Hey there folks!
This is the main thread for feedback on the Campaign System, from the UI to the rewards.
There are a ton of awesome threads and so much great feedback in the Preview forums - Thank you! We'll be using this thread specifically to get the feedback you feel strongly about; we're looking at more than just this thread, but this will help us get an idea of the top issues.
Please remember to stay on point and on topic, and to respect the opinions and feedback of others.
Here are some tips that'll help everyone get the most out of this thread:
- Try to keep the feedback as concise as possible, while still accurately describing the issue. (Bullet points are my favorite for this!)
- Try to be specific. Instead of "I didn't like Campaign Task A," tell us why, e.g. "Campaign Task A doesn't feel rewarding enough for what I put into it," or "It isn't clear where to get Campaign Task A's components."
- If you have an existing discussion thread on your feedback, feel free to link it!
- In the same vein: If you'd like to spark a discussion about some of your feedback, e.g. getting opinions and experiences from other players, a new thread is the best place to do so (if there isn't already an existing thread on that specific topic).
Covered in this topic:
- Campaign System window (User Interface)
- Campaign tasks, requirements, and rewards
- Campaign System introduction
We look forward to hearing more about what you like about the Campaign System, and what you would like to see improve!
I mean why are you creating new complex systems, when the very core critical systems of the game are currently severely broken and non functional? The game has no good sense of community because the very core and critical part of any mmo - the lfg system for the game is 100% broken.. Yet instead of any serious attempt to fix it, we get this new system that we never asked for. We are asking for a game that can have a good community, not further complex systems that a far more developed game may be looking towards.
I mean its not hard to tell a game has a poor group system when the moment you log into the game you see zone chat filled with tons of lfg spam, and the actual lfg tool completely ignored because of how broken it is.
Link in signature further explaining this and suggestions to fix.
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
actually queue system works good none use it because of quiters and to hard dungeons so u cant finish any with randoms and the campaign system need some tweaks like to high price of unlock of new dungeon,very bad passive skills 1% is way to little
Please change it to deflection/critical chance bonus instead (and while you're at it, do the same with half-elf racial bonus as it drives my OCD up the wall).
I would like to suggest adding slightly better passives that needed (let's say 1000, 2000, 3000) more Feywild Sparks than the others to have a long-term goal to at least have another reason (other than malabog) to come back to this instance instead of people leaving it and never coming back after 2-4months
My only comment at this stage is that I felt there was only a fairly short about of game content (30-40 min) before you hit a 20 hour time block in the campaign. This might be more of an issue with the zone content and quests than the campaign system though.
I do like that it gives me something to work towards as a solo player.
I know it's the same for the Star Trek reputation system, but I have to agree about the 20 hour wall so early in the campaign tree. Given that the other tasks above Plant Vibrant Seedlings are a great deal shorter, I think that the flow would be more optimal at 10-12 hours.
I've got about 5 1/2 hours left on my Banshee Gate key and am looking forward to the second area.
Here devs, a glass with a hole in the bottom, sides and one unopened straw. Lets see what you do with it.
* The cost of the unlock tasks in the Campaign System seem overwhelming, at least to some players.
* The twenty-hour wall right at the beginning of the Campaign System is jarring.
* The passive power rewards don't feel powerful enough to warrant the time spent or the costs incurred.
We've got some updates to the Campaign System coming up shortly. They're still in testing, so they won't come out this week, but we'll get an update on Preview when we can.
Thanks, and keep the feedback coming!
Or it's looks fine and we have nothing much to say. It looks like the reputation system on STO and it's doing fine there. Not all bonuses are OP and i think it's not a good idea to start creating power creep issues 1 month after the launch of the game. Of course, being more powerful is nice, but expect to see "dungeons are too easy" threads soon if you buff bonuses. The current difficulty slider is great, why breaking that balance? I quitted playing STO because the game is really too easy with all the bonuses we have now, just because those reputation systems are really game breaking, with completely OP gear and stat buffs.
The only issue i see is that it requires huge amounts of resources, like gold, and i really don't know how i will get so much of it. I'm already struggling to get enough gold for potions and kits. Is that an incentive to buy from gold sellers or to exploit the foundry, or do we have significant gold rewards through the new campaign system?
Edit: I'll also add that I had a moment of confusion with the first stage in the campaign. I thought the first step only needed to be done once as it had 0/3 and required 3 seeds (or something like that). It wasn't until later that I realised the first stage had to be performed 3 times, i.e. 3 x 3 seeds to progress.
Please do not change the cost of unlocking and the time-walls (apart from the first few ones). People will speed run through the entire content in a week and they will be back to whining and crying about it. There will be no reason to do any of the quest lines once and Sharandar will be barren very soon and everyone will be back to wondering about module 2 and giving 0 HAMSTER about the current one. Guess what, progression is supposed to take time and resources and the quests are very easy. They are crying now but if you launch that system, they will still be grinding and have reason to log-in everyday to continue their progression. Do not let a few whiners change your perception and the long term direction of this module.
As for the passives, I believe most of them are fairly useless and needs a just little bit of buffing, except for the "Encounter powers have a chance to give 2250 regen". The final passive seems ripe for exploitation in pvp.
