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Nutty Buddy Squirrel Commandos- so I don't have to try and email it to Oggy-

chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
edited December 2017 in Fan Base Alpha
second story goes in the spot which says- under the Blowup.
written by two people
Zappy squirrel
Zappy was a member of the Army's Nutty Buddy test group , she turned out to be too good at getting into and out of things but uninterested in interaction with the human staff.
Start: secret military lab d "Outside of millennia city, about a year ago.

project directors dr. Aluicious Markalov, (darpa) and for the Australasian side, colonel Bridget Jones. (Australian navy, intelligence, science & technology expert) gunny, darling, and chief Gomes, (lead mentors) dvm melody Maroni (veterinarian lead veterinarian, and spy)

cages full of various species of squirrel all get bought in to the Lab.

Vet Tech “ok. Males room 2, females room 2A , younger ones, room 3. Don’t lose any, we only have a few of each species and screening will winnow that down some.”
One of the vet techs says, “We euthanize the extras?”
Aluicious looks out window at surrounding forest, and says, “no need to bother, just let them free out there. The tests are non invasive they’re just normal squirrels no need to destroy any. Also make sure all cages are labeled, and all charts to be filled in.”
He then hands chief Gomes a cat carrier with an unconscious squirrel in it. “take this one to lab b (Scurry) tell dr. terry he can run his scans and take a blood draw, and run physiology workups to his heart’s content.
But Gomes, this one is rather dangerous, aggressive as hell, and speed and strength is off the charts, so stick around and make sure that moron keeps him sedated, also watch the good dr. like a hawk, and let him know that regardless of his idea to shave a few weeks off the incubation time, he is not to harm this squirrel under any circumstance, my direct orders are to keep him alive, and unharmed tell him we have to get scurry back to the CDC before he’s missed, we can’t afford questions from that direction....let him know if anything happens to this subject, there will be hell to pay, a hell i will personally take out of his skin.
Chief Gomes, “yes sir, and I must say, I hate the little troll also.”

(4 weeks later) "scurry variant" meta squirrel mutagen formulated, primary screening of subjects complete, incompatable physiology separated, and released, screened subjects put in secure vet facilities, and prepped for initialising treatment.
after treatment, in lab D hibernation is induced as the genetics works though the squirrels system, all of dr Markalov’s care pays off (sort of) only 3 subjects out of the 50 subjects die from the treatment.
The squirrels are in deep hibernation for about 2 months,
Zappy a normal squirrel, she saw where the food was and went all out to get it. Fiddling with the cage lock until it opened, she bounded out to the food shelf and helped herself.
The other squirrels seeing her get stuff, started trying to get out too. With more each day having to be retrieved and put back in their cages.
Chief Gomes “Well at we know the intelligence formulas is starting to work.
Dr. Markalov "interesting,"
colonel jones, "hmm, chief Gomes, Put harder locks on the cages. We will note which ones get out and how quickly.”
Chief Gomes, “Yes ma’am.”
So began the “let’s try and keep them in” experiment. Cameras were installed in both rooms and they quickly found out the females were the ones getting out most of them time and fiddling with things. In one’s case (Buddy), finding things which go boom, neatly demo’s a few locks, until she has a talk with chief Gomes.
Nutty surprised the observers with his cruder, more direct escapes, as he destroyed a few cage doors, and door locks by main strength.
Dr. Markalov after reading more about Scurry’s destructive capability’s in the millennia city news, tells the techs to be careful around nutty, and instructs Gunny Creedmore to mentor him in judo, concentrating on the ethics of the martial arts.
Zappy got out of her cage and with the help of the others got the rooms door open, squirrels up the hallways as they checked out other rooms for stashes. On discovering the boys’ room, the squirrels got together, some sharing a cage after searching the room, others heading back to their own room with bits and peices, which were hidden under the cage bedding.
Tech “Where are they?”
Assistant “They got out and into the male room. We’re noting which ones were together in case of pregnancy.
“Hey look Sarge, Lazy over there is still in her cage with the door unlocked.”
He goes over to Zappy’s cage and waves some food in front of it.
“You want the food, open the door.”
She looks at him, looks at the food, shoots out, grabbing the food on the way past and bounced over to the cupboards where she undoes one of the locks with a small bit of metal and helped herself. Looking around the items on the bench , she grabbed a few other bits and pieces before getting back in her cage. With a few tail flicks at him, she shuts the door and gets started on hiding her stash.
Tech “Lazy huh? “You’ve been had.”

Chip instal
Tech “ok next stage vocal adjustment and upgrade. Then chip installation on the ones for tech training. Schooling and military training for all then we will work out the assignments.”
Assistant “ok,all subjects delivered for surgery, we had just enough chips for them.”
Tech “Odd. I thought we had one not enough. “
“No sir, I checked myself.”
Meanwhile, in a room further down the hall where the squirrels who didn’t test well went. Zappy let another few squirrels out and got a dose of a super powers formula before escaping and going back to her own cage. The loose female is eventually found and classified as a dud, due to lack of response to ‘two’ treatments. Her cognitive abilities seem to be lagging behind most other surviving subjects of the experiments.
Zappy fails her interface checks with the ‘chip’ as the testing equipment goes buggy when she is hooked up, she tests well in technical except for the ‘static’ problem, and she is not euthanized as all but a few "failures", who are held for further experimentation, and breeding... rather she is given a temporary reprieve from that misery, to see if she can be trained as a support, repair expert. No amount of fur conditioner will fix her static problem, but the implications of this are not looked into.

The squirrels are informed that a simple procedure will allow them to communicate with their human friends more readily, so the unit I and 2 squirrels agree, and are prepped for the operation, installing a tiny vocoder chip.
after zappy wakes up, she lets the other squirrels out, and they are all found, chittering with laughter, as Buddy imitates chief Gomes loud bass voice the best she can, belting out in a loud soprano,

Chief Gomes watching from the doorway stifles a laugh, booms out, ALL RIGHT YOU MANGY GANG OF FUZZBALLS, LAUGH IT UP BUT STARTING TOMMORROW YA GOT SCHOOL.
Feral looks at Gomes, and says, “What school? It like green pellet food?”
Chippy says “shush, feral I reads bout it, it like learning human stuffs.”
Zappy looks downcast, and says, “so it worse than plate of green pellet food.....”
Gomes walks over to his favourites, Feral and Zappy and says quietly, “ohh, its not so bad, it’s so we can understand each other better. Here, I got some cashews for ya.”
Noting progress of the formula Dr. Gus terry (in gaun, ges tain,) informs Dr. Markalov, "we can start the booster shot. After that, they should be more social with humans, and will be ready for primary education.”
Dr. Markalov replies, “ok dr. Colonel Jones and the teaching staff have come up with a balanced study plan, from what I have learned from the prime subject scurry they should learn rather quickly. “
Feral, and Zappy are consistently at the bottom of the rolls, for language, and discipline, as they seem to have issues socialising with humans, and its only their fellow squirrels who manage to pull them through with average scores.
Buddy is among the top scorers, (note in file from her coach, watch this one, she follows orders well enough, but she’s sneaky, also, no firearms, cigarette lighters, or explosive components allowed around her) Nutty is second behind Chippy, with the note (most social with humans, reasonably smart. very dedicated to martial arts ethics training, and military code of honor. top score in discipline. Tested strongest and fastest of all subjects)
After managing to check who was capable of working together, who was better with tech, chippy is assigned further evaluation for "signals intell", as she chitters English most fluently, and is found puzzling out words from the labs hazard and safety Manuel, given access to a collection of child's books, she rapidly teaches herself to read, then starts instructing others in the rudiments. Later, given the rudiments of cryptography, she begins to learn to break codes as well. It’s noted that she interacts most with Nutty in the common area where male and female are chaperoned, and allowed to be social.

