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What would you think if a new Zone was created that is Open PVP?

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Champions Online Discussion
Hi guys.

I like the zones currently, but think there should be one more.

Personally, I'd like to see another zone created, possible a 30+ zone that has more missions and areas to explore, but is an open PVP environment.

I totaly understand that there are people who do not enjoy PVP - and at the moment, all the zones are PVP friendly in that you need to 'duel' someone to fight.

I'd like this zone to be a little darker, maybe set in a new dimension through a stargate-esque portal or something. Or maybe though some arcane gateway into the underworld?

Either way, the zone should reflect some kind of harsh and forboding environment. I'd suggest maybe give a slight more ammount of xp for missions, maybe a 10 per cent boost due to the nature of open pvp zones being harder to pve in at times.

These are all just thoughts - what are yours?
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I think that if done, this zone or dedicated shards would create more division in the community - I am against division and implementation of things that lead to that state.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I would be fine with it, as long as it didn't mix PvE elements like you said.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I would be fine with it, but it would be tough to implement because of the game's setting alone: We're supposed to be super-heroes and they usually don't go around wantonly ganking each other for the lulz. Now it might be able to happen if the devs could cook up some storyline element why heroes would have reason to attack each other when enetering this zone, and this zone only... but don't count on it happening anytime soon. You're going to have to wait for a villain expansion before we get anything resembling open world PvP.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    As long as there were no PVE missions or requirements that would force me to ever go there, I wouldn't care.

    If I was made to go there, even once, in the progression of PVE, I'd unsubscribe. That would be a clear sign that the game is going in a direction that the devs originally said it wouldn't.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Signal wrote:
    I would be fine with it, but it would be tough to implement because of the game's setting alone: We're supposed to be super-heroes and they usually don't go around wantonly ganking each other for the lulz. Now it might be able to happen if the devs could cook up some storyline element why heroes would have reason to attack each other when enetering this zone, and this zone only... but don't count on it happeneing anytime soon. You're going to have to wait for a villain expansion before we get anything resembling open world PvP.

    Is there plans for some sort of Villian's expansion ala CoV?

    That would ROCK!

    To answer the person above who spoke of divisions - you should still have highly populated areas in other zones, I see so many that I doubt it would matter.

    I think the community is more than strong enough to support something like this - it doesn't need to be massivly large, or it could be, i dunno.

    In terms of cooking up an idea as to why have heros fight - maybe as you pass through the zone, you are effected by some sort of mind altering effect, a side effect of going through the portal, something like:

    As you pass through the arcane gate / portal, you're body feels as though it's being pulled in every direction. Suddenly, you're mind is filled with 1000's of voices and your vision is obscured. As your sight returns, you are standing at the gates of the underworld (or whatever). You are filled with a rage, uncontrollable rage.

    Or something like that, i'm no writer.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    My first reaction would be !why?" Not "why!" as in "why open PvP", but as "why should it happen in this game?"

    This is a game about heroes. So far, there's no natural division among them. There are supergroups, yes, but they in turn work towards a common goal, and they're really about getting a supergroup channel at the moment and yelling "Champions Stampede!" when attacking a PvE mob. So supergroup division doesn't count.

    So we need to introduce something that doesn't exist in this game: factions. Without factions, there are no reason for me to enter PvP. We stand together and fight.... who?

    Think of it as elections in a one-party state: what's the point?

    Hence the question "why?".

    Now, of course, you could redesign the game and enter some factions in one way or the other, much like the Boring Rival MMO got its villains, but then you would have to redesign the game with a new concept. We wouldn't have Champions Online, we would have Champions vs Nemesis Online - a totally different game.

    Besides, if you look at the Boring Rival MMO and its PvP zones and how they're used... one is used to get a lovely overpowered pet. One is used to get a lovely overpowered temp power. One is used to farm signature NPC heroes/villains in order to get badges. But I can't remember seeing any PvP - on the contrary, several times I've seen heroes helping villains getting their shivan pets or nukes.

