standard mmo launch cant say i`m surprised hopefully i get a chance to log and see the game before i decide to go sleep
groathierMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited April 2013
I know this will probably get flamed, but you know, everyone that spends their time complaining about an open BETA, where the bugs are meant to be found. Even a company as large as Activision/Blizzard had issues with launch of their expansion packs for WoW. Unforeseen things come up. I'm sure that the closed beta weekends didn't have anywhere close to the numbers of people trying to login now. The Devs have been very open with us, they keep updating when issues arise. Be patient, its not like a life is hanging by a thread if you can not login right away on launch day. Be happy they decided to let us in now, they could have waited for a weekend launch, or even held it off for a few more months. Those that are complaining about being "owed" for their time, this is a free game, if you chose to stay home and take a day off work on launch day, are you new to gaming? There is hardly ever an "error free" launch of an online multiplayer game without a few snags, and that's when they release a tested product, not a beta one.
lurkersxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
This que system is kind of funny. Oh well though, its time to go watch a movie or something, tired of lurking the forums
Someone can have my spot, maybe it will be the guy 2000 in line can have my 17952, it does seem to rotate.
sepheulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited April 2013
Don't expect success if you don't dare to get it, So many paid for founder's packs and still they can t play the game, i have 2 h to play, but i have to wait 1 and a i can play 30 mins... i m starting to see the mistake of spending cash to support "the EA" of f2p...PWE...grrr
Founder's pack and I still have crazy queues.. Maybe I made a mistake.
I only have a few hours to play.. guess maybe some other time...
krixx73Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited April 2013
Perfect Music for the wait in line
Daft Punk - Get Lucky "we are up all night to get Lucky"
moonryseMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited April 2013
Over an hour and half in the queue and nothing, Im out. Fix your S$$%. It's clearly broken.
matyooMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited April 2013
Display error ? i will write stupid things thats why im drop this display error thing
My problem is im with my friends in ts we are 10+ im the only one who cant login and im the only one who payed 60$ how this can be fair my freeloader friends is playing the game wich i should play because i payed for it and the problem is no one gived any info about queues in packs.
Also some of my freeloader friends logout and login with out problem and yet i still cant login and also i see many of 200$ pack buyers waiting in queue and my freeloader friends login before them how this can be possible get some proper developers pls and give me my priority to be not in the same pocket with freeloaders i dont give a **** about 2 or 3 useless items wich i deleted on lvl 15 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
kenteMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
you know i havent even played this game yet and already felt like i wasted my money
pharon2009Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 15Arc User
edited April 2013
still no one answered me if patching is slow or it is just me LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
The posters telling people to calm down are wrong. Most the people mad have spent lots of money to become founders, they have a right to be mad. Im ftp and i can't recommend this game to anyone since you can't play it but i feel for you founders.
Holy Hell! I read about 3 pages of this complaining and I don't have to read anymore to comment.
@Everybody *****ing
I really don't care if you paid 1,000 dollars, it's been 6 hours since it's been open to the public. You already are calling the company a piece of **** for not catering to your needs, it's sickening. You obviously don't know anything about what's going on and I doubt you guys fully understand how flooded a server can get. I promise you they're doing everything they can to resolve the issue, guaranteed. With all of the MMOs that exist that have had this issue at Open beta or launch, you guys are STILL shocked that this happens? It's always going to happen. ALWAYS.
Another point, all of you "Guardians" out there. As many people have stated before me, YOU DO NOT GET PRIORITY ACCESS. It was in the **** pack when you bought it. On the topic of these packs, you guys did not BUY the game! You just supported the company during development.
Okay, now that I got some of that off my chest. I hope you all have a nice day and I wish for a swift transition into Open Beta.
I'll see you all in server Mindflayer!