Moving from the lab, to the training centre.
in the training, it is noted that zappy makes herself an integral part of the team, her interactions with non-squirrels are still disappointing, as she just doesn't seem to communicate well with humans.
However, the rest of the squirrels rely on her, and feral (another supposed failure) to make improvements and improvisation for the gear the humans attempt to provide.
This proves invaluable, as human technicians have difficulty making the small scale gear meant for a different type of physiology. Zappy is a natural mechanical engineer, and has no trouble appropriately altering the stolen komodo scathy sized arms to work for the squirrel's. As such these two are given non combat specialties, and under Chippy and Furball’s supervision, maintain the teams arsenal and equipment stores.

Tech with all the squirrels in a large set of well locked cages, some of which are about to lose their occupants. Gunny and Gomes wheels in two carts, with piles of miniature field equipment piled on it.
Quick chat between a few, bets are made over which one gets out first.
Tech “These are the subjects which will be used for the exercises, they are already showing varying skills and aptitudes. Your job is to get them through the basic training and to work out which will partner you.” He starts describing the various squirrels.
Zappy exits her cage and heads over to a friends’ cage and starts undoing theirs. While that one gets others out, Zappy grabs gear and starts shoving it through bars to others. Nutty uses a bar to lever his way out and lines up out front. By the time the Tech has finished the descriptions. They are all out and Nutty has them all lined up with gear, eyeing off the humans.
Gunny “ Leader that one.”
Tech “What? You little… Back in the cages. NOW” Squirrels scatter.
Technical Sergeant Gomes says,” leave ‘em be Dumont.” Holds out a handful of nuts to Zappy “Come here Houdini. “And tries bribing her to come over. Which sort of works, she goes over looks at the nuts and goes for his tool pouch. Rummaging through that and completely ignoring anything else.
“This one is tech, more interested in tools than food.” He manages to her attention … briefly, then she flicks her tail, grabs the smaller screwdrivers and bounces back to her cage for some parts and starts adjusting someone else’s gear.” Not very social are you Houdini.” As he goes to grab her and gets zapped “ouch, static squirrel.”
Gomes “Static electricity.”
one of general Binks staff, a martinet of a lieutenant walks in, and seeing what he assumes is chaos, as the squirrels are sorting through equipment, shoving some aside in disorganised piles (for later disposal), taking bits off of some, piling it in front of Chippy’s gang, and handing some to Nutty and Buddy, who are organising it by owner against the cages wall.
Squirrels scatter everywhere, as the lieutenant shout's orders, which are ignored, the more thinking people hold out nuts for them or bits of gear.

Zappy continues to adjust gear, smacking hands with a tool if they try grabbing her. Finally leaping on top of a cupboard and chittering at everyone before finishing her work.
Gomes “lieutenant, I think you've just been told off by a squirrel. I suggest we wait till she’s finished fixing that. The other one seems happy for them to do it.”
Lieutenant, "I'm an officer, they’re insubordinate, they are supposed to be obeying commands.”
Gunny, “well L.T., Maybe you just ain’t doing it right. Ten- HUT, fall in you little furballs. Females left, males right.”
The squirrels get mostly in line, with Nutty and Chippy having to shove a few into the correct line. Zappy glares at him, stuffs her tools in a pile and gets in line.
Gunny walks over to her, leans close and says “You got something to say?” and gets what can only be described as a squirrel ear bashing on the incompetents who give them bad gear then won’t let her fix them, so they work right. (Several gestures towards the lieutenant need no translation.)
Chippy and Nutty grab her and haul her into line, chittering at her, what can only be. “Shut up, not now.”
Gunny “If you’re quite finished, we’ll get onto training.”
the lieutenant feeling slighted says, “sergeant, I want that one on report” points at Zappy, behind the lieutenant, Colonel Jones, with the newly arrived Australian team behind her, having witnessed the entire exchange, says loudly, “LIEUTENANT! AT ATTENTION,”
(Nutty pipes out attention, and the line of squirrels give perfect honours to the colonel, the lieutenant, caught by surprise, lags a bit.)
“Sargent, unit 1 and 2 are to finish adjustments, then report to the training field outside, drills and weapons. All weapons to be checked and modified first. Who is in charge of repairs?” Several squirrels all look at Chippy. “ok , get your team together and all your tools. Lieutenant, you are to report to my office and wait for reassignment to the alpha k-9 project, your just the sort of officer they want, you are not the sort we want. DISSMISSED!”
Gomes “They’ll need better tool bags and belts. They can’t use this stuff, it’s too big. I know a few suppliers who make really small tools for delicate work. “
C. Jones “We haven’t budgeted for that. We have some small gear to be used by them.”
Gomes “Yes , I know, the budget doesn’t stretch to it because the Generals fat **** stretches his chair too much. I’ll get them myself.”
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    Darling “I’m pretty good at raising money. I’ll see what I can do. Can I have that fast little black squirrel? The one eyeing off the weapons and sneaking out of line to get them. Stealth squirrel.”
    By the time everyone locates the weapons pile, Buddy has acquired a small gun and is back in line.
    The squirrels get persuaded to all go outside, where all gear is checked and listed by various people as good, ok and crap.
    Training in drills is rather entertaining as the soldiers have to demonstrate first. After basic drilling, they find out who is competitive by doing demonstration drills.
    The ones best able to work together get noted. Weapons practice on the weird small arms grinds to a halt as several people examine them and a few note Komodo industries seal.
    “I’ve seen that symbol before. Company does lots of weird tech. Didn’t know they did weapons and if our budget didn’t stretch to tools, how did they get these?”
    Gunny thinking of some time he can’t talk about, in the desert with a sergeant named Carrauld, says, “Not legally I would say.”
    Different varieties of weapons later, the Tech squirrels are definitely identified, as well as several squirrel insults. Feral quickly lives up to her name, a guard walking a dog nearby gets a shock as Feral launches at the dog and scares it off. Huffing and screaming at it, till the guard has to move off, leading to the obvious question “This lot were rabies tested weren’t they?”
    Watching her determinedly being violent to every non squirrel, ends with chief Gomes saying “Ok ya little ratbag but you’re gonna get tired running everywhere. So it’s shoulder ride or walk. You want a ride, get up the arm.”
    The combat squirrels try the weapons, the tech squirrels adjust them, the best they can with impromptu tools. Feral and Zappy proving to be non social with humans but happy to interact with the other squirrels.
    Several booms, from the back of the training room,
    looking at Sgt darling’s furry face and long hair, the clean shaven marine recon gunny says,” yo hippy, long time no see. What was that?”
    Sgt Darling holds up a black squirrel holding a cherry bomb “Sorry mate, I got my little Buddy some explosives, she likes them and is pretty good at throwing. Follows orders well.”
    Gunny laughs and says, “Ask her about opening locks sometimes.”
    There’s an angry chitter from the other end of the room, and both Sergeants turn and watch as "Nutty" takes a pair of samurai sword letter openers he swiped from the generals desk, now sharpened by zappy, and neatly beheads the close combat training dummy's in the dojo area. Darling says, “now that one is completely nutty”
    Gunny replies, “well, damn, "Nuttys" evidently got into my private movie files. Guess we move on to blades now. He does show an aptitude for close in mayhem. I tell ya, he’s not the smartest one, but has scored really high on loyalty, and mission focus. for some reason he’s not as distract-able as the rest of the crew.”
    Darling looks at the two top scoring "operator" candidates of the bunch and says, this crazy idea might just work, don't think them buggered jihadis will know what hit them when we deploy these kids.
    gunny, thinking of several fallen friends says, yahh, i can't wait, lets get the gang their rations, bed em down, and head over to the px for a beer,

