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Gunbunny Blue - Munitions/Storm0

revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 397 Arc User
edited May 2015 in Builds and Roles
Here's Gunbunny Blue, my Munitions/Storm take on my classic Assault Rifle/Storm character from a prior City. Mostly I'm looking for tweaks and adjustments, which I'll discuss after the build. At an actual level of 37, her survivability has taken a slight hit, but I suspect that will improve as I collect actual endgame gear.

PowerHouse (Link to this build)


Archetype: Freeform

Super Stats:
Level 6: Dexterity (Primary)
Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

Level 1: The Soldier
Level 6: Negotiator
Level 9: Impresario
Level 12: Quick Recovery
Level 15: Shooter
Level 18: Ascetic
Level 21: Covert Ops Training

Level 1: Gunslinger
Level 1: Assault Rifle (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 6: Submachinegun Burst (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Quarry (Rank 2, Fair Game)
Level 11: Hurricane (Rank 2, Perfect Storm)
Level 14: Thunderstrike (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Killer Instinct
Level 20: Concentration
Level 23: Resurgence
Level 26: Dust Devil (Rank 2, Triple Threat)
Level 29: Ball Lightning (Rank 2, Triplicity)
Level 32: Telekinetic Shield (Telekinetic Reinforcement)
Level 35: Strafing Run (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 38: Lock N Load

Travel Powers:
Level 6: Athletics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Metallic Ooze Tunneling

Dexterity: Combat Training (3/3)
Dexterity: Gear Utilization (2/3)
Dexterity: Deadly Aim (2/3)
Dexterity: Quick Reflexes (3/3)
Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)
Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: The Rush of Battle (3/3)
Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
Mastery: Dexterity Mastery (1/1)

And on to answer the obvious questions:
Assault Rifle instead of Two Gun Mojo: Thematic preference, really. The question being, would I be better served with Mow 'Em Down over Rank 3?
Quarry: It's a decent passive, and the heal works pretty well at the rate I chew through mooks.
Hurricane: Classic enemy herding isn't really a thing in CO, but some days, the idiots are all around you.
Thunderstrike: It's a spike AoE, with a 100' range. Not a stellar attack, but are any of them? I dropped the Ionic Compression root early on, it just wasn't worth the points.
Killer Instinct: Why yes, I *am* geared for crits. :)
Resurgence: Between Quarry and Rush Of Battle, I think I'm fine on incidental damage. It's the occasional large spikes that get me, which this seems to handle with my Con SS. If tere's a better option, I'm happy to listen.
Dust Devil/Ball Lightning: Thematic fire and forget DoTs that build on one another, moreso if I've tagged the boss with Hurricane. At least my DPS isn't zero while I'm blocking those darned Chest Beams!
Strafing Run: My nuke.a bit random, with short range, but fun. (And my all particle damage Gadgeteer has Orbital Strike)

Dexterity/Guardian/Vindicator: Comfort zone choices, really. No particular love or hate here.

There she is, have at it, folks, and thanks!
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

Supporter of the Titan Project.
Post edited by revanantmorituri on


  • edited April 2015
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  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Drop Fortified Gear on Guardian like a load of bull, and pick up Locus. You have only one non-AoE attack and are using Guardicator. There's no reason at all to go FG over Locus in that case (or ever really, but eh). And also drop it in VIndicator, and go with Offensive Expertise.

    I agree with dropping Modified Gear on Vindicator, disagree with dropping Fortified Gear on Guardian. Almost every one of my toons ends up with 127 Defense from items. I'd rather have 38.1 extra Defense 100% of the time than 49 extra Defense less than half the time. Comes down to personal preference, but it's not a no-brainer.
  • edited April 2015
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  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Heroic primaries with R5 mods, plain purple secondaries. Nothing fancy.

    I used to use Locus on all my toons, but I didn't like the unreliability. Depends on what content you're running, too. I use my 40's to run UNITY missions and lairs; it always seemed like I would hit 30 stacks right when I finished with a mob, then spend the first several seconds of the bonus running to the next mob, and the last several running to the one after that. I'd actually have the bonus up for around half the mobs, usually less.

    If you're just going to be standing in one place DPS'ing Gravitar or F&I, it'll be more worthwhile. Also good on tanks, since you're taking AoE damage as well as giving it. So, like I said, comes down to preference.
  • edited April 2015
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  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    All right, Gunbunny Blue, mark 2:

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)

    Name: Gunbunny Blue

    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Ego (Primary)
    Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
    Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Soldier
    Level 6: Wordly
    Level 9: Impresario
    Level 12: Quick Recovery
    Level 15: Shooter
    Level 18: Acrobat
    Level 21: Martial Training

    Level 1: Gunslinger
    Level 1: Assault Rifle (Rank 2, Mow 'em Down, Accelerated Metabolism)
    Level 6: Submachinegun Burst (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Quarry (Rank 2, Fair Game)
    Level 11: Hurricane (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 14: Killer Instinct
    Level 17: Concentration
    Level 20: Resurgence
    Level 23: Dust Devil (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 26: Ball Lightning (Rank 2, Triplicity)
    Level 29: Force Shield (Force Sheathe)
    Level 32: Strafing Run (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
    Level 38: Palliate (Absolve)

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Athletics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Inky Ooze Tunneling

    Ego: Force of Will (2/2)
    Ego: Insight (3/3)
    Ego: Exploit Opening (2/2)
    Ego: Sixth Sense (3/3)
    Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
    Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)
    Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: The Rush of Battle (3/3)
    Vindicator: Offensive Expertise (2/2)
    Mastery: Ego Mastery (1/1)

    made a lot of the changes as suggested, and I'm surprised how well my energy is holding out despite the droip in my INT. Given my playstyle, I tend to agree with jonesing4: Locus just hasn't been reliable for me in the past.

    Things of note:
    I had one advantage point left, so i had to toss it someplace. Accelerated Metabolisim in AR ticks more often than in Hurricane.
    I kept Strafing Run: my play style works well with the occassional nuke
    Telekinetic Shield got swapped with Force Shield for the additional energy recovery.
    I miss having a 100' range AoE Alpha strike, but for the time being, I'll cope.
    But my survivability has gone up, even though i've had no gear changes beyond swapping some mods to support Ego, which accomplishes my original goal.

    And because you've all helped, here's one of Gunbunny Blue's promotional stills.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

    Supporter of the Titan Project.
  • edited May 2015
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