Nice thorough post. However, I think it's important to stress the guardian fighters ability to live and completely lockdown any target he chooses. Seriously, why am I being stun locked by the tank class in this game, what the **** is this?
Yup, cw is the last class that needs nerfing, there are seriously gf's running around with twice my health doing twice my damage, and i'm the one they smack in the face with the nerf stick. it's sad.
I'd like to hear the good gwfs opinion on whether or not cw's were deserving of the nerf they're getting. Personally, i can throw the kitchen sink at a lot of gwfs and they just keep truckin.
I dont have a problem leaving a F2P game, the point of this thread is: why would you nerf something far from OP into the ground and leave almost everything else (they did nerf the rogue 40k critter, will now "only" hit for 17k) in tact.
Seriously here's what just happened. Even though a rogue can kill me from stealth, a gf can charge and keep me knocked on my *** until i die, and gwf can live through everything i throw at him and basically make me run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, they nerfed the **** out of CW. What. the. ****. wtf?
Obviously you haven't come to terms with the fact that no one likes you, or cares to hear you speak. Some day I hope this becomes as apparent to you as it is to me, and on that day, I hope you know the easiest way out of your awful existence is to k---...well you know.
Then obviously a statement like "combining pve and pvp will lessen the enjoyment of players" not some players...this means all players. Is a giant, terrible, stupid assumption. Clear enough?
The stupidity of the people in this forum is astounding. Seriously, you're *****ing about something that hasn't even been implemented yet. Go read a book you miserable tw@t.
No, it's an assumption because you simply stated that mixing pve and pvp lessens the enjoyment of players. You made the ASSUMPTION that players wouldnt enjoy this because of opinions 1- who cares how many you had, they're all baseless.
I stopped reading here. If you are allowed to make an assumption like this, then so can I: You are stupid and so is everyone who agrees with your post.
I got some bad news for you. The patch will come when it's ready, no amount of whining on the forums or attempts at justifying your impatience will bring it faster. Go lay down.
if all you were attempting to do is call him a clown, you failed. you also failed to insult his intelligence by comparing his iq to that of an amoeba's. you can stop trying so hard when you get tired, sit down and have a nap.
also remember, if someone uses an overly exaggerated example, it's because they dont have a legitimate leg to stand on. Why dont you sit down, you look tired.