    (9 months later.)

    Dr. Markalov gives a goodbye speech to his staff, and the squirrels, and praises the progress of the entire team, as Colonel Jones is smouldering, glancing glares occasionally at large blustery man in a full dress general’s uniform who tries to look friendly.
    Dr. Markalov explains that it is time to move to the field training, that his part was finished, and the project was being put in the capable hands of general binks.
    The squirrels look at each other nervously, then follow their coaches, and teachers to say goodbye to a few of their friends in the staff they are told will not be moving with them and to pack for the trip to the training facility.
    Later, covertly in Dr. Markalov’s office the last meeting between Dr. Markalov and Colonel Jones."This is all a huge stuff up Al and you know it. I've already shot off a protest to my superiors.
    Dr. Markalov says, “well, nothing i can do on my end, this came out of the pentagon, binks has had his eye on us for a while, and knows how to work the politics there. However, i am not completely without power in this, neither are you, Evan with all of binks manoeuvring, he has little authority over the Australian side of this project.”
    Jones reply, “How so mate?”
    Markalov says, “You get to pick half of the tactical training staff. So get a team who will be loyal to our squirrel operators.”
    Colonel Jones thinks, and says, “Yes, I have just the man to put in charge.”
    Markalov says, “well, for my part. The head of the us special forges staff, Gunny Creedmore. you know he's solid, i found out he could be trusted when i was a shave-tail 90 day wonder of a looie, just out of Quantico, all huhh rahh, and full of myself, and he pulled my units **** out of the fire a time or three, he was first Sargent under me in Iraq.
    also, you have final work in hiring the civilian staff, we don't need Dr. terry any longer, so he can play with his dog for all i care, I gave him his walking papers today.
    Replace him with dr. melody Maroni from the lab A vet staff, make her lead veterinarian. She can be trusted, I hired her on consultation with a friend of mine, Dr. Finkle.
    When I got the death order from binks, I talked with her, she said “he knows many interesting people, including our favourite meta squirrel scurry and not to worry about the order on the unit 3 group, she had a plan.
    I don't know if binks will screw this up like he did his dogs, but at least with a good staff we can save this project, and keep him from inserting the obedience tech he is so fond of in our kids .”
    colonel Jones thinks and says, “that bastard will do that one over my dead body, or his, these kids are great soldiers, and they are with us of their own free will, hell, both you and i know nothing is really stopping this crew from walking out of here except the loyalty they feel to us and there mentors.
    so, what are you going to do now Alex?”
    Dr. Markalov replies, “I’m retiring, tired of the politicking in this job. I suppose I’ll move to millennia city, have family there and the cherta (chitterlingua, for nesters) might need a human friend who speaks some of their language in the area. Besides, something's been bothering me, I think I may try and find scurry, I think I may owe him an apology or at least an explanation.”
    after hearing that their friends are truly their friends, Nutty and Buddy who have been eavesdropping crawl the ac vents back to the squirrels common room, where the cameras are on loop, and the unit 1 and 2 squirrels are preparing the arsenal of weapons they have gotten together from scraps.
    Nutty says in chitterlingua, "we can stand down guys, no need to fight yet, Dr. al and colonel Bridget, day not traitors, day meet and plan how day gona help the cherta, an dat traitor terry, he’s fired, and Dr. melody is gona be in charge of the shots room, she won’t follow the death order, traitor binks ordered. Also, we find out melody knows scurry.
    Dr. Alex say so, so chippy will tells her to make sure the nesters gets to scurry.... but guys, we not cherta, (they all nod)”
    buddy says, “yes, not cherta, we soldiers, for now we stay with colonel Bridget, and Dr. Al, cause we not be traitors like binks, an i think humans needs us for to protect humans like colonel Bridget, gunny, Gomes and the good teachers, from traitors like binks.”

    later, Dr. Maroni is at the loading dock a container truck the bill of lading listing “surplus lab equipment,” the driver of the “Mycroft secure logistics”, palms an unused lock seal, then looks at the one on the containers door, falsely confirming it matches the paperwork, and not the seal in his hand.
    Later, the truck stops briefly in the dark at a truck stop, next to a smaller unmarked delivery van, and the driver goes into the restaurant, and orders a meal, several tiny lizards open the trailer, and a gaggle of squirrels hop out and cluster chittering around another squirrel, all chittering, then are directed to the back of a laundry delivery van, while the van driver, and his helpers (all short lizards) close the door. Then drive off in the laundry truck, the truck driver comes out checking his tires, reseals the door with the seal matching his paperwork and heads out to the government storage yard.

