Hey sup guys, so a pal of mine and I hve decided to make a ranged build centerin on defile and pestilence. We designed it for the purpose of pvp cuz it's fun har har har.
Here's what we have so far
http://powerhouse.nullware.com/powerhouse.html?v=13&n=&d=1134SQPNaAb4300720065007G00J503Q90366047E047H04QI0329039Q03DM00EI05JC0511Cd3T3C0i9wBefore yall go like "yo dis kid be usin EM wtf i thought he was usin defile" i think i should prob explain why i chose some of these powers so u guys can see if theres anything im missing in terms of logicI have never actually made a ranged build before, so any advice will be awesome from u guys
- Concentration is there cuz, well, it's concentration nothin to explain here loool
- MSA + Conviction: conviction spam will trigger MSA, good energy management solution
- Pestilence: im gonna be usin defile a lot, so might as well buff the livin #$^% outta my toxic attacks
- Ego Surge + Rimefire Burst + Defile + Nanobot Surge: this gonna be my combo of choice. I'll do em consecutively so the damage becomes a spike combo, nanobot should take a chunk of cooldown away from ego surge nd rimefire so i can do this combo more frequently
- EM + Palliate (absolve): kk so the reason why i chose these two powers is cuz sometiems (all the time) the toon's gonna get bombarded wit damage, and considerin how it's ranged, defense prob not gonna be as good, best way to avoid it is to stealth away, so i took advantage of the stealths, plus hey, EM dodge buff + palliate heal is pret good too, so it's a win^2
- Tractor Beam: it's kinda like EM + Palliate in terms of reason, i dont wanna get up close n personal to a ginormous **** Unleashed Rage, so this can help gain some distance
- Unbreakable nd MD: emergency buttons. In case I %^$& up, gonna be often LOL
- Guardian and Vindicator: Guardicator is like Wardicator's ranged brother, im ranged, so.......
- Str Primary: I actually was debatin over gettin Ego Primary, but then I figured I should prob play it safe nd get some more defense, so juggernaut was the reason why i chose Str PSS
so there we go, id really love it if u guys did ur magic and offered some advice for us, i myself never made a ranged toon b4, and tryin somethin new always interests me. I'd like to learn more on ranged nd expand my knowledge in this game ^^
I'd never use such a build in pve, rofl. One spammable attack and no real AoE :x I don't have any experience in pvp to attest to how effective it could be, though.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!