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Cloaked Ascendancy Preview Patch Notes: NW.75.20170306d.1 (Notes in progress)

terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer
Hey there folks,

Catching up on some stuff, so the full notes are unlikely to come in at a reasonable hour tonight. Here's a brief, informal overview for now.

Known Issues
  • Stuff in the Reward Claims Agent, and other things that look at account-wide unlocks, may not work as expected until the maintenance that pushes this build to the live shards. (There are some infrastructure code changes that allow some of these features to work.)
    • That means players won't be able to grab respec tokens from the Zen Market on Preview. I know this is far from ideal with the Devoted Cleric changes in the build. Folks who are sitting on a free respec on the live shard may be able to do some character copying shenanigans to secure respecs.
  • Some of Kavatos' new voice-over lines in cutscenes are incorrect.
  • Illusionist's Skirmish: There are some spots where the gauntlet can be bypassed using some methods that won't be explained in these notes.

Major Changes
  • Dreadnaught's big ol' list of Devoted Cleric changes - Check the thread here!
  • The tutorial experience has been updated. Players who go to Neverwinter from the Sleeping Dragon Bridge are greeted directly by Sergeant Knox, and they're provided with slightly more fashionable fashion items.
    • Also, the Golden Path is no longer bound to a key by default, but can still be bound in the Options UI. This will only affect characters created in this build or later ones.
  • Back-end changes to the Zen Market. On NeverwinterPreview, this unfortunately means that the Zen Market can't be viewed, and other things like Reward Claims Agent entries can't be claimed if there were any available. This will fix itself when this build goes to the live shard.

Other Changes (Incomplete)
  • Great Weapon Fighter: Unstoppable. Should finally be fixed.
    • The issue that we found when we were trying to reproduce it was that if the player gained a significant amount of Determination within a split second of activating Unstoppable (e.g. if they crit an enemy for high damage with an At-Will and had the talent that let them gain Determination from damage output), the timing of certain parts of the power got desynchronized.
    • As a result of the fix, there may be a short delay after Unstoppable ends before Determination can be gained again.
  • Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after.
  • Oathbound Paladin: Aura of Radiance and Aura of Truth now scale properly with additional ranks.
  • Artificer's Persuasion no longer triggers if an artifact power is cancelled before activation.
  • Players with the Fancy Horse can now add the Gorgon mount to their stable.
  • Most Healing Potions scale in level scaling content when the player's level is increased.
  • Certain Companion powers that weren't triggering Insignia bonuses now trigger Insignia bonuses.
  • Frosted Glyphs no longer hit nearby, out-of-combat enemies for 0 damage, causing your companion to think they're great targets.
  • Eye of the Giant now only increases damage resistance by 5% when used out of combat.
  • Volcanic Galeb Duhr once again properly drops at Epic rarity, and the Active Companion Bonus now gives the proper damage percentage value.
  • Kabal's Trial now drops the Volcanic Galeb Duhr instead of the Lava Galeb Duhr.
  • Illusionist's Gambit now drops Daily Rough Astral Diamond skirmish rewards.
  • Endurant Shard of Permafrost had several fixes, to be detailed here later. Basically, it cools down while the player's logged out, and is now used from the inventory rather than a tray slot.
  • Transcendent and Pure Vorpal Enchantments' functionality now properly match their tooltips.
  • Several new categories have been added to the Auction House.


  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    I think you know what I want to ask about...

    First, the HE bug-out. Any news on that? It is a pretty big time-waster ... many people have given up on the HEs because of this, with the exception of the Treasure ship one.

    Second, the stacking issue. I just checked - the reclaimed items now stack to 999, which is a big improvement (thank you), but someone forgot the Ornately carved boxes...they still only stack to 5, and that is a bit irritating when you have 50+ of those.

    Third, the lock-out of the Dig sites...it is getting worse and worse....some players are worried that they will soon be locked out of all the sites. I am permanently (well, day 5) locked out of 4 out of 9, for example. Discarding passes before they expire or before you get duplicates might be a possible workaround, but it doesn't unlock the dig sites that are already blocked.