    So even if you have open PvP zones, it appears that people don't use them. And this time, the question "why" pops up, in the sense "why bother?"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    8bithero wrote:
    As long as there were no PVE missions or requirements that would force me to ever go there, I wouldn't care.

    If I was made to go there, even once, in the progression of PVE, I'd unsubscribe. That would be a clear sign that the game is going in a direction that the devs originally said it wouldn't.

    Yeah - I suppopse generating XP here would be about killing minions, but I feel there should be some quests here. However the quests here should be optionional and should NEVER require you to come here.

    This zone, in my opinion, would be only for those that want to rock an open PVP zone from time to time - it should not force you to go there.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Do you mean an Instance of the same zones we use now with the exception that it says "(PvP)" and you don't go there unless you manually select it as the place you go to? Sounds good. They should also have "(RP Only)" for players that like to do that. As for enforcement, let the players chastise one another and ignore one another, no need for added moderation.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ... This is a game about heroes. So far, there's no natural division among them. There are supergroups, yes, but they in turn work towards a common goal, and they're really about getting a supergroup channel at the moment and yelling "Champions Stampede!" when attacking a PvE mob. So supergroup division doesn't count.

    So we need to introduce something that doesn't exist in this game: factions. Without factions, there are no reason for me to enter PvP. We stand together and fight.... who? ..."

    This is what I failed to communicate.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I would think it would be a terrible idea.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Eiwyn wrote:
    This is what I failed to communicate.

    ah yes, i see.

    Well the reason would have to be a good one - it's something about entering the actual zone itself - i'm not sure what it could be, but i'm sure it's not beyond the feasability of writers to craft a reasonable reason to have a PVP zone.

    After all, we do enter arenas, fortresses etc...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Garagnor wrote:
    ah yes, i see.

    Well the reason would have to be a good one - it's something about entering the actual zone itself - i'm not sure what it could be, but i'm sure it's not beyond the feasability of writers to craft a reasonable reason to have a PVP zone.

    Unless you have a PvP concept with factions built into the game from the ground up - like WAR, Aion or WoW - there's no real incentive to enter these zones. In fact, there's a great risk that the open zones become something completely different. Again, the Rival MMO being the point in case: Siren's Call was mostly deserted, Bloody Bay was only there for getting Shivans, Warburg was used to get nuked and Recluse's Victory to farm signature NPC badges.

    I would say you would have to think entirely opposite. I would like to point at another game, in which PvP is the norm and the safe PvE game is the n00b's exception: EVE Online. EVE Online has one of the most successful installments of PvP in any MMO I've tried - if you can see beyond the fact that it is "i kick your shin, you kick my shin, and the one with the biggest boots win". And this is despite the fact that there are no built-in factions in the game (well, there are, but nobody cares); and there is no function for saying that your faction gets ahead from your victories. There's only a player grouping function, the corporations; and open PvP everywhere except in the beginner's zone.

    So how do they do it? Well, they simply said, "if you want to claim something, claim something". If you want to claim a sector of space as yours, form a corporation, get big enough, then claim the sector and hold it. Stick down your flag and say "this is mine; come and get it if you dare", and be sure to have enough friends to actually ward the invaders off. It's not only a game of PvP; it's diplomacy and it's politics.

    I can't see how this is going to be incorporated into a world such as Champions. So I'm afraid that any open PvP zones will be as meaningless as Siren's Call, Bloody Bay, Warburg or Recluse's Victory. In fact, they will be even more meaningless without the opposing sides.

    I'll lift my proverbial hat if the devs pull that one off, but until then I will remain skeptical.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Waste of the Devs time and resources.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Worst idea yet. No open PvP.

    No no no no no.

    I'd be happier actually if the game had NO pvp at all.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Someone probably said it already but what would deside the sides???

    There are no sides in this. To make sure there is always enough ppl on each side the players would have to be constanly reshufled.

