I found that those power/outline effects can be fixed by draging the Max Shader Quality slider around.. not a permanent fix though as it has to be done every time you start the game and it doesn't fix person/object textures.
Same issue here, also I am pretty the OP copied my post word for word and even the thumbnail pics from the PWE tech support forum. XD Not complaining, just boggled my mind for a moment. :P I am glad more people are having this issue, means it may get pushed a little higher on the priority list.
I guess I am the only with this issue? It's strange because I was able to see the textures last beta weekend with no issues. Even wiping the game completely from my system and reinstalling(twice) doesn't seem to fix it. Running around in a world where every person, creature or loot is pink is very odd. On the other hand I…
I am also having this issue and have taken various screenshots showcasing the issue: I assume there is supposed to be a map here? Notice lack of any indication of health, stamina and experience... making playing pretty difficult. I'm thinking maybe a good compromise would be to add a troubleshooting option to disable the…