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Are the holy trinity roles dead in 5man elite content?

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Power Discussion
So I managed to get myself into something of an argument in the MC Powerhouse zone chat last night...

I had been talking about building a toon capable of full-time healing (which I then referred to as a "dedicated healer", which triggered the flames). The argument being put forward to me was that I was wasting my time thinking about such things, apparently because the only valid measurement of my contribution in a theoretical 5-man elite run is my damage output, which had to be at a bare minimum 100k damage per minute. Apparently they weren't even interested in taking "tanky" heroes either. They were apparently used to running as a team 5 generalists who could all take a beating and heal themselves.

I would like to hear the opinions of a broader sample of people, so I'm bringing this question here: Is there any value in this game, as it stands today, for heroes in 5-man elite content specialising into "Holy Trinity" roles? Not to the exclusion of all else ofcourse, but if I wanted to build a glass cannon, or perhaps a hero that is perfectly capable of soloing but focuses primarily on healing once inside a lair, would I just be wasting my time?
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    100K damage per minute? I have no idea how a non pure DPS could ever do that.

    Yes, there are a lot of people who can deal good damage and hold their own against hard hitting bosses, however those arn't the only builds that should be around.

    Every time I've done TT we had

    1. Healer

    2. Tank

    3. DPS

    4. DPS

    5. DPS

    Or it was something like that anyway. Pure healers can actually be very useful. I was never scared for a second that we would wipe on him even on Elite. In fact no one even died, and that's with 3 "glass canons" on the team.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    TT's Temple is actually easiest on Elite with 1 Tank, 1 DPS and 3 Healers. But the Best Setup is..

    1 Tank, 1 Ranged DPS, 1 Melee/ Survivable DPS, 1 Healer, 1 Hybrid
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I've done TT Elite with no one in the trinity. There's not really a "best" setup, and a healer isn't wasted. It just means that DPS/tanks that would normally be using block and controls don't have to as much.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Celestia? i saw that conversation. the point is you cant really create 100% healer.
    Theres not enough powers with so many uses to create 100% heal only character.

    "The healer" - Should be hero which will be responsible to heal if something bad happens, and maybe to free DPS from using their self heals (BCR for ex. reduce dmg done by 10%)

    ...But theres no mana like in other MMOs so you don't really have to just wait to fill the health bar. In meantime you should deal damage. (Even check passive like seraphim, increases healing and damage)

    In the end its about the fact that Any Free-form hero in CO is 2in1 class. (Theres no 100% tanks either, 100% DPS always have some survival tools simply because they don't need more Damage powers)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I have a full team support character, but I will still advise to take some good attacks so you are able to solo some content in case you need to. Even with the healer hate going around, a lot of teams are scared to enter most 5 man instaces without some kind of support character.

    Granted a full healer isn't need on normal, it is always nice to have. The worst that will happen is that you end up on a dps team where everyone chickens out and switch to protector with regen (yes this happened to me once). Now you would be bored without some attacks.

    For build advice, I suggest you run an hybrid support/dps with seraphim until the 30s (or even at 40) then switch to full support as there isn't many instances (except adventure packs) that need a full healer to be done.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Most likely the problem is when you said 'dedicated healer' as most people equate that to their days of playing Whack-A-Mole with health bars in raids. Many also have probably played City of Heroes/Villains where 'dedicated healers' were either shunned, laughed at or otherwise looked down upon due to the sheer number of buffs/debuffs that allowed full teams to steamroll content with minimal healing required.

    Just like when picking damage powers, you don't typically need more than one or two heals for healing others on a support toon. My level 40 support toon has 3 heals total. Iniquity as her only way of healing others, Conviction and BCR as ways of healing herself. The rest of her support comes from buffs (AoRP, IDF) and debuffs (Ebon sigils). Oh, and a rez which you may or may not construe as a heal.

    As far as the 100k damage a minute "requirement" goes... don't bother listening to that kind of crap. Sustained DPS of about 1667 without an offensive passive is possible, but it generally requires use of high STR and Enrage or high DEX and a Focus toggle w/ melee powers. The majority of players in CO do not have a combat log parser. I think a lot of people would be surprised at their actual sustained DPS numbers.

    For those interested in the Cryptic combat log parser:

    /combatlog 1 <-command used to start logging
    /combatlog 0 <-command used to stop logging

    Open the Combatlog file with the parser which can be found Cryptic Studios\Champions Online\Live\logs\GameClient
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Well if I had to hazard a guess, the reason it started a fight/flame war was probably the combination of two specific things: zone chat and the term "Dedicated Healer". The first because because you are always going to find the people with the strongest and loudest opinions freely giving them, and the latter because a lot of people, justified or not, are rather ...allergic to that term.

    As to the question proper, 5mans elite or otherwise do not need the holy trinity roles but nor are they wasted/inconvenienced by them. You can run TT with a Healer/Tank/DPS, or you can run it with 5 self sufficient hybrids. Both work, they just work differently.