    This isnt WAR, WoW or Aion. There are no factions. . . . .
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    All the people who want open pvp are just playing the wrong game.

    Shadow_Kitty summed it up best.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Garagnor wrote:
    Well the reason would have to be a good one - it's something about entering the actual zone itself - i'm not sure what it could be, but i'm sure it's not beyond the feasability of writers to craft a reasonable reason to have a PVP zone.

    Open PvP starting around mid-level with a good, dark story behind it that takes place in another dimension is called Aion. That's my thought.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Worst idea yet. No open PvP.

    No no no no no.

    I'd be happier actually if the game had NO pvp at all.

    I wouldn't say that. There are apparently a lot of people that would kill to being able to kill another player, and if they're happy, I won't take it away from them (except in Club Caprice and at the trainers in Power House).

    However, I can't see any point of having open PvP in this game. I can't see any sides in it, no motivation, no reason for me to get in there to combat someone else. It even get rather ridiculous after a long session of killing other players and then we get out of there, wet from the showers, towel across the shoulders, friends forever here in the no-PvP, PvE-only zone, saying "jolly good show, old chap! You killed me good over there at the tower. Same time next week?".

    Then it's a sports game, not combat. It's pointless. It's a glorified duel, or Hero Games ++.

    So on second thought, I think I'm going to change my stance in this matter. If that's what they want, if the PvPers want an open zone of sports, then why the hell not? There's not even a need for a story. Just give them a friggin' zone with no rules whatsoever and let them kill themselves silly.

    However, if they want this as a good part of a good game, where the player conflict actually matters, a lot of thought has to go into this, and it will change the game to something completely different from what I bought. If you think the nerfs changed the game beyond recognition, then just try to imagine what this change will be.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I would hate it. This is not a PvP game, it is a PvE game with some PvP for those who want it. The problem with zone PvP, is that they are taking resources away from the PvE game to Make the PvP zone. Then they will try to bribe PvE players into the PvP zone by putting insentives there (because there are simply not enough PvPers to warrant that zone)


    Please, please do not make any PvP zones.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Garagnor wrote:
    Hi guys.

    I like the zones currently, but think there should be one more.

    Personally, I'd like to see another zone created, possible a 30+ zone that has more missions and areas to explore, but is an open PVP environment.

    I totaly understand that there are people who do not enjoy PVP - and at the moment, all the zones are PVP friendly in that you need to 'duel' someone to fight.

    I'd like this zone to be a little darker, maybe set in a new dimension through a stargate-esque portal or something. Or maybe though some arcane gateway into the underworld?

    Either way, the zone should reflect some kind of harsh and forboding environment. I'd suggest maybe give a slight more ammount of xp for missions, maybe a 10 per cent boost due to the nature of open pvp zones being harder to pve in at times.

    These are all just thoughts - what are yours?

    The people that are left playing this game couldn't handle an open pvp zone. All the real pvp players have moved to games like Aion, so your left with the PVE carebears that couldnt fight their way out of a paper bag. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    If you want open world PvP go over to Aion. I highly doubt the community here will want a "gank-me-the-second-i-spawn" zone. :mad:

    /Not Signed
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Markus wrote:
    I would hate it. This is not a PvP game, it is a PvE game with some PvP for those who want it. The problem with zone PvP, is that they are taking resources away from the PvE game to Make the PvP zone. Then they will try to bribe PvE players into the PvP zone by putting insentives there (because there are simply not enough PvPers to warrant that zone)


    Please, please do not make any PvP zones.

    1) I'm pretty sure there are 30 or so people around that would be interested in a PvP zone. That warrants at least one instance I do believe. I don't PvE, but I'm not self righteous enough to say that because the majority wants X the minority shouldn't be allowed to have Y. I'm quite sure there could be 1 PvP zone, because wouldn't those players be taking of space in the zones already?

    2) Nobody would be forcing you to play in there. It would just be an option. Isn't this a game about options?

    3) I'm sure that having a zone would encourage people to explore more the PvP aspect of this game...why is that a bad thing? There's a system already implemented, why not expand on it?

