Burns. And knocks enemies back. Advantage: vortex technique - makes enemies Knock To & applies Furious to self.
Technology::Energy Sword::Energy Beam
Maintain, 50', 5' Cylinder AoE, skillshot
Energy Beam cuts down everything in its path. Advantage "Melta Cannon" - 5% chance per tick to inflict Plasma Burn. Note: it's not new power at all, it's just Plasma Beam variant, that utilizes device stance, because that stance was requested when plasma beam became toggle. This is also not tagged as PA-Slot power at all, so its animation won't mess with another of them, because it enables PA lockout when coupled with PA powers. This is "plasma beam" variant for non-PA builds, because toggle is not very comfortable, it can delay other non-PA powers a bit.
Technology::Energy Sword::Warp Dash
Single target, 60' melee, lunge.
Utilize miniature warp-drive to close distance with target. This deals Particle damage as a side effect of the warp, and also puts Disorient on target, if it is further than 20'.
Technology::Energy Sword::Warp Retreat
Single target, 100', reverse lunge, threat wipe.
Utilize emergency warp-drive, to teleport away from foes, which resets your target's threat. Advantage (2 pt): Zero-Energy Absorber, while traveling through wormhole negative energy is used to revert back damage, i.e. using threat wipe will heal portion of health.
Martial Arts::Unarmed::Thundering Kicks
Unbug its buff from wearing it off when combo is block cancelled, and buff its damage.
TOP PRIORITY FIX! Impossible to make normal dodge builds with this.
Martial Arts::Unarmed::Tornado Kick
Melee (10') PBAoE maintained attack.
Advantage will extend range to 15' and cause full maintain to create burning patch right at character's location, but that is Martial Arts fire, and it deals Dimensional damage, that penetrates 50% of resistance and shield.
Martial Arts::Parry
It now doesn't counter outside 10' range, and deals Crushing damage, that is buffed, doesn't depend on attacker power and inherits Melee damage bonuses.
This is multi power, it has two modes - 50' sphere AoE with 15' radius (executed if target is selected) AND 25' PBAoE (executes if no target is selected).
It's Mentalist AoE Maintain. Deals Ego damage to enemies around you or your target. Advantage: "Schizophrenia" - this maintain now can apply stun or disorient at targets in both modes, and full maintain will add Ego Leech.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Regain Senses
25', Single Target, Revive.
Brings one ally back from the knockout. Advantage applies a linger, that energizes that ally over time.
Mystic::Sorcery::Circle of Shattered Twilight
This power creates a circle, that grants energy and short lasting attack buff, when an enemy is defeated within 100'. Moreover, standing inside that circle allows you to execute very powerful Sorcery maintained attack - Seething Soulstrike. Cannot be used with other circle, and dissipates if you stand outside it after a while. Standing within circle & attempt to summon it, will execute Seething Soulstrike, standing outside of it will summon a circle.
Mystic::Sorcery::Seething Soulstrike
Maintain, 100', Single Target, self-root.
Deals continuous Magic damage, and has more duration, than other maintain powers. This ability is unique from other maintains - it requires standing inside Circle of Shattered Twilight (thus it's problematic to use it against trash - this powerful attack is designed for bosses, and + it roots, but damage and comfiness should worth it). Advantage causes it to flay target's soul and make vulnerable to Paranormal and moreso Magic Damage.
Note: Both Circle of Shattered Twilight & Seething Soulstrike count as one ability (like Night Warrior & Shadow Strike), require 1 PP and rank up simultaneously.
Mystic::Sorcery::Mana Reverberation
Energy Unlock.
Summoned Sorcery entities, such as sigils and demons now provide energy to you.
Revamp, now they are intangible, like Ball Lightning, and deal Magic damage instead of Fire/Electric one. Some of them may be placed at enemy's location automatically.
Mystic::Infernal Supernatural::Whirlwind Lash
Maintain, 50', Single Target, self-snares.
