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Darkness ranged Tank help

Hey all, I am struggling to make my Darkness tank work out and was hoping you all could assist or point out some suggestions.

The character concept is a holy shadow, an unkillable shadow of divine wrath that strikes fear into the soul of all to come across him. If any of you are familiar with the Raven Queen, he is an embodiment in male form and in modern times. So a Darkness Tank focusing on the Fear mechanic. For his tankiness I went with Defiance. Now I do have a bit of a mix, and it was either Frenzy or Roomsweeper as both tie into the mechanic, but I find Frenzy fits the feral clawed hands I have. Energy issues I am hoping Defiance and Fuel my Fire will be enough to compensate. I want to stack as much life as possible more for theme.

I am open to other suggestions or changes, though I am thinking he might not be able to kill anything with those attack powers. What do you all think of this build and how can I make it better?

Netherend: Level 40 Champion


Level 6: Super Con
Level 10: Exceptional Presence
Level 15: Exceptional Dexterity

Level 1: Shadow Bolts
Level 1: Ebon Void -- Rank 3, Rank 2
, Voracious
Level 6: Spirit Reverberation
Level 6: Energy Swinging -- Rank 3, Rank 2, Flippin
Level 8: Life Drain -- Rank 3, Rank 2
Level 11: Shadow Embrace -- Dark Displacement, Rank 2
Level 14: Howl
Level 17: Enrage -- Endrophin Rush
Level 20: Dark Transfusion -- Blood Sacrifice
Level 23: Ebon Ruin -- Rank 2, Paranormal Paranoia
Level 26: Void Shift -- Emerging Nightmares
Level 29: Resurgence
Level 32: Unbreakable
Level 35: Protection Field
Level 35: Flight - Rank 3, Rank 2
Level 38: Ego Surge -- Nimble Mind

Level 1: The Scourge
Level 6: Tireless
Level 9: Quick Recovery
Level 12: Wordly
Level 15: Amazing Stamina
Level 18: Ascetic
Level 21: Daredevil

Con - Tough (3), Fuel My Fire (2), Adrenaline Rush (2), Deflection (3)
Vindicator - Merciless (3), Agressive Stance (2), Rush of Battle (3), Modified Gear (2)
Guardian - Ruthless (2), Fortified Gear (3), The Best Defense (3), Locus (2)
Con Mastery (1)


  • nether#4450 nether Posts: 13 Arc User
    Specialization update:
    Con: Tough 3, Fuel My Fire 2, Adrenaline Rush 2, Deflection 3
    Sentry: Sentry Aura, Fortified Gear, Fortify, Persevere, Reinforce (thinner spread here)
    Guardian (as above) or Protection: Unrelenting, Bulwark ...
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    I wouldn't recommend Dark Tansfusion in a tank build, since that means ur taking extra dmg and a penalty to self-heals that aren't lfiedrains (and ya prob won't need the extra energy- most Darkness attacks, aside from ERuin, aren't really that expensive).

    Here's a more standard Darkness tank template- maybe it'll help hone ur build a bit:


    You'd run this in Tank role, w/ a gear focus on mostly Con and Pre. One point in Quick Healing was taken for stacking Compassion in combat more easily. Ebon Sigils could also be a nice pick for a tank build that's heavy on Pres.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • nether#4450 nether Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    flowcyto said:

    I wouldn't recommend Dark Tansfusion in a tank build, since that means ur taking extra dmg and a penalty to self-heals that aren't lfiedrains (and ya prob won't need the extra energy- most Darkness attacks, aside from ERuin, aren't really that expensive).

    Here's a more standard Darkness tank template- maybe it'll help hone ur build a bit:


    You'd run this in Tank role, w/ a gear focus on mostly Con and Pre. One point in Quick Healing was taken for stacking Compassion in combat more easily. Ebon Sigils could also be a nice pick for a tank build that's heavy on Pres.

    Hey Flowcyto,

    I appreciate the build link as that has helped me flesh out what I am trying to do.