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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    Raising money
    Darling and Gunny are at a pub , Darling pulls out Buddy and puts her on the table with some peanuts. She does the dumb squirrel act while looking around.
    Gunny “Hey, we aren’t meant to take them off base.”
    D ”No problem, this is extra training and raising training money.”
    Gunny “You’ve been using the squirrels to get money?”
    D ”Yep and nearly finished paying off her costs. Now watch and learn.” He shows Gunny the stupid squirrel act and trying to get her to do things, with a crowd quickly gathering, laughing at his training efforts.
    Until an idiot local says the magic words “I bet you ten you can’t get the furball to do it.” Others put money down, as Darling carefully explains to his ‘pet’ what to do. Buddy then does it slowly, stopping to think each time or getting distracted sometimes to get more suckers. By the end of the evening, costs of the new gear they want is paid for, as well as more towards training costs.
    D”This is about how much Gomes needed for the mini tools.”
    As they walk back to the Base, Gunny asks “So how’d you get her to do that hippy?”
    D shrugs “I just talked to her. Ya just got to listen to them.
    She said the tech squirrels are trying to adjust what they can but they haven’t got much to work with. So I suggested we go raise some money. I explained what we would do and we have been. She’s a great little actor. Aren’t ya Buddy?”
    the next time they hit a bar, a very tall Norwegian looking gentleman with an almost Norwegian accent makes several bets on Nutty and Buddy. His companion is a stout lady with intricate tattoos on every inch of visible skin.
    After a while, the Norwegian says, “well Sargent darling, Sargent major Hilliard was right about you, you’re a good trainer, and we hear you need some cash? How would you like a real score,?”
    Darling looks at the stranger, gunny looks at him and shrugs, so darling shoos the squirrel back into his carry pack, and nods with his head to a booth where they are for the most part unobserved, the tattooed lady pops a small hemisphere on the table, and it starts to humm,
    darling says “ok, what's this about?”
    Lug says, “you get something we need, we give you something you need, any added revenue you find on the way is yours.”
    The stout lady takes a flat box out of her large purse, opens it, and both Gunny, and Darling’s eyes nearly pop out of their heads, as the squirrels stare wide eyed at a pair of tiny Skittekk sniper railguns, the system matching the stolen ones, long barrels, and very sophisticated looking scope.
    Gunny looks at the badge on the stock, and says “komodo industries? That looks like one of them tiny railguns that say, a tiny lizard would use, what makes you think we wanna mess with items under a ban?”
    lug says, “ahh, yes, but our stock is legit,”puts a usb drive, and paper on the table,” exemption, and mission data right here. 1,000 rounds of pistol, & rifle in mags just in case you come across someone. 3000 rounds in mags, for these babies on delivery, all under an azure exemption seal. “
    Darling stares at lug, and says, “no way are you from Norway.”
    Lug replies, “correct, that hero, Defender, back in mil city, he defines me as a very tall ill-tempered lemur, and I am not from Madagascar either.”

    Later, at remote farm, a local drug smuggling operations safe house.
    Feral, zappy, nutty and buddy show up with the Gunny and Sargent darling. The squirrels pops out as gunny watches the house through the scope of his silenced m-4 carbine, “interesting” he murmurs to himself, recognizing the azure tech feather mast on the roof of the garage,
    Darling takes up a position in the trees, and darts the two dogs with tranq guns, to insure they stay sleeping.
    They watch as the squirrels in tiny gas masks run across the lawn, not triggering the sensitive feather mast. They get into the garage through the vents, inside the drug processing, and counting room, they make their way to a large safe brand name “fort knocks”, as Zappy is getting out her sophisticated safe cracking tools as she knows that the “fort knox” safe, is among the world’s most secure, and this is going to be a challenge.
    Buddy and Feral look at the label, then the seal, then the makers plate, noting that it says "fort knocks safe", shanghai china. Feral points this out to Zappy, she gives the safe a disgusted look, Feral shrugs, they put all the tools back, she points to Nutty, then the dial.
    Nutty grabs the dial bracing himself on the handle, he pulls, and with a creeck bang, the dial comes off, after Zappy fools around inside, the safe opens and Nutty jams the dial back in place.
    The squirrels’ first look for a plastic sealed purplish brick of what the lemur said was Shalasha spice, very bad.
    Buddy and Nutty are very careful to use tools and long gloves, when putting it in the bag and sealing it with tape, then they carefully strip the gloves, and toss them on top of the heroin and crack cocaine in the safe,
    the other two have finished unloading the stacks of bills stuffing them into the small carryalls. The brick goes in one of them, then Buddy pulls a gallon can of methyl alcohol over to the safe, and motioning the rest of them back, she opens it, and soaks the drugs in the safe. Then for good measure soaks the tables, drug handling equipment, and a shelf with cans of methyl alcohol, and ether on it, with a second gallon, she then places a tiny timed igniter she made in the safe, and leaves the door propped open ,
    Buddy puts one of the empty cans on top of the safe on its side, as if it tipped over there and spilled inside the open safe. The squirrels then drag the loot, (enough to run the project for the rest of the year) and the spice back to Gunny, and Darling.
    a few minutes later, the sleeping gang members in the house are awakens by a boom, as a major fire starts in the detached garage setting off all the flammables shattering windows and shaking the house.
    The Blowup
    General Binks addressing everyone “Now that that the training of the tree rats is done. I have arranged for a combined exercise with another group. The Alpha K-9 cyborg dog group. You will be running an infiltration and sabotage exercise. Working with them will show you the standard I expect from personnel.

    Binks “Those damned tree rats ruined the exercise. They were deliberately teasing the Alpha K-9’s into chasing them. In the process, one of the best dogs was badly hurt.
    This experiment is cancelled, I want all of those rats put down. Get rid of all the experiment records, we don’t want to be a laughing stock. Trained squirrels... Snort... rubbish.”
    Dr. Wilson (stupid Tech specialist) “Yes sir, I’ll see to it straight away. “He heads off to see the Vet. While outside the window, Buddy is spying and quickly jumps down and passes the info to everyone else. Humans included.

    In the quarters shared by Gunny, Dr. Wilson, Darling, and chief Jose Gomes, "USN" (the nice tech, and Chippy, Zappy, Feral and Fuzzball’s friend.
    Gunny “We can’t let them do that.”
    Darling “How do we stop it?”
    Gunny, “well, no secret now why Colonel Jones was called to the pentagon, probably arranged by one of Binks’s, pet generals”
    Chippy, “I can get the records but you need to cover for me. Someone got to go talk to Melody the Vet. She not want to kill us.”
    Darling, "trust Dr. Melody, Chippy, she’s on our side, gunny says. I’ll get my team running interference with the generals weasels, hippy. You have yours take care of the squirrels.

    Zappy “I got to go watch that funny human, he being sneaky. i think hims traitor” and bounds off before anyone can stop her, to find the ‘human’ scientist before Gunny can ask her what is going on (and sneak onto his transport to Siberia)

    A few people are quickly sent round to make sure everyone knows and all squirrels are safe.(even bity little Feral)

    Dr Maroni is told and says “right away sir. I assume secure disposal. I have the containers and liquids.”(thinking, too bad you won’t fit in them, but i seen the equipment, you are a moron, them stars aren’t gonna mean a thing, ya messed with uncle gecko")
    The general introduces Dr. Wilson and says, “Dr. Wilson will help you carry out my orders, Dr. Maroni.”
    After the general leaves, Dr. Wilson opens a case with the fatal injectors in them.
    Dr. Maroni starts to get tubs out of the storeroom filling them with water, turns to Dr. Wilson. “We need some caustic for the solution, could you check the second shelf, should be several ten lb boxes there.”
    As Wilson goes into the storeroom, Dr. Maroni sneaks up behind him, and shoots him with the stunner chika gave her. Then gags him, ties him up with sticky tape, and stows him out of sight behind the shelving.