    Edit: Thanks to @strathkin, I now have a workaround that seems 100% reliable. If you are locked out of a dig site, cannot buy a pass and if you get a pass as a random drop, the entrance shows the red error message, then you can unlock the site by partying with someone who does not have the site locked, have him/her buy a pass and go in with him/her. After you complete the site, it will be properly unlocked again.

    Finally, the Arcanic Focus issue. Yes, I saw the reply....

    "What is the next step and when should we expect it? We are currently reviewing the drop rates and will find the better way for y'all to get this items faster. Afterwards, these will need to be put into a patch to get to y'all as soon as we can. Unfortunately, we don't have a specific date yet, but we are going to move this as fast as we can. "

    ....and I just wanted to remind you folks that this is really bothering players. My suggestion would be either to raise the daily limit at least to 5/day (or just get rid of it altogether), or lower the cost a bit, say 20 for offhand and 30 for mainhand. There is already time-gating built in, because of the EoE requirements, but the current situation with the Arcanic focus is just unfair, and it is quite annoying for it to take double the time needed for the other components to gather that one or to punish players who cannot manage to get the minimum of 3 per day every day.

    As an example, here is my own offhand on Live

    Got enough of most resources for both mainhand and offhand...will have the rest of the Writings this weekend, but I still need 45 Arcane Focus (Foci?) for the mainhand, and that means at minimum 15 days more.... more like 25, as some days I get only 0-2.

    Anyhow....being primarily a DC (with 2000+ hours of play time with that class), I am now off to test the changes. This is going to be...interesting.
    Post edited by adinosii on
    Hoping for improvements...
  • edited March 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    terramak said:

    Hey there folks,

    Catching up on some stuff, so the full notes are unlikely to come in at a reasonable hour tonight. Here's a brief, informal overview for now.

    Known Issues

    • Stuff in the Reward Claims Agent, and other things that look at account-wide unlocks, may not work as expected until the maintenance that pushes this build to the live shards. (There are some infrastructure code changes that allow some of these features to work.)
      • That means players won't be able to grab respec tokens from the Zen Market on Preview. I know this is far from ideal with the Devoted Cleric changes in the build. Folks who are sitting on a free respec on the live shard may be able to do some character copying shenanigans to secure respecs.
    • Some of Kavatos' new voice-over lines in cutscenes are incorrect.
    • Illusionist's Skirmish: There are some spots where the gauntlet can be bypassed using some methods that won't be explained in these notes.

    Major Changes
    • Dreadnaught's big ol' list of Devoted Cleric changes - Check the thread here!
    • The tutorial experience has been updated. Players who go to Neverwinter from the Sleeping Dragon Bridge are greeted directly by Sergeant Knox, and they're provided with slightly more fashionable fashion items.
      • Also, the Golden Path is no longer bound to a key by default, but can still be bound in the Options UI. This will only affect characters created in this build or later ones.

    Other Changes (Incomplete)
    Great Weapon Fighter: Unstoppable. Should finally be fixed.
    • The issue that we found when we were trying to reproduce it was that if the player gained a significant amount of Determination within a split second of activating Unstoppable (e.g. if they crit an enemy for high damage with an At-Will and had the talent that let them gain Determination from damage output), the timing of certain parts of the power got desynchronized.
    • As a result of the fix, there may be a short delay after Unstoppable ends before Determination can be gained again.
    Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after.

    Artificer's Persuasion no longer triggers if an artifact power is cancelled before activation.
    @vida44 and other GWF mains. Your guys' dreams (sort of? see the delay) come true, assuming it actually is fixed (you guys should test this).

    @jaegernl and other HR mains, check out the new Plant Growth...

    and for those of us running Artificers' builds, we should take a look...

  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    terramak said:

    Hey there folks,

    Catching up on some stuff, so the full notes are unlikely to come in at a reasonable hour tonight. Here's a brief, informal overview for now.

