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Techie Support


I want to redo my gadget support hybrid. Currently she is running around with that:


That is nice and quite fun but I miss some more usefulness, because she doesn't really do much dmg and lacks the utility of a real support.

So I want to implement some heal/bubble while maintaining some dmg/beefiness.

Thought about something like this:


There I went more so with an Ego approach to take advantage of the Telepathy heals and bubbles. I don't know if this will be better dmgwise/utilitywise than gadgeteering. Or should I stay with gadgeteering and just put in some heals/bubbles?

In the end I'm not really sure what powerset to use, the only things I dont want is sorcery/supernatural/magic stuff.

Also is there some type of group bubble? Afaik IDF is rather underwhelming...

Questions over questions...

Thx for your time and help already.


  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,884 Arc User
    The 2nd build prob won't be much better dps atm. Ego Blast w/ MO can do a bit more than PBR on single targets, but for a Support toon its not gonna be by much- unless ya add in Mental Storm perhaps. In the 1st build, Ricochet Throw would also be better w/ the Micro Circuits adv if its to be used in AoE only. Revitalizing Boost also doesn't return much energy, so I'd prob take R3 of MF over it. The 2nd build also needs a toggle (Concentration + Int or Compassion + Pres)

    There isn't an AoE bubble in the game, but Redirect Force is a group-wide dmgRes boost that at least least looks like a bubble. Its a fine enough Support tool, but while channeling RF ur not doing anything else, so that may run counter to ur goals.

    Seems to me like both builds would provide similar amounts of support, utility, and dmg. They're both pretty good as is, so could come down to a diff in visuals or playstyle.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • switcheroo8switcheroo8 Posts: 8 Arc User
    Thank you for the quick answer. I'll take that into consideration.
  • switcheroo8switcheroo8 Posts: 8 Arc User
    Ok this is what I chose finally:


    Kinda keeping the gadget feeling but throwing in some more heals, taking out the pets that didn't do much anyways.

    Runs really well, doing some F&I right now.
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