Lashes enemies with infernal flame for Toxic damage, that also can Poison targets. Perhaps makes sense to make similar powers for Slashing (Bleed, Bestial) & Crushing (Might, Knockdown ?) damage. Not very needed powers, there are already combo chains, and combos ~= maintains.
Mystic::Infernal Supernatural::Aspect of the Infernal
Removed visual effect, and that effect is returned to Drifter store.
Mystic::Supernatural::Vine Cyclone
Maintain, 25', PBAoE, self root
Swing around a floral lash, that deals 50/50 Slashing/Toxic damage, inflicting bleeds or poisons. And knocks enemies back. Advantage: vortex technique - makes enemies Knock To & applies Furious to self.
Mystic::Darkness::Ebon Ruin
Fix: remove Shadow generation by default, and put it to advantage. Instead, this power generates Fear by default.
TOP PRIORITY FIX! Impossible to make decent darkness build, that won't ruin (pun intended) cosmic fights, with uncontrollable lamebrain AI.
Mystic::Darkness::Qliphothic Aura
Buff form. Affects up to 20 teammates in 100' range.
Spatio-temporal distortion protects from Ranged and/or AoE damage. Grants +X% resistance to all Ranged damage & additionally +X% resistance to all AoE damage. This increase scales with your Super Stats. This is magic-themed version of IDF, that works a bit another way.
Mystic::Darkness::Shadow Force
Maintain, Single target, 100'
Unleash intense stream of negative energy from both hands at selected target, utterly annihilating it. Seizures the target, like LA/Celestial Conduit does. Advantage: Immobilizing Force - 2 PT - Shadow Force now roots the target & repairs duration of the Root. Eclipsing Force - 2 PT - now if used against another player - applies a sprite, similar to Takofanes' one, that eclipses opponent's view.
Has -50 pt effectiveness for Physical & non-Physical damage, but this power adds 1/3 of reduction, it provides to all allies 15' around you. Advantage decreases resistance it provides by -100 pts, but allies receive same damage reduction as you, and radius is extended to 25'. For instance: at R2+adv it'll provide 300-150=150% damage reduction, but for allies within 25', not just you. Graphics: rimefire shield, and a character plays Meditate emote. Note, that some effects like Dino Spike PBAoE require own blocking, and presence of ally with Guardian nearby won't protect against their debuffs. 2 PT advantage - "Responsible for those you tamed". This Block power now grants extra resistance & knock protection to all of the Pets, that you have on, and Block status is imposed to them (so this protects them from Medusa AoE/dino poison DoT etc).
Vehicle Weapons::Tesla Hull
While toggled on, causes you to deal constant Electrical damage to enemies 25' range. Visual - lightning bolts similar to Electric Flight/Sparkstorm, that attract to any surface, whatever colored depending on vehicle. Enemies hit by it consider you as main threat.
Vehicle Weapons::Flamethrower, Flashbang and Warning Shot
Increase amount of threat their debuff generates.
TOP PRIORITY FIX! Impossible to make tankish vehicle with such low threat generation.
Devices::Elder Worm Humidity Dome
Removed visual effect, and that effect is returned to Drifter store.
Revamp, now they don't require using macro or mashing buttons, and work close to maintains. For instance 3-hit combo will produce 9 hits, before maintain bar is expired, just like most maintains.
Technology::Archery::Sleeping Arrow
Charge, 100', 0'-15' sphere AoE
Releases a pinkish-colored cloud of gas, which radius varies of charge, and it causes up to 7 enemies within its range to Sleep. Range is 100', but cost a bit more, than Ego Sleep. Reworked Gas Pellets & Toxic Arrow existing powers, to their gasses don't break sleep. This is done for purpose of making "non-superpowered" mezzer concepts (i.e. when telepathy/etc is excluded by theme). Advantage causes an enemy to generate threat while sleeping.