    As was touched on above the issue is more with the issue of what "Dedicated Healer" means to people. I would guess from what you posted it means more along the lines of "When people need healing, I will heal and when no ones need healing, I'll do something in the interim like damage, control, etc." However, the image people having in their head when someone says "Dedicated Healer" is someone who heals the group when healing is needed, but then sits around or follows and does nothing until someone needs healing again. Again, right or wrong, this is the perception of that term because there are some people that try to do this.

    Ultimately? If you wanted some advice on the matter, I'd just a different term for such a character. Support, or Healer, or Support Hybrid, whatever. It might seem a bit silly or unnecessary but this way it at least puts across that during those times when there isn't anyone who really needs healing, which will happen at least now and again, it's understood that you'll have something else useful that you're willing to do.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Jobrry wrote:
    100K damage per minute? I have no idea how a non pure DPS could ever do that.

    Yes, there are a lot of people who can deal good damage and hold their own against hard hitting bosses, however those arn't the only builds that should be around.

    Every time I've done TT we had

    1. Healer

    2. Tank

    3. DPS

    4. DPS

    5. DPS

    Or it was something like that anyway. Pure healers can actually be very useful. I was never scared for a second that we would wipe on him even on Elite. In fact no one even died, and that's with 3 "glass canons" on the team.

    I have like 3 tanks thats could pull it off, they can also solo the 5 man lairs at their respective level. Exept for therakiel's temple, but can manage to get past Valerian Scarlet solo.

    My fire tank can pull off 2k dmg per second which is 120k per minute.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    just throwing this out there, seemingly at random...

    what healers are in the super hero comics?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    A dedicated healer is pretty much a waste of time and space.

    (A dedicated healer meaning a character that focuses purely on healing, and has no significant contribution to offer other than healing.)

    In addition to being not a superhero comic staple, its simply not needed in this game. You can make an effective character capable of healing and having a worthwhile damage output.

    Simply calling yourself a supporting healer, would have probably generated an entirely different discussion. Avoid the term, and concept as described above, and you'll be good.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    just throwing this out there, seemingly at random...

    what healers are in the super hero comics?

    One of the new xmen or maybe two specifically lean towards healing others.

    Then you have heroes tv show with Linderman, claire and adam.
    In addition to being not a superhero comic staple, its simply not needed in this game. You can make an effective character capable of healing and having a worthwhile damage output.
    Thats an outright lie. When you say it isn't being a stample your being an idiot, how many powers are staples?

    Pyrokinesis? Hmm I'd say in the main brands only up to 6 or so people have that as their sole power.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ezoran wrote:
    just throwing this out there, seemingly at random...

    what healers are in the super hero comics?

    Elixir from one of the many incarnations of the xmen also was a healer when he was gold skinned.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    IDK, I'd have to agree with him, Frozen, at least as I understand the usage of the word "staple" in this context. Most (read: the majority) of the healers in comic stories I've read wouldn't be doing it on the fly in battle anyway. Tends to be the kind of thing that puts a person out of commission when they have to devote a large portion of their ...essence, if you will, to reviving the injured/dead party.

    Hell, if we're going to argue canon rather than MMO strategies, though, we could all be here longer than most of us have....

    *edit: OP, why not just make the toon you wanna make and forget what everyone else thinks... I'd imagine if I'd opened a can of worms like that you'd have seen me doing the whole hunker-and-slink thing out of the powerhouse, while whistling lol :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Drachwin wrote:
    Elixir from one of the many incarnations of the xmen also was a healer when he was gold skinned.
    There are certainly a small number of healers in comics. However, they most certainly aren't common enough to form a leg of a 'trinity' -- broadly speaking, the trinity in comics, if there is one, is tank/dps/skill twit.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I have found as a celestial that when I'm running AORP for the group my skarns bane and conduit just don't make the grade in Elite Therakiels Temple so I just dedicated myself to pure healing (default target tank). Last time I was in there I actually killed errm 2 serviteurs whilst fighting Baron wossisname. Other than that my contribution to damage total was less than optimum shall we say.
    Bottom line we won - I healed, I rezzed (a little) I gave AORP but almost no DPS.
    Advantage to this being that in the many mob fights I can be in the middle of a raging hellstorm but draw no aggro so no one attacks me. Even in the boss fights I only get bugged by AOE's I've gotten too close to. So I can maintain constant healing and concentrate on the team rather than the enemy.
    If we were doing it on normal then I might be more tempted to run seraphim and or/add to the DPS output but it would take the AORP sentinel so long to do anything to the average nasty on Elite I just thought sod it I got better things to do than make trouble for myself.
    When I'm soloing it's Seraphim and good DPS even in Sentinel but in a team I have to make compromises, people like AORP on their healers and I can understand why. Tanks often have to compromise their DPS in order to be good tanks and I figure this is more of the same.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alex33x wrote:
    I have like 3 tanks thats could pull it off, they can also solo the 5 man lairs at their respective level. Exept for therakiel's temple, but can manage to get past Valerian Scarlet solo.

