Greetings Champions!
We have been getting a few questions regarding the PTS and the new PTS forums. So we are setting up this thread explaining how to access them.
Q) Can Silver members access the test server?A) Currently, only members with Gold status can access the test server.Q) I am a Gold Subscriber, how can I get test server access?A) Players with Gold status can sign up for the the test server here.Q) Why can I not see the new PTS forums?A) In order to see and post in the new PTS forums, you need to make sure you a Gold Subscriber and have signed up for the test server using the above link.Q) I signed up for the test server, how do I log in?A) Open the Champions Online launcher and log in. On the next screen, in the lower left hand corner, you will see a box labeled "Public Test." Click that button, and it will patch your client for the test server.Q) Can I copy my character from Live to PTS?A) Yes! You can copy any character you have on Live to PTS by clicking this link.
I hope this information helps.
BTW do you like my new banners?
Thank you.
For the topic at hand... if we copy our level 40's will we get a retcon in order to test powers not yet released?
Just buy a retcon token in the c-store. Everything in the PTS c-store is free.
Doing so would allow you to use Debugger to make an instant fully geared 40 on live...
Not to mention CTP crafting and free c-store items.
Thank you very much for that bit of knowledge. I'm a lifer from beta days but real life has not allowed me to play for quite a bit of time. I went to use the PTS over the weekend and was completely lost. Now I can get back to testing build ideas like I did in the old days.
I do have a question though about leveling. There used to be a npc that could adjust your levels up or down. Is that function gone now?
Thanks again for the info.
It is possible. You Can create a new character on the PTS.
I also received the "character creation failed" as well. At first I thought it was because of the name, but then I remembered that I had placed tights on my character that I have purchased (as a Gold Member on Live through C-Store so I do have the costume pack available) but while creating new in the PTS - those tights still had the "c" for c-store on them.
So what I did was remove the tights with the "c" on them and went through to Create the character (my 3rd try mind you) and it took
Have Fun.
They said it was a bug and they plan on giving it back.
Because you could create a level 1 toon, make it 40 in less than 2 minutes with the debugger, load it with tons of CTP components and copy it back to Live where it would unlock a new free toon slot and where you could sell all the goodies. (Not to mention devices if / when we get the C-Store back)
Oh and 3 posts ago, this was a necro... ^_^
Thats all we know so far : and that it hasn't come back with the latest update
Very soon
EDIT: ACK! Ninja-ed by the blue-haired one!
-grumbles- smart pants -grumbles-
It's written nowhere! And zombies are generally sticky and oozy!
Anyway, both questions have been answered.
In the Launcher you'll have 2 shard options: Live and Public Test.
I agree with this,gold members have access to everything on live,the PTS is really just feedback,and still have to wait for it on live,and still if Cryptic wants feedback,just let everyone on the PTS,more feedback for them.
Consolidate currency!
Munitions additions
Petition to take in game report spam function out
Why not to do surveys and free offers
And in the end, everyone just plays the test server and all it's for testing unlocked stuff and the live server will be closed since nobody is on it.
Formerly known as Rei_Kisagi
Join Date: 19 June 2011
Holy necro Batman!
See this thread.
you can test your builds in the powerhouse, as long as you don't leave it's free to keep removing and adding.
you can use the stationary test dummies or the group test runs.
Note: the C store does NOT work at all on the PTS
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But STO has also development that really needs to be tested en masse.
Considering little to no nearly no development CO gets, crowds on the PTS aren't really necessary.