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The Angelic Choirs - Exitus'/Semyaza Angel Costume Gallery

tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
edited March 2018 in Costumes and Concepts
The Angelic Choirs
@sersaywastaken's gallery of angel costumes
Updated as I have time.


So, this project really exploded from a single, random black+green Scourge AT toon that had nothing to do with angels in the first place... Back in the day, Exitus really was nothing more than a poorly designed, random toon just ment to try out Scourge. Exitus' own classic look came about as a random desire to just make something else, and lacking room on other toons at the time.

But the look of Exitus became popular quick with friends and CC judges alike, and I quickly caught on that I may be onto something in my costuming skills...

Now Exitus' and Semyaza later added have both become a large project of mine. These two toons are for nothing but Angels and Nephilim now, and research and identification has been given to each and every single on of them. 53 Angels have come of this project, and im always adding more.


I have a set of rules and considerations I always follow for making an angel. I'v made exceptions only for some of the most famous angels. Here's how I create...

1: Research an angel. Sometimes this comes last rather than first, if the costume itself hit my mind first. A dictionary of angels and fallen angels is usually where I look to for this. I might randomly flip open the book to a page and pick something that strikes me, or find an angel who fits something i'v created.

2: If it is Holy, it must have a halo. If it is Fallen/Nephilim, it cannot have a halo. I use the spike halo costume unlocks for these mostly. Only one fallen angel is an exception to this rule. Depending on the type of angel, rank, or implied importance, Valerian Scarlet's Halo is used for higher ranked Angels.

3: It must have some form of wings. It's mostly hard to get 'angel' across in the looks without them... And Any kind of wings are acceptable, including steelhawk bracer wings, and static wings like Art Deco. Back Halos I count for wings. Though i'v started to consider counting them as only halos.

4: Angels are not human. Because of this, I try to steer clear of classical looking angels...basically fair looking people with white wings. I instead leave human features off. No mouths, no ears, no nose, no hair. Feather plume hair is an exception, and a small handfull of important angels have exceptions for their faces. I tend to make my angels more 'alien'.

And now my creations...

The Holy Angels

Original Character:

Exitus: 1 2 3

Divinus: 1 2 3

Pyriel (Pygan): 1 2


Michael: ---Pending---

Gabriel: ---Pending---

Raphael: ---Pending---

Uriel: 1 2

Samael: ---Pending---

Remiel: ---Pending---

Jophiel: ---Pending---


Rathanel: 1 2

A'albiel: 1 2

Zephon: 1 2

Tatrasiel: 1 2 3

Iaoel: 1 2

Lassuarium: 1 2 3

Zachriel: 1 2

Qaspiel: 1 2

Hamon: 1 2 3

Yehudiah: 1 2

Nelkhael: 1 2

Marmaroth: 1 2

Metatron: 1 2 3

Nasargiel: 1 2 3 4

Uzziel: 1 2

Chayyliel: 1 2 3

Puriel: 1 2 3

Anpiel: 1 2 3

Camael: 1 2 3

Tagas: ---Pending---

Adonael: ---Pending---

Mihr: ---Pending---

Purah: ---Pending---

Raziel: ---Pending---

Jehudiel: ---Pending---

Af: ---Pending---

Baradiel: ---Pending---

Zarall: ---Pending---

Elyon: ---Pending---

Lahatiel: ---Pending---

Amoias: ---Pending---

Saraqael: ---Pending---

Peliel: ---Pending---

Akteriel: ---Pending---

Israfel: 1

Af: ---Pending---

Cassiel: ---Pending---

The Fallen Angels:


