Boss Summon Event - August 6th

ohmi Posts: 79 Perfect World Employee
edited July 2015 in General Discussion
I'll be summoning bosses on August 6th as a farewell to RaiderZ. I've got a list of monsters all set, now I just need a time and a place.

What times would work best for each server? I don't want to leave anyone out.
Should this be in Ingen or Rietz? There seem to be more people in Ingen, but Rietz has a nice flat courtyard to fight monsters in.
GM Ohmi says: "Send us a ticket!"
Ohmis Banhammer
Post edited by ohmi on


  • aforgottendragon
    aforgottendragon Posts: 2 Arc User
    Please take the European timezone into account when choosing the time :)
  • harlotchun
    harlotchun Posts: 1 New User
    For Crawler I suggest Rietz since there are too many low level disconnecting other users in Ingen. Any time is fine for me.
    ~CupCakes Guild~
  • nekroartorias90
    nekroartorias90 Posts: 3 Arc User
    How about shutting down the servers in order? I mean, for instance: first crawler, then fleetfoot, then diago and for the last server, chimera
  • xxghost310xx
    xxghost310xx Posts: 6 Arc User
    I think anywhere after 7:00pm pacific standard time is good.
  • legendraiderx
    legendraiderx Posts: 10 Arc User
    ohmi i would like to talk to you in private about a place where everyone can reach and that has pleanty of space
  • broatside
    broatside Posts: 3 Arc User
    Ingen would be the best choice because all Players can go there to enjoy this event , but I think the space for this might be to small so I would suggest you go to Teress Plain or even Broken Mast.
    I suggest this because those two maps have an wide area and don't have to many or to high lvl mobs in it.

    As for time,for Diago I think around 7-9 pm European time would be the best choice ,because most Players on Diago
    are online around that time.
  • turless09
    turless09 Posts: 8 Arc User
    on a grass map open area would be a enjoy for Us Raidz people , i Suggest Teress Plain ' ( in town's huge lags will be )
  • meadowspeak
    meadowspeak Posts: 1 Arc User
    For Fleetfoot probably broken mast or Rietz. Time would be best around 10pm or 11pm est. 7pm or 8pm pst.
  • souraichi
    souraichi Posts: 2 Arc User
    and don't foreget to take a last pic ohmi ++
  • legendraiderx
    legendraiderx Posts: 10 Arc User
    Maybe you should have two times in Raiderz where the bosses appear. Also how are you going to prevent hackers from comming in and 1 hit killing the monsters?
  • justawitness
    justawitness Posts: 84 Arc User
    Maybe you should have two times in Raiderz where the bosses appear. Also how are you going to prevent hackers from comming in and 1 hit killing the monsters?

    I doubt anyone would care. If someone wants to ruin the last hurrah of the game so be it. Just turn their attempt into your own fun.

    Face piles of trials with smiles.
  • darkksoul77
    darkksoul77 Posts: 2 Arc User
    Hey ohmi, on which time you want create now this Event on the server Crawler at the 06.08.15?
    I'm from Europe and because the different Timezone between US and Europe and Asia we need now a excatly time from you before its to late and many ppl like me miss this last event then! This would be very sad so in this sense dont forget please to share this END EVENT TIME on this forum here & on facebook to, so many ppl can come to join...ty in advance cya
  • legendraiderx
    legendraiderx Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Lol justawitness ;--; why so cold
  • ohmi
    ohmi Posts: 79 Perfect World Employee
    I have been insanely busy this last week - however I'll be in-game tomorrow, bouncing between the servers and spawning boss monsters.
    I'll start at 11am Pacific Time and switch between servers until about 6pm Pacific Time.
    GM Ohmi says: "Send us a ticket!"
    Ohmis Banhammer
  • justawitness
    justawitness Posts: 84 Arc User
    Well I'll be at work, so you kiddies have fun. Wish I could join in and not be an adult. T_T

    Face piles of trials with smiles.
  • darkksoul77
    darkksoul77 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Hey ohmi where are you we are still waiting all for you?;o

    Update: okay well you are now atm on the diago server everything is fine^^
  • broatside
    broatside Posts: 3 Arc User
    Thanks Ohmi for making it a good and funny goodbye with those Boss spawnings.
    Good luck with whatever you are going to do after RaiderZ.
  • ohmi
    ohmi Posts: 79 Perfect World Employee
    This is the end of the event! Thank you to everyone who came, thank you for playing RaiderZ, and have a great night! :)
    GM Ohmi says: "Send us a ticket!"
    Ohmis Banhammer
  • legendraiderx
    legendraiderx Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Superior artisans ;---; xd cya everyone, And thanks ohmi, for making August 6th a special day to everyone that was still playing.
    ~GoodBye RaiderZ~
