I'm really excited for the new Qliphothic warzone but worried by the sheer level of grind items are still locked behind in this game. They'd really be onto something if they reduced the grind by say one third. then people would be more motivated to play and not feel like they'll never reach theyre goals.
That said a new zone is a step in the right direction. Maybe we'll see the grind lessened or alleviated in some way next.
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Omicron - Lvl 4x - Mind
Emerald Myst - Lvl 2x - Claws/Fighting Hybrid
Epsilon - Lvl 2x - Blade
Asterius - Lvl 1x - Electric/Void Hybrid
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
The grinding is done to slow down power creep. Expect to see more power adjustments to bring them in line with the rest of powers.
Omicron - Lvl 4x - Mind
Emerald Myst - Lvl 2x - Claws/Fighting Hybrid
Epsilon - Lvl 2x - Blade
Asterius - Lvl 1x - Electric/Void Hybrid
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
If you can't acquire the gear to survive the encounters, but you need to survive the encounters to get the gear (or literally grind repetitive content for months on end)...it's a vicious circle that just makes casual players give up.
So if ramping up the grind is their method of trying to encourage participation in end game content, they are going about it all wrong. It's the same with event-specific rewards that BoP to that individual toon...whose bright idea was that? Sure hope you had that alt made and ready to go BEFORE the event, or you'll be waiting a year til your next chance to get that aura...
Yes you can alt, yes altaholics will be able to gear their alts in a day. But I believe in welfare. It's -Merc Gear-! The "lol you lose" lockbox result! The bottom of the barrel next to Justice, Distinguished, Legion and even Heroic! It's way too weak to significantly affect the economy.
And I'll be ok with the Q set price hike if they were fixed to add Green gear level CDR and Cost Discount. It's for standardization's sake. Every modern Utility piece gives CDR and Cost Discount http://forum.arcgames.com/championsonline/discussion/242944/give-11k-questionite-and-nemesis-utilities-cost-discount-and-cooldown-reduction#latest
Have to say though, i'd still lean towards introducing grindy higher end gear than making practically outdated existing sets harder to get.