Couldn't agree more. I just recently came back, and I want to get back to creating. I was very disappointed when I found that the Foundry was unaccessible.
Hmm... Sounds like you've got your own clipping issues, my friend. Glass houses, anyone? ps. Clipping is caused when one internal object mesh collides with another. Graphics cards quality settings don't change object mesh geometry. Lower graphics settings might lower the detail of the textures applied, but they don't…
How to "make" people play foundry quests? Surgically remove that stupid piece of human nature that makes people reward-driven and replace it with something that drives people to do fun things for the sake of doing them, with no thought of any material (or virtual) reward, or lack thereof, except for the fun of the activity…
You can copy and paste multiple details from one map to another, but it'll break all your y-axis values (The height of your objects) Just select a bunch of objects in 2D, then copy/paste them into the other map. You'll note that they're pasted as a group, so you can still drag them (x/z wise) around, but the y values will…
I had that issue, where duplicating a map gave me the 'critically overbudget' message. In my case, it was dialogues. I had to remove all of the dialogues from the map. (contact and quest) What I did to fix it was twofold: 1. For contact dialogues, I made a copy of all of the objects that had contact dialogue in another map…
I've never figured out how to start at effect when the player starts to interact with an item. Stopping the effect is easy, you can trigger that off onComponentComplete. Starting the effect? Don't think it's possible. for your purposes, I would cheat and tell the player to interact with object A to start the beam, then…
I'd love this. Like others, been asking for it for ages. If the main page is where people are gonna post their quests for review, then let's make the 'help' section a subforum. I know that I, for one, wouldn't mind going there to see if I could help with any issues people are having.
There's been no sequels to Lost Little Lambs from me because I've spent this entire time fixing everything with it that the Feywild expansion broke. It's only been in the last week or two that I've actually been able to get started on making a sequel/part 2 of the campaign. Here. Teaser screenshot of "Old Friends, New…
I, thankfully, never encountered the issue :) All of my combat in the tavern takes place in the fighting pit, in the basement, and it's spawn-on-demand.
Thanks for the feedback! We have some options, depending on the look you're going for. Crypt floors work well for big stone slabs, and we have some wooden options that say 'trim', but really are big slabs of wood, hehe. And ooty, I'm glad to have inspired you, but credit where credit is due: it was drum that suggested the…
ooooh, thanks, eldarth! ... If that means #1 is not valid, then I shall replace it with this: In the dialogue editor, please make it so that I don't have to click twice to update stuff. V. annoying.
Okay, it's published. Short code is: nw-dsgjbnsxb You can only find it by searching in the 'For Review' tab, since it's not really a real quest. You have to use the 'Advanced' search options and put the short code directly into the short code search box.
Drum is wise. Making a copy of the quest and testing in there is a good idea. My question would be: What are you trying to achieve? Do you need a duplicate of this map in the same quest, or in a different quest? If you need it in the same quest, the only way is to duplicate the map. I've duped maps with 1500 assets before,…
What do I want? Alright. I'll bite. What I want is better editing tools. I have no interest in better rewards or boss mobs, or anything like that. I just want things that make my life easier as a storyteller, map maker and module creator. So, my top 10 things: I want - * To be able to set Camera Mode and Combat Mode within…
Can we: a) change the combat type and movement type outside of edit mode in the 3D preview? and b) have the system remember that, so we don't have to reset it every time we go into 3D preview? plzkthx :D
Number of assets used is a good indicator. And frankly, all the planning in the world won't allow me to make my quests in 15 hours. It takes twice that (at least) just to make a single one of my maps. My maps generally take a week's worth of time, which is somewhere between 4 and 8 hours per day, depending on the day.
I have an updated comment on this weighing in on the issue that zahinder raised earlier, that length of quest has nothing to do with amount of dialogue. The average played time on LLL before the patch was 37 minutes. This is because I included OOC shortcut options to allow players to skip dialogue. So before the patch, LLL…
Haha. 3D editing takes some of the frustration out of this sort of thing, but really, 3D editing isn't the key to making a map like this. The key to making a map like this is creativity and imagination and seeing the base assets in the Foundry and thinking of how to use them. and @eldarth: You think so? I thought it looked…