    My fire tank can pull off 2k dmg per second which is 120k per minute.

    It's unlikely that you can do 120k damage per minute on a fire tank, you should check out the combatlog parser in Falchoin's post. Real dps numbers are usually 1/4 - 1/2 of these "theoretical maximums" like you quoted, so about 500 - 1000 real dps is the likely outcome.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    isometry wrote:
    It's unlikely that you can do 120k damage per minute on a fire tank, you should check out the combatlog parser in Falchoin's post. Real dps numbers are usually 1/4 - 1/2 of these "theoretical maximums" like you quoted, so about 500 - 1000 real dps is the likely outcome.


    Even my min/maxed purely offensive Fire build cannot sustain 2k DPS for a full fight. A tank hybrid will not have anywhere near his DPS. Finding true DPS over a longer period of time, like a Cosmic fight, is dwindled a lot by stopping to block, casting heals/bubbles, and general moving around downtime. That is also assuming that you NEVER are using your END builder...again, highly unlikely because even with proper innates and END return mechanics "Stuff Happens" - flashfire misclicks, CD gets triggered prematurely, etc.

    I would be surprised if a Fire/Tank can break even 400 DPS against Shadow Destroyer. Just him being untargetable during the transforms DRAMATICALLY lowers your DPS...its adds a lot of seconds worth of "0" damage :p.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Heh... I really should have left out the summary of the original ingame discussion from my original post. Some people are still trying to convince me not to build a pure healer, even though it never was and still isn't my intention.
    Falchoin wrote:
    Most likely the problem is when you said 'dedicated healer' as most people equate that to their days of playing Whack-A-Mole with health bars in raids.
    Yep, we did end up clarifying what I meant near the end of the conversation. I had meant to imply "a toon that could dedicate itself to healing from time to time" as opposed to "an entire build that is dedicated to healing only". I have learned from my faux pax, but the entire event did leave me wondering what general opinion was on what currents opinion on the "endgame" (lol) roles are.
    Falchoin wrote:
    Just like when picking damage powers, you don't typically need more than one or two heals for healing others on a support toon. My level 40 support toon has 3 heals total. Iniquity as her only way of healing others, Conviction and BCR as ways of healing herself. The rest of her support comes from buffs (AoRP, IDF) and debuffs (Ebon sigils). Oh, and a rez which you may or may not construe as a heal.
    Yeah I had been hovering around that many healing powers in my build as well.
    Falchoin wrote:
    For those interested in the Cryptic combat log parser:
    Woah! Nice! Thanks.
    Nerfpl wrote:
    Celestia? i saw that conversation. the point is you cant really create 100% healer.
    Theres not enough powers with so many uses to create 100% heal only character.

    "The healer" - Should be hero which will be responsible to heal if something bad happens, and maybe to free DPS from using their self heals
    Nerfpl wrote:
    In the end its about the fact that Any Free-form hero in CO is 2in1 class.
    I was Raven@Sungrass. I agree completely with your statements, and it was never my intention to build anything other than what you describe. I used the wrong word, I know. It feels a little surreal being given the same advice I'm usually dispensing to others.
    Another wrote:
    OP, why not just make the toon you wanna make and forget what everyone else thinks... I'd imagine if I'd opened a can of worms like that you'd have seen me doing the whole hunker-and-slink thing out of the powerhouse, while whistling lol :p
    Well, because there's no point building something into your hero that isn't going to get used. This toon always has been and always will be a DPS/heal hybrid, but whether the heal component can only handle occasional incidental healing, or whether it's strong enough that I could keep a party of 5 alive through anything that might get thrown at them, is up for debate.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    isometry wrote:
    It's unlikely that you can do 120k damage per minute on a fire tank, you should check out the combatlog parser in Falchoin's post. Real dps numbers are usually 1/4 - 1/2 of these "theoretical maximums" like you quoted, so about 500 - 1000 real dps is the likely outcome.

    well my conflagas hit for 1k someitmes even more per tick thats 2k per sec, add around 165 from flashfire nad around 125 add firesnake, flashfire to that and there you go. Meet me in game if you dont believe it.

    Just tesetd it btw, on the lv 40 dummies in the PH, they have 22k hp and it takes me 6 seconds to drop them. So yeah, my conflaga dmg by hovering over it it's 724, fire snake 125 and flash fire 165. this is withotu buffs and debuffs on enemies.

    I just used flashfire, fire snake with unstable accelerant and dealed 12k dmg in 11 seconds. So that should give you an idea. Again this was on the lv 40 test dummies at the PH.

    Once I get unstable accelerant on, firesnake debuff my conflag goes up to 1.3k fire snake to 190-200 and flashfire to 245. Now add the extra dmg from clinging flames and there we go. I may even do more dmg than what Im claiming.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alex33x wrote:
    well my conflagas hit for 1k someitmes even more per tick thats 2k per sec, add around 165 from flashfire nad around 125 add firesnake, flashfire to that and there you go. Meet me in game if you dont believe it.

    Look, I believe that your conflag ticks for over 1k, but that is not the same as doing 120k damage in a minute. Doing a calculation is totally different from actually fighting a boss and doing that much damage.

    There's no reason to debate. Just use /combatlog 1, fight a boss (for example Ripper in Viper Lair, or Qwyjibo on PTS), and load the combatlog.log file into the program that Falchoin linked. If we meet up in game, it won't be in the powerhouse to show me how high your conflag ticks on a dummy, instead we will go fight an actual boss and I'll combat log the fight to measure actual DPS. Or you could just log it yourself, up to you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    isometry wrote:
    Look, I believe that your conflag ticks for over 1k, but that is not the same as doing 120k damage in a minute. Doing a calculation is totally different from actually fighting a boss and doing that much damage.

    There's no reason to debate. Just use /combatlog 1, fight a boss (for example Ripper in Viper Lair, or Qwyjibo on PTS), and load the combatlog.log file into the program that Falchoin linked. If we meet up in game, it won't be in the powerhouse to show me how high your conflag ticks on a dummy, instead we will go fight an actual boss and I'll combat log the fight to measure actual DPS. Or you could just log it yourself, up to you.

    Ok just did a test with Falchoin my dmg was 1,542 per sec 92,820 per minute against kigatilik. tried ripper afterewards and my dmg was 1756per sec 105,360 per minute Against regular mobs its much higer Falchoin can back me up on this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Sungrass wrote:
    So I managed to get myself into something of an argument in the MC Powerhouse zone chat last night...

    I had been talking about building a toon capable of full-time healing (which I then referred to as a "dedicated healer", which triggered the flames). The argument being put forward to me was that I was wasting my time thinking about such things, apparently because the only valid measurement of my contribution in a theoretical 5-man elite run is my damage output, which had to be at a bare minimum 100k damage per minute. Apparently they weren't even interested in taking "tanky" heroes either. They were apparently used to running as a team 5 generalists who could all take a beating and heal themselves.

    I would like to hear the opinions of a broader sample of people, so I'm bringing this question here: Is there any value in this game, as it stands today, for heroes in 5-man elite content specialising into "Holy Trinity" roles? Not to the exclusion of all else ofcourse, but if I wanted to build a glass cannon, or perhaps a hero that is perfectly capable of soloing but focuses primarily on healing once inside a lair, would I just be wasting my time?

    I say this every time someone asks in zone chat, it's not being a 'dedicated' healer that's the problem, it's.. thinking that exists. it's more.. the "healing" set in the game (celestial), also has a damage component on about half of it's powers (if you target an enemy, it hurts them, friendly, it heals.) -- so you are getting a damage power with your healing.

    Stack this with the fact that most people have active defenses or self heals, and you end up with a condundrum -- while healing is VERY useful at staying alive, most people have some self-sufficiency, so instead of playing bounce-the-bar like in other games, you are spot healing, keeping them up when their defenses are down or when a big attack is coming

    When they aren't? You attack. you don't have to be l33t dps, but.. if you aren't using the damage half of your heals when you aren't healing.. you are going to be standing around a lot doing nothing, which in turn does make you dead weight.

    So yea, while that guy was just a douche, he is right in one sense

    Now a dedicated SUPPORT hero is possible, I mean, you wouldn't be able to solo your way out of a paper bag, but.. healing, when not healing controlling and debuffing.

    Edit: and as a second note, healers aren't a comic book staple because how comic books work. The good guys never really "lose", if they get defeated, it's a strategic defeat (they're attacking the robots put in the south as a distraction while xanatos' armies conquer the north!) -- because a true "defeat" -- death, would end the series or be a major turning point in an arc, not something common enough to have someone pop out as a healer (seriously, remember the original batgirl? how she became oracle? because "I don't want anyone healing me until the technology is available to the masses!" -- now, you are going to tell me that with all the supertech flying around in the DCU, bruce wayne couldn't drop a few million and have a mass-produced cybernetic spine replacement? Her "injury" was a plot device to kill off batgirl) -- the healers that do exist are mostly there for collateral containment. "OH NO HE'S KILLED 30 CIVILIANS AND WOUNDED 300 MORE, IF ONLY SOMEONE COULD SAVE THEM!"

    That said, they're more common in anime where getting defeated isn't a bad thing -- double so in shounen where getting defeated just means you get a training montage and a new host of powers -- as such people who can lessen downtime appear there.

    Gamewise? we get defeated all the time, just because it's not a comic book staple doesn't mean it's not an ingame staple.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alex33x wrote:
    well my conflagas hit for 1k someitmes even more per tick thats 2k per sec, add around 165 from flashfire nad around 125 add firesnake, flashfire to that and there you go. Meet me in game if you dont believe it.

