Circus Malvanum
- Moved Jo the Mechanic into the rencen.
- The Circus Malvanum Race no longer awards a reward box, it instead awards a new Circus Malvanum token. The amount given is not final.
- Jo now has a shop where you can spend Circus Malvanum tokens.
- Added a permenant version of the Steam Bike to the Circus Malvanum Store.
- Added Gladiator Mace Hands (currently male only), Gladiator Sword Hands (currently male only) and Ironclad's Helmet to the Circus Malvanum Store.
- Added Kzash Hounds action figures to the Circus Malvanum Store.
- Added Circus Malvanum tokens to the Drifter Limited Time store.
- Updated training vehicles in the vehicle training room to cancel out properly if you leave the vehicle area.
Power Changes
- Fixed Mental Leech's and Shadow of Doubt's descriptions so they don't state they interrupt. This is just a description change.
- Updated Backhand Chop and Power Gauntlet to state what enemy ranks they cannot interrupt. This is just a description change.
- Sub Zero Cellblock can no longer interrupt Supervillains, Legendaries and Cosmics.
- Experimental Blaster's knock can no longer knock immune targets.
Device Changes
- Action figures will no longer detoggle when you are held or disabled.
- Action Figures will now teleport to you if they get too far away from you.
- Sidekicks will no longer detoggle when you are disabled.
- Updated R.O.D.'s damage. His Micromunitions should properly knock back now.
- Updated Kigatilik's costume.
- Added in Kigatilik hooves to the Gold Recognition Vendor (currently male only).
- Fixed a bug where Kigatilik's snow storm was creating a snow storm for each target hit.
- Fixed a bug where kigatilik's snow storm was not centered on himself.
- Qwyjibo's fire breath now leaves behind a trail of lava.
- Increased the cooldown on Hatchling's attacks.
- Removed Hatchling's ability to regenerate.
- Fixed a bug where some questionite rewards could not be picked up by walking over.
- Added Arkayne, Iris Irregular and Dr. Newbton to the dev action figure store.
- Fixed a bug where the hyena hair's texture was reverted to an old version.
- Added Krampus Fur foot accessories to the Krampus costume.
- Costume textures are now in alphabetical order.
- Added Celestial Dragon head costume to the PTS vendor (currently female only).
- Changed the item quality on Jack Fool mask to purple.
- Changed the item quality on Dogz Tank Top to blue.
- Fixed a bug where onslaught tokens were not counting towards the perks.
- Added Fire, Ice and Shadow dragon actions figures to the PTS store.
- Fixed a bug where some old legacy items ignored knock resistance
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:
Where it happens
What happens
Please stay on topic in this PTS thread. We use bug reports from this thread to decide whether a PTS build is ready to go live, and so we need to make sure we're seeing everything in it. Please do discuss the changes, but if you find yourself writing about something that isn't specific to what's on PTS, then that should probably go here:
Posts that do not specifically pertain to the current PTS patch will be removed.
These player & moderator maintained threads are checked weekly by the development team.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
we can finally have AF following us without worrying
My character wont get bullied for having his Rhino AF now Huh? his hooves are different? haven't Noticed that
for everyone who missed that, its the Chinese Dragon enviroment hazard from Fury of the Dragon alert
I love that we are getting NPC Exlusive costumes! I hope Teleiosarus various dino heads and feet are on the future list!
Probably kills 80-90% of the reason to take experimental blaster too. I mean, it's not like the power was so amazing that everyone wanted to take it.
Well... there goes the only useful EVER Crowd Control which worked on bosses
Why even care anymore for this power now? What im going to interupt? TRASH mobs?
This downgrades the power to useless-tier levels
Honestly, this is yet another horrible change, it wasn't like you could spam and exploit this power! it has a debuff cooldown to prevent you from spamming it and required timing
Meanwhile there are other MMOs which have interupt spells and crowd control stacks which work on BOSSES if certain criteria are met, FINAL FANTASY XIV if i m not wrong
I get you guys are doing this for the Cosmic Revamp to make the cosmics a more pain in the arse, but killing the entire interupt mechanic wordwide?
For Shame
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
But for the most part, bosses usually aren't controllable to any large extent in MMO's. Not saying I'm happy about the interrupt change - but CC as a boss solution is usually never viable any way.
