Figured out a way to get back to the first fire. 1- Esc - Bring up the Game Menu. 2- Help - Go to the Help and Support screen. 3- Request GM Help - Go to the Request GM Help screen. 4- Stuck - Go to the Stuck screen 5- Unable to progress through a mission - Yep you guessed it another screen. 6- Defeat Me - You will die,…
Does anyone know if there is a way for an entire party to leave an instance together? That way there is no one left in the bugged instance for more people to drop in on top of, and it might close.
I managed to play in an un-bugged instance of "The Forrest of Peril" turns out that it is dropping players at the spot where the second campfire spawns in. Still not sure how it happened, but the more info we give the designers the better.
I think I have figured it out. In the "The Forrest of Peril" adventure the designers forgot to change the starting position from the program default to the new starting point. This means that everyone spawns in at a point that is essentially off the map. Now, the is a possibility that the bridges are also bugged, but most…