On Friday, February 19, Coalescent Wards, Preservation Wards and Blood Rubies will be removed from the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store after maintenance. Please keep discussions respectful and on-topic; we all love this game and want it to thrive.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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So what you should have done was remove those items from the Zen store, but no you are showing your greed by doing the opposite.
Man. A disfigured CN. Insulting leveling dungeons. And now you're taking our wards. Mod 9 fail.
I would like to see some transparency on the negative effect to the ingame economy. Because the only negative effect I see is that you might be selling less from the zen store because, again, coal wards are insanely overpriced. What I see as an effect of the trade bar store rework? Less expensive enchantments, an easier way to gear up, a valuable commodity that can be exchanged for AD if you don't have time to farm AD. But I mean, by all means, tell us nothing, give us a bs consolation prize, and say "too bad, deal with it".
The economy is better now than it ever has been. Do you really think taking away our ability to make enchants is going to make us richer or enable us to have more fun with this already grindy and gated game?
Andy...I'm so sorry you have to always deliver this terrible news. The devs behind you need to get their heads on straight.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
that is pure unbelievable WTH are you doing?
what i see as unnatural "bottleneck" to progression for enchants and runes.
that is one of reason why folks are using VIP that you gave us to get a daily key for T bars, now there nothing we need on T bar marchants, huh? guess what? it became nothing more than a window shop for fashion and pets.
my "RNG" is pure rotten to the core, i still hadnt seen brillant diamond, i am being flooded with peridots which these are too small to feed that cost 600k runes/enchants and several 200k on artifacts. my best ever dropped gems are black opals, which are few times.
what i have seen so far since Mod 6, you went 1 step forward and then 2 steps backward every time.
havent driven off enough real players yet? love the spambots that much? cause thats gonna be all that is left on this game is spambots and newbs at this rate.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
If you wanted respectful... you may have brought the concept up for discussion.
Well, I'm hopping off this train. I've brushed off a lot of the changes and said that it wouldn't really affect me, so I'd keep logging in and buying Zen occasionally to support the game. This, however, removes any way for me to progress my characters without spending real money. No thanks.
Bad move, Cryptic. Just another nail in your coffin.
This just goes to show yet again the complete lack of communication b/w the players and the devs. They seem to have less and less of a clue of what goes on, and what players want/like. Rather than maybe even make them cheaper which you should do since you blew it with mod 9, you remove it? What economy are you even talking about since everything is BoA or BoP now anyway? I'd love a dev reply on this as I feel like they have nothing to say.