The problem is that the Protector Enclave groups for this event atleast 80% of them have some GS requirement or some certain class.. Good luck if you have a level 6 rogue trying to enjoy this event lol
I seems the queue has been fixed Im on my GWF and just got 3 groups all within 5mins of queue time one of them was 20 seconds after queue so Im assuming they fixed the queue system for this event.
Can you also mention to them it some people would love it if the events lasted a bit longer say a week so everyone has a chance to get the items they would like? B-) Its sad Neverwinter has so many lovely events and the programmers work really hard to create them and after a few days all that work is gone. Some people with…
level 60 DC (11.3k GS).. After 30mins in queue the afk kick finally got me. Logged back in and requed 40mins in queue I finally got a group mostly 60s and within 8 mins the skirmish was sadly over and back to another 40ish minutes of queue lol.. Then I tried to get a group in lag central of the game the good old protectors…