It would be nice if CC powers, as a rule, had a different effect on bosses. You can do it with specs if you build for it (but an inherent -dmg or -res to CC powers on bosses would be nice.)
Cosmics need shorter timers, and server-wide announcements.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Could we perhaps got part way? Like a buff of longish duration applied to bosses every time they are successfully held. One stack and interrupts fail 50% of the time. Two stacks and they fail 75% of the time. Three stacks and the boss is immune until the debuff drops. Let's say 60-90 second duration. Enough to bail the party out of a sticky situation once or twice but not indefinitely. For extra happy bonus points make the debuff apply only when a power is properly interrupted to prevent some daft yahoo in the party from removing a resource before its even played.
It's been ages since I played FFXIV, but I do vaguely recall some means of limited status effect controls on certain bosses. Like I was able to apply slow to garuda, but not on certain other bosses. And they built up a long lasting immunity akin to what I'm proposing above. This forced a party to mete out when they were using control, save it for key situations. Stun worked on Ifrit and it was almost imperative that you stun him at key portions of the fight, otherwise it would be just downright unmanageable.
I also recall CoX bosses would get brief moments of control vulnerability at specific points of a fight.
Now, if such changes would require an increase of interruptable attack potency or frequency to keep up with fight difficulty accounting for controllers, I wouldn't be against that.
I suppose subzero cellblock is now more in line with other CC powers, but I have to agree that the mitigation of CC's usefulness is not a good thing. Give more resistances, or SOMETHING, to Cosmics and super villains but the immunity stuff is just horrible. It ruined the fun against fighting OVs, and it makes CC based characters feel like they don't have a place in fights.
If mobs were tougher, then CC would have some use, but right now Mobs are not strong enough to need CC. Even if they were, it is unfair to nullify the use of CC during fights against bosses. Making it weaker, giving it immunity to certain types of CC effects, that is all fine. But CC basically has been pushed out more and more lately, and even making mobs tougher to give CC a use against them is not enough. Bosses/OVs need CC susceptibility too. During the testing on saturday, there was mention of a "team up" button being made available before the release. I can't say for sure, but there maybe some open mission like timer added in if this is the case?
I agree on that. We need the Nemcon pieces back, and I personally would like the gladiator helmet from that event added as well.
As far as the cosmic content goes, I don't think that's done with. My impression is that there are some more tweaks that need to make their way in, specifically regarding awarding points for parcipation.
I read this content update for Malvalum as just putting the events on an even footing. That's fine by me, as the rewards previously were a bit lackluster.
I would suggest adding the Devastator as an unlockable AT for the event. Seems like a pretty easy fit to me.
Interrupts were never meant to work on bosses, and this should be evident as the other existing ones didn't.
Edit: Please make a new thread in the combat or suggestion box for crowd control ideas. That is not the focus of this PTS update and I would like to keep PTS threads focused on the upcoming content.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Unfortunately its barely the beginning of the Future currencies to come
Better than stupid RNG-Satan (im looking at you RAMPAGES)
Event Currencies are not really bad actually Pretty sure they are working on it
The suggestion for a Worldwide notification via system chat every time a Cosmic is awaken
And an assortment of dragon-y goodness!
And a fix for the onslaught perk issue!
...I should actually wander onto the PTR and test some of this.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Bug: Dragon AFs are dragging the ground currently. could their height be adjusted. Designs are cool though. I'm wondering if we could get the dragon heads ported over for our character, of if they're just variants of the celestial dragon heads.
Bug: The mounting for the gladiator hands is a bit wonky. They seem a bit offset from where the wrist would naturally fall, and as such most brace pieces do not line up with them. I would suggest moving them slightly higher on the wrist. They're also a bit small on smaller statured characters. Personally, I'd prefer them a bit beefier. As previously mentioned, I'd love to see the gladiator helmets and other armor components added to the store. Adding them back to the Nem-con drop table would also be awesome.
Suggestion: Its kind of cool, but mildly annoying that Ironclad's helmet includes a slot for his ponytail. Making that a head attachment would work better for more diverse character designs. It'd also be nice if you could do without the flame texture, though I'd understand if that's not doable. It'd also be nice if players could have access to the faceplate his mirror-verse version uses in resistance.