    Known Issues

    • Stuff in the Reward Claims Agent, and other things that look at account-wide unlocks, may not work as expected until the maintenance that pushes this build to the live shards. (There are some infrastructure code changes that allow some of these features to work.)
      • That means players won't be able to grab respec tokens from the Zen Market on Preview. I know this is far from ideal with the Devoted Cleric changes in the build. Folks who are sitting on a free respec on the live shard may be able to do some character copying shenanigans to secure respecs.
    • Some of Kavatos' new voice-over lines in cutscenes are incorrect.
    • Illusionist's Skirmish: There are some spots where the gauntlet can be bypassed using some methods that won't be explained in these notes.

    Major Changes
    • Dreadnaught's big ol' list of Devoted Cleric changes - Check the thread here!
    • The tutorial experience has been updated. Players who go to Neverwinter from the Sleeping Dragon Bridge are greeted directly by Sergeant Knox, and they're provided with slightly more fashionable fashion items.
      • Also, the Golden Path is no longer bound to a key by default, but can still be bound in the Options UI. This will only affect characters created in this build or later ones.
    • Back-end changes to the Zen Market. On NeverwinterPreview, this unfortunately means that the Zen Market can't be viewed, and other things like Reward Claims Agent entries can't be claimed if there were any available. This will fix itself when this build goes to the live shard.

    Other Changes (Incomplete)
    • Great Weapon Fighter: Unstoppable. Should finally be fixed.
      • The issue that we found when we were trying to reproduce it was that if the player gained a significant amount of Determination within a split second of activating Unstoppable (e.g. if they crit an enemy for high damage with an At-Will and had the talent that let them gain Determination from damage output), the timing of certain parts of the power got desynchronized.
      • As a result of the fix, there may be a short delay after Unstoppable ends before Determination can be gained again.
    • Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after.
    • Oathbound Paladin: Aura of Radiance and Aura of Truth now scale properly with additional ranks.
    • Artificer's Persuasion no longer triggers if an artifact power is cancelled before activation.
    • Players with the Fancy Horse can now add the Gorgon mount to their stable.
    • Most Healing Potions scale in level scaling content when the player's level is increased.
    • Certain Companion powers that weren't triggering Insignia bonuses now trigger Insignia bonuses.
    • Frosted Glyphs no longer hit nearby, out-of-combat enemies for 0 damage, causing your companion to think they're great targets.
    • Eye of the Giant now only increases damage resistance by 5% when used out of combat.
    • Volcanic Galeb Duhr once again properly drops at Epic rarity, and the Active Companion Bonus now gives the proper damage percentage value.
    • Kabal's Trial now drops the Volcanic Galeb Duhr instead of the Lava Galeb Duhr.
    • Illusionist's Gambit now drops Daily Rough Astral Diamond skirmish rewards.
    • Endurant Shard of Permafrost had several fixes, to be detailed here later. Basically, it cools down while the player's logged out, and is now used from the inventory rather than a tray slot.
    • Transcendent and Pure Vorpal Enchantments' functionality now properly match their tooltips.
    • Several new categories have been added to the Auction House.
    This is all great, however as was mentioned in the Dev stream what about the fix for the "pally exploit", I assumed this meant the double mark insta death for the pally if he's using Aura of courage? Also, the blackthorn helm insta kills Pallys too because there's no internal cooldown on the reflect damage. This stuff is ridiculously broken. Please, Please fix, it's been active for mods @terramak
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • bawkrubawkru Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    most of the Dc stuff still doe not work ie passives like holy symbol and hasting light wep passive and AA still trades 50% tho i dont think it buffs my companion now so mite wanna relook at ALL of the DC changes to see if any of them are working
  • darthtzarrdarthtzarr Member Posts: 1,003 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    @dreadnaught#5263 @terramak @mimicking#6533