    Just tesetd it btw, on the lv 40 dummies in the PH, they have 22k hp and it takes me 6 seconds to drop them. So yeah, my conflaga dmg by hovering over it it's 724, fire snake 125 and flash fire 165. this is withotu buffs and debuffs on enemies.

    I just used flashfire, fire snake with unstable accelerant and dealed 12k dmg in 11 seconds. So that should give you an idea. Again this was on the lv 40 test dummies at the PH.

    Once I get unstable accelerant on, firesnake debuff my conflag goes up to 1.3k fire snake to 190-200 and flashfire to 245. Now add the extra dmg from clinging flames and there we go. I may even do more dmg than what Im claiming.

    Don't forget that bosses have more defenses then a test dummy, and you cannot compare a 10 second DPS maintain to a full prolonged boss fight.

    My pre-patch build exceeded your firesnake buffed numbers with just conflag/UA and still could not sustain 2K DPS in a real boss fight. On the contrary, in fights like Shadow Destroyer I rarely passed 600 total DPS - even when my total damage far outweighed anyone else on the team.

    I have numbers and graphs to prove this :).

    **edit** My new build has even higher DPS, but has only been used a few times so far and has not done any lairs yet
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ezoran wrote:
    just throwing this out there, seemingly at random...

    what healers are in the super hero comics?

    Raven, in the Teen Titans, had some minor ability to heal, but it sure didn't work like any healing power in CO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I've done quite a bit of logging of teleiosaurus fights. A top-end tank can probably manage 40-60,000 dpm while tanking, maybe 60-80,000 if not tanking. Top-end dps specs generally ranged from 90-120,000 dpm. All of those numbers would be somewhat higher on a less dangerous boss, such as Kigatilik, and lower on a boss who really spams the area effect CC, such as Qwyjibo. These are pre-F2P numbers, so they'd be somewhat different now, but probably in the same general range.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Don't forget that bosses have more defenses then a test dummy, and you cannot compare a 10 second DPS maintain to a full prolonged boss fight.

    My pre-patch build exceeded your firesnake buffed numbers with just conflag/UA and still could not sustain 2K DPS in a real boss fight. On the contrary, in fights like Shadow Destroyer I rarely passed 600 total DPS - even when my total damage far outweighed anyone else on the team.

    I have numbers and graphs to prove this :).

    **edit** My new build has even higher DPS, but has only been used a few times so far and has not done any lairs yet

    You should look at my post above...... still managed 100k per minute on boss fights and, I was main tank and still got the highest DPS. Off tank as just dpser I could probably manage bigger numbers, but I tank with damage, which makes it hard.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I once tanked kigatilik on my brawler build when I was using Dragons Claws.
    We did Kigatilik like 4 times; by the time we were on the last I had perfected my rhythm. The tank that was there could not get aggro from me, and with the support we had on the team, we didnt need a *tank* so I just kept aggro.

    I pulled 3.7k DPS on that last fight according to Falchoins log.

    So, with proper support (a good debuff/buffhealer build), it is possible for a DPS to tank through sheer damage.

    That was with Dragons Claws critting for 12k-15k and nearly non stop charging them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alex33x wrote:
    You should look at my post above...... still managed 100k per minute on boss fights and, I was main tank and still got the highest DPS. Off tank as just dpser I could probably manage bigger numbers, but I tank with damage, which makes it hard.
    Potence wrote:
    I pulled 3.7k DPS on that last fight according to Falchoins log.

    So, with proper support (a good debuff/buffhealer build), it is possible for a DPS to tank through sheer damage.

    That was with Dragons Claws critting for 12k-15k and nearly non stop charging them.

    I'd really like to see either of these actually happen in game. The numbers you two are talking about just aren't possible to sustain constantly. You may get spikes up in this range, but not over the course of an entire fight.

    Perhaps if you actually tried using some of the tanking advantages that exist in the game instead of trying to tank through DPS, you may find your job a bit easier. Ryno wrote an entire guide for it. Because all it would take is for someone like Puck, who's running a Fire Toon in Avenger, or for you to block for 3 seconds to stop Valerian's Death Laser, and aggro will be peeled off of you ever single fight.