    Zappy sneaks into Dr. Terry’s car, and hides under the seat, as he is loading a small hidden compartment in the trunk with several data storage devices under the cover of stowing his luggage. 15 minutes after leaving the base, Dr. Terry turns up an old road and pulls onto an abandoned quarry, he takes out a remote, enters a code, and a star yacht ascends from under the water in the quarry pit, and is directed to rest in a flat spot by the car, Zappy manages to sneak aboard, while Dr. terry loads his luggage on the yacht

    The group splits up, Gunny with Nutty as guards for Chippy, Darling and Buddy to see the Vet, who as it turns out has the records or at least the copy in use. Others go to get the rest of the group.
    DR MM “You’ve been told?”
    Gunny “Not exactly, we overheard. And none of us want to see our little partners murdered.”
    Dr MM”And I refuse to break my oath and kill healthy animals, as such we came up with a plan if this happened.”
    Gunny says, "We?"
    Chippy butts in with “We need the records to put on WikiLeaks so they can’t hide it.”
    Dr MM looks at her “You need more than that. The order is kill and securely dispose of remains, that’s dissolve in acid. So while I set up the fake acid baths, you need to send the info not just to WikiLeaks but to someone else who will be very interested, with a message to speak to someone else.”
    (Darling) would that be the U.S.?
    She nods, and gives them the contact code for the Arvorian Embassy and an emergency code. Guards are set at the door and squirrels are hidden. An anxious half hour passes as the info dumps are made and Chippy talks to Chika.
    A head pops round the door, “everyone get ready. They’re coming back.”
    When the General and Head Tech arrive after sanitizing the server database. The soldiers are dutifully stacking acid baths with symbols on them onto a safe area. Dr Maroni is checking that all USB drives are cleaned and destroyed.
    The general asks, "Where is Dr. Wilson?"
    Thinking fast, Dr. Maroni says, “went back to his office to fill out the hazard disposal forms for this lot. Then he is headed to main supplies to see to some barrels for long term storage, he mentioned stopping by the cafeteria to get us a takeout lunch, getting close to noon.
    Now as you see sir. Lab copy is destroyed, making sure all portable drives are clear before destroying. Paper notes have been shredded, burnt and powdered.”*points at the containers, behind which the squirrels are, under strict orders to not make a sound*”Subjects euthanized and carcasses being destroyed. It will take few hours to dissolve fully, then the baths will have to be treated to cover the dissolving.”
    The general takes a cursory glance at the tubs, and lab, then nods, says “carry on” and heads out the door to the helipad, to get back to Washington, to clean up things at the pentagon. So he can present the false evidence of the squirrels going violent, and uncontrollable in the past week, excusing his actions in closing down the project to the American, and Australian supporters of the project.
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    Sir murry is sitting outside of Lumi’s office. When the phone rings on the priority number, Sir murry is surprised to see a squirrel on his screen.
    Before he can say anything ,the squirrel starts a high speed chatter. “Dr. melody, melody Maroni she say call the squirrel people there to ask for help, she say i give you code 3t8alpha 3456 delta epsilon”
    Sir murry perks up, and says, “wait, professor Maroni of course, I’ll get her majesty Lumichex now.”
    Chippy says, “Lumichex, she squirrel princess? Scurry’s friend??”
    SM says, “umm, yes scurry is a friend of ours.”
    Lumi comes in at Murry’s urgent call, and Murry says, “your eminence, problems with the army squirrels”
    Lumi introduces herself, and comms Chika, and Chitterix, for a conference call, while chippy gives her a brief.
    After chika and her brother set up the feed to their terminals, Chippy impatiently gives the information again, chippy pausing to look at the three, says, “you really is squirrels?”
    Chika says, “well, in a matter of speaking, our evolutionary ancestors were much like your people.”
    Chippy nods, and chika says, “on to the matter at hand, as Dr. Markalov warned us, the project consolidation, and general Binks turned out to be a huge problem.”
    (Lumi) “yah, papa said that general Binks was trouble.”
    Chika then turns to Chippy and says, “ok so your safe for now.” looking Chippy in the eyes, she says, “the honour of the Arvorian imperium is pledged here. We have a contingency worked out, so i have instructions, first, your team is still using the comms they were issued with the firearms, and other gear,?”
    Chippy says, “yes”
    Chika turns to Chitterix, and says “contact Brightsong, and start the channel.”
    he says “on it sis” then she tells chippy “ok, on your comm network, use the master comm channel, identify only the units you want active, mark the rest "compromised" then enter in the code, alpha psi delta epsilon 235 on the command line, enter @botta black backchannel config.”

    Chippy squints slightly at the expected headache as she interfaces with the master comm unit through her interface, and does as instructed. unexpectedly a line pops up, “sanctuary security ban level 2, code accepted, initializing secure channel...... hello miss chippy, welcome to the botta ten black backchannel, i am Brightsong 5.2, initiating, conference mode, welcome empress chika, princess Lumi, prince Chitterix.”
    chika says, “welcome friend Brightsong, tactical mode please, i will be ethical control, authorization filed, beta gamma 324534.”
    Brightsong says, “Confirmed, tactical mode initiated, please uplink to tactical data?”
    Chika says, “linking comms, Arvoria, star command, unit 345, shadow commando team 8 on standby Luna, mission, ad hoc priority hostage rescue, and illicit technology retrieval, initiate syc”
    as a sleepy looking Arvorian shows up in the vid, chika says, “commander tsi, commodore Lumi will arrive on the base shortly and will be your mission control” several other interface windows show up as sleepy commandos wake up to a scramble alarm, and check in to comms first thing, as they dress, gear up and munch handfuls of emergency coffee nuts.
    Lumi walks into the ready room after being puppied to Luna station. Lumi greets the lord tsi, then gets on comms, and says, “unit 8 is awake, and reporting in, reaper wind will second.” chika says, “who is available for the drop, lugs crew or the twins?”
    Brightsong says, “The no name is out system now, but shorty and squint report they are available to pilot Lugdash’s drop shuttle. They just responded and can drop the team in two hours, scout says she can make a few recon fly buys within 20 minutes.”
    as the commandos line up Lumi says, “gear up, and report to bay 8 when check listed, commander, with me and Lumi and lord tsi check head out to bay 8.”

    then chika tells Chippy,”ok chippy, download all the facility data you have.”
    Chippy says, “what about WikiLeaks, gotta get information to dems about project.”
    chika says, “just download everything you have on the project, on the honor of Arvoria, i will insure the incriminating data gets to all who need to see it, including wiki leaks. For now, let’s concentrate on getting you and your people out of danger, are you safe where you are now?”

    chippy says “yes, day tink we dead, and we hiding, but i don't know where Zappy is, she went after weird doctor Gus, hims work out my chip tech, and our treatments, but him not smell right, not smell human.
    she says she call back, she hiding in hims car, cause hims sneaking someplace, she say him traitor to da team (worst thing as far as the squirrels are concerned) like da general and tech Wilson is traitors, but not with each other, no know what zappy mean by this, yet.”
    Chika says, “does zappy have her comm?”
    Chippy says, “yes, she got it, her unit #7, but she say bad mans leave hims car, and she gets into spaceship with him and would be out of communications for a while, she say ship computer say Dr. Gus not human ship say it from err..gaun? It headed north to Siberia, him definitely traitor to unit, commies not friend of America.”
    Brightsong gets on and says, “Tactical, i have a track on Zappy’s comms units in silent mode now, but black back channel activated. Chippy, Zappy can hear you now, brief her on what’s going on, and i can include her in planning.”
    at a pause in the tactical discussion, Chitterix interjects and says, “Brightsong, jr marshal Chitterix i need assistance with an ad hoc question i have just submitted to the bia, on pro facia evidence in position of jr marshal Chitterix.”
    Dekka ter, sr bia auditor responds, question, "are persons in us government military service involved in the theft, and or receipt of stolen azure technology in violation of earth quarantine? evidence in hand, #1, existence of a black back channel capable network now operating in a secret us military installation, comms unit pin codes, match items reported stolen from gecko industry's" further evidence of violation possible on investigation. Please port all the lab data relevant to this question to jr marshal Chitterix.”
    Brightsong says, “understood marshal Chitterix, chika, miss chippy, relevant data download complete, i am executing tactical planning mode, convocation established Sarusa ten. Bassue Botta, slicer, firefly............ executing (data files start popping up on everyone's comm hud, and eye pieces, preliminary tactical plans, the commandos start memorizing layouts, and assault strategies, as they report to the launch bay, and stow and prepare there drop gear...