    My current setup will be;

    I will be running in Tank role, and to explain my thinking on the build is;
    Shadow's Embrace I want to do damage as well as act as a cc, which I have debated just adding both Dark Displacement and Fatal Allure with Challenging Strikes instead of ranking it, what do you think?
    I want to make strong use of the Fear mechanic which this can provide. Speaking of which, I also took Howl as it's a good radius that spreads that fear, and a stack of enrage on top. It was this or Void Shift with adv to make fear aoe, and as much as I love the look and feel of VS, Howl seemed to offer a bigger radius with enrage stack.

    You will notice I have no AD's which I figure will be compensated for by using conviction + ProtField to compensate as needed and stats with healing gear should make them sizable amounts. The circle to amp up my staying power and lastly DT + adv BS to keep energy and bonus damage amounts up. I find the health hit from this to be negligible especially with Regen.

    Ebon Ruin to debuff opponents, add fear onto them and all of my attacks are dimensional damage as to keep up SR. All in all it feels like it all ties in pretty well, now for some testing.

    I would love to squeeze in summon shadows, miniaturization drive and IDF but alas I can't have it all, or i would be eating that cake.

    I just wanted to say thanks for the response and help, as well I've noticed you help out many on these boards and it's paragons of champions like you that keep this place alive.
    Post edited by nether#4450 on
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    It appears that you re-linked my template in that reply- and not the build you intended to post. Perhaps ya edited mine but forgot to re-click the 'link to build' to make a new hyperlink?

    I'll wait to see before giving much feedback, though I guess I'll add that the latter powers in the template I linked are bit more accessory and more able to be changed around- depending on ur prefs.
    I just wanted to say thanks for the response and help, as well I've noticed you help out many on these boards and it's paragons of champions like you that keep this place alive.
    Well, there's many good contributors to this game's many facets, both in and out of the regular forum community. But I appreciate the kind words.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • nether#4450 nether Posts: 13 Arc User
    flowcyto said:

    It appears that you re-linked my template in that reply- and not the build you intended to post. Perhaps ya edited mine but forgot to re-click the 'link to build' to make a new hyperlink?

    I'll wait to see before giving much feedback, though I guess I'll add that the latter powers in the template I linked are bit more accessory and more able to be changed around- depending on ur prefs.

    I just wanted to say thanks for the response and help, as well I've noticed you help out many on these boards and it's paragons of champions like you that keep this place alive.
    Well, there's many good contributors to this game's many facets, both in and out of the regular forum community. But I appreciate the kind words.

    lol, yes that's exactly what I didn't do. Ok, I updated the link in the above post and here as well.

    I am missing a few advantage points spent in that though as made it up in a rush.
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    As long as ya have Resilient and block at good times, ya may not need CoPD for the knock resist. CoPD is still a decent power overall, but its a bit more situational. I'd heavily consider it if ur fighting Gravi often, for instance, but not heavily for most other content.

    I'd still make room for the blast- just so ya have Crippling Challenge in there, and cause the blast more reliably Fears than Embrace does (which has a chance per tick, but is not guaranteed). Similar issue w/ Howl- Howl is okay if ya like the theme of it, and cause its Fear is in an AoE, but its cd will likely be too long to roll Fear w/o outside help.

    I prob would pass on un-ranked Protection Field if its just for you. Even w/ some Pres, its still kinda weak from a tanking perspective- namely cause its shield amount doesn't account for ur total damage resistance, and because shields are better for proactive defense against infrequent inc dmg, rather than when something is constantly under fire (like when tanking- cause ya mine as well block instead and/or use a normal heal or AD). It can be good if ur planning on shielding allies that are more vulnerable, though.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • nether#4450 nether Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    flowcyto said:

    As long as ya have Resilient and block at good times, ya may not need CoPD for the knock resist. CoPD is still a decent power overall, but its a bit more situational. I'd heavily consider it if ur fighting Gravi often, for instance, but not heavily for most other content.

