He's a tank. He almost exclusively gets fbi and sp. Mostly sp. I'm a DC--I expect the same result would happen for me were I to q. And while 30 mins is not disastrous, it's not really "fun", either, if I'm wanting to do dungeon runs. Which would be the whole point of the qing thing--to run dungeons. Not sit around and wait…
I said before the qs were implemented that I wasn't going to participate, and I haven't. Mainly because many of the people I run with get random snrs and crashes that can last well over 5 mins, meaning they will get booted before they can come back. I don't want to get trapped in FBI or Spellplague with half of a premade…
And if you don't, it's not because our design is flawed. It's because you have a psychological block and you'll either get over it or leave. New people will replace you and they won't have your psychological block so it's all cool.
Rusted Lightender's Restoration Surcoat cannot be salvaged. When I click salvage, it tells me that I'm converting to RP (1). When I click to convert nothing happens.
Fark readers never got over Jeff saying "You'll get over it" and it seems that "A small vocal minority" has the same infamy. Edit to add that it really is terrible to see all of the lower level players locked out like this. Contrary to what the dev in the random queues thread posited, it is neither easy nor fast to level a…
https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1235580/swords-of-chult-release-maintenance-10-24 @nitocris83's post there said 4 hours; it was the launcher that said 2. They just need a proofreader for the launcher is all.
Given that it is public queuing, chances are that the group you go in with is not the group that you'll (hopefully) complete with. So no, not really good enough.
I was in the original 5; we did it when DCs were broken so it was rough at the last boss but a lot of fun. Grats on getting through with your group, illhora! How did it go with Ras-Nisi at the end? Did you have the companion/aggro problems we did? We haven't tried again but now I think we should.
"All dungeons and trials that are unlocked via campaigns are now account unlocks. This affects the following queues: Demogorgon (Master) Fangbreaker Island Assault on Svardborg Assault on Svardborg (Master) Spellplague Caverns (Master) Tomb of the Nine Gods"
I made a super-whiny post in the Random Q's thread yesterday (top of page 33), asking if this is a nerf to synergy or us as individual dcs, and got this in response. End of an era, guys.
If you q with a full party, and get msp or fbi for example, maybe that's fine with your party. But you have to q public to do random qs, so if one of your team dcs (and it can take people more than 5 minutes to restart/log in) or has to leave, you won't be able to invite another friend, but rather they'll be replaced by…
Earlier you called it a nerf referring to DCs. Could you at least clarify whether that's the intent or if it's more of a change to powers stacking? Like...is it a nerf to my own powers that you're planning, or a nerf to synergy? Having an idea of this would make a huge difference. A nerf to my synergy means I can carry on…
@nitocris83 While you're talking to Vanilla, there's a thing in the forums where if you link to a comment it takes you to the top of the page and not the comment. example: https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/discussion/comment/12986595/#Comment_12986595 <trying to link to terramak's 3rd post here and it just goes to the…
At first I had thought that, but then he went on to say that he thinks most players want damage and heals to be effective, contrasted that idea to buffs and debuffs, and called it a nerf. So, yeah.
Sticking me with FBI or Spellplague **now with bonus everyone's undergeared, under-booned alts!!** instead of ETOS or ESOT is the opposite of respecting my playtime.
The Batari thing is not broken, it's how it is. The groups with a Brave in are just tougher. All of the rare hunt things are tougher than the not rare ones, but with the Bataris it's more noticeable because you have a group of them all at the same high buffness.
When there is a Brave among the Batari groups, they all get super-buffed. The Brave is the one that has the trinket, so it's worth the fight (sometimes)
In response to your edit question, same instance doesn't necessarily make you see the others' item levels correctly; sometimes you actually have to be near them too to see it.