Thank you very much to those who have truly understood why I was worried, and thanks for putting me back at ease. I have no clue if I'm placing these things in your boxes or what not, so forgive me if you have to search for my messages to you. And sorry to all those who I won't get around to reading your tips...or insults…
yeah, I'm not good at these typing out stuff. I'm the guy who yells at you in party to get a mic...LOL. Thanks though, and yeah, it was pay-pal, the money was drawn out successfully buy truly I think I may have broken something when I closed the tab out on accident. Those things do say don't close out and such.
sorry, I didn't expect so many replies when I didn't even know I had posted it yet, I was still working on it. So I'm typing as fast as I can to answer you all and not caring too much about spelling.
it does seem like a few of you believe that P.W.E. will eventually get around to solving the problem, so thanks for you few for making me feel less stressed so that I an now go back and enjoy the game. I will also try to figure out how to delete this thing.
really, I have to explain that to you? Fine, I'll try to talk see, when someone doesn't have much money they save up. It's their play money. This money may take them a few months or a few years to save up. Then they find something they want to spend it on and they do. If they get their merchandise then they…
sorry, I had no idea how to use this cite. I'm fumblling around in the dark.. And the statement I made about already making $100 purchase of zen that I felt I wasted at buying shadow keys, should have been plain enough that I do know how to use the zen transfer. I apologize if I didn't make it clear enough.
ok, I may be broke but I'm not a complete There is no zen in my wallet to be transfered, Do you know of any place other than my wallet that may show it still processing or something?
yeah I guess you're right. Though the attitude was uncalled for. I don't believe I'm anyone but a man who is living on hard times and can't afford to waste money. This feels like I just tossed it in the trash and that isn't a great feeling to one like me who doesn't have much to begin with. So I'm sorry if you took me as…
So what you're saying is that you believe they will get around to solving the issue and I'll get my Zen? That would be nice, it's all I expect and what I would like. It's all the people out there filling up the net with complaints that just made me question my own judgemnet. Thanks for your input. PS. first time using this…