    a file goes to Chitterix as Bassue has collated it, revealing the extent of general Binks violations. (open and shut case on that one, as he trusted his super secret military email was more secure than it is) Chitterix tells Dekka ter, and Bassue on comms, “you got this, if I may borrow Eekan, i will follow some of the leads in this question, and scurry's park close to where one Mr. Piazza forte, who is a person of interest in this question*. so Eekan can meet up with scurry out of suit, and keep him informed until you rescue his family's and transport them to his hideout.”

    on the moon base, the commandos report to the hanger bay, a train of computerized forklifts already has the equipment requested and is loading it on board under supervision of several botta ten, who help the commando find the gear they are assigned, and tune their suits. Scout shows up 10 minute early, hops in the recon cougar, and says, “tactical, recon 4 ready for launch eta max boost 20 minutes to first run on target, check stealth..... (sensors report optimal, only .007 backscatter detected).
    Brightsong acknowledged "good job on the early start, recon 4, good hunting, all units, and tactical timeline amended.”
    Lumi and commander tsi get suited up, and check listed. As the fighter launches under stealth. Scout receives amended orders, after running full scan recon, she is to fly north, and loiter over the north pole, for a possible pickup, and or intercept of contraband smuggler in vicinity of Siberia, ship identifies as the gett'en yazz, a Selwet registered star yacht, assume ungraded class two stealth capability. One friendly hidden on board now providing telemetry and tracking, no shoot down order in effect until further notice......

    *scurry stole a case of Skittekk pistols and ammo from "don" piazzafortes warehouse, and its assumed the crew that hijacked Mycroft’s truck, was part of the piazzaforte mafia. those weapons being part of the same shipment Binks gave the squirrels. until the weapons showed up, it was not known who was inside man in hijacking, turns out, general Binks was part of a demonstration of Skittekk, and breech dog combat capabilities, and may have knows time, and date of the shipment to gekkos desert proving grounds.
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    addendum, earlier when the tech was reported by Arvorian imperial agent melody maroni...

    Chika confers on a private channel, with house steward Bassu Botta, station chief Draco gecko, and bia comptroller Allut nets.

    “sirs, her eminence Chikachee true site, of the golden maple the seal of Arvoria, has a request to make, a matter of our imperial honor.
    gentlemen, I made a promise, on the honor of the imperial seal, that i would do all I could to protect scurry’s family when we found out what project 243 "scurridea soldier" was about. As of now, our agents have determined that the individuals we are interested in remain voluntary as enlisted soldiers in the us army special forces and do not wish to be repatriated. They are dedicated to their duty as soldier's, and as far as I know at this point are free to choose, as there is nothing there human partners can do to keep them in the military, or compel them. Realistically, they have the capability to leave the base at any time.
    The imperium has monitored the project and under Dr. Markalov, the project did not raise deep concern in us, as when we had a private meeting with him person. He was contrite as to any wrongdoing he committed in his research, he accepted responsibility for his actions, but most importantly, he accepted our oversight by hiring agent Dr. Melody Maroni, as was our explicit demand. Dr. Markalov has exceled in keeping the letter, and spirit of our agreement. Not only did he not interfere with dr. melody’s rescue of the individuals general Binks ordered disposed of as lab waste. He was instrumental in engineering the rescue, and covert relocation of them by our agent.

    our request...that on this issue of a circle of judgment, pending for the question of the theft of illicit arms at issue at this time, we ask that it be be suspended conditionally, so the arvorian seal, can use it in negotiation with persons in authority, for the safety of the rest of scurry’s family. Should it become necessary?”

    Allut nets says,” I understand your eminence, but this is not an easy issue to sweep under a rug, illicit tech, on earth is a sensitive issue.”
    Draco adds, “I agree, I mean I can keep an eye on scurry, and have had no issues with his possession of a few pistols, not so sure about a gang of them with a full tactical set....”

    Bassue interject, “however, negotiations with until are progressing, in the matter of a few years those items will very likely be legal and with all due respect, Allut nets, Draco, the house of stewards is of the opinion is as long as the tech is sealed in the hands of us military authority, an authority which will likely be authorized to purchase in a few years, and as long as under scrutiny by Arvorian intelligence, a full member of the alliance services.
    There will be no issue with a suspension of judgment at this time. As such, Allut nets, you will continue your investigation covertly, my sources do not indicate an institutional involvement here on part of the pentagon. However, if it turns out that this theft came about by "pentagon policy" and is not the act of rogue officers, then you may call the circle, until then, file the answers "judgment pending motive". When the time is right, we may reveal this to earth authority, truthfully, I wish to see what actions earths law takes against the perpetrators.”

    Sweethearts in Siberia.
    Zappy quietly hides in the back of the yacht, when it seems to be safely underway, she sneaks out.
    “Need evidence.” And starts getting into everything, shifting anything that looks important, to another container and replacing it with something else. Just before Chippy goes to call her, Zappy puts the comms unit in the box with the items, so they are easy to locate, then has to rush and hide as Ges Tain screams “What is a cougar fighter doing here? Glad I got the sensor upgrade. Ok. Autopilot, chaff, stealth flight suit, self destruct. I’m close enough to get to the base on foot. Let that fool follow the empty ship to their doom.”
    “Hims really traitor, trying to kill people following. Need to get box out.” She shuffles her store box of evidence close to the door and shoves it out , as he tries to watch into the snow storm.
    Seeing a box of stuff fall out, he checks his pack for the ‘important ‘items, seeing the control chips, and file drive is still there he says “What? Nothing important, I have chips and the records.” And jumps out with an unnoticed squirrel attached to his boot, wishing she had thicker fur. Checks a scanner “Good, not far.” And starts walking to a well-hidden base , as a Cougar fighter catches up with a yacht and has it explode when they contact it.
    A small box with Zappy’s comms transmitting from further back along the flight route.

