I got none drop by my self so far. And never seen on ether AF or even in trade channel or zone chat. Did anyone got one? Is it really settled as rare drop at Tako?
I do know someone who has collected both cat AFs. He has WAY too much free time on his hands. Pretty sure he lives in BK's basement.
I'm sure I can't grind such like on week days. And need to eat and sleep every day.
Probably this shadow kitty would be the most rare item in game because Takofanes events ends in days or so. I only notice 4 report about getting this AF so far.
I can count even more amount of people having [Therakiel's sword/blade]. Yuck!
If anyone got this shadow cat AF, please post screen shot in forums. I probably can't get the item but I want to make a list of rare items in game in near future.
I can count even more amount of people having [Therakiel's sword/blade]. Yuck!
The sword has been available to get for years. With a very drop rate, and only a week (or less) to try, I expect this AF to be super rare. A game with collectible/tradeable items have some super rares, in my opinion.
I can count even more amount of people having [Therakiel's sword/blade]. Yuck!
The sword has been available to get for years. With a very drop rate, and only a week (or less) to try, I expect this AF to be super rare. A game with collectible/tradeable items have some super rares, in my opinion.
Yup.With the trolls leading us to make 100% fail on Tako. o3o @Maj*r_Fl*nt
I can count even more amount of people having [Therakiel's sword/blade]. Yuck!
The sword has been available to get for years. With a very drop rate, and only a week (or less) to try, I expect this AF to be super rare. A game with collectible/tradeable items have some super rares, in my opinion.
Yup.With the trolls leading us to make 100% fail on Tako. o3o @Maj*r_Fl*nt
never saw that happen. I do know there were times that it failed. But only by zone hopping to see when it would restart.
I can count even more amount of people having [Therakiel's sword/blade]. Yuck!
The sword has been available to get for years. With a very drop rate, and only a week (or less) to try, I expect this AF to be super rare. A game with collectible/tradeable items have some super rares, in my opinion.
Yup.With the trolls leading us to make 100% fail on Tako. o3o @Maj*r_Fl*nt
never saw that happen. I do know there were times that it failed. But only by zone hopping to see when it would restart.
Yeah, last night someone set off the Zone 1 OM while the Pain Train was way off in Westside, and by the time it hit Downtown, the timer was down to 7 minutes or less.
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Yeah, last night someone set off the Zone 1 OM while the Pain Train was way off in Westside, and by the time it hit Downtown, the timer was down to 7 minutes or less.
It doesn't directly have a timer, but if all thirteen undead heroes get converted by deathlords you lose. If no-one is attacking deathlords that takes 260 seconds.
And anyone start killing mob zombies with not enough people ready in team up not listening 'please wait till we get enough player', it will fail after 260 seconds. Those troll fail happens very often while players in US or Europe are in bed.
I personally know about 12 people who got the Shadow Cat within the first week. I myself got lucky and got the drop within 20 runs. I know someone who got extra super lucky and got the drop in his first run.
Considering that there were not 6 zones up at all times and that not all zones succeeded plus the number of players per Tako was at best 30, I'd say the drop rate is fine. You don't see an overflow of Shadow Cat AFs mostly because of the current size of the playerbase that both limits the number of zones available and the chances of someone getting the drop per run.
That't the idea of a rare drop.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
This event page with it's picture doesn't say anything about one of the AFs being a rare drop.. Yuck!
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
And need to eat and sleep every day.
Probably this shadow kitty would be the most rare item in game because Takofanes events ends in days or so.
I only notice 4 report about getting this AF so far.
I can count even more amount of people having [Therakiel's sword/blade]. Yuck!
I probably can't get the item but I want to make a list of rare items in game in near future.
It's called Dusk, and has a few animations that go with it, playing with something, sitting, and laying.
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Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Supporter of the Titan Project.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Considering that there were not 6 zones up at all times and that not all zones succeeded plus the number of players per Tako was at best 30, I'd say the drop rate is fine. You don't see an overflow of Shadow Cat AFs mostly because of the current size of the playerbase that both limits the number of zones available and the chances of someone getting the drop per run.
It shall be a good drop rate for someone whom already got em. o3o