Technology::Archery::Freezing Arrow
Charge, 100', 15' sphere AoE
Causes enemies to become held and deals Cold damage, but must be fully charged. Advantage: Flash Freeze (2 pt) - it's now tap power, but it stuns enemies, not holds them.
Technology::Munitions::Anti-Tank Cannon
Charge Up, 100', Single Target, Blast, self-snare
Shoots high caliber round at enemy, that deals Crushing damage. Charge time doesn't increase damage it inflicts, but instead increases its Critical chance (+100% crit at full charge). Advantage - 2 PT - Cumulative Shell - this power now inflicts Armor Piercing debuff (regardless of charge time).
Technology::Munitions::Automatic Grenade Launcher
Maintain, 100', 15' Sphere AoE, self-root.
Deals continuous crushing damage to all targets, but secondary ones receive only 50% of primary's damage.
- 2 PT - Concussive Ammo - it now inflicts Armor Piercing debuff, and also knocks up primary, and knocks down secondary targets.
- 2 PT - Incendiary Ammo - now deals extra Fire Damage tick, can apply Clinging Flames, and Fire Patch.
- 2 PT - Taser Ammo - now deals extra Electric Damage tick, can apply Negatice Ions, and Stun targets.
- 2 PT - Cryogenic Ammo - now deals extra Cold Damage tick, can apply Chill, and Root targets.
Technology::Energy Sword::Quantum WaveMaintain, 50' range, 120 degree Cone AoE, self-root
Unleash continuous barrage of energy crescents, while swinging a sword, that deal Particle Damage and cover wide area - 120 degree, similar to Shockwave. It inflicts Plasma Burn (chance is bigger in melee range), and can sometimes knock enemies down (advantage?).
Technology::Gadgeteering::Shield Projector
Inherits Experimental Blaster costume, and SMG Burst stance. This blocking power utilizes shield projector device "weapon", that generates energy barrier in front of you, that deflects incoming attacks. Taking damage while this block is active generates Energy Charge buff, that increases all outgoing Energy Damage strength for 10-12 seconds, with strength depending on Rank, but around +50%. This effect cannot stack. Advantage: Holographic Projection (2 PT) - all Pets, you have active receive resistance to Damage, Knocks and Block status, which protects from special effects of some attacks or decreases certain roomie's damage.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Isotopic Label
Buff. On-next-hit.
Enhances next attack with unstable isotope, that will deal Particle damage over time, reduced with number of targets hit, and each target deals DoT as a Sphere AoE around it. Advantage: Radiation Burn (2 PT) - target, that suffers this DoT has chance to setup Particle Burn (per tick) to any target affected in its AoE, and also Burn Through to self.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Pulson Shotgun
Click, 50', 30 degree Cone AoE, 2 sec CoolDown.
Deals 50/50 Particle/Crushing damage and knocks all targets back. Has very short cooldown, that allows it to trigger MSA effectively.
Advantage - 2 PT - Brickbuster Nozzle - now this power applies Burn Through effect to its targets.
Advantage - 2 PT - Nailed to the Ground.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Energy Sniper Rifle
Charge, 120', 3' Cylinder, max 3 targets.
Must be fully charged. Damage taken interrupts that charge. Damage splits evenly between its targets.
Advantage - 2 PT - Cold Fusion Stabilizer - it now deals more damage, the furthur shot travels, up to +60% Base damage increase at 120' range.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Sonic Boom Generator
Now its Resistance debuff advantage shares one of Hyper Voice, has stack cap of 3 & debuffs all Energy damage targets receive, not just Sonic, but in a lesser degree. Added new 2 PT advantage: Energy Hypercharger - fully charging this power now hangs Energy Charge buff (similar to Shield Projector's one) to self.
Maintain, 50', single target.