    And I'm all for RP only zones. Just because someone may not personally RP, I don't think this is a game where you'd ever say "Oh no, all the PvE zones are taken up and now I'm forced to go onto the RP instance!"

    So yeah. I'm all for choices. And there *is* no community in this game right now. Maybe we'd actually see people playing with each other if they have similar interests....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    1) I'm pretty sure there are 30 or so people around that would be interested in a PvP zone. That warrants at least one instance I do believe. I don't PvE, but I'm not self righteous enough to say that because the majority wants X the minority shouldn't be allowed to have Y. I'm quite sure there could be 1 PvP zone, because wouldn't those players be taking of space in the zones already?

    2) Nobody would be forcing you to play in there. It would just be an option. Isn't this a game about options?

    3) I'm sure that having a zone would encourage people to explore more the PvP aspect of this game...why is that a bad thing? There's a system already implemented, why not expand on it?

    And I'm all for RP only zones. Just because someone may not personally RP, I don't think this is a game where you'd ever say "Oh no, all the PvE zones are taken up and now I'm forced to go onto the RP instance!"

    So yeah. I'm all for choices. And there *is* no community in this game right now. Maybe we'd actually see people playing with each other if they have similar interests....

    The Hero game arenas already are PvP zones. . . . . How many more do you want slotted into the game???

    A shard here, an arena there, whats the difference??? they will be the same thing as there are no factions in this game. as i said b4 what are you going to fight, a free for all where you kill any1 that comes to close??? To balance a free area the teams would have to be constantly reshuffled as players come and go, Or it will degrade to every1 is on the red side and no1 on the blue. . . . then what do you do??? stare into space till the next poor soul creeps in and is ganked by 20 ppl all trying to get that kill as the new guy runs for the exit.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sodapop3 wrote:
    The people that are left playing this game couldn't handle an open pvp zone. All the real pvp players have moved to games like Aion, so your left with the PVE carebears that couldnt fight their way out of a paper bag. :p

    Hmm, maybe if you had actually taken the time to read what this game is about, you would realize that Champions is NOT a pvp-centric game. All those who thought wrong may have left.

    I'm always amazed that PvPers think they are superior, yet they whine and cry the loudest about the game when their chosen class/powers/talents/etc are not instantly killing their opponents.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Kaphik wrote:
    Hmm, maybe if you had actually taken the time to read what this game is about, you would realize that Champions is NOT a pvp-centric game. All those who thought wrong may have left.

    I'm always amazed that PvPers think they are superior, yet they whine and cry the loudest about the game when their chosen class/powers/talents/etc are not instantly killing their opponents.

    Why does CO have arenas then? Cyptic has made a poor attempt to try and cater to PvP market. Without more gameply options this game will dwindle to aorund 50k subs of die hard PVE players. I doubt Cyptic is happy with number :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sodapop3 wrote:
    Why does CO have arenas then? Cyptic has made a poor attempt to try and cater to PvP market. Without more gameply options this game will dwindle to aorund 50k subs of die hard PVE players. I doubt Cyptic is happy with number :)

    Cryptic have stated that this is primarily a PvE game. Even in there PvP dev chat that stated again that this is a PvE game.

    <~Cryptic_Daeke> <JTWStephens> When you sit down and look at player powers, do you look at put an emphasis on PVP balance or PVE balance? Which do you look at first? Why?
    [16:23] <@Chronomancer&gt; As Brian said, PvE is and has been the primary focus of Champions Online, and if we find an place where the competing tension between the two absolutely cannot be resolved, we'll err on the side of PvE. That being said, we really don't want mechanics to work differently in PvE and Pvp, so the work is on us to make it all work.

    If PvPers don't like it then perhaps they should have researched the game they were buying a little better.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Cryptic have stated that this is primarily a PvE game. Even in there PvP dev chat that stated again that this is a PvE game.

