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Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Super News Network
Blow away villains everywhere with this new Premium Archetype, using the brand new Wind Power Set!

Link to the news article.
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Running lairs will be a breeze
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Running lairs will be a breeze

    Good!, Goooood!, let the pun flow through you my young apprentice!.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    Hmmmm.... debating on respecing Tiyshen to include some the new wind powers.....

    Decisions.... decisions....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Good!, Goooood!, let the pun flow through you my young apprentice!.


    Oooh does this mean i get to become 6' 6" and covered in black suede? Nice

    Tiyshen wrote:

    Hmmmm.... debating on respecing Tiyshen to include some the new wind powers.....

    Decisions.... decisions....

    oh cool, I'll make a Squall, and maybe sometime we can hang out and shoot the breeze.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Running lairs will be a breeze
    I'll have to make sure my speedster slows down whenever there's a Squall ahead of me, though.

    Everyone knows it's impolite to pass Wind in public...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Tiyshen wrote:

    Hmmmm.... debating on respecing Tiyshen to include some the new wind powers.....

    Decisions.... decisions....

    Doooo eeeet. You'll...
    puts on shades
    ... blow everyone away.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    With these new powers, villains will break like the wind.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    A lot of Fans here of the Wind powerset!.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Bah Humbug!

    These posts blow!

    Just a bunch of replies filled with nothing but hot air!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Kinda makes me feel like an airhead that I didn't think of this stuff first XD.

    Ah well, at least the Wind set went live before the s*** hit the fan! We all know how hard the Devs work to clear the air after anything goes wrong!

    Loving the set too! And I haven't been around as much, so for me, it practically got pulled out of thin air. :) Time to scatter some villains to the winds!


    Whoa... think I overdid it... that practically knocked the wind out of me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Tiyshen wrote:
    Hmmmm.... debating on respecing Tiyshen to include some the new wind powers.....

    Decisions.... decisions....

    In time, you will learn to trust your felines. Then, you will be invincible!.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    JonSills wrote:
    I'll have to make sure my speedster slows down whenever there's a Squall ahead of me, though.

    Everyone knows it's impolite to pass Wind in public...

    You have no idea how hard it was for me to not make a joke similar to this in the news post...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This thread makes me giggle...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    StormShade wrote:
    You have no idea how hard it was for me to not make a joke similar to this in the news post...

    awww come on Stormshade I thought you had more class :P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Hm... does Wind Reverberation get triggered by Concussor Beam?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    baileyw75 wrote:
    Bah Humbug!

    These posts blow!

    Just a bunch of replies filled with nothing but hot air!

    Not sure if cirrus...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Dark83 wrote:
    Hm... does Wind Reverberation get triggered by Concussor Beam?

    Hmm, we will have to figure stuff like this out of course :).

    But don't worry, I'm sure we'll get the blow-by-blow here on the forums. Someone's bound to detail all the easy-breezy goodness in the Combat and Powers section.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I was going to blast this thread for its unmitigated gale, but I gust I'll have to go with the flow on it, for what zephyr that's worth to you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I'm disgusted by these puns
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Dark83 wrote:
    Hm... does Wind Reverberation get triggered by Concussor Beam?

    Since I have no ability to pun (It's my secret weakness), I shall answer this seriously.

    Yes any repel in any form counts, and it counts even if it doesn't repel so long as it attempts to. I don't know if applies to 'suction' powers which ARE repels just reversed like Ebon Rift or Gadget's T4
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Now the question... what will you name your new Wind toon?

    I think I will call dibs on "Cirrus Business." A local weatherman by day... ruthless mercenary by night. His Nemesis could be Rob Mahogany. lol

    I'm sure there are better ideas out there, though. Share yours! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Augusta Wind
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Rastille wrote:
    Now the question... what will you name your new Wind toon?

    I think I will call dibs on "Cirrus Business." A local weatherman by day... ruthless mercenary by night. His Nemesis could be Rob Mahogany. lol

    I'm sure there are better ideas out there, though. Share yours! :D

    I'm planning on bringing my wind tester off PTS and adding Ice & Elec to her. I still need to decide on powers but with wind out she'll be easier to layout.

    Name wise:

    Weather Ma'am: Mistress of Meteorology

    Name's a bit goofy but I was staring at the girl I made and couldn't think of a name. I wound up liking this one though.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Well now I guess when i'm fighting with people unleashing their wind powers behind me attacking baddies while I attack those in front of me, I guess i'll truly will have the wind at my back.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Man, it's a good thing I'm on vacation and can't read any of these horrible puns.
    They might have taken the wind out of the holidays for me. . .

    I feel so dirty . . .
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Ah, it wouldn't be a superhero game without a hurricane of puns!

    Also, I have sneaking suspicion someone's already made a wind toon called it "Silent Wind of Doom"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I'm seriously considering a new toon named Boogie Wonderland with earth, wind, and fire powers. I can't resist!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    There's a typo on the Archetypes page. The Squall is called The Scourge.

