Hey u amazin forum peoples of CO
I am a bit concerned wit a build I am making as im worried that the fact that i chose Constitution as a primary super stat could potentially (royally) jack screw my damage over.
I don't got any points goin into strength and the main attack i use is dragon's wrath.
I also dont have an offensive passive or any passive that increases damage.
to counter this i got focus, which damage buff scales wit dex. Doin the math, if I get my endgame gear i will hve around 396 dex. But idk if this is enough cuz on my unleashed AT i tried to test the focus buff but the damage boost is kinda small, then again, the unleashed had dex of 278.
i kno superstats also increase damage, so i planned on gettin gear to boost the other two SS's to bout 448 con and 83 int
full justice gear gives like 147.4 offense, and im usin wardicator to further up my offense too (the loop, best defense, modified gear, armored from con tree, fortified gear, etc. etc.)
i also got stuff from the specialization trees to reduce damage resistance, nd increase damage resistance by single digit numbers
my math background on this is pret bad cuz i still dont kno much bout the game and hvent been around long enough to kno exact formulae to calculate a number out of all these specs so i was wonderin one of you seasoned veterans can help a guy out
also one more thing, ill be in hybrid mode like 99% of the time so that suggestion has been accounted for
thanks again!
I don't, in general, recommend that sort of single-stat hyper-focused build, though (the only non-dex stat bonus that character has from gear is a growth mod in her primary offense); it works out for a dodge tank because dex translates into survival, but is probably a bad idea for anyone else.
Con PSS can get ya more energy via FMF, though Str PSS has Physical Peak for melee cost discount, and otherwise for Ranged builds has Aggression for more Offense. Con PSS gets more maxHP innately via more Con from PSS'ing it, though Str PSS has Swole. Con PSS's Armored and Con Mastery can get ya nice Defense, though in most cases Juggernaut from Str PSS will be better. Both trees give knock resist (either innately or as an option).
The combo of the 25% base dmg either dps role gives + an offensive passive would amount to about a 35-45% final dmg increase, assuming a decently geared FF and the attack type matching the dps role (melee role for melee attacks, etc).
Anyways, ya mentioned diff roles and SS's in ur OP, though it seems ur talking about ur Unleashed AT? Unless ya mean an FF build, none of that matters for that AT where ya dun have a choice in the SS's, specs, role, etc.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Main limitation to the dps roles are having to use an offensive passive, and ya dun get the same bonus heal boost that Hybrid role gets- though ya also can do more dmg before ya pull aggro.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
If you really want some better insurance on your damage output slot a single R5 or higher Str mod to get your Str up close to 70...