Usually if the post itself is extra long the forums will flag it for review. When/if they review it is more of a manual process, you have to speak to someone like smackwell to get that ball rolling.
I just kinda stopped using the forums to dump my builds in because the thread will constantly be flagged. I can't go back and try to move anything without all the progress being reverted by the reviewing process.
I just decided the forums weren't worth the trouble and moved over to a Steam guide instead. Still working on adding what I lost.
I just kinda stopped using the forums to dump my builds in because the thread will constantly be flagged. I can't go back and try to move anything without all the progress being reverted by the reviewing process.
I just decided the forums weren't worth the trouble and moved over to a Steam guide instead. Still working on adding what I lost.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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