    And as for 12-15K Dragon's Claws, There's no way you're doing that regularly. My main (pre-F2P) was pushing around 280 Dex and Ego, leaving me with very precious-little else for stats, leaving my under 100 Con and with only around 40 Rec. I also had 2 items to raise my crit severity , giving me a 35% Crit Rate and 101% crit severity. There really is no way you could possibly gear yourself any more into those two stats, unless I gave up my 20 rec on my Primary Offense for +7 more Dex by switching to a SL Blue, but that would have increased my damage by ~0.02% from Dex and wouldn't have budged my crit rate. In Brawler, with WotEW and without Laser Knight or BCR to detriment my damage, the most I ever saw out of Dragon's Claws was 4-4.5K on a non-crit. If I was running Immolation, I could push 5K. Even so, that's only 12,550 damage when I crit (35% of the time, and only when Immolation was running). In order to get your Dragon's Claw to crit for 15K, you'd have to be using the exact same setup I was, only eliminated all Con and Rec out of your build (leaving you barely capable of taking a single hit from a Cosmic, and incapable of using Dragon's claws from Equilibrium), and you'd still have to find a way to add on another 1663 damage (an additional 33% real damage, not bonus damage). There's just no way you can boost your damage that high, that you can sustain over what a max-out character can do with an active energy form, without an energy form running. Not if you're "Tanking" from Brawler Role (read as: using Laser Knight and Bountiful Chi Resurgence), since the two staple powers combined are decreasing your damage by 20%. So in reality, your toon is somehow has an extra +100% damage in your build somewhere what's possible (considering ~ +35% for each Super Stat, ~70% for WotEW, +20% for Brawler, ~80% for Toggle, ~10% for Offense Gear, -20% for LK and BCR, you still have to have another +100% somewhere to get your Dragon's Claws to hit for 2600 more pre-crit damage than my tests showed the power was capable of). Considering on the F2P Beta, we got someone up to 1274 Presence, and they only had +52% damage from that Super Stat, I don't see this as being possible.

    Or better yet, how about we actually talk about the topic being discussed instead of whipping out our epeens and skewing our numbers up because we're posting on the forums.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Last I ran TT, we had a Tank, a Healer, two DPS's, and me, being a Support/DPS Gadgeteer. It wasn't easy, we played on Elite and none of us had top-end min/maxed characters, but we managed, and it was fun. I definately believe legs of holy trinity are viable in this game.

    Yes, our Tank had Support Drones to heal a bit. That doesn't change the fact much that he/she was mainly tanking, and our healer did have Gatling Gun, but I really don't see that relevant. They're still mainly one role, being in Protector and Sentinel.

    After all, that's why the roles are there.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Potence wrote:
    ...I pulled 3.7k DPS on that last fight according to Falchoins log. ...

    While this is true, you're neglecting the fact that there were at least 2 or 3 PA toons debuffing resistances via U-238 Rounds and Chest Beam. The numbers that alex33x posted were only from his own debuffs and damage, at least as far as the Kigatilik fight goes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    WillBlack wrote:
    I'd really like to see either of these actually happen in game. The numbers you two are talking about just aren't possible to sustain constantly. You may get spikes up in this range, but not over the course of an entire fight.

    Perhaps if you actually tried using some of the tanking advantages that exist in the game instead of trying to tank through DPS, you may find your job a bit easier. Ryno wrote an entire guide for it. Because all it would take is for someone like Puck, who's running a Fire Toon in Avenger, or for you to block for 3 seconds to stop Valerian's Death Laser, and aggro will be peeled off of you ever single fight.

    It's easier to tank through DPS on this particular toon, when I said which makes it hard I meant, makes it hard to get mydps higher when I have to worry about healing, getting knockedback etc. I didnt say makes harder to tank, I have yet to meet someone who can take aggro away from me.

    In the fight agaist kigatilik I tanked the entire time, falchoin kept healing me and never once took aggro. Also the dps we posted is per sec not spikes. Falchoin used the parser to measure it.
    Falchoin wrote:
    The numbers that alex33x posted were only from his own debuffs and damage, at least as far as the Kigatilik fight goes.

    Yup, we invited 2 of my SG mates to kill the dogs faster, but neither had fire debuffs or any debuffs at all.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alex33x wrote:
    In the fight agaist kigatilik I tanked the entire time, falchoin kept healing me and never once took aggro. Also the dps we posted is per sec not spikes. Falchoin used the parser to measure it.

    Yup, we invited 2 of my SG mates to kill the dogs faster, but neither had fire debuffs or any debuffs at all.

    Healing doesn't generate alot of aggro. Even so, healing aggro can never pull anything larger than a Master villain, but even then, I've never actually seen a Master Villain pulled via healing aggro, only henchmen, and villains if henchmen aren't available.

    No, I get what you're saying. However, without using aggro tools, an optimized DPSer will pull aggro from you at some point. Think about it: despite everything you do to keep your DPS up, you're still using a defensive passive, and you're blocking big attacks. Another fire user can play off all your debuffs, and will also have an offensive passive boosting their DPS as well as [likley] Avenger Role, and will be able to attack near-constantly, blocking very little, if at all. There's just no way you can do the same damage as a person with an offensive passive when you're using a defensive passive. You may start off with aggro, but that fire DPSer will be generating more DPS than you, and will eventually pass you if you aren't laying threat on top of your DPS.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I can imagine 3.7k dps on Kigatilik; as cosmics go, he's a bit gimpy. There's some odd level scaling which occurs when you hit targets who are a different level from you, too, and Kiga is only level 32 (I'm not quite sure how that scaling works). He might not have debuff resistance or something.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Pantagruel wrote:
    ... He might not have debuff resistance or something.