I would like to reiterate my suggestion of having several (2-4) very long term uber buffs (grants 2250 deflection, recovery, defense, HP, movement speed <<< stuff that isn't as exploitable as power/crit/regen) that needed 500-3000 feywild sparks, 40gold etc. This will have a clearcut longterm goal for people to continue farming Sharandar even after the first month.
Another suggestion would be to have the same core passive buffs with the same costs, except each one of them could be upgraded to tier 2 and to tier 3. You can make the tier 2 and tier 3 upgrades very expensive and they would be the long-term goal. Players would be able to feel fulfilled by acquiring tier 1 buffs but tier 2-3 buffs would give them a reason to keep coming back and dedicated themselves to Sharandar. I have seen all the new T2 gear and it WILL NOT keep people coming back just as the Gauntlgrym set didn't. It is a sidegrade that requires too much work to be put into that doing dungeon delves would give you better gear faster.
GG armor is much easier to obtain and has better stats.
Cosmetics with lower stats are not at all enticing.
I realized that the limiting factor preventing players from progressing too fast is the Feywild spark. As long as that bar stays still, the change of the time wall from 20hours to 10seconds is fine.
The sheep will calm down on complaining while the underlying crucial barrier will still be there.
Good change!
On a different note, I would assume that all the gear here is BOP right? I would strongly advise for it.
The new effects of the gear and the enchants are unique enough and not overpowered.
Finally, some more suggestions. I understand Artificing and Weaponsmithing were originally part of the beta but as of right now, I think including reinforcing of weapons at lvl20 is important or else there would be no point to level it up other than transmorgification. Right now, weapons of almost similar quality are being sold at the auction house for as low as 10k diamonds. Seeing as how reinforced weapons are now BOP, having that task would entice every player, even highest end ones, to level it up to 20. You can introduce new BIS recipes months later but for right now, I think that is the way to go to not make it seem useless.
Why it should not be changed into a booster of the/some/one actual value/s. So it can't be exploitable and don't change the character. For example: If you give a 0 Defense CW the +2250 Defense buff, then he would get a big DR for this. If you give it to some GFs with 6k+ it doesn't change alot. But if it give only a 5% increase for 8s for the 6k Defense or the 0 Defense it wouldn't change a lot but it wouldn't kill the cw weaknes for example. So it's a small buff like it was desired.
@terramak: Does the +1% passive Damage Reduction appears after or bevor the hardcap of the 80% of DR?
So it's:
Case 1:
(Skills+Feats+Gear) >= 80% DR --> 80% DR and then 80% DR + 1% passive DR or:
Case 2:
(Skills+Feats+Gear+1%passiveDR) >= 80% DR --> 80% DR??
A) I never made any mention of the queue system in that post. The LFG system i'm referring to is entirely different - probably something you and the vast majority of the player base isn't aware it exist given how severely broke nit is.
re: op: The severe lack of replies should serve as a good indicator of how unimportant this new system is to players and how much of a waste of developer time it was to begin with.
Yea 2 million strong, and sub 20 relevant replies on one of the most touted upcoming features. Great.
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
Please change 'Assist Artisans' from the random to 'Select 1 of the following', select & confirm
Also are these items even close to being worth the 25K AD plus grind time entry fee??? (5k maybe! AH value of similar items?)
After completing 'Assist Artisans' my 'Arm the Iliyanbruen Guardians" now shows 2/0 --- only done this once?
What Class Are You?
Overall new additions look good. Appreciate telling us the different item specs and where they drop.
Not sure where you get the Blink Dog. Is it a random rare drop in the last solo dungeon? I ran it but didn't get the dog. Or is it in some other part of the tower?
Some quick responses:
* The primary purpose of the "time wall" is to give the player something cool to come back to next time they log in.
* I haven't checked yet with the Combat team on the interaction of Damage Reduction boons with a hard cap. I'll see if I can get an answer for you.
I don't think people mind the 24 hr CD on most tasks, it's the one week Reservoir task that's a pain. With so many sparks required for later tasks having so few ways to get any and then making the main way weekly, this doesn't give the player something cool to come back to it's just a way of slowing progress artificially by not letting them play the game for a week.
That's right. The CD of Arcane is stupid. 7d for 50 sparks?! You get a daily, that provide in that week more sparks... So it should change the CD to 4d or 3d. That would really better.
The primary purpose of the "time wall" to to spread the content thinly over a long period of time, it's not cool to wait a week for a few days worth of reward - 3 days or Wed. Sat or something similar would be better!
(We all love "Diner's" the give you 1/4 portion spread pack for your rounds of toast, then expect you to 'buy' the rest as an extra!)
But you could just share the quest (atm) and do it again and again by partying with a someone new after each run!!!
What Class Are You?
big patch didnt bring any updates to Campaing passive skills can we still hope for some changes there or this is final version ?
I'm not trying to say you only have 10 minutes of content, I'm just pointing out that putting an enforced break between events doesn't make it more interesting or longer lasting. You aren't fooling anyone and it isn't cool.