The doors I set to unlock via story in my tomb can not be opened untill on that qwest. I didnt need akey ither. door sinply wouldnt be ussalbe untill on the story objective unlock door.
I had this problem too in my infinity chest worked fine in editor broken in publish. After carful review I relized my patrols are by defaul set to altitude zero. my room was +20ft so after raising my patrols to 20.5 feet. they worked again in publish. the editor dosnt get hung up on if it can get to the way point, but in…
It might be in here already, but a horse that can be set to dead. and a horse that will react when wolves are tearing the flesh off its legs. Had to abandon my idea and simply despawn the horse in a conversation to get rid of it, while giving the wolves a dead body to eat... really not what i was going for...<free horse…
I'm going to highly recomend you play "Nightmanre on Market street." by swepea. Best story driven foundry I have played so far. Please play this even if you ignore both my quest. This author deserves to be in the best tab. Looking forward to the campain completion. Also the two in my sig I consider to be story driven. In…
I have a respawn fire that I built a small rock wall around in my crypt trying to make it look more like a shrine fire. I used a twenty foot catsle wall round corner and shoved it into the ground so little under a foot sticks up (x4). even tho it was slightly larger then the ring the ring has since vanashed.
For the longest time I had the x marks the spot as my overworld icon. and had a chest banner. And then I relized i could move a my Icon to the part of the city my quest started. I did so and changed the icon to city dungon. Now its a banned looking down at the city from up by the kings area. so it hink the overworld Icon…
It almost seems like the publisher sever get worse every day after a reset, Maby the should reset em once a day untill they figer out what makes them go unstable over time.
I have a dell xps that maby 4 years old but should have no issue with this yet the more I add to my first map the more broken the editor becomes. now I have all the following issue to contend with while editing. 3 second lag from time i click somthing to time the click gives me a result. icons im trying to spin diasapear…
And dosnt the objective always say complete at the end? "turn back danger lies ahead":complete Only thing I could think of is be creative add a sign Like a "beware the ogre". or a invisable interacactive. "this place gives me the kreeps. Maby I should turn back." Even a interactable abject to move out to the way to advance…
I wanted to do a return qwest on a map were you come back to visit an npc for her birthday and she drags you around looking for were her father hide her gift but its all an excuse to spend time with you. but when ever I try to duplicate the map. (way to large to remake from scatch) Using the suplied dupplicate qwest…
and there is a "crystal exploshion" effect perfect for this. so make interact with crystal an objective. and the crystal explosion. have the crystal disapear and exploshion apear at objective complete and pick the interact with crystal.
early sunday moring. and it published in like three min but then later that night desided to add more lighting and effects and been publishing for 12 hours now.
okay decided to add how to fix the npc since I know how. You have him set to disaper when the door is opened. instead. set hit to disapear on a dialog. now this is important! You will never get to see the dialog he disapears on as the chat interface is closed the second you reply to the dialog leading to this one. so were…
okay typing in here as I play. Loaded in when in kicten and liked the music mad me want to come and play. Chose no gurad. first room is done nice. like the statues. pick hard mode first fight was fun 23 great sword w/cleric pet. used 2 pots and cleric went down right at the end but with alot of aoes i pulled threw. good…
Now that editor is up I changed the trash mobs in final fight to match the type of harder mobs this made them slightly easher and a few less in numbers. I consider this my final publish. :confused: 35 hits and one review :(
Easy in dialog tree. say blah blah blah response1: I would like it easy add response --> resposne 2: I want it hard Make two new dialogs under each response 1: it will be easy 2: then hard it is now go to every mob you want to add for hard mode and set the option "apper when" to "Dialog reached" . Then in sub window that…
Thank you. Originaly the last fight had just 1 berserker and trash but found it to easy/anti-cilmatic so I added in the other, and added the hard brute. I do give you a gurdian npc who gets pulled out 1/2 way threw to help if you can keep him alive to the end. I have not died yet testing it but ussly go thru 2 pots back to…
Mine has intense combat but it is only 10 min Long and is totaly story driven. If you want short cute quest with hummer try my "the Infinity Chest" NW-DKAAXTP4W. Of note please read the mission destription. It sets up the story. (your supose to be acepting a job request off the bullention boards and reads as such). Some…
nw-dhjpt25g4 A 45 min solo hard. dungion type qwest. just if you die after reaching the open door potion starts ingonore the teleporter. Added to avoid a extrmly long boring run back to the spider caves but then relized after editor went down you get telported the wrong way if you die after clearing the spider caves.…
Okay since I'm not sure xhrit got his review I decided to review him and who ever posts after me. I have two quest in for review The first is my first fondry atempt. "In defence of the Beggar King" NW-DHJPT25G4 It is a 45 min solo dungion type quest chain with alot of small, but stong ecounters. It still is fun with two…