    #1 Flame Strike still does not proc weapon enchants
    #2 Repurpose Soul still does not proc on Chains Daunting Light, or Flame Strike
    #3 Prophetic Action works, but is not put into the log properly (absorbs damage, but the damage still hits)
    #4 Living Fire cannot reproc, it only procs once. If you remain at low HP, you still only get it once
    #5 Punishing Light still only procs WEs on first 2 hits
    #6 Prophecy of Doom randomly goes off early and does not refund the cooldown (caused by weapon enchants one-shotting enemies)
    #7 Hammer of Fate procs weapon only enchants two times
    #8 Prophecy of Doom debuff animation does not tick down at the correct rate when empowered (vfx only)
    #9 Prophecy of Doom does not refresh if enemies are killed by something other than the Prophecy
    #10 Living Fire is lost upon death
    #11 Damaging Weapon Enchants that can crit, overwrite repurpose soul feat
    #12 Damage in everfrost zones counts as 2 hits against AA orbs

    #1 DG procs WEs (yay)
    #2 TI works (20% to party with no effort)
    #3 AA cannot proc more than one orb in a single hit (120% of HP in damage will kill you even with 4 orbs)
    #4 Base Damage increases seem to be in place
    #5 Geas generates AP
    #6 No AP for divine chains
    #7 No AP for divine searing light
    #8 AP gain on PoD seems to be working, although the amount seems a little low
    #9 Piercing Light gives correct armor pen at all ranks
    #10 Anointed Action procs from all dailies now
    #11 DG correctly increases in duration
    #12 Prophecy of doom correctly increases in duration
    #13 Prophecy of doom correctly refreshes if the final hit (called "Doom!") kills the target directly
    #14 Lance of Faith AoE working properly
    Post edited by darthtzarr on

    Signature [WIP] - tyvm John

  • bawkrubawkru Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    i need a 2nd person around to test alot of the stuff hopefully all of this will be fix before trhey put it on live server and dont only test for 1 week like they do with some of the stuff. alot of stuff is still broken and not working at all
  • artifleurartifleur Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    terramak said:

    Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after.

    I tested it, Plant Growth seems to actually be back to full power this time. Thank you!

    @terramak could you please consider fixing Rapid Strike as well? That would be a great boost for melee HR's.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    I have been testing the DC changes a bit, and ...uhm... they are not flawless, and there is NO WAY this can go live next week.

    So, here is what I would do.
    • Make a separate "Official DC changes bug reporting and feedback" thread to get feedback in a better location than this patch thread. Expect at least 2 weeks until the DC change code is relatively bug free.
    • Make a minor fix for on Live for the Arcanic Focus issues, like raising the daily limit to 5 and lowering the requirements to 30/35 (from 40/45) to get that out of the way.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • c3rb3r3c3rb3r3 Member Posts: 277 Arc User
    rjc9000 said:

    terramak said:

    Hey there folks,

    Catching up on some stuff, so the full notes are unlikely to come in at a reasonable hour tonight. Here's a brief, informal overview for now.

    Known Issues

    • Stuff in the Reward Claims Agent, and other things that look at account-wide unlocks, may not work as expected until the maintenance that pushes this build to the live shards. (There are some infrastructure code changes that allow some of these features to work.)
      • That means players won't be able to grab respec tokens from the Zen Market on Preview. I know this is far from ideal with the Devoted Cleric changes in the build. Folks who are sitting on a free respec on the live shard may be able to do some character copying shenanigans to secure respecs.
    • Some of Kavatos' new voice-over lines in cutscenes are incorrect.
    • Illusionist's Skirmish: There are some spots where the gauntlet can be bypassed using some methods that won't be explained in these notes.

    Major Changes
    • Dreadnaught's big ol' list of Devoted Cleric changes - Check the thread here!
    • The tutorial experience has been updated. Players who go to Neverwinter from the Sleeping Dragon Bridge are greeted directly by Sergeant Knox, and they're provided with slightly more fashionable fashion items.
      • Also, the Golden Path is no longer bound to a key by default, but can still be bound in the Options UI. This will only affect characters created in this build or later ones.

    Other Changes (Incomplete)
    Great Weapon Fighter: Unstoppable. Should finally be fixed.
    • The issue that we found when we were trying to reproduce it was that if the player gained a significant amount of Determination within a split second of activating Unstoppable (e.g. if they crit an enemy for high damage with an At-Will and had the talent that let them gain Determination from damage output), the timing of certain parts of the power got desynchronized.
    • As a result of the fix, there may be a short delay after Unstoppable ends before Determination can be gained again.
    Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after.