    <~Cryptic_Daeke> <JTWStephens> When you sit down and look at player powers, do you look at put an emphasis on PVP balance or PVE balance? Which do you look at first? Why?
    [16:23] <@Chronomancer&gt; As Brian said, PvE is and has been the primary focus of Champions Online, and if we find an place where the competing tension between the two absolutely cannot be resolved, we'll err on the side of PvE. That being said, we really don't want mechanics to work differently in PvE and Pvp, so the work is on us to make it all work.

    If PvPers don't like it then perhaps they should have researched the game they were buying a little better.

    Its not a 100% PVE game ....THERES ARENAS, stop lying

    P.S. they have made nerfs to powers like teleport and tazer Arrow based on the PVP in arenas, so that dev chat is BS
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Cryptic have stated that this is primarily a PvE game. Even in there PvP dev chat that stated again that this is a PvE game.

    <~Cryptic_Daeke> <JTWStephens> When you sit down and look at player powers, do you look at put an emphasis on PVP balance or PVE balance? Which do you look at first? Why?
    [16:23] <@Chronomancer&gt; As Brian said, PvE is and has been the primary focus of Champions Online, and if we find an place where the competing tension between the two absolutely cannot be resolved, we'll err on the side of PvE. That being said, we really don't want mechanics to work differently in PvE and Pvp, so the work is on us to make it all work.

    If PvPers don't like it then perhaps they should have researched the game they were buying a little better.

    You know, it still includes PvP. And maybe we're not asking for PvP balance as much as 1 PvP zone. I mean, PvE players have however many they want, is one too much to ask for?

    Y'all are just saying to people "you know, just because you have different interests you shouldn't have this". I don't think one or two zones in every region is much to ask for.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sodapop3 wrote:
    Its not a 100% PVE game ....THERES ARENAS, stop lying

    I said primarily. Learn to read its a useful skill to have in life.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I said primarily. Learn to read its a useful skill to have in life.

    So if there are 6 PvE zones and 1 PvP zone, isn't it still primarily a PvE game?....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I said primarily. Learn to read its a useful skill to have in life.

    P.S. they have made nerfs to powers like teleport and tazer Arrow based on the PVP in arenas, so that dev chat is BS
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I think it would be a cool idea, but NOT until there is more PVE content. And PVE quests should not require people who don't like PVP to go there.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sodapop3 wrote:
    Why does CO have arenas then? Cyptic has made a poor attempt to try and cater to PvP market. Without more gameply options this game will dwindle to aorund 50k subs of die hard PVE players. I doubt Cyptic is happy with number :)

    So just because it has some elements of pvp makes it a pvp centric game? No, the pvp is there for people who want to play against others, trying their choice of powers agains someone else's. The problem is the player who only want a pvp game came in and tried to make this into a pvp-centric game, adn were sorely disappointed when they found out it wasn't.

    Intelligent gamers understand the game they are playing. That's why there is a huge variety of games out there.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You know, it still includes PvP. And maybe we're not asking for PvP balance as much as 1 PvP zone. I mean, PvE players have however many they want, is one too much to ask for?

    Y'all are just saying to people "you know, just because you have different interests you shouldn't have this". I don't think one or two zones in every region is much to ask for.

    The problem with a pvp zone is that it doesn't fit the game. The whole concept of the Champions Online universe, as it currently stands, does not support open pvp. Simple as that. If the whole storyline of the game changes, then possibly an open pvp zone would fit. Until then, it doesn't.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    So if there are 6 PvE zones and 1 PvP zone, isn't it still primarily a PvE game?....

    And I believe the point has been made, a few times already - what would one do in this PvP zone? Would there be teams that fight against one another while everyone is trying to do missions, and if this is the case then what happens when one "team" goes inactive or there is only 1 poor schmuck on a team who continues getting ganked while trying to get a mission done?

    Or is it a free-for-all, where you are liable to get killed by anyone who even so much as thinks you looked at them funny, making the attempts at getting missions done a frightfully infuriating experience?