    I'd still make room for the blast- just so ya have Crippling Challenge in there, and cause the blast more reliably Fears than Embrace does (which has a chance per tick, but is not guaranteed). Similar issue w/ Howl- Howl is okay if ya like the theme of it, and cause its Fear is in an AoE, but its cd will likely be too long to roll Fear w/o outside help.

    I prob would pass on un-ranked Protection Field if its just for you. Even w/ some Pres, its still kinda weak from a tanking perspective- namely cause its shield amount doesn't account for ur total damage resistance, and because shields are better for proactive defense against infrequent inc dmg, rather than when something is constantly under fire (like when tanking- cause ya mine as well block instead and/or use a normal heal or AD). It can be good if ur planning on shielding allies that are more vulnerable, though.

    Ok, based on our chat, this is currently what I have.

    I changed out Howl for Void Shift with advantages, which has a low cd that will allow me to keep aoe Fear up at all times. Only drawback is i need to be in their face to proc it, unless doing a bit of SE which i am playing the rng, or if used right after VS I could extend that Fear further.

    One question for you though, is would removing r2 on SE and taking fatal allure hurt me to much for damage/agro?
    As I love the idea of it working as a great cc which would keep the mobs bouncing around instead of attacking.

    The reason I don't want to take shadow blast is because i find it to redundant to have two blast powers and one would have to go, so I figure EbonRuin is a harder hitter, plus the debuf and fear damage bonus, along with 100 ft range seals it as the better option. I have made up for getting crippling challenge on Void Shift instead.

    I have dropped Protection Field and added Summon Shadows, but i need to find somewhere to squeeze some adv points to give them the heal adv. Only place I could see was ER r2.

    I have kept ascension solely because I really enjoy the thematic aspect of dark angel of the netherworld it would bring.

    As for Spec, I did change to Sentry for a little more mitigation, but more so for the small aoe healing it offers, and it further fits my theme for shadow of endless life, so more health in one form or another.

    As well I took Overseer which I am unsure if it will work the way I am hoping, which is for my conviction, life drain and other passive heal effects from Sentinel / Sentry spec to improve in this aspect. I know I am losing some damage output but hoping I am making up for that with passive heal output. So if Honor procs from all of that I would think I could keep the buff up all the time.
    Post edited by nether#4450 on
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    Fatal Allure I find to be a bit counter-productive, since it can fling the target behind you and out of range, and/or mess up the direction of the main cone AoE that way. I wouldn't usually take it. The DD adv is good for more AoE control, but that is costing ya dps from SE.

    ERuin technically isn't a blast, but I guess ya mean that ya didn't want too many single-target attacks? That's okay, but relying more on ERuin for ST dps means ya need more energy reserves.

    Ascension is still a pretty fine cd for grouping, so go ahead w/ that. If ya wanna free some adv points, ya could drop a rank from Ebon Void for that.

    As for specs: it'll depend a bit on how much ya value healing and/or debuffing vs. personal dps. Its more ur call on that front.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • nether#4450 nether Posts: 13 Arc User
    flowcyto said:

    Fatal Allure I find to be a bit counter-productive, since it can fling the target behind you and out of range, and/or mess up the direction of the main cone AoE that way. I wouldn't usually take it. The DD adv is good for more AoE control, but that is costing ya dps from SE.

    ERuin technically isn't a blast, but I guess ya mean that ya didn't want too many single-target attacks? That's okay, but relying more on ERuin for ST dps means ya need more energy reserves.

    Ascension is still a pretty fine cd for grouping, so go ahead w/ that. If ya wanna free some adv points, ya could drop a rank from Ebon Void for that.

    As for specs: it'll depend a bit on how much ya value healing and/or debuffing vs. personal dps. Its more ur call on that front.

    I was testing this evening and pretty much same thing is that SE Fatal Allure bounces them right over my head far to often and out of cone damage, so DD should be enough.

    I don't mind taking the hit in dps as long as I can perform my tanking role with this build and hold agro. Theme wise I love the pouring of health over mitigation, including making my tanking provide health to the team while doing it.

    Again, thanks Flowcyto, you have really helped me put my build in perspective.
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