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Please Bring Back Witchcraft Visits for Double XP

heatherbelheatherbel Posts: 48 Arc User
This topic greatly affects those of us who are extreme alting addicts. For a while, we were receiving frequent Witchcraft visits to pick up the experience buff. However, now two major holidays have come and gone without an appearance, and she hasn't shown up for any random weekends in recent history either.

Could we please have more Witchcraft Double XP visits? Many of us who are lifetime and gold members who enjoy creating new characters rely heavily on those buffs to build our character armies since all the other fast ways of leveling have been removed from the game. After the 100th time through, going at a snail's pace gets pretty tedious. I love leveling and making new characters. It's probably the main thing that keeps me in this game over other, so please bring back my fun! Thanks!



  • zuarelzuarel Posts: 1 Arc User
    I would love that as well! It seems like there are not enough random events in general, and weekend double-exp would help 9-to-5ers catch up.
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    Yes, we need her visiting more often.
  • agentcanadaagentcanada Posts: 775 Arc User
    A free XP Buff does sound like a great way to start a long run with a new character. I missed most of the Holiday stuff so I wasn't aware she was missing. A monthly visit added to the calendar rotation sounds like an easy fix.
  • danixiangdanixiang Posts: 1 Arc User
    This is a great idea, I agree. Please make it happen.
  • bantu1990bantu1990 Posts: 1 Arc User
    Indeed this is a great idea especially if it means the increasing the current max level cap to at least level70 for Champions Online
  • tenebriswolftenebriswolf Posts: 54 Arc User
    I agree 100%. If I may add a few suggestion, many "veterans" players are not that interested in doing the same missions and farm Grab alerts again and again, they just want to create new cool characters. Yeah, we have the new "Upgrades to lv30" in the Z-Store, but isn't there a way to fasten the leveling process for free without having to spend so much time on boring stuff ? I don't want to be the comparative douchebag, but Marvel Heroes has the Midtown Monday with double XP every week, and while it's pure XP farming as much as Alerts are for us, it's never boring at all.
    Mordykus on Dawn Radio
  • marrowynmarrowyn Posts: 1 Arc User
    Please bring back the Double XP visits from Witchcraft. They give me a reason to work on new concepts for characters and try out the new powers you guys are bringing into the game.
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    Great idea!
  • sobrien76sobrien76 Posts: 1 Arc User
    I agree with Heatherbel. Even for the less-hardcore gamer, Witchcraft visits allow players to "bank" their XP bonus to be used when they can get online. I know I have missed the Witchcraft events.
  • heatherbelheatherbel Posts: 48 Arc User
    sobrien76 said:

    I agree with Heatherbel. Even for the less-hardcore gamer, Witchcraft visits allow players to "bank" their XP bonus to be used when they can get online. I know I have missed the Witchcraft events.

    That's a great point. For those players who don't have all the time in the world to play, it's a helpful way for them to add to their rosters as well.
  • goldfalcon1goldfalcon1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    Couldn't agree more! Make it happen, please.
  • runemaulrunemaul Posts: 2 Arc User
    Yeah, those of us with altitis certainly need this, it makes the chore of leveling less of a drag.
  • tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    Double XP weekends accelerated my purchase making decision for a Lifetime Subscription.

    Back when I was a Silver non-subscriber, I saw Gold subscribers benefit from Double XP, helping them level up their many and getting new slots at level 40, which made me realise I was losing out from not subscribing. I was already teetering on the edge of subscribing watching these Double XP bonuses go by, and when another factor gave me a little push, I went full LTS.

    In case you're wondering if Double XP cannibalises your Level-Up device in the Zen Store, IMHO it doesn't, they're complements. IMHO it can incentivise players to start that new character he's been dreaming up, get a Level-Up-To-30 device, then grab the Double XP bonus to power-grind to Level 40. It'll probably help to schedule a sale to coincide with Double XP.

