We are the champions, my friends, And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end. We are the champions. We are the champions. No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of Neverwinter.
I only play a Control Wizard and not only is your post outrageous by asking another player to play as you want but sometimes by mistake I hit Ice Knife. And another thing if Ice Knife is used the right way it can do much damage.
I have won many many PvP Matches during the PvP Arena Event and never have I won any useful gear. I have done outstanding in PvP arena and I agree the rewards needs to be better. Like if you win so many PvP matches you can get a mount. Not that I'm complaining because I love PvP in this game and the best reward is a fun…
Just because you grew up eating sticks and berries and uncooked Ramen noodles with a side of Yak's HAMSTER, doesn't give you the right to vent your self-hating, stick thin, no groceries in the cupboard, A cup wearing, diarrhea splattering, little girl opinions about Americans. We may be fat, but obviously we're happy,…
I'm exited about the new Unicorn Mount and Loamweave Enchantment. I can't wait to explore the enchanted woods of Sharandar. I want to play as a Moon Elf and Sun Elf. New weapons and items, new rewards and new creatures. Fomorian Giants try to seize the Elven outpost of Sharandar all free to play. This is what the D&D…