So I have been playing this game a while, and spending most of my time making, playing, deleting, and remaking sub level 20 alts. I did finally find a character I enjoyed enough to get to level 40: my main, Professor. Professor, inspired by do-it-all geniuses like Doctor Doom, started as a Con/Pre Power Armor/Gadgeteer character, and is now a Con/Int/Ego Power Armor/Gadgeteer/Sorcery Tank.
I had a lot of fun with him, up until I fought Vikorin the Blind. Well, I hear he's been nerfed since then, but I'm now feeling the same problems with Gravitar: being a super tank is very fun until something one-shots you.
So what I am looking for is a little advice with my build. Right now it's pretty badly unoptimized, but my priorities are PvE tanking, self-reliance, and theme. I'd like first of all to know if there's any glaring errors, or if there's something I should take to be a better tank. I hear people say they can solo Gravitar or Teleiosaurus or whatever as a Tank, and I certainly can't, so I'd like to know what I did wrong.
(Link to this build)Name: ProfessorArchetype: FreeformSuper Stats:Level 6: Constitution (Primary)Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)Level 15: Ego (Secondary)Talents:Level 1: The InvincibleLevel 6: AcademicsLevel 9: Healthy MindLevel 12: AsceticLevel 15: Field Ops TrainingLevel 18: BrilliantLevel 21: EnduringPowers:Level 1: Sonic Blaster (Refraction of Sound)Level 1: Tactical Missiles (Blast Radius, Crippling Challenge)Level 6: Invulnerability (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 8: Mini Gun (Rank 2, U-238 Rounds, Challenging Strikes)Level 11: UnbreakableLevel 14: Support Drones (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 17: Force Shield (Force Sheathe)Level 20: Inertial Dampening Field (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 23: Circle of Primal Dominion (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 26: ConvictionLevel 29: Orbital Cannon (Anvil of Dawn)Level 32: Divine Renewal (Radiant Renewal)Level 35: OverdriveLevel 38: RebirthTravel Powers:Level 6: Jet Boots (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 35: Lightning FlashSpecializations:Constitution: Unyielding (2/2)Constitution: Fuel My Fire (1/3)Constitution: Resilient (2/2)Constitution: Quick Healing (3/3)Constitution: Armored (2/2)Protector: Fortified Gear (3/3)Protector: Bulwark (2/2)Protector: Defensive Expertise (3/3)Protector: Resolute (2/3)Commander: Evasive Action (2/2)Commander: Multitasker (3/3)Commander: Durable (2/3)Commander: Relief (3/3)Mastery: Protector Mastery (1/1)
One of the ideas I was toying with was taking Guardian instead of commander, just for 'The Best Defense', but I have been saved by my drones so many times I am afraid to weaken them any.
Not sure what you could do to be more survivable except perhaps boost the Block replacer's strength.... I've only just started dabbling with it, but Reconstruction Circuits is a heal-over-time power armor chest slot that APPEARS to work even while you're blocking (which normally interrupts power armor toggle maintains). So you could block (ideally with an augmented block) and trigger the Recon-Circuits to heal up while blocking --- instead of actually USING a heal, which would leave you open to NEW incoming damage while healing.
Also, are you running in Protector mode? Not just hybrid mode? That might play a role, too.
Imagine: Form of the Tempest, Devour Essence, Circle of Primal Dominion, with Defiance and Supernatural Power, using CON/Dex/Rec
CON gives you heal on crit, knock resist, and insane HP/Defense.
Using Protector and Guardian/Warden (for The Best Defense...I also use the AoE resist one) pile even more Defense/Offense on.
Now, what does all this do?
Unlimited Energy (Form + SNP + Rec + Defiance + Energy cost reduction Primary Utility + 1 point in the energy return on hit from CON)
Constant Healing (DE + Circle + Crits with Dex and crit-based Primary Offense)
Constant Damage (Form stacking + DE)
Insane Defense (Defiance stacks with rediculous CON)
I have 10 dodge and 20 avoidance (given), with 17k hp (I use all +HP Primary/Secondaries that have it available)
Remember: Half the people you know are below average...
Do not correct a fool, for he will hate you for it. Correct a wise man, for he will appreciate you for it.
Don't be like the Qularr. They would not last one round in the Interstellar Galactic Arena...
Handle @brayv
I don't know if you are still being ones shotted by grav, if so then there are some guides that describe how to avoid the one attack she has that can oneshot a tank. Of course there will be times when you can not avoid it and you need to block, if you are oneshotted through your block, you need to rank your block.
The commander spec tree is only really useful when you have tons of pets, for only drones it is not an optimal choice.
For heals, reconstructing circuits and/or bionic shielding should work.
For a rez, in my experience rezzing someone while you have agro is pretty hard, you will be interrupted all the time. So for a rez power on a tank I'd use the power with the lowest charge time, which is serum.