    Scout sees the yacht hover for a second, then a blast of chaff is launched, ineffectively as this fighter has the latest recon suite, a box goes out, and her heart almost stops as the trace in the comm is in the box.
    Then she scans a squirrel, going out the door also, but strangely, the squirrel starts to drift, scout thinking what the hell?
    Retunes a scanner, and gets a visual of the squirrel holding on to an area of subtle distortion, “ahh, clever girl, ya got him tagged” she locks an array on the squirrel, and the box, and notes the landing sight.
    as she follows the yacht a short distance, and when it lands she launches a sticky tracker into its hull, but the small missile exceeds the velocity threshold of the proximity sensor, and the self-destruct set on radio, or ship to ship contact, Explodes.
    Ges tain grins with satisfaction at the fireball. Thinking he has rid himself of his hunter. Scout has other thoughts on the matter.
    Inside the Covert squirrel experiment base, Ges Tain is greeted by the director's aid, “Welcome back Doctor, the treatments are going well.”
    Ges Tain “Good, that idiot General Binks screwed up the other test, so this is it. We will have the only results of the program. and that pansy dr. Markalov wouldn't let me use the compulsion chips on the squirrels, so I have a lot of xtras, alpha k nine program let me test configuration, and I have these dialed in so the results should be better on your dog, and squirrel experiments than they were on the Americans.”
    The aide smiles at having one over on the American team. General Gorachev will be glad to hear that.
    Zappy runs to hide behind a cabinet as soon as she can in order to reconnoitre the base, once it’s lights out.
    Darkness… ok more darkness descends and the squirrel Operative wishes she was Operative trained instead of Tech, as she sneaks around the base.
    “Him said others here, so first thing , find others and get them out. ”A more normal response reminds her of something “ &%%$ need to find lots of food and nest. Wish Fluffy not been sent away. He was funny.”(nowhere near as ‘funny’ as the two Ivan’s)

    meanwhile, scout has landed near the drop sites, heads over to the object first ejected scans it for traps, then pilfers it, putting the contents in her backpack and informing chika and brightsong of what has happens. She then goes to the gauns landing spot, and picks up his track and also spots Zappy’s track, and follows them to the base.

    < Scout makes her presence known here>
    “Ok that canteen “munch munch” that medical symbol, that store room”checking it out for a nest spot on the top shelf.”Might be ok.”
    Yelling and screaming comes from up the corridor as Ges Tain and some medical staff come out arguing in Russian “I put my records in the pack, what have you lot done with them.”
    “Sir, that was all that we found in the pack. I personally opened it and checked. Are you sure you have the correct pack?”
    “I’ll have to backtrack my trail, I saw something fall out as I jumped. It had better be that, I have too much invested in this research.” He heads off outdoors. The others decide to go get something to eat for the late session, which this looks like being.
    Zappy starts opening doors, which nobody has bothered to lock, due to the location of the base. Spots something familiar and leaps up,”Fluffy you ok, what you… you not Fluffy , who are you?”
    A really confused Ivan at meeting a squirrel, speaking English and mistaking him for someone else. “I am Ivan who are you and what are doing here?”
    Zappy spotting all the cages has already started on opening his cage .”I’m Zappy”as sparks earth themselves in the cage “I followed that traitor Dr Gus. He wanted us all killed after Binks …”
    Completely confused now Ivan says “Wait, what start at the beginning.” After a slightly more coherent description, Ivan thinks about it . “That not good, our General a bit like that too. I need you to do something for me. So we can make sure he gets blamed. I need a copy of his fingerprints to access the computer.” And describes to her how to get it. Noticing Zappy stuffing herself with any food she can grab “Are you hungry, more food in that storeroom.”
    “Nesting soon but need to get info and all the squirrels out from here, first. Can’t wait or they may get killed.”
    “You get me the finger prints and I’ll get the info for you, then we get all the others out, even Ivanovitch. “which leads to a description of the insane “commie” squirrel.”I know some places here might be ok to nest in. “ He draws a map to the main computer room and to security. “I’ll get the computer, you turn off the security, so we can get everyone outside to hide.”

    Zappy sneaks into the Generals room and lifts some fingerprints from a glass, also opens and rifles through drawers, opens and rifles through briefcase, filing cabinet. Tips stuff out of a waterproof leather carryall, about the right size for a squirrel, stuffs tissues in it and heads back to Ivan.
    After giving Ivan what he wanted and he goes to raid the computer, she stuffs more bedding material in the bag and heads to the Security room, which develops a few electrical faults as Zappy starts on contractions.
    “Gotta hurry get this turned off before I nest. Gotta finish the mission, can’t leave any behind.”Over the loudspeaker as the lights and security all turns off , chittering and static, that Ivan understands as, “Finished, nesting in bag in security room.NOW”