Lucifer: 1 2


Semyaza: 1 2 3 4

Armaros: 1 2 3 4 5

Lahash: ---Pending---

Abaddon: ---Pending---

Andras: ---Pending---

Paimon: ---Pending---

Caym: ---Pending---

Moloch: ---Pending---

Murmur: ---Pending---

Rahab: ---Pending---

Sonneillon: ---Pending---

Azazel: ---Pending---

Iblis: ---Pending---

Astaroth: ---Pending---


Hivvah: ---Pending---

Hiyyah: ---Pending---

This is a test line.
Post edited by tazy on


  • thelastsonofzodthelastsonofzod Posts: 658 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Really nice costumes Tazy. I think I might try doing a spin on this. I don't typically go for angels, but they way you've pulled them off is amazing, and very fitting for the game lore.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thank you for the compliment, that really is good to hear you think it fits so well. I intended to try and keep CO in mind, as Exitus himself has been heavily RP'd (Though 97% of the time human.), as has Semyaza. Keep a look out, i'll be adding more images for more angels today. Hopefully at least 3.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Update: Added images to Uriel, Zephon and Tatrasiel.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Updated! Added images for Iaoel, Lassuarium, and Zachriel. ...Iaoel is a rather unusual one, with inspiration from the far weirder angels of Evangelion.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Updated! Only two added this time... because I cant stay awake. Qaspiel and Hamon added.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Update! Nelkhael, Hamon, and Metatron added.
  • lilsteffielilsteffie Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I knew you liked making angels, Sersay but wow... this is quite a collection. :biggrin:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    No Nisroc? tsk tsk tsk.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You just gave me the name of the next one im working in Sem's roster though, ratty. :wink:
  • necratech009necratech009 Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Always thought these characters were very well done! Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see what's to come.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Updated! Nasargiel, Uzziel and Chayyliel added. Chayyliel is easily one of the big stars of the show as one of my top costumes.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeesh, been a week or so since I last updated but i'v been busy with life. Anywho, todays updates are oddballs.

    Pyriel (Pygan) and Divinus added!

    These are not biblical angels, so they are listed under my OC section. They are a recent addition to the RP ranks of Angels who will possibly be joining Exitus in his test living as humans. But will the play a major role? That has yet to be seen...

    Pygan is unusual as she is technically from another character... Pygan. Duh. The only Angel that uses a female base model. I tried to keep her gender neutral however. Meanwhile... Divinus is quite the colorful one... And follows the same naming guide as Exitus with a simple, latin name.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Ooop, surprise! One more tonight, since the perfect location for him popped into my head. I got a bit carried away and made a total of 5 screens for...

    Armaros, under the fallen angels. :tongue:
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Update! Been busy... havint had time to add for a bit. Puriel, Anpiel and Camael added.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Great looking characters. Could be a whole game to itself.
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    All very beautifuly done sersay :smile:
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    So I find myself at a bit of a loss for some desired screenshot locals, especially for the archangels. Would anyone have any nice locations to suggest, or know of any up in the clouds, heavenly looking scenes?
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    Updated the lists and added at least 1 new screenshot of Israfel... But as before i'v been at a loss for good screenshot locations. I would very much like a cleared TT for some shots, if anyone's willing to assist me in that.
  • why is there no castiel in the biblical angel section? or is that who cassiel is supposed to be?​​
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    Castiel is made up for supernatural. But perhaps they came up with his name from Cassiel, seeing the difference. Castiel is not a biblical angel.
  • slapperfishslapperfish Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited May 2021
    Post edited by slapperfish on
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    Well as soon as your in sphere TP you loose the look, but i guess that'd be the best you could do to get a circular shape. Im sure some of these angels might fall under the Ophanim rank, i'd just have to double check.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    After the recent tailor changes... it took me 4 hours of going through all of Exi's angel costumes to check for fixing and improvements. Some are drasticly different now. Not sure if i wana go back and update with MORE pic taking though. >< Getting settings and poses can be quite a chore.
  • just getting a good shot of the character PERIOD can be a chore...makes me wish CO had something analagous to bethesda's game's toggle free camera console command​​
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    They kinda do. Its demo record. I dont know if we can view the guide for demo record now though, with the forum changes... Someone should bring that back.
  • tazytazy Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Not an update per say but thought i'd stick this more recent shot of Pygan here. Uhg, I need location ideas, and I need for my Gyzao screens of CO to not come out completely black. =/
    Also, added the commission of Exitus done by Biff Smackwell!

    Post edited by tazy on
  • ultrashocultrashoc Posts: 41 Arc User
    You did an awesome job one each. Thumbs up!
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