    Or something else entirely, where the logistics of such an area would likely collapse in amongst itself in a mess of coding that will no doubt spill over into the rest of the server and they bring down the servers to reverse the effects?

    Beyond that, supporting an entire zone that has missions (and, from what I can tell, most people play this game for the questing/completion of missions even if it only rewards them with a perk and maybe a title) would mean that the developers are saying "PvP is more than just an afterthought to us, and we think it's a vital part of our game", which, as Grim already quoted, is not the case in any way shape or form for the foreseeable future.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Oh, I'd drop my CO subscription like a hot potato if they made a new zone open PvP.

    Wouldn't be the first game I've quit (or just refused to even try) because they wanted to cram PvP down my throat. Just not my thing. I don't have anything against folks who enjoy PvP and I ask for the same consideration in return.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Nadezda wrote:
    Oh, I'd drop my CO subscription like a hot potato if they made a new zone open PvP.

    Wouldn't be the first game I've quit (or just refused to even try) because they wanted to cram PvP down my throat. Just not my thing. I don't have anything against folks who enjoy PvP and I ask for the same consideration in return.

    Do you people listen to yourselves?

    Creating 1 PvP instance would make you quit a game because, by having that one instance as an option for you to try, they are FORCING you to play PvP.

    I'm just not seeing it. I'm not seeing how the presence of this one zone would ruin ALL PvE content for you, because on a server, somewhere else, people are having fun in a different way....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Do you people listen to yourselves?

    Creating 1 PvP instance would make you quit a game because, by having that one instance as an option for you to try, they are FORCING you to play PvP.

    I'm just not seeing it. I'm not seeing how the presence of this one zone would ruin ALL PvE content for you, because on a server, somewhere else, people are having fun in a different way....

    I'll say it again. Try a different game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Garagnor wrote:
    [...] open PVP [...]
    I would never set foot in it, and any time spent on developing it would be time (from where I sit) completely wasted.

    Note: I do occasionally PvP. But "open" PvP is, to me, completely immersion breaking in a Silver-age-themed superHERO game. "We're all on the same side, here", you know what I'm saying?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Kaphik wrote:
    I'll say it again. Try a different game.

    I've never PvPd in champs. I'm just sticking up for the crowd who does. =) I enjoy the PvE of Champs, I'm happy with the game.

    I'm just tired of hearing these PvE-only players shout bloody murder that there are people who like things other than them. I'm also sick of hearing that whenever a PvP thing is implemented that PvP is being forced down their throats.

    I'm sick of hearing people shut down the idea of RP only zones, but also justify that the reason there shouldn't be a PvP zone is because it doesn't fit the champions universe (an RP reason).

    All I'm saying is that PvP is a PART of Champions weather the PvE crowd likes it or not. It deserves to get some elaboration, and I don't think asking for a PvP instance is much from the crowd who enjoys it.

    Of course, the PvP crowd also needs to realize that there is a bunch of PvE content that they can do as well (well, up until lvl 40 really...).

    The PvE crowd needs to realize that at Maximum, there is no "infinite PvE endgame". Sure, you can play the same things over again. PvP is a live, changing, constantly different environment.

    The PvP crowd needs to realize that PvE-ers need endgame content added, and that this should take priority over things like new PvP maps and PvP skills.

    I maintain my position that by blindly attacking the idea of simply incorporating a PvP zone (while there are already a virtually infinite amounts of PvE zones) with the justification that "I Don't Like PvP' is no better than telling a gay man not to like men because "I Don't Like Men" or a friend not to talk to somebody because "I don't like them". It's childish and, quite frankly, rude.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I'd have to be against this idea entirely unless it makes it entirely pvp and there would be NO need, perk hunting or otherwise, for the regular players to go into it. Perhaps it could auto load if you flagged yourself as a PVPer at that level.

    IF it keeps the pvpers busy with their own zone and they then leave us alone (no more duel spamming :P) then I'd say look into it.