Even its creator has no idea how this device works! Deals Particle damage to target, and heals self at same time. Utilizes "Gadgeteer Medical Cannons" Weapon Bone (shares with Medi-Cannon). Advantage: Osmose (2 PT) - this power now heals allies within 20' sphere with 50% effectiveness. If user has Medical Nanites slotted passive - its effectiveness is now 100%.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Nanite Bomb
Click, 50', target anything, CoolDown.
Throws a bomb with nanomachines inside at direction of your target. That target may be either hostile, friendly or even self. Establishes the Nanite Field, that deals continuous Particle Damage to hostile targets in 15' range. CoolDown allows it trigger MSA.
2PT - Nano Constructors - now this Nanite Field heals friendly targets within it, it benefits your bonus healing.
2PT - Nano Destructors - now targets, hit by field have chance to get Disintegrated.
Energy Unlock.
Your rush of the battle provides endless energy to you! Each time you fully charge one of Charge-Up attacks, or maintain one of Maintains (doesn't work with Toggles) at duration of half length, 15s Energy over Time provided, that stacks 3 times. This energy return scales primarily with Endurance, but is affected by highest of your Strength or Ego.
Slotted Support Passive.
Establish a telepathic link, through which you transfer sight of upcoming events. This aura has 100' range, up 20 targets. It increases own, and allies Dodge and Critical chances, scaling with SS for self & Pre - for allies. Maybe even additive bonus. The Mind AT could get a choose between AoRP and this.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Empathic Healing
Revamp, now it has its TRAVEL time removed, and also it's turned into Cylinder AoE heal, because as ST one it blows hard. Maybe removed scaling over time, and instead it slightly scales down with # of targets.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Psionic Healing
Revamp. Removed its TRAVEL time and not smart energy-returning mechanic. It's Sphere AoE by default, and advantage makes it cooldown on full charge power, that also places HoT & possible Resistance Buff.
Mystic::Darkness::Dimensional Shifting
Slotted Defensive Passive.
Your Qliphothic origin allows you to transform your body to hostile environments with unnatural speed. Each time you receive specific Damage type, this passive hangs (or refreshes) 20 second resistance buff to that specific Damage, which bonus scales of Superstats (or Con) and maybe even bigger than Defiance (think about 150%-160%). But you can have limited number of those buffs, equal to rank of this power. Advantage: 2PT - Horrific Visage - now enemies, that attack you receive back Dimensional Damage, and if they're in melee range - they can get Fear.
Mystic::Infernal Supernatural::Toxic Beam
Maintain, 100', single target, self-root.
Launches continuous intoxicating beam at one target, dealing heavy Toxic Damage. Each tick has chance to inflict Deadly Poison, and also utilizes Voodoo Doll weapon Bone. Advantage: each tick may inflict Jinx (or maybe some other Curse).
Travel Powers::Aerial::Orbital Tractor Beam
Utilize orbitting satellite with gravitational tractorbeam mounted on it, to displace your own body in all three directions. Animation - like Orbital Cannon, but ringed beam, like Qularr transmitters have. Also imposes ringed aura on character when flying at max speed. Also may worth to have R3 device version of it.
Travel Powers::Speed::Rocket Speed
Propel yourself horizontally with the power of jet fuel! Switches on Jetpack graphics, if you have it worn, and always produces Jet sound. Utilizes Mach Speed animation. Also worth to have R3 device version of it.
Technology::Munitions::Omni Gun
Maintain, AoE, 100', 45 degree cone, cooldown, ultimate
Deals following damage types: Fire, Ice, Piercing, Crushing, Toxic, Electric, Particle, Sonic & rapidly applies various lingers.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Stasis Cannon
Maintain, incapacitate, 50', single target
Deals Particle Damage to target, and also causes it to incapacitate. Utilizes gadgeteer rifle skin. Advantage: Temporal Energy Capacitor (2 pt), changes this power to charge up, and its radius is extended the further it is charged in a manner of Ego Sleep.
