I started in early access. I stopped playing for the last time around 3 years ago.
Today, I was needing a super hero fix. I thought for sure PW would have done SOMETHING good with this game by now. We still don't have plant powers or a proper teleport attack? We never got the gray heroes expansion or the ability to be villains? This is madness. I saw on the other thread about CO being the longest running super hero MMO of all time. Ok? And? This game's devs are out of their minds. How can you sit here and let this game stay stagnant like this? Are you kidding lmao? You have the opportunity to bring in tons of new players and bring back old players like me, but you are going to squander it? It is truly unreal. Before anyone says I'm trolling (because idiots think trolling means "opinion I duznt like durrrr") or that I'm just here to be negative: stop. I'm here to tell PW that they will get the money of myself and so many others if they get off their butts and make this game worth playing again. I know the loyal fankids will jump to CO's defense. I saw it in other thread. People actually pretending that the game isn't one of the lowest population holders in the MMO world; making jokes about people taking screens at 4AM. That isn't the case. Don't even lie. This game has only a couple thousand playing during peak times, and probably even less than that. And that was years ago. How can you just not add any real new content, power sets? Get it together, PW! This is an egregious way to treat a game like this that has so much amazing potential. People like me want to come back and if you spent some money on an expansion and new powersets and then a little marketing; you'd have quite the game. Instead you focused on vehicles for years; and now lockboxes. Stop disgracing this game!