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  • As GMC wrote in his post, it's intentionally Piercing damage so resistances aren't applied twice. To make this point more clear, I'll post some brief maths. For the purpose of not convoluting this further, let's say the target has 40% DR, and we have no armor pen. Piercing Blades will also be 50%, even though Module 4-9…
  • DISCLAIMER: I am not a developer of this game, just a player with very extensive knowledge of game mechanics and how the game works in general, so take my words as you will. I am not infallible in my conclusions, but I am very certain I am right, with good reason to believe so. I mean no disrespect to any developers, past…
  • Blade storm is terrible for pvp.
  • As I said earlier in one of my posts, Split Strike does 40k damage when you include Flurry + Piercing Blades. The capstone is honestly fine, it's Piercing blades that's the problem. I was testing Combat before the Piercing Blades change because I knew it'd be too strong, and Combat wasn't doing nearly as much damage. BH is…
  • Don't put words in my mouth, please. I posted that before the combat change, and I even posted after saying combat is definitely the meta now. Trapper does not compare. Combat needs to be toned down now. Also @deathdealersera saying BH does more damage than PB in PvP is hilarious. PB does more than the initial hit does 90%…
  • @ghoulz66 it's a bit hard to tell in solo unless you use a debuff enchantment such as plaguefire, its more obvious in parties where you have many debuffs going on. It takes pre mitigation damage which isn't affected by these debuffs. I think the debuff from ambush also affects this, but I'm not 100% sure on this one.
  • @peri87 if you don't have at least 70% deflect you're doing the wrong thing as combat. I have zero deflect gear and no deflect boons and 85% deflect is very achievable. Also @ghoulz66 the change to piercing blades that went live this patch is actually a huge nerf to pve combat, since a lot of buffs and debuffs are the post…
  • Not when you have 80% deflect. Combat HRs are the tankiest of all the trees atm. If you're being "[sliced] like butter" as Combat HR, you don't know how to build or play.
  • iirc it's something like 20 seconds, and it applies globally even if you have multiple tenes, i.e. you have 7 tenes, one procs, every one of the them is now on cooldown for the next 20 seconds. It's either 20s or 60s. Also the next mod meta, if it stays this way without nerfs, is pathfinder combat tree; piercing damage is…
  • I don't think that's necessarily something that should be implemented, because you're effectively gimping a skill out of 50% damage. I can't remember if PG exactly is specifically a DoT or not, but the DoT is still a large portion of the skill, but this is for the devs to decide. I would keep in mind though, that Piercing…
  • I can tell you lack some knowledge of PvP mechanics. First of all, yes, Elven Battle is a big culprit in negating the effects of permadaze, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's the existence and possibility of permadaze that's the issue here, not the fact that it can be negated by Elven Battle (which is an issue in…
  • Patch notes: Piercing Blades feat: Now truly deals Piercing damage again, meaning the additional damage is determined based on the unmitigated damage of the attack. The patch came up a few hours ago. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7182 (35909) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat…
  • I don't even have to use Plant Growth to melt someone in 3 seconds, though. 50% Piercing damage is just ridiculous, especially if you know how to bump up pre-mitigation damage.
  • @amenar FEEDBACK: Combat's new Piercing Blades damage is ridiculous in PvP and makes the class weaker in PvE. The new PB is pretty ridiculous when I'm doing 40k split strikes regardless of target DR (1k base split strike, x2 7-9k blade hurricane, x2 10-12k piercing blades), and things like Plant Growth are hitting for…
  • As @lunartic666 also reported: BUG: Wearing an Elven Battle enchantment shortens the duration of the class feature Pathfinder's Action by 80%.
  • This is... this is from module... 6. A lot of the information here is very outdated, so I wouldn't recommend referring to it anymore ._. That being said, if you want a feats build for next module: http://nwcalc.com/index.html#/hr?b=1oa5:k6rwk5:8dep:5tb7d,13k3iii:1u0uu00:1000000:1uu0uz1&h=0&p=pfr&o=0 This should be the meta…
  • a) The only path that could "spam" it is Trapper. If you use it as Trapper, you're gimping yourself, hurting your team, and basically an all round bad build that sucks. b) A 15s CC breaker isn't overpowered, especially on a class like HR where your dodges SUCK. c) "shift dodge" - obviously you haven't played a HR. The…
  • And ITC is a 6 second duration. Marauder's Rush and Escape are barely one second animations. What's the problem with that? That's not overpowered, that's reasonable. It's not a "state" like ITC is, it's just a gap closing/creating power. It's literally an additional dodge, which HRs lack anyway, so it won't ever be…
  • Alright, this Hawkeye bug is really confusing. I've narrowed it down to several possible issues, but the test results are too inconsistent for me to tell what it really is. I can't consistently get it to bug out, but one thing I noticed was that standing in one position and doing Hawkeye -> Hawk Shot eventually resulted in…
  • And why not? The rotation for oneshotting is a VERY specific setup that anyone with half a brain can avoid. It takes a few seconds to execute, along with a specific setup that means if you miss, you have nothing for another 15 seconds, and you also need to be quite far away from your target. If you don't crit, or your…
  • FEEDBACK: can we have cc and damage immunity on Marauder's Rush and Marauder's Escape, and possibly a CC break on Marauder's Escape?
  • @rgutscheradev Actually, from testing on preview combat damage isn't that bad in PvP, although I didn't test it for PvE so I can't really say. The capstone actually gives a lot of damage as you indicated, it's more the uptime that I think is the issue. The extra hits, which are also affected by crits, damage buffs (I…
  • Piercing Blades does not crit. Blade Hurricane does, however.
  • @amenar The wider issue can still be fixed later on, though, and a band-aid could be administered now to sort out the issue temporarily at least so that one problem is sorted for now. But I can understand the sentiment of fixing a problem globally. Another thing I'd like to mention, is it possible at all to increase the…
  • @rayrdan aimed shot hits less than encounters do. I will show you on pts tonight (10-12 hours from now) if you're on.
  • @rayrdan the oneshot build doesn't include aimed shot in the rotation.
  • @amenar That would work fine, but as per gabriel's post could you remove weak grasping roots from it? Or change the duration of the daze to be the same duration for both. But having a global 5s icd would be great. 3s isnt really enough i think, 5s is more appropriate.
  • @gabrieldourden It would be a start but it wouldn't solve the issue, because again, it's the frequency of the dazes and the majority of them are from strong roots, namely constricting arrow and hindering strike, as well as disruptive shot. Since reducing the effectiveness of swiftness of the fox is pvp doesn't seem to be…
  • @amenar Bit hard to test solo. I think you should see it happen if you use plaguefire or dread. I will test hawkeye and hawkshot further tonight, don't have access to the game right now. Furthermore, regarding permadaze: The problem with it is less the dazes (crushing roots) themselves, and more the frequency of the dazes…
  • @rayrdan I can oneshot bis players on preview atm, lol. Archery is still not viable compared to trapper, though.