    Artificer's Persuasion no longer triggers if an artifact power is cancelled before activation.
    @vida44 and other GWF mains. Your guys' dreams (sort of? see the delay) come true, assuming it actually is fixed (you guys should test this).
    My GWF dream is to one day play something else than Destroyer/5 powers
  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    "Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after."
    @terramak i think it's about time HR piercing damage gets a fix, probably making it non piercing at all would drag combat to uselessness but 30k piercing hits players can achieve with plant growth is just too much, there is a reason so many players switched to either HR or GF for pvp.
    There is also the problem of Archer HR in both pvp and pve, while the damage a archer can deal in pvp is tremendously high other classes can make sure they avoid taking that damage, either by geting close to the archer by stealth/shield/dodge leaving him vulnerable or by avoiding the damage where they stand, in pve the problem is prey counting as capped DR debuff, aggro is also a problem (i have tried every aggro reduction possible) but the biggest problem is prey.
    In pvp trapper is badly hurt by 1 boon from iwd campain, cold shoulder, it has quite long uptime, and will reduce the damage outcome by 3000 for every attack, if i deal 10 attcks of 3001 damage they all will hit for 1 but if i deal 1 attack by 30000 instead of 10 i will hit for 27k. Mimicking talked about a problem list, please add these into that list, they are important issues.

  • cellablockcellablock Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    @terramak thank you so much for the explaination on unstoppable just tried it delay doesnt seem noticable more then i get to the red hulk animation more clearly :wink:
  • jaegernljaegernl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 455 Arc User
    terramak said:

    Other Changes (Incomplete)

    Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after.
    You have my great, immeasurable thanks. This was a rather important issue for the Hunter Ranger community, and we collectively thank you and the Dev directly responsible for the fix in particular.
    Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Protection Paladin
    Aurelius the Awkward - Level 70 Pathfinder Ranger
    We have looked into reports of players experiencing connection problems and have been unable to identify any server, data center, or client-side issues. We believe this may be ISP related.
  • edited March 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User

    I am not even sure what to do with those boxes after we get the weapon set and unlock the boons. We will have infinite useless boxes the same way we get infinite useless marks from Svardborg. Maybe add something to the boxes that we can use, besides Portal Stones.

    You can always sell the Arcane magical writings and use the abandoned treasures to buy voninblood/keys and doing the lair will give you a chance to get a salvageable and a refining stone, wich for the time invested in the mission is not bad.

  • masterclown61masterclown61 Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    jaegernl said:

    terramak said:

    Other Changes (Incomplete)

    Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after.
    You have my great, immeasurable thanks. This was a rather important issue for the Hunter Ranger community, and we collectively thank you and the Dev directly responsible for the fix in particular.
    Even though I'm happy with this, I won't thank the developer who broke the best power of a class and fixed it in 3(THREE) months.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    Frosted Glyphs no longer hit nearby, out-of-combat enemies for 0 damage, causing your companion to think they're great targets.

    I have a slightly different yet similar issue on Live that is driving me crazy. I have the Xuna companion and her "teleport to nearby enemies" is driving me nuts (it's a first-world problem, I know). Apparently "nearby" means anything and everything in the same ZIP code. I'll be fighting a group and suddenly two more groups from the map will join in because Xuna just *had* to attack them even though they're not at all close to me. Or, just as common, is the scenario where I'll defeat a group and suddenly wonder where Xuna is (because she's nowhere in sight). It turns out that she's fighting a separate group somewhere (around the corner or somewhere else) and now I'll have to find them and fight them as well.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • panteleeleepanteleelee Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Oh i hear destroy completely the DC class thats is true??? :D:D:D

    nice pvp players u can now cry for more stuff!

    Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
    May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
  • weaver936weaver936 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 443 Arc User

    Oh i hear destroy completely the DC class thats is true??? :D:D:D

    nice pvp players u can now cry for more stuff!