    As it stands at this moment in time however, without those things in front of it, No, absolutely not as it would divide our community even further o.o Perhaps if you need pvp you should try a pvp game? :) This is not one o.o; Focused anyway ^^

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Garagnor wrote:
    As you pass through the arcane gate / portal, you're body feels as though it's being pulled in every direction. Suddenly, you're mind is filled with 1000's of voices and your vision is obscured. As your sight returns, you are standing at the gates of the underworld (or whatever). You are filled with a rage, uncontrollable rage.
    No matter what Deus Ex Machina you pull, it will violate SOMEONE'S character concept, in an unforgivably fundamental way.

    For example - thousands of voices? Gates of the underworld? To this alt of mine ... sounds like HOME! (Seriously - he's a demonic agent of Hell. To be more specific, a demonic REPO-MAN ... going after people who made bargains, and then welched on the deal. Hell really doesn't like letting deadbeats get away with it ...)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Garagnor wrote:
    Hi guys.

    I like the zones currently, but think there should be one more.

    Personally, I'd like to see another zone created, possible a 30+ zone that has more missions and areas to explore, but is an open PVP environment.

    I totaly understand that there are people who do not enjoy PVP - and at the moment, all the zones are PVP friendly in that you need to 'duel' someone to fight.

    I'd like this zone to be a little darker, maybe set in a new dimension through a stargate-esque portal or something. Or maybe though some arcane gateway into the underworld?

    Either way, the zone should reflect some kind of harsh and forboding environment. I'd suggest maybe give a slight more ammount of xp for missions, maybe a 10 per cent boost due to the nature of open pvp zones being harder to pve in at times.

    These are all just thoughts - what are yours?

    I'd think i'd be fine as purely optional content -- I wouldn't go there though.

    I would be annoyed if other game content such as mission goals forced me into the area, however.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Champions Online already has PvP instances. They are called the Hero Games. There is even one where you can attack any player you want at any time. It is called B.A.S.H.

    I am in favor of adding new maps for these games. Heck, I would like to see some more games, like a King of the Hill or Capture the Flag style game. That fits the game story.

    Adding in a new world map area where PvP is open and constant does not fit the game story. If one wants to kill other players and that is their main goal in the game, then they should choose another game. This is not the game for them.

    However, there is PvP for those who choose to enjoy it in this game, as a break from the other parts, i.e. PvE of the game.

    I think the horse has been beaten enough. Let's bury him already.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Concept wise it really wouldn't work at the moment. Why? Because we are all heroes, and at level 40 we all join Until. If there was more than one organization that basically were at odds it would make a lot more sense. Currently it is Hero Games so technically we aren't suppose to be just having at each other in a open zone. If the game ever evolves into the same direction as CoV where we get to be bad guys. I would say it would make complete sense.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Garagnor wrote:
    What would you think if a new Zone was created that is Open PVP?

    You mean like the PvP map that's coming with the Blood Moon event in a couple weeks or so?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    _Pax_ wrote:
    Note: I do occasionally PvP. But "open" PvP is, to me, completely immersion breaking in a Silver-age-themed superHERO game. "We're all on the same side, here", you know what I'm saying?

    Who says im on your side? I thought the idea of champions was to create your own super heroes? What if mine doesn't like yours very much? "Hero" is a subjective term and doesn't automatically mean goodie carebear guy who loves the world. One mans hero can be another mans demon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You want them to make an open PvP zone so all the e-peen STC/MR/EBB/Teleport kids can **** and moan about who is better at abusing skills?

    This idea is as dumb as the ladder system someone suggested.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Some people enjoy the 'thrill' of having to look over their shoulder all the time and having that ever constant danger lurking around every corner. That's fine, we're all different. I wouldn't enjoy that so I'd give an area like that a very wide berth.

    I'd hate to see a forced PvP area that had something that was unattainable anywhere else in the game (except for PvP only accolades and such things obviously). That would be a great way to alienate a section of the player base.
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