This is my number one frustration in the volcano zone on my wizard right now...having to teleport a lot more, and having an encounter (or worse, a potion) go on timer without getting to use it is quite unpleasant.
I'm really enjoying CW, but TR is also rather fun. With CW, though, I've yet to hit an area where I feel less effective...for my rogue, it got a little bumpy around level 30. Both guzzle potions though, and both are really far it comes down to me to higher numbers (TR) or more AoE and CC (CW)...and I rather like…
Actually, I think there are some potential p2w issues in this game...I find it hilarious that the OP is pretty much missing all of them by saying that HotN is p2w (especially in saying the 2.6mil AD max + mounts you can get from founder's packs is what makes them p2w)
If you want something to REALLY feel mad about, OP, feast your eyes on this: That's right, I'm playing something you can't even buy or grind for until June at least...Drow. Feel the pain.
Says the person mooching free gameplay off of those that did buy founder packs. Edit: Also, I see the discussion is now about MOUNTS in PVP....I have one thing to say, OP...learn to play rather than complain, seriously.
Stupidly spending AD in the AD store before you know what you shouldn't buy, or trading AD for zen at 500 a piece for keys for lockboxes before you understand that they're a bad idea...those two sucked half my AD down the drain before the free players even joined. >_> Furthermore, OP...before ranting about people, perhaps…
You can buy power in literally any online game...the only difference is whether it goes to some random farmer's pocketbook, or the company's pocketbook.
Wait, are you complaining you're not being handed stuff for free, and those of us who paid to get some things faster (rather than grinding) have no place from which to speak when we say either grind or pay?
In contrast, DO check the AH regularly if you're interested in lots of Nightmare Lockboxes, because people like me will post them for less than 200 AD (won't buy keys, but I will get a really quick turnover of AD).
Likewise, got about half-way through Cloak Tower solo on my rogue (trying to find all of the item locations and screenshot them for my guild), and suddenly, over 2k ping. Died to a single drudge due to being unable to respond. I hope this isn't a glimpse of what happens any time there's a heavy load...because this is…
I agree it's worth every penny I paid (and I paid $259.98 for it). The head start is only a minor factor, though. I'd gladly pay $60 for the Guardian pack, though...I've paid that much for games that I've played less than the (too many) hours I've already put into NWO. I see Foundry extending it a good bit as well.
I would personally spring up to $60 and buy the Guardian pack if you can...then it'll be about the price of a new 360 game that you may play for a week or less (or more, depending on how you play 360 games) and last quite a while. Otherwise, you'll honestly do well enough just mainly get a mount, assuming the zen store…
I've mainly used killing enemies to get that last bit of XP to get to a new gear level...and that's about it. In all honesty, it's usually better to run a normal quest (trying my first foundry mission now...that might be an awesome way to get some XP too).
IMO, Lockboxes have one use - making me AD (in amounts of about 170 each, after AH tax). I am much happier with them after thinking of them as free AD rather than something I have to open.
I've had zero issues with identify scrolls, especially once I stopped IDing anything that isn't a potential upgrade (I did that when I realized I'd have to buy higher level ID scrolls for AD..45 AD is more valuable than a handful of copper/silver to me).
I'm going human because my pre-determined RP character for my guild's group (once everyone can play on the 30th) was a human cleric (a carryover from a long time ago, in a completely unrelated setting...but carried over to this game). Personally, I don't make characters to min-max (after playing other MMOs where I did this…
My thinking is color matters because it affects item value, and item value somehow figures in (though it shouldn't). Honestly, I don't know HOW it works for sure, as I obviously had nothing to do with programming it...but I can guess at how the logic works. Unfortunately, as you said, it's a flawed logical system…
You can get a refund on the starter pack (not sure on the process, but getting in touch with someone would be a good start - possibly PMing a dev or submitting a ticket) and buy the Guardian pack, which would get you what you want.
Apparently, rarity throws it for a loop. Luckily, the box on the new item that shows what you gain (I completely ignore what's recommended) is all the pertinent information. The one he has is blue, the one he looted is green. That makes the system view the rare item (even though it's worse stat-wise) as better than the…