    TL;DR - Double XP weekends are like a marketing strategist/manager's wet dream. It's a coupon for customers that is absolutely cost-less to you, which highlights the value of Gold/LTS Subscriptions and draws attention to level-up items.
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    They do it quite frequently, usually when there's "gaps" in their event schedule. They had them clustered together so much last year that I didn't even START on some of my characters' DXP before a new one came around, as opposed to my usual "hadn't FINISHED the DXP". :p
    'Dec out

  • heatherbelheatherbel Posts: 48 Arc User

    They do it quite frequently, usually when there's "gaps" in their event schedule. They had them clustered together so much last year that I didn't even START on some of my characters' DXP before a new one came around, as opposed to my usual "hadn't FINISHED the DXP". :p

    They were quite frequent at one point, yes, which is precisely what I'm asking to see come back :)
  • ecksoneecksone Posts: 1 Arc User
    Yes, there is usually something every month that could justify a visit from Witchcraft, Valentines Day, St. Patrick's day. Mayday was apparently very popular in the old Soviet Block, so a good time for a visit from Red Winter too.
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  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    And, how about another Double Questionite weekend as well?! I've got 110 Q boxes to open that I've been hoarding since the Halloween event (yes, it's been that long since we've had one). We're not going to be allowed to do this anymore (what with the new auto-opening boxes), so let's have one last big hurrah, eh? :smile:​​
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • ngeluzngeluz Posts: 60 Arc User

    Double XP weekends accelerated my purchase making decision for a Lifetime Subscription.

    Back when I was a Silver non-subscriber, I saw Gold subscribers benefit from Double XP, helping them level up their many and getting new slots at level 40, which made me realise I was losing out from not subscribing. I was already teetering on the edge of subscribing watching these Double XP bonuses go by, and when another factor gave me a little push, I went full LTS.

    In case you're wondering if Double XP cannibalises your Level-Up device in the Zen Store, IMHO it doesn't, they're complements. IMHO it can incentivise players to start that new character he's been dreaming up, get a Level-Up-To-30 device, then grab the Double XP bonus to power-grind to Level 40. It'll probably help to schedule a sale to coincide with Double XP.

    TL;DR - Double XP weekends are like a marketing strategist/manager's wet dream. It's a coupon for customers that is absolutely cost-less to you, which highlights the value of Gold/LTS Subscriptions and draws attention to level-up items.

    I Agree! It was this benefit among others that the Golds and Lifetimes benefits that made me want to go lifetime... I was able to make many toons when i finally went lifetime... and STILL buy the XP boost to go faster... in my leveling even with that subscription boost... I really hope they take notice of this... It’s true that CO online belongs more to the casuals than the hardcore... they should consider them more... at least until they add enough content to keep the hardcore players around... like they are doing with STO and Neverwinter... these have enough content for both hardcore and casual players to keep them happy... so gives us some love Cryptic!
  • heatherbelheatherbel Posts: 48 Arc User
    ngeluz said:

    I Agree! It was this benefit among others that the Golds and Lifetimes benefits that made me want to go lifetime... I was able to make many toons when i finally went lifetime... and STILL buy the XP boost to go faster... in my leveling even with that subscription boost... I really hope they take notice of this... It’s true that CO online belongs more to the casuals than the hardcore... they should consider them more... at least until they add enough content to keep the hardcore players around... like they are doing with STO and Neverwinter... these have enough content for both hardcore and casual players to keep them happy... so gives us some love Cryptic!

    And what a simple way to show that love!
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User

    They do it quite frequently, usually when there's "gaps" in their event schedule. They had them clustered together so much last year that I didn't even START on some of my characters' DXP before a new one came around, as opposed to my usual "hadn't FINISHED the DXP". :p

    They were quite frequent at one point, yes, which is precisely what I'm asking to see come back :)
    While I agree, they never really "went away". They'll throw them in there somewhere. They have pretty consistently in the three years I've been playing, anyway.

    'Dec out

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  • heatherbelheatherbel Posts: 48 Arc User
    Thank you, Cryptic!
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    Yup, speak of the devil! :p
    'Dec out

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