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Ultimate Questionite Management

Previously I suggested (and other users suggested too) to add the function to manage questionite in the Hideout, however, I got another better idea,:

Since Zen and Questionite are the main currencies in the game, just make Questionite be stored just as ZEN does, each toon should keep their personal Questionite Ore pool but once refined it should be stored in a "global pool" located in the Questionite Store where all your toons can access the refined questionite in any moment, without the whitdraw/offer tedious process in the Zen/Questionite Exchange Window (done toon by toon).

Extra Suggestion: Adding a "Global Refine Button" might be a good idea for all those people who has a lot of toons. (No more massive toon swapping only to refine Questionite).


  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    dilgear said:

    Extra Suggestion: Adding a "Global Refine Button" might be a good idea for all those people who has a lot of toons. (No more massive toon swapping only to refine Questionite).

    Since there's currently no way to earn Questionite Ore without actually playing, this isn't really something you should need. Just remember to click the refine button before switching to another character.

    But the main suggestion is one I can get behind. The silly juggling of Q:Z transfers to get the Q where you want is more annoying than purposeful.
  • Since there's currently no way to earn Questionite Ore without actually playing, this isn't really something you should need. Just remember to click the refine button before switching to another character.

    Yeah, my thoughts exactly, another alternative I could suggest is making the Refine Function to work in an Automatic way, leaving the refine function up to the system. so the only requeriment to profit properly for this method (reach the amount of 8,000) should be playing that toon only.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,337 Arc User
    Considering that I've made this EXACT suggesstion back when Q was first added... I support
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • almightenalmighten Posts: 38 Arc User
    Totally agree with the bottom line; make it simplier & less tedious
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