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New Advantages for Shotgun Blast

thebuckeyethebuckeye Posts: 818 Arc User
This suggestion is to add some extra flexibility to a utility/knock power. Currently the Advantage for Shotgun Blast is Breaching Round, which basically increases the knock chance and number of targets it attempts to knock, which is great because that's what it was meant to do. However, there are many different types of Shotgun Shells out there some more exotic than others. Which is what this suggestion is meant to make use of.

1. 2 Point Advantage - Disruption Round - Reduces the Range of the Shotgun Blast to 10 feet and changes the power from an AoE to a Single Target. Changes the damage type from Crushing to Ice. Knock Chance is 100% and has a 50% chance to apply Chill and Interrupt the target.

2. 2 Point Advantage - Dragon's Breath - Changes the Damage type from Crushing to Fire. Has a 100% chance to apply Clinging Flames. The Ability to knock the target only applies in melee range.

3. 2 Point Advantage - Plasma Round - Changes Damage Type to Particle has a 50% chance to apply Particle Burn to all targets.

4. 2 Point Advantage - Charged Round - Changes Damage Type to Electric has a 50% chance to apply Negative Ions and Paralyze the target.


  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    I like it
  • squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 876 Arc User
    At some point its almost worth making them separate powers, so you can have a character who uses *nothing but shotgun powers* and just switches ammo around depending on opponents. Would need some way to take more advantage of the variations within the tech framework group though.

    It would be really cool if tech had ways to exploit various status conditions. Maybe stuff like:

    Ionic Capacitor
    Tap. 50' PBAoE. Affects targets with negative ions (max 10). All targets are stunned for 2.3/2.7/3 seconds. Each target generates an electricity arc to a nearby enemy for x damage. Consumes negative ions.

    Hyper-Accelerant (Ideal graphic something that looks like a fire extinguisher)
    Tap. 40' 60 degree cone. Affects targets with Clinging Flames (max 5). All targets take 10x clinging flame stack damage instantly, and then applies a fire resistance debuff to those targets. Consumes clinging flames stacks. 100% chance to apply clinging flames to any targets (max 5 additional) in AoE who did not have clinging flames stacks.

    Liquid Nitrogen Spray
    Tap 40' 60 degree cone. Deals x damage. 100% chance to apply chill. If target is already chilled, target is instead *Frozen* 1.7/2/2.4s (Stunned + ice caged + target counts as a shatterable object in addition to the ice cage).

    Sonic Resonator
    PBAoE sonic damage that works like Shatter against shatterable objects.

    ie, reasons to care that you can apply these status conditions. (all of those should probably have CDs).
  • And that's not even counting stuff like slugs or flechettes that could do heavy single target damage or quadruple the range of the shotgun, respectively.
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