    Most likely the case. Ebon sigils completely wreck his damage output, so I suspect he has very little, if any, resistance to debuffs.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    alex33x wrote:
    You should look at my post above...... still managed 100k per minute on boss fights and, I was main tank and still got the highest DPS. Off tank as just dpser I could probably manage bigger numbers, but I tank with damage, which makes it hard.

    Kig is not an end game boss, but I can see exceeding 2K DPS on him with an offensive build. He's weak for a Cosmic

    This is a 10 minute piece of a Shadow Destroyer run, and the log showed around 1K DPS. The time that he is non-targetable during transformations drops the DPS considerably, but even in ideal conditions I rarely maintained 2K DPS for any reasonable amount of time. Keep in mind that my fire is Avenger/Fiery Form with quite a bit more damage then yours, and had no energy downtime due to massive PRE boosted TR returns. I don't see a weaker build out DPSing him...

    Other names censored.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I'd argue that the "trinity" isn't dead in 5-man elite stuff. Think about it - you DO have groups that could go at it with 5 "generalized" builds. You also have groups that have members who didn't design their character around having the best heal, or the best attack, or whatever. In these cases, you do need something of a tank-like character, something of a healer-like character, and probably someone other than the healer with a resurrection power - probably Resurrection Serum. Everyone else in the group, including the backup reviver, is a generalized DPSer or whatever.

    I've run Therakiel's Temple three times on normal - once with my "pure" Might character as a pseudo tank / DPS, once as my main retconned into a somewhat mediocre "pure" healer, and once with my main respecced into his original "pure" dual blades style, who was something of an alright DPS guy.

    On the "healer," we didn't do too well, even though we finished it, because honestly it was my first time going through it, and we went in with five men but lost one along the way. I like to think I did a pretty good job of healing given the circumstances (couldn't use Arcane Vitality, since it caused that buggy "greenish-yellow" glow on people that persisted until we relogged or something.) On the "Might" person, we did really well - think we only had to redo Therakiel once, if even. On my DPS-ish person, we rocked it - I had a good grasp of what was going on and an amazing healer backing us up.

    So in short, it's not dead, but it's not always needed. I'd say it's still high up there to get a "trinity" thing going, though, mainly because not everyone has a BCR / LR / RR combo who's tanking, and not everyone's throwing out 3k Dragon's Wrath taps (that still confuses the hell out of me - on a crit at full charge, I might get 3k!)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Holy trinity is kinda dead for top of the line builds. Mostly because bosses with enough damage to make a top of the line tank need external healing also have enough area or otherwise untankable damage that a healer can't keep the tank up while also keeping the healer up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    WillBlack wrote:
    Healing doesn't generate alot of aggro. Even so, healing aggro can never pull anything larger than a Master villain, but even then, I've never actually seen a Master Villain pulled via healing aggro, only henchmen, and villains if henchmen aren't available.

    No, I get what you're saying. However, without using aggro tools, an optimized DPSer will pull aggro from you at some point. Think about it: despite everything you do to keep your DPS up, you're still using a defensive passive, and you're blocking big attacks. Another fire user can play off all your debuffs, and will also have an offensive passive boosting their DPS as well as [likley] Avenger Role, and will be able to attack near-constantly, blocking very little, if at all. There's just no way you can do the same damage as a person with an offensive passive when you're using a defensive passive. You may start off with aggro, but that fire DPSer will be generating more DPS than you, and will eventually pass you if you aren't laying threat on top of your DPS.

    You're welcome to try, It's very rare for anyone to pull aggro from me, I've done nemcon, therakiel temple, all the 5 man lairs pretty much and hardly anyone has pulled aggro from me and when they do it's not for more than a few secs, I rarely block also. I only tap block for the force sheat advatange but its rare for me to hold block specially now withthe full C-Store heals.

    You think I would have 20 40's and not know how to build a better tank by now? lol. I actually tank better on this than my tanks that do have challenging strikes and cripling challenge, and made tests with my SG mates to see if they can pull aggro from me using them and no go.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Insisting on a trinity is probably going to cost you at some point.
    Excluding trinity builds will also probably cost you at some point.

    But really, you're probably best off not running with a team of leet superawesomes anyway. Especially if it's Therakiel's Temple, where things can get real weird come wing-time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    The Trinity setup is not dead, but it's also not a necessity. It's quite viable. Other combinations are also very viable. (Vixy looooves playing her healer).