Suggestion: The steam bike is sort of crappy as far as vehicles go. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and I have a character that will definitely use it, but it doesn't really have any outstanding gear to it. I'd advise giving it the Railgun or Heavy Cannon, in addition to its currently weak weapon's payload. It seems like there should be some sort of a chariot for this event as well. Maybe a recolor of the C-store version, done up with shiny fire fx?
Suggestion: Could we get some alien weapons added to the vendor as well. I Know there are several organic weapon types that have been lost since the crafting changes, and this would be a good way to bring them back and buff up what the event offers. I'd also squee with happiness if we could get an honest to god trident heavy weapon skin.
Suggestion: Devastator is an obvious AT choice for this event, and I'd endorse adding one for the standard 650 at the vendor's shop. I think these ATs have been popular items, and they seem to be popular to acquire.
Edit 2: If the Forum Alert is going to be live during this event, I would suggest adding a daily mission with forum tokens as a reward.
Waiting 10 minutes for a 2 minute race is a bit overkill in my opinion, whether or not you successfully finish it. I think a 5 minute respawn is more reasonable.
SoD + ML: It's taken FOUR YEARS but we're slowly getting there. Thank you!
Subzero may want to reconsider the lockout on Subzero Cellblock now that it has been taken out of play when it comes to some form of CC being useful in higher level content. It is now on par with the rest of the dead mechanic so should probably have its cool down reduced a little bit (put the lockout down to 6 seconds?).
Experimental Blaster...can it's damage be upped a little bit now that it's had several effects nerfed/weakened?
And omg. R.O.D. is FINALLY a loyal sidekick
Question to Developers - Do you think we could have R.O.D's model as well as Bureau 17 Robots as skins for our muni bot pets?
Also...Kaiserin, do you think this costume piece (the NPC unique chest piece) could be resized for players anytime soon? (Personally I think it should be an unlock for those who bought the Emily Lovett loyal sidekick device). HERE:
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
As for the changes to Ice Cage, I didn't even know that was a thing. It wasn't probably MEANT to be a thing, which is why it was taken away. It was never supposed to work that way to begin with.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
Has anyone with PTS access tested it if the Fix work?
It will be difficult to check the Disable effect since only Vibora Bay Sovereign Sons have such CC
as for the Sidekick despawn bug, I have only experience Sidekicks randomly getting detoggled when they come in body distance with your character
this also happens with rank 3 Ritual pet powers
I would want to see the Rampage system rewards getting revamped!
This RNG satan gremlin is way too obnoxious
Speaking as from personal experience by running Sky Command 20 times and not getting a Token. SC and LI are pretty much the reason my desire to get Justice Gear for my characters was killed
There needs to be a way to acquire all currencies in BULK with very few clicks, including:
Global Resources
Drifter Salvage
Cosmic Keys
Circus Malvanum tokens
Right now, if you want to acquire 1000 Circus tokens (roughly enough to purchase Ironclad's helmet, the mace fists, and the sword fists) you need to:
- Buy 50 Drifter Crates (100 clicks)
- Open 50 Drifter Crates (100 more clicks)
- Buy 100 Tins of Circus Malvanum tokens (200 more clicks)
- Open 100 Tins of Circus Malvanum tokens (200 more clicks)
This is assuming you have already acquired enough Globals to purchase Drifter Crates the first place.
600 clicks to unlock 3 costume pieces. I've worn out a number of expensive Logitech left-click mouse switches to know this is not good for it. Please treat your players better. We're testing this for free.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
Please can i have legs, and tail too.
This is Cloudsatdawn's front page on her character file. A4 and slightly larger than she was.
Mind you, this would make a nice costume set...except for the problems of something with the tiny legs and longbody using weapons or worse, unarmed attacks.
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HIpan alert reward box
I did the alert with all characters on my silver acct.
ALL 12 had to click about 10 times to get it to open.
2 couldn't until everyone else had got theirs and left
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you colour the TEETH by using the first colour in DRAGON EYES
you colour the EYES by using the standard EYES list, not the dragon eyes.
scales colour on head is first and fourth. wouldn't first and second be better?
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