There are two. Distortion and, apparently, Energy Slide. That's it. Even Chain Swing got some new skins. Chain Swing! There are more tunnel skins than acrobatics. I almost never see anyone using Chain Swing or Tunnel powers. Seriously, I don't get it. Why no love for Acro and Athletics?
How about Rainbow Athletics? Or any of the superspeed skins as Athletics? Or mystical athletics? Lightning?
WTB flight variants that use the jet pack / jet boots mechanics! A Fire Flight that had actual tolerable in-combat speed would be very nice; ditto for electric flight, mystic flight, etc.
About travelpowers - blazing speed, that would match its icon (non-derpninja stance) won't be excess for most lMO. Preferable in form of device. Also make new Rocket Speed and Orbital Tractor Beam flight powahz.
Ranged AOE Maintain- (cause you don't want this stuff on you)
Spray a mist of grey ooze nanites on your opponents to serial debuff and damage them. The longer you maintain it on them, the higher the damage scales and the more debuffs they acquire.
ADV: Toss and run: You chuck the aerial disperser at target and leg it. changes to a toggle.
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Also from Travel powers - how about Rocket acrobatics, that would activate jetpack while running or jumping. In DCUO they have ability "rocket-assisted glide" in acro.