When I use 'shooter controls' I don't have the enemy info box at the top of the screen (thing with their lvl etc in it)
When I first started playing I had the info box, i changed a few settings to try to get 'shooter mode' working correctly. I found a youtube vid which explained which settings to change. That worked fine and also works on my girlfriends game too. But now I don't have that info box (but I don't think it's anything to do with the video instructions I followed).
I've tried setting my options exactly the same as my girlfriends settings but that hasn't worked.
I've tried 'Reset to Default' on every option page but that hasn't worked.
I've also tried the command '/unbind_all' (or whatever) and that didn't sort the problem (though it did unbind all the keybinds)
I've tried doing the above and restarting my game, and nothing's worked.
The only thing I can think of is to remove the file within the game folder that has the settings but I don't know where that is?
Does anyone know how to sort this, or where the settings file is?
I did have a similar bug on Star Trek Online where I'd changed key bindings and things started to mess up (cuttings it short, but it was ship movement controls), but a restart sorted that out. I'm thinking this might be an engine bug and maybe it's worse on this game for whatever reason.
you should have yours on the left, then Target next to the them towards the center.
otherwise3, in the BUG section further down in the forums, otherwise email
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The reason I haven't contacted support is because i thought it didn't have any. my friend had a quest bug out and contact support and hasn't heard back from them in 2 weeks.
Thanks for the info, though.
My girlfriends game is the same as mine other than differing keybinds. She has the target box and I don't, that is how i know it's missing. With shooter mode you get the enemy target box simply by having your reticle over an enemy.
Without it I can't see what buffs/debuffs are on the enemy, and also I cannot throw objects at them because it requires that 'sticky lock on'.
Yeah, I've tried the full sticky lock on (lol) but it doesn't work as well as the default shooter lock as i can't hit other enemies other than the main target i have.
I appreciate you taking the time to comment though.
I've been using that set up for years. And never had windows gone missing.
You're missing [Target Status] window, right?
There's no options to remove UI windows, so it's most likely a bug.
Have you used Force Verify in game launcher Options? Try that and see if that fixes anything.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Also, yeah, it's the Target Status window that's absent. It's there when I press F12, i've tried moving it, right clicking it etc but nothing.
I think Force Verify was one of the first things i tried but i'm gonna try it again now.
I've even downloaded and reinstalled again and that didn't sort it, though I have heard that Hud windows are stored on the server which seems to be true as even after DL'ing and reinstalling my avatar info box was still in the same place.
Like I've mentioned, my girlfriends game seemed to work fine following that vids advice but i think with me changing other options (before following that vid) i've managed to bork mine somehow. I've but everything back the way it was by putting my options the same as my girlfriends (which is basically 'default' other than the vids info and keybindings) Also even my girlfriends game is starting to mess up as sometimes her Target Status window will disappear... and it's happening more frequently.
Well, i'll give that a go, thanks.
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It only pops up when he uses Tab targeting, locks on into a certain target.
Does the target window pop up when you target yourself, like pressing F1 or using Tab targeting or pointing with mouse arrow+leftclick?
But, on that not be able to move it in F12 mode, i have to check that up.
But you need to left+click to move UI windows around. You notice that border turns white and text to goldish.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber