From the one-shot cut scene, we know there's someone behind all this. Who will it be revealed to be?
Mastermind behind the Nightmare Invasion? 32 votes
Slug (only named Elder Worm)
1 vote
Ao'Qephoth (don't think he's an Elder Worm, but he's like enough to ally with them)
1 vote
The Kings of Edom (yeah, they're dead, no biggy).
Luther Black (yeah, he's dead too)
2 votes
Shadow Destroyer (he needs new minions)
Dark Seraph (a lore villain we haven't run across yet)
Talisman (also needs new minions)
Someone new
2 votes
Epic Stronghold
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It wouldn't be the Elder Worms as they are thralls of the Nightmares (read their descriptions - they are being controlled).
It wouldn't be the Kings of Edom - even though we only defeated their avatars. It was clearly stated that someone is using their power.
It wouldn't be Luther Black or Nocturne. Luther, at best, is now simply a nightmare himself conjured up by Nocturne and she doesn't seem to have what it takes to open an entire plane plus enslave the Elder Worms. But someone who might is...
Shadow Destroyer. He might be able to pull something like this off. But even so, I don't think it's him. The real Destroyer gave him a good thrashing. It would be hard to imagine he has regrouped his power base that quickly.
Dark Seraph is the leader of the Crowns of Krim. But just like with Nocturne, I don't think he is powerful enough to pull off something on this scale. The same goes for Talisman.
That leaves
Or maybe it's just a Nemesis plot.
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Epic Stronghold
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Seriously, though... my money would be on Dark Seraph or one of the other Crowns of Krim related dudes who are mentioned in-passing in the game but who haven't turned up yet. DS - If I remember correctly - leaves the player a threatening note at the end of the Witchcraft/Talisman arc in the Desert, so that would make sense.
I hope, though, that that devs have read the CO lore primer and aren't over using the Qlipthotic; that's supposed to be the Cthulhu mythos, where even a sniff of it sends you mad, and it contains boundless, world-destroying power (not some mobs in funny gear who can be wiped out by Spinnytop).
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Honestly, I still want to see Destruga and I would love for that map to be created. We see a glimpse of it over Multifaria in Resistance, but I still want to see it in person, maybe even a mini zone with such and of course the big epic showdown we've all been waiting for against Doctor Destroyer. But maybe another time.
I also hope we get a proper Mechanon fight. The one by the Champions building was always meh to me.
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My thoughts around it were, at first, Demoiselle Nocturne, since there's a lot of fear and nightmarish creatures surrounding the event but the more I run the event, and the more the Qliphothic Acolytes say stuff like:
"We beseech you Shadow of Destruction!" <-- Makes me think of Shadow Destroyer.
I mean, we haven't heard from him since....Resistance when he was crying about being sucked into a portal and cried out to The Presences Beyond etc.
It is entirely plausible that Shadow Destroyer is pulling a Zerstoiten and sending in invading armies and giant monsters.
Given the lore based "destiny intertwining" thingy between Luther Black and Shadow Destroyer, Shadow Destroyer could have reached out to work alongside...Demoiselle Nocturne? *shrug* Not that he'd need to but...yeah.
However the Elder worms presence does sort of enforce the idea that something from Qliphoth or related to it at least is working alongside it, obvious I know but I just thought about it.
So in the end...if there ever was a reveal planned....I think Shadow Destroyer could be the guy behind this perhaps working alongside The Slug for Elder Worm support.
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So I think it's going to be the kings of edom, or rather their new avatars. One of them might be Nocturne, and we might even get some Viper people as avatars - maybe the kings of edom were impressed by them when they busted into their throne room and decided to offer them the position as avatars. Just imagine nightmare Ripper, and that other guy who was in Aftershock.
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I hardly call it recycling when they re taking resources that were never brought forward to begin with and updating them for the modern game. That is something that was desperately needed.
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That cut scene is talking about Therakiel, not Shadow Destroyer.
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Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Not really, since they create new costumes on a regular basis not to mention these new villains require testing balancing and new attack types. Teleios certainly didn't have the attacks he doe snow, so I would hardly call it recycling when they are doing new things now.
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Well the events that happened in the Apocalypse were ended when we traveled back in time and stopped it, and thus Shadow Destroyer never challenged Therakiel. Furthermore, Shadow Destroyer was sucked into a vortex that led to Qliphoth. While I do believe he is behind current events, I also believe he and Lutehr Black and company have become the new Avatar's of the Kings.
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Epic Stronghold
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I've got to ask though...when did the Kings of Edom perish? I've done Aftershock and Demonflame. They didn't seem to die when I played those adventure packs.
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a) bring back old Ao'Q. Alerts have been less fun since they got nerfed.
b) a story arc involving Ao'Q would be great fun. One where they vanquish Doctor Destroyer, as the Doc deploys his best weapons and pounds furiously on his Remote Control of Doom shouting "It won't ******** die!".
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
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Of course, if the Kings of Edom angle is true it could be there is a dark cabal of villains involved. There could be several new avatars of the kings with Dark Seraph AND Valerian Scarlet among them.
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With the way the poll is set up, I hadn't considered a cabal. But by combining forces they could certainly pull off something on this scale.
Good one Mark!
Seraph is of course also a hebrew word. (Angel of the highest rank associated with light, order, and purity).
I find it bizarre that they named one in the singular (Seraph, pl. Seraphim) and the other in the plural. That's just weird.
Anyway, doesn't seem particularly 'dark' themed, unless you think messengers deserve to get shot.
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