Mystic::Darkness::Shadow Force
Maintain, Single target, 100'
Unleash intense stream of negative energy from both hands at selected target, utterly annihilating it. Seizures the target, like LA/Celestial Conduit does. Advantage: Immobilizing Force - 2 PT - Shadow Force now roots the target & repairs duration of the Root. Eclipsing Force - 2 PT - now if used against another player - applies a sprite, similar to Takofanes' one, that eclipses opponent's view.
Travel Powers::Aerial::Orbital Tractor Beam
Utilize orbitting satellite with gravitational tractorbeam mounted on it, to displace your own body in all three directions. Animation - like Orbital Cannon, but ringed beam, like Qularr transmitters have. Also imposes ringed aura on character when flying at max speed. Also may worth to have R3 device version of it.
Travel Powers::Speed::Rocket Speed
Propel yourself horizontally with the power of jet fuel! Switches on Jetpack graphics, if you have it worn, and always produces Jet sound. Utilizes Mach Speed animation. Also worth to have R3 device version of it.
That's how much l'm tired of Plasmabeam's #JAM already.
Let's just remember a hype when just one power - Hyper Voice - was introduced, l saw a bunches of sound-themed characters appeared when it was just added. So l believe if Technology full-time heal comes onto scene - there would be not less number of sci-fi medicOs, if unbug Thundering Kicks - a bulk of new generation dodge tanks, add EU to laser swords - tons of these, and so on...
Technology::Archery::Sleeping Arrow
Charge, 100', 0'-15' sphere AoE
Releases a pinkish-colored cloud of gas, which radius varies of charge, and it causes up to 7 enemies within its range to Sleep. Range is 100', but cost a bit more, than Ego Sleep. Reworked Gas Pellets & Toxic Arrow existing powers, to their gasses don't break sleep. This is done for purpose of making "non-superpowered" mezzer concepts (i.e. when telepathy/etc is excluded by theme). Advantage causes an enemy to generate threat while sleeping.
Technology::Archery::Freezing Arrow
Charge, 100', 15' sphere AoE
Causes enemies to become held and deals Cold damage, but must be fully charged. Advantage: Flash Freeze (2 pt) - it's now tap power, but it stuns enemies, not holds them.
Maintain, 100', single target, self-root.
Launches continuous intoxicating beam at one target, dealing heavy Toxic Damage. Each tick has chance to inflict Deadly Poison, and also utilizes Voodoo Doll weapon Bone. Advantage: each tick may inflict Jinx (or maybe some other Curse).
Inherits Experimental Blaster costume, and SMG Burst stance. This blocking power utilizes shield projector device "weapon", that generates energy barrier in front of you, that deflects incoming attacks. Taking damage while this block is active generates Energy Charge buff, that increases all outgoing Energy Damage strength for 10-12 seconds, with strength depending on Rank, but around +50%. This effect cannot stack. Advantage: Holographic Projection (2 PT) - all Pets, you have active receive resistance to Damage, Knocks and Block status, which protects from special effects of some attacks or decreases certain roomie's damage.
Like Celestial Block version for hi-tech themes, because Meditate emote isn't match obviously, is that OK?
Buff. On-next-hit.
Enhances next attack with unstable isotope, that will deal Particle damage over time, reduced with number of targets hit, and each target deals DoT as a Sphere AoE around it. Advantage: Radiation Burn (2 PT) - target, that suffers this DoT has chance to setup Particle Burn (per tick) to any target affected in its AoE, and also Burn Through to self.
Energy Unlock.
Your rush of the battle provides endless energy to you! Each time you fully charge one of Charge-Up attacks, or maintain one of Maintains (doesn't work with Toggles) at duration of half length, 15s Energy over Time provided, that stacks 3 times. This energy return scales primarily with Endurance, but is affected by highest of your Strength or Ego.
Furthur l think this LS standalone set, btw may even be somehow connected to Radiation, because of Plasma Burn DoT, that shared with some radioactive devices, and those standalone PA powers, which players want, like concussor, plasma, eye beam may get green color by default & names, resembling radioactive stuff, this way CO could get more thematism for those concepts as well.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Pulson Shotgun
Click, 50', 30 degree Cone AoE, 2 sec CoolDown.