    *reason the gunny jokes about darling being a hippy, is being Australian special forces, he is on call for the middle east, he has grown a beard,keep his red hair dyed black, and keep it long. Darling never takes it as anything but the joke intended, the squirrels are a bit more littoral. Not completely understanding the social interplay between humans, this is a recurrent issue with the meta squirrels.
    Chippy is the best at social interaction, because of her hacking out of the lab, and spending a lot of time secretly on the internet reading things. Arguably, chippy also has some odd opinions, because of this, and the nature of the internet.
    The watcher sits quietly, up on a shelf out of sight. Down below is another of the odd looking ‘humans’, this one has kits. A small human comes in and holding out a small furry ball says “Ms Rullia Ter, can I please have a fuztz pocket. Flower says mine is big enough to go outside with me now.”
    The ‘human’ puts her kits in her pouch and gets a small belt pouch. She shows the human kit how to put in food, water and their friend.
    “Hmm, need one with tool loops.” they settle back and wait till it gets dark. After everyone has left , by the light of an improvised LED torch, a fuztz pouch is amended to have extra pockets and loops, then hauled up onto the top shelves and hung on a wall hook. They transfer everything from the small backpack to the larger one. After checking everything is ok in the new bigger pack, they head out.
    At the Embassy Hilliard is checking the latest list of small missing items and nuts. He tries setting traps but whoever or whatever it is, keeps getting out. Often taking part of the trap with them.
    Watching the security footage, it shows a red squirrel with a small backpack opening things and grabbing bits. Food, small items which can be converted to tools.
    “Comms Ambassador, the thief is a red squirrel, local variety, with a backpack. I’ll see if the Skittekk or Missu can nab them. This one looks like it should be with Lugdash and his crew.”
    “So where is it?”
    “No idea. That’s the problem. It’s trained but I don’t know if its working with someone or one of the park squirrels who haven’t found them yet. I got a picture and I’m going to see them.”
    The Skittekk find out that the thief, knows how to use their weapons, has had combat training, is fast and a good jumper, as their ambush gets turned around.
    The Missu ranger finds out that cat vs irate squirrel equals cat refusing to go near it, they decide to follow on foot, after tagging them with a tracker, which gets fried a few seconds later.
    They go back and speak to the Skittekk “I think I know what the problem is.”
    The next night they wait quietly and follow the squirrel back to the workroom, where they see them climb into the pocket for a while, then come out and start modifying a few things on the workbench.
    The Missu walks over, “Why you take stuff?”
    Zappy looks at them, looks round “Need pack carry stuff, need more food.”
    Missu “But why?”
    Zappy takes them up and lets them look in the bigger pocket, sees three babies “oh, thought so. Where you staying? “
    At the confused look, “You not got room yet or you staying with squirrels in park? My people staying in the other building with trees in it.” Which takes a bit of explaining. “My friends can help, they are good at making things. You seen Flower yet? She Medical, check you healthy, give ID card and food list for food area.”
    Zappy just shakes her head confused.”Ok first thing we do is get bag made properly for you to carry.” They wave over the two Skittekk and Zappy goes to run off. ”It’s ok they friends.”
    Turns to the Skittekk and says “Need carry pack , mid section padded, tools loops, parts area.”
    Skittekk 1 “What sgotos you got?”*confusion*”tools?”
    Skittekk 2 taking a look in the other one “Yeppers, definitely padded and food store nearby.”
    Zappy shows the ones she has stolen or made. “Some ok but we got better.” Raids a few cabinets. ”These ones your size. Now we put loops on outside.” looks at them.*”fuztz harness be better, can hang tools on harness with comm unit.”
    About half an hour later an adjusted backpack, fuztz harness and comms unit are finished and Zappy is shown how to use all of them including loading the food stores. ”What squirrels in park?”
    “Scurry and his friends. Like Nutty, Buddy and Chippy.”
    Zappy finally shows some interest “They here. They ok?”
    “Yes they all live in park. Come over here for classes. Now we go see Flower.”
    Who turns out to be a major distraction for Zappy, being a huge collection of tools and parts. “No you may not have that. Stop trying to take pieces of me. If you do not stop, medical check will be done with you unconscious.”
    Zappy is checked, vaccinated , gets her ID and food list, managing to escape without a yuck shake recipe. “The bag is not suitable for a nest, find a tree in the Grass Runners building.”
    “It’s alright Flower. We taking her to canteen, then find a nest. There’s a nice tree near our colony with a couple of good holes.”
    Comms Hilliard “We found her, she nesting. Been to Flower, just getting her a nest tree.”
    Nest duty
    Zappy gets taken to the Grass Runners building and after the usual confusion of indoor forest, gets shown the Missu colony and the trees nearby.
    “No birds in here and the giant biters have babies in nest right now.” Leading to an explanation of the giant ferrets and their area. “You need leaves or fluff for the nest. We have lots of leaves around. Not much fluff.” The baby Hopper takes even more explaining but after being assured it was friendly and a baby, Zappy petted it.
    The Missu hopper gives the Missu a lift up the tree, sees the babies and decides to investigate. Babies feeling the large furry thing nearby grab it and cling onto the Missu hopper because they think its mum. The slightly worried hopper carefully shuffles the rest of the legs round and wraps around the babies.
    Missu seeing this happen, decide the babies must want more people to sleep with, so some adults come up to help squirrel sit.
    Spot and Chusa seeing all the people shuffling. Ask what is happening and get a couple of stage 2’s from their herd volunteer as spare Hist’s for the tiny squirrels, while Zappy has to go and do things.
    Zappy comes back from seeing Atta and an explanation of Botta Ten and why not to take parts except those Rullia Ter says are spares.
    She finds a fuller nest than expected but the babies are warm and well-guarded. She connects the requested fibre optic link for baby watch and climbs into the pile.

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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    still being written.
    other one, which is what the blowup is about.
    Enquiry Transcript
    You are?
    PFC Nutty Buddy Squirrel Commando F1, sir.
    Female, one , sir.
    And you are commonly called?
    Buddy , sir.
    I must say you are certainly a non standard coloured squirrel.
    Actually sir, I’m a black squirrel. The red bits are ‘Racing Stripes’, Sgt Darling, said they would make me go faster.
    Sergeant darling?
    My Trainer sir, Sergeant Adam Darling, Australian Army. Though some of the others couldn’t pronounce his name and kept calling him A Damn Darling.
    *sniggers from around the court. Careful expression on the interviewer’s face*
    Nutty’s trainer was Gunnery Sargeant Creedmore, we learnt a whole lot of new words from him. *more sniggers and a carefully straight face* like Hippy. I had to ask what that one was, he said a tree hugger, someone who liked nature. I agreed, squirrels like trees and nature.
    Nutty would be PFC Nutty Buddy squirrel commando M1?
    Yes sir.
    Now, checking through my notes, I see that your trainer seemed to have more money for training than Nutty’s, do you know why this is?
    Um, actually sir, we had the same amount but Sgt Darling used to pretend I was his pet squirrel and make bets with people about what I could do . I’d behave stupid and then he’d give me ‘idiot’ instructions like you do with a pet. Then I’d go and do what he said, with suitable pauses to think about it.
    So he used your training to supplement the money for your training?
    Yes, sir. He supplemented it to about 5 times what it was. We were able to give back the original amount and pay off Nutty’s training costs including interest on both.
    Hmm, yes that was very good of the four of you. I also notice that both pairs were under budget to start with. Now, about this incident that caused the problem?
    That. WE had finished most of our training and were told we were doing a combined exercise with the Alpha K-9 unit. Simple infiltration exercise. They would distract and disable the guards,we would sneak in and plant the explosives.
    WE had the briefing, got our supplies and headed towards the objective. Then the Mutts screwed up the mission.
    How did they do that?
    They disobeyed orders and instead of heading towards the objective, they decided to chase and scare us by grabbing our backpacks.
    This would be the ones with the explosives in?
    Yes, sir.We had no choice but to defend ourselves. It was a fair fight, 2 squirrels vs 12 dogs.
    *muffled laughter from around the room and a few choking sounds*
    One of them managed to yank off Nutty’s pack and blew himself up, I managed to keep them off mine, otherwise another one would have been damaged.
    With only 1 pack, we had to abort the mission and head back to base.
    What did you do after that?
    Only thing we could, sir. Took the surviving pack of explosives back and filed a report on the incident. The Commander said our funding may be cut because of the incident. Then we found out the Mutts had been lying about us, saying we were teasing them bouncing along the branches. We’re squirrels, that’s the way we move.
    They said you were waving your tail at them?
    Watch this sir. * Buddy bounds across the chairs and tables to the howls of the K( unit* It’s part of our spine. Back moves and legs moves, tail moves. The only time it’s still is when we are asleep. It’s not something we can control.
    They were the ones who couldn’t control their chase instincts. You think I wanted to get chased while carrying a bag full of explosives. That would have destroyed valuable research equipment.
    At the school .
    Sgt Major Hilliard finds out that the new squirrels, are actually squirrels. He shows them around the barracks , introduces them to the Prairie Dog squad and after seeing how well they hit it off, comparing weapons, decides the squirrels can stay in the Grass Runner building… to make their socializing easier.
    “Ok you can talk later. You have been sent here for schooling and socializing. I have read your file and think it would be safer that you don’t meet certain people until you have had the Orientation lecture on them for your safety.
    Today you will have your medical and be issued with ID, room assignment and comms units. Canteen, supplies and school tour will be followed by films on common species here. You will learn the chain of command and who to report to, if I am not around. We will also cover local hostiles and how to deal with them.
    Once you have learnt those you will be introduced to the Police and Marshals, which are two totally different groups but you will behave and show suitable respect with both.
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