I went ahead and bought a freeform slot the last time they were discounted, but haven't put it to use yet. I was planning on making a mystic character, but I'm not confident in my build skills yet - this will be my first time building from scratch.
Here's my first draft. I'm pretty sure there's a lot to improve on.
Ranking most toggles like Concentration is often a waste, since they max at 8 stacks either way, and its usually easy to build up to that max.
Planar Fracture is a pretty weak power, so I dropped it. To help afford Skarn's Bane, I added Molec Self Assembly (MSA) as the energy unlock instead, and replaced one of the pets w/ Hex of Suffering- to have more ways to proc MSA in combat, and also so ya can use Trapped in Overseer spec. Another option is getting Gravity Driver, if ya wanted an ultimate that's good for support (and ya have it unlocked).
Also ranked up the Radiant summon, to boost its healing a bit. Ya may want to consider getting R2_3 Conviction over the Familiar or Eld Shield as well, since it'll be a pretty strong self-heal here (pets themselves don't add much dmg- they'd be more of an enemy distraction in this sort of build).
Ego as a 2ndary SS isn't adding much to the build as is, mostly due to AoPM already boosting it past its soft-cap of 70. Dex SS works better w/ Int PSS, I find, due to its stronger interaction w/ Expertise. I also made some slight tweaks to the specs and talents.
I left 2 adv points over so ya can rank one (or both) of ur travel powers. I consider having at least one TP (the one ya use more) ranked to be quite handy.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!