Deals 50/50 Particle/Crushing damage and knocks all targets back. Has very short cooldown, that allows it to trigger MSA effectively.
Advantage - 2 PT - Brickbuster Nozzle - now this power applies Burn Through effect to its targets.
Advantage - 2 PT - Nailed to the Ground.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Energy Sniper Rifle
Charge, 120', 3' Cylinder, max 3 targets.
Must be fully charged. Damage taken interrupts that charge. Damage splits evenly between its targets.
Advantage - 2 PT - Cold Fusion Stabilizer - it now deals more damage, the furthur shot travels, up to +60% Base damage increase at 120' range.
Also for Raygun Spray Advantage - 2 PT - Microwave Polarizer - intense microwave radiation scorches enemies. This power gets 20% chance to inflict Plasma Burn per tick, that visual is red-colored too.
Technology::Munitions::Automatic Grenade Launcher
Maintain, 100', 15' Sphere AoE, self-root.
Deals continuous Crushing Damage to all targets, but secondary ones receive only 50% of primary's damage.
- 2 PT - Concussive Ammo - it now inflicts Armor Piercing debuff, and also knocks up primary, and knocks down secondary targets.
- 2 PT - Incendiary Ammo - now deals extra Fire Damage tick, can apply Clinging Flames, and Fire Patch.
- 2 PT - Taser Ammo - now deals extra Electric Damage tick, can apply Negatice Ions, and Stun targets.
- 2 PT - Cryogenic Ammo - now deals extra Cold Damage tick, can apply Chill, and Root targets.
Moar @splosions he-he!Now its Resistance debuff advantage shares one of Hyper Voice, has stack cap of 3 & debuffs all Energy damage targets receive, not just Sonic, but in a lesser degree. Added new 2 PT advantage: Energy Hypercharger - fully charging this power now hangs Energy Charge buff (similar to Shield Projector's one) to self.
Maintain, 50' range, 120 degree Cone AoE, self-root
Unleash continuous barrage of energy crescents, while swinging a sword, that deal Particle Damage and cover wide area - 120 degree, similar to Shockwave. It inflicts Plasma Burn (chance is bigger in melee range), and can sometimes knock enemies down (advantage?).
Suggested by @xrazamax , because the set lacks proper AoE, and plasma/chest toggles with advantages won't cut it, because of #JAM .
First, Mentalist support & healing abilities are highly underexploited, so -
Slotted Support Passive.
Establish a telepathic link, through which you transfer sight of upcoming events. This aura has 100' range, up 20 targets. It increases own, and allies Dodge and Critical chances, scaling with SS for self & Pre - for allies. Maybe even additive bonus. The Mind AT could get a choose between AoRP and this.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Empathic Healing
Revamp, now it has its TRAVEL time removed, and also it's turned into Cylinder AoE heal, because as ST one it blows hard. Maybe removed scaling over time, and instead it slightly scales down with # of targets.
Generally l think there should appear AoE heals with all possible shapes - think Arcane Vitality (Cone), Celestial Conduit (pseudo-sphere due chaining), Medi-Cannon (true sphere), Empathic Healing (Cylinder). Elder Worm EH already heals multiple targets for solid amount. Cylinders have up & downsides comparing to AV cone, such as, they might not catch unwanted DPS & reach tanks at dino more consistently.
Mentalist::Telepathy::Psionic Healing
Revamp. Removed its TRAVEL time and not smart energy-returning mechanic. It's Sphere AoE by default, and advantage makes it cooldown on full charge power, that also places HoT & possible Resistance Buff.
Then as Darkness EU scales of Con, and it supposed to be kind of tankish powerset overall (selfhealing, extra hitboxes)... How about adding Defensive Passive to it?