    Just saying.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Eldrake2 wrote:
    There's a typo on the Archetypes page. The Squall is called The Scourge.

    Just saying.

    Why must you rain on our parade?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    LoL! Punny puns!! :p Hello! I came back today to check the newness of a lot of good stuff thats been installed! I have a question about a freeform charcter that I have with electricity powers. I dont see that power name anymore or is it renamed to something different? Im silver atm...thinking about resubbing to play the electricity powers she has. she was awesome before I left. been a good year and then some since i was last here. do i need to do a respec to get back up to speed?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    Man, it's a good thing I'm on vacation and can't read any of these horrible puns.
    They might have taken the wind out of the holidays for me. . .

    I feel so dirty . . .

    *activates crystal wand to banish Tumerboy to the Puntom Zone™*.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    On this page (http://www.champions-online.com/archetypes) the squall archetype is named the scourge.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Gaelyn wrote:
    On this page (http://www.champions-online.com/archetypes) the squall archetype is named the scourge.

    See, SEE!
    Even Cryptics own web page didnt' want to suffer the name of "The Squall"!

    Take this message to heart Cryptic!
    Rename the AT "The Storm"!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Gaelyn wrote:
    On this page (http://www.champions-online.com/archetypes) the squall archetype is named the scourge.

    Tempest! ty for this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Some little things on the website (not sure where to put this)
    Archetypes page:
    1. 'The Squall' link at the top links to The Unleashed. I guess someone forgot to change the link.
    2. 'The Scourge' text appears in the list of premium archetypes twice, once where 'The Squall' should be.

    I suppose the coders were just too excited to get the wind powers up and running! :3
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Hearing LOTS of good things about this power set so well done to Team Cryptic. Would test it out myself by I've got another toon at 38 and am determined to make him my first level 40 character.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Drykid wrote:
    Hearing LOTS of good things about this power set so well done to Team Cryptic. Would test it out myself by I've got another toon at 38 and am determined to make him my first level 40 character.

    Haven't bothered with anything else than Hurricane, but that power alone is really worth it. Leveled a toon from
    11 to 33 last night (with Halloween exp bonus) :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Hurricane is immensely overpowered, enjoy it while it lasts guys. I find the new wind powers SUPER FUN!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I wouldn't say "immensely" but I do foresee a substantial energy per tick rebalance coming for it. With Second Wind, I mean "Wind Reverb" it's just excellent synergy.

    If anything, Hurricane proves Cryptic can design a power set that works if they want to, as opposed to say, Power Armor or Celestial.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Holgast wrote:
    Hurricane is immensely overpowered, enjoy it while it lasts guys. I find the new wind powers SUPER FUN!

    Being overpowered .. i think i read that in my job description as a Superhero :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    sjg1275 wrote:
    Tempest! ty for this.

    That's what I assumed it was going to be called. I was kinda surprised they went with Squall.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    That's what I assumed it was going to be called. I was kinda surprised they went with Squall.
    Well, they kind of used Tempest already (apparently under the assumption that anyone who used Electrical powers wanted to be Storm, not Livewire).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    JonSills wrote:
    Well, they kind of used Tempest already (apparently under the assumption that anyone who used Electrical powers wanted to be Storm, not Livewire).

    Hmm... looky at that. No wonder it sounded familiar LOL!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Since the power Hurricane also first was named Squall the AT should maybe also be named The Hurricane ;)

    The Storm is maybe too much Marvelish :o
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Loving the new wind powers.

    I was seriously tempted to make a Squall and name him "Leonhart", but then I realized if I did, I'd have to punch myself each time I played him.

    Attachment not found.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Beldin2 wrote:
    Since the power Hurricane also first was named Squall the AT should maybe also be named The Hurricane ;)
    Then they could license the Scorpions song for the video, if they haven't already... :)

    Edit: Actually, one of two songs - either "Rock You Like a Hurricane", or "Winds of Change". :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Loving the new wind powers.

    I was seriously tempted to make a Squall and name him "Leonhart", but then I realized if I did, I'd have to punch myself each time I played him.

    Attachment not found.


    Well, at least the AT isn't called "The Cloud".


    Attachment not found.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    JonSills wrote:
    Then they could license the Scorpions song for the video, if they haven't already... :)

    Edit: Actually, one of two songs - either "Rock You Like a Hurricane", or "Winds of Change". :D

    yes, this will be a real "moment of glory" :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This set really makes me want to restart my first character.

    "Green, black and blue; colors in the sky!
    The storm of justice, blowing evil away!
    Kaze Ningen Chou!"

    I miss my little butterfly. But I can't bring her back yet... Not until The Mad Banana stops being mad at her... :(
  • benoitbenoit Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I wouldn't say "immensely" but I do foresee a substantial energy per tick rebalance coming for it. With Second Wind, I mean "Wind Reverb" it's just excellent synergy.

    If anything, Hurricane proves Cryptic can design a power set that works if they want to, as opposed to say, Power Armor or Celestial.

    Is the squall, the one with the wind powers any good?
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