Your 2nd paragraph is utter drivel. If no one had bought packs there would be no game. What I think and from what others have said is that we understand hero pack buyers get priority access but to prioritise F2P over guardians has no logic. It would be like saying to a group of investors thanks for the money you have given but you get no more rights than someone who has invested nothing at all.
i am so stupid I got in a few hours ago with no Q decided to log out to make a second toon so I got the name i wanted and now I am 3567....wait......15637 in q
thefantasticbardMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Ah, all this rage makes me lul. Please dont tell me you think this would go flawlessly? I dropped 60$ for this, I got to play a tad this morning and now I'm in queue. I didnt even thik i would be able to play today BECAUSE it opened up. So I made plans. And guess what, even if I'm not playing the game I have other things to do, not rage. So yea, Butthurt Beverlys, you know what to do, stop da raging.
The Spellsinger of Semarkan~Grimmgnaw
I love Bards. Wisconsin, birthplace of DnD.
There's a sucker born every minute. From the sounds of it, there's about 20 pages of them, all having shelled out $60 without actually looking to see what they were getting (or not getting - queue priority).
I'm sure I'll end up spending more than most on the game anyway. I'm in, was a grand total of 20 minutes from the time I loaded the game til I was picking up gear off the shore for my first quest.
lolz, just because some one paid $60-$200 for a starter pack does not mean jack. What happens with a ftp player spends $500 in cash shop and the Guardian players spends nothing, what a ridiculous concept this is.
lazer1211Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
So only the HOTN get to be put in front? I would like a refund of my $60 please.
noscetemetMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Interesting, it appears that the queues aren't reflecting being reset either. Out of curiosity I left queue for Mindflayer, and immediately checked it from the log in screen. I had been moved to 12k, but only 6k people were supposedly in the queue.
Well, looks like it might be time to take a shower.
forumspiritbxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
next game you make you should make the minimum founders pack 300$ and the max 10000$, if you are gonna shaft people who support you at least go for the big one.
still no one answered me if patching is slow or it is just me LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Yes it's slow took me maybe 10 mins to do the 220mb patch but I have been patching everyday. I imagine if it is a big patch you are doing erm good luck....
I can't even get past the patcher. What is going on? I paid for this?!
Seriously, I'm having the same issue and I'm really starting to get pissed off about this. Everything was working fine up until today. this is utter BS. Cant even get the patcher to launch without patcher Error. WTF is going on Cryptic????
steelpulseMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Someone can have my spot, maybe it will be the guy 2000 in line can have my 17952, it does seem to rotate.
I only have a few hours to play.. guess maybe some other time...
Daft Punk - Get Lucky
My problem is im with my friends in ts we are 10+ im the only one who cant login and im the only one who payed 60$ how this can be fair my freeloader friends is playing the game wich i should play because i payed for it and the problem is no one gived any info about queues in packs.
Also some of my freeloader friends logout and login with out problem and yet i still cant login and also i see many of 200$ pack buyers waiting in queue and my freeloader friends login before them how this can be possible get some proper developers pls and give me my priority to be not in the same pocket with freeloaders i dont give a **** about 2 or 3 useless items wich i deleted on lvl 15 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Your 2nd paragraph is utter drivel. If no one had bought packs there would be no game. What I think and from what others have said is that we understand hero pack buyers get priority access but to prioritise F2P over guardians has no logic. It would be like saying to a group of investors thanks for the money you have given but you get no more rights than someone who has invested nothing at all.
I love Bards. Wisconsin, birthplace of DnD.
I'm sure I'll end up spending more than most on the game anyway. I'm in, was a grand total of 20 minutes from the time I loaded the game til I was picking up gear off the shore for my first quest.
Yet another company that doesn't adequately plan for high volume ON FRICKIN LAUNCH FRICKIN DAY!!!
Well, looks like it might be time to take a shower.
Yes it's slow took me maybe 10 mins to do the 220mb patch but I have been patching everyday. I imagine if it is a big patch you are doing erm good luck....
You cant....learn basic network infrastructure before making such comments
Get some air.
Seriously, I'm having the same issue and I'm really starting to get pissed off about this. Everything was working fine up until today. this is utter BS. Cant even get the patcher to launch without patcher Error. WTF is going on Cryptic????
Well, im a hero and im at 3039 in the que. So all you freeloaders crying that you cant login..Atleast you didnt pay for the privelidge.