Mystic::Darkness::Dimensional Shifting
Slotted Defensive Passive.
Your Qliphothic origin allows you to transform your body to hostile environments with unnatural speed. Each time you receive specific Damage type, this passive hangs (or refreshes) 20 second resistance buff to that specific Damage, which bonus scales of Superstats (or Con) and maybe even bigger than Defiance (think about 150%-160%). But you can have limited number of those buffs, equal to rank of this power. Advantage: 2PT - Horrific Visage - now enemies, that attack you receive back Dimensional Damage, and if they're in melee range - they can get Fear.
For instance, for Gravitar R1 this power will be totally enough, because Grav deals only Crushing damage. But for Qwyjibo you have to go R2 then, because he deals Fire & Crushing. Dino is mix of Particle, Crushing, Slashing, so it's more consistent to take R3. Some enemies may deal more than 3 damage types, and cause the oldest buff to dispel (or just inability to adopt the new one, depending of how this power is built), so that's specific kind of new mechanic.
Slotted Defensive Passive.
Your Qliphothic origin allows you to transform your body to hostile environments with unnatural speed. Each time you receive specific Damage type, this passive hangs (or refreshes) 20 second resistance buff to that specific Damage, which bonus scales of Superstats (or Con) and maybe even bigger than Defiance (think about 150%-160%). But you can have limited number of those buffs, equal to rank of this power. Advantage: 2PT - Horrific Visage - now enemies, that attack you receive back Dimensional Damage, and if they're in melee range - they can get Fear.
For instance, for Gravitar R1 this power will be totally enough, because Grav deals only Crushing damage. But for Qwyjibo you have to go R2 then, because he deals Fire & Crushing. Dino is mix of Particle, Crushing, Slashing, so it's more consistent to take R3. Some enemies may deal more than 3 damage types, and cause the oldest buff to dispel (or just inability to adopt the new one, depending of how this power is built), so that's specific kind of new mechanic.
how to argue against your own power.
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Spongy Flesh - Crushing Fibrous Shell - Slashing Unpierceable Hide - Piercing Liquid Seepage - Fire Wooly Coat - Cold Unnatural Physiology - Toxic Mirrored Scales - Particle Insulated Hide - Electric Honeycombed Bones - Sonic Psychic Vortex - Ego Paranatural Sheen - Magic Crystillian Vaneer - Dimensional
Gravitar deals Crushing Damage only, unless l'm missing something, so you would have whole fight the "Spongy Flesh" buff, that'll provide +150%-+160% Crushing Resistance, and it will mitigate Gravitar's damage. Though these mook's adoptation seems to can stack more than 1, but in my idea it can't.
Maintain, 50', single target.
Even its creator has no idea how this device works! Deals Particle damage to target, and heals self at same time. Utilizes "Gadgeteer Medical Cannons" Weapon Bone (shares with Medi-Cannon). Advantage: Osmose (2 PT) - this power now heals allies within 20' sphere with 50% effectiveness. If user has Medical Nanites slotted passive - its effectiveness is now 100%.
Technology::Gadgeteering::Nanite Bomb
Click, 50', target anything, CoolDown.
Throws a bomb with nanomachines inside at direction of your target. That target may be either hostile, friendly or even self. Establishes the Nanite Field, that deals continuous Particle Damage to hostile targets in 15' range. CoolDown allows it trigger MSA.
2PT - Nano Constructors - now this Nanite Field heals friendly targets within it, it benefits your bonus healing.
2PT - Nano Destructors - now targets, hit by field have chance to get Disintegrated.
Technology::Munitions::Anti-Tank Cannon
Charge Up, 100', Single Target, Blast, self-snare
Shoots high caliber round at enemy, that deals Crushing damage. Charge time doesn't increase damage it inflicts, but instead increases its Critical chance (+100% crit at full charge). Advantage - 2 PT - Cumulative Shell - this power now inflicts Armor Piercing debuff (regardless of charge time).