    LOL... take everyone that said that and put them on your ignore list.. you'll do yourself a favor in the long run. They clearly don't know anything about the Devoted Cleric or how to play the game, really.
    “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”

    ― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge

    Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.

    FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
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  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    The only times I recognized that bug was when I got cc´d or pushed the moment I pressed tab, but I don´t play that class often lately.
  • panteleeleepanteleelee Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    weaver936 said:

    Oh i hear destroy completely the DC class thats is true??? :D:D:D

    nice pvp players u can now cry for more stuff!

    LOL... take everyone that said that and put them on your ignore list.. you'll do yourself a favor in the long run. They clearly don't know anything about the Devoted Cleric or how to play the game, really.
    Dont cry more pls.
    Go in preview and see the DC's and look a few videos reaction in yt to learn some stuff pls...and after u can talk!

    Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
    May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
  • crizpynutzcrizpynutz Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    Wait wut? What does the change to Vorpal actually mean?
  • sobacsobac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    terramak said:

    Hunter Ranger: Plant Growth once again applies its first tick immediately on application, and ticks three more times after.

    Did a test of Plant Growth in preview with test weapons (only weapons, no other wearable items were used, no boons, only some green insignias i was lazy to remove):
    Rank1: tooltip dmg=20304, real dmg=3689 (*4 ticks=14756)
    Rank2: tooltip dmg=23689, real dmg=3948 (*4 ticks=15792) -> +7% dmg comparing to real dmg Rank1
    Rank3: tooltip dmg=27073, real dmg=4512 (*4 ticks=18048) -> +22% dmg comparing to real dmg Rank1
    Rank4: tooltip dmg=30457, real dmg=5076 (*4 ticks=20304, tooltip dmg for Rank1, coincidence?) -> +38% dmg comparing to real dmg Rank1

    Should give (tooltip description): +20% dmg periodic damage per rank. So i don't know if its just a wrong tooltip or smt else is broken :/

    Another bugged power is Throw Caution! Another user reported this bug in other thread, but in my testing (preview), this power gives +15% debuff AT ALL RANKS!! Rank1 will give you +15% and rank 4 will give you same 15%. Assuming rank1 should give you +5%, should be 5/10/15/ and 20% for rank4. And Wardens Courage DO WORK and gives another 5% debuff, so WAI (in preview)

    Another bug: real dmg for Cold Steel Hurricane is 13% less than tooltip (at rank3, at rank1 it was like 12,6% less)

    As for Mod11: game breaking bugs: permalocked dig sites and this another bug! These must be solved ASAP. I can't imagine how can you fail at a simple HAMSTER script: if you have X seals/whatever, and a task need 100, after this task you should have X-100 and NOT ZERO (unless you have roughly 100, of course)!! (insert triple facepalm meme here). If you dont know how to fix permalocked digsites, put 1 Arcanic focus as a daily reward, period, til you can fix sites so ppl can farm them for AF. (EDIT: or just change those requirements, 30 for main and 15 for offhand, or 30 for both or whatever, HAMSTER, dont tell me this is super difficult, facepalm)
    Post edited by sobac on
  • cellablockcellablock Member Posts: 253 Arc User

    For some reason I can't reproduce the Unstoppable bug alone on live anymore like I could before. Something must have been changed since the last time I tested it. So, I can't know it is fixed without having healers spam me with immunity and temp hp. If it is fixed, big thanks. I know that was a big bug to squash.

    versus on live when you go to preview and activate unstoppable you will see the difference that it takes a little short of a second to activate unstoppable versus on live it just activate right away its hardly noticeable but its fixed. :smile:
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    bawkru said:

    most of the Dc stuff still doe not work ie passives like holy symbol and hasting light wep passive and AA still trades 50% tho i dont think it buffs my companion now so mite wanna relook at ALL of the DC changes to see if any of them are working

    aa dont buff pets power because of the bounding system
  • mistranmistran Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    i have't been able to get a single focus for 7 days in a row at this rate i won't be able to ever get the weapons...
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    never got a single arcane writing too
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