    100k damage per minute? Please do not pay attention to foolishness like that. Damage is just a very poor measurement for your contribution to the team. It doesn't account for your:
    - debuffs (which raise the entire team's damage and cost you energy, power slots, and adv. points all the while costing your teammates none of those things)

    - heals (same as the above but allow your team to stay alive, block less, spend less energy on their own heals, and more on dealing damage)

    - damage you took (which, in case of single target attacks, is damage that would have slowed your teammates down or killed them outright)

    - any team buffs (see debuffs above)

    All of these ways to contribute to the effort, and likely more, are left unaccounted for when just looking at damage output. Perhaps a better way to measure someone's "usefullness" would be to measure the entire teams' damage output with that person and then measure it again without them.

    Even when just looking at damage things can get complex. Many people refer to spike damage vs. sustained dps, but there's a whole range in between. 100k/minute may be extremely sub-optimal for some lairs/bosses.

    Maybe your build is set up in a way that you can only do 50k/minute. But in that minute you have a combination of buffs/powers that does 30k dmg in 5 seconds. Pull in 3-4 of groups of mobs in Elite TT, nuke them sky high, and you've just single handedly advanced your team that much farther through the lair.

    If someone throws out generalized numbers without proper context then you can stop listening to them as they most likely underestimate the importance of details when it comes to builds and performance.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    this right here, pure gold ^
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Surely the claim to 100k damage per minute AND the ability to hold aggro and survive is worth something to a team builder. Of course you should take any claim with a grain of salt, but I wouldn't be so quick to say that it's a foolish out of context number.

    Its like computer specs; we always want to know what happens in the real world, but we certainly do not ignore specs and raw numbers or call them foolish.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Can't you be an excellent "healer" with only 3 or 4 powers? The other 10-11 => lots of great damage, support, CC, and other useful stuff...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    biostem wrote:
    Can't you be an excellent "healer" with only 3 or 4 powers? The other 10-11 => lots of great damage, support, CC, and other useful stuff...

    Yup. I think most people here will tell you that a dedicated (no teeth) healer is just a liability.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Squeee wrote:
    Surely the claim to 100k damage per minute AND the ability to hold aggro and survive is worth something to a team builder. Of course you should take any claim with a grain of salt, but I wouldn't be so quick to say that it's a foolish out of context number.

    Its like computer specs; we always want to know what happens in the real world, but we certainly do not ignore specs and raw numbers or call them foolish.

    Well in this case.....
    Sungrass wrote:
    The argument being put forward to me was that I was wasting my time thinking about such things, apparently because the only valid measurement of my contribution in a theoretical 5-man elite run is my damage output, which had to be at a bare minimum 100k damage per minute.

    Vixy thinks it's pretty safe to call that foolish.

    biostem wrote:
    Can't you be an excellent "healer" with only 3 or 4 powers? The other 10-11 => lots of great damage, support, CC, and other useful stuff...

    Suppose it depends on what you mean by "support", but the level of your excellence will vary from team to team. If grouping with 4 squishy dps types, your group is likely to perform better if you focus on keeping them alive and reducing the time they spend blocking as opposed trying to deal damage yourself.

    Grouping with tankish characters could be a different story. In the end it comes down to style, but Vixy is sure that a healer/support build doesn't need to do damage to be a great asset to the group as anyone that's teamed with Medikipz (my healer) can testify.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    kamokami, I was referring to the BUILD for an "excellent healer" who can still contribute to DPS and other stuff. With the relatively short recharges on powers in CO, having 3-4 heal powers is plenty...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    biostem wrote:
    kamokami, I was referring to the BUILD for an "excellent healer" who can still contribute to DPS and other stuff. With the relatively short recharges on powers in CO, having 3-4 heal powers is plenty...

    Ahh...agreement. I haz it. Medikipz only has one power that can heal another player (2 if you count MR).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    kamokami wrote:
    Medikipz only has one power that can heal another player (2 if you count MR).
    Really, no point to more than one spammable heal. I thought you used to have bionic shielding, though.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Pantagruel wrote:
    Really, no point to more than one spammable heal. I thought you used to have bionic shielding, though.

    Got rid of it after f2p patch since I placed more emphasis on pre.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    biostem wrote:
    kamokami, I was referring to the BUILD for an "excellent healer" who can still contribute to DPS and other stuff. With the relatively short recharges on powers in CO, having 3-4 heal powers is plenty...

    Since I know you used to play CoX, think of it this way: Your average Controller or Defender, Corruptor or Dominator, etc, could have heals, buffs, debuffs, damaging attacks, holds, etc, and then stuff from their epic pools and the pools that were open to anyone, which could be all manner of things that don't necessarily fit the class.

    A good Empath Controller could completely skip the big heal that hurt them, and do just fine with the little heal and PBAoE heal with the right slotting and powerset combo. Likewise, some sets like Thermal could be so potentially strong, they didn't even have such a big heal. Ones like Storm, had a heal, but specialized in control and debuffs.

    It's really no different than the other game, the combat is just faster and redundant powers are less necessary. If you ask me, that's a huge improvement.
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