more cash grabbing again fancy that game must be in a bad shape. Plus was any of this discussed in a CDP anywhere or is this just more change's that they didn't not discus with the player base again to see what we were thinking cause if not then whats the point in having a CDP if the first place.
In my opinon Think what some people dont relise right now is yes healing is bad at the moment but at the same time it its making you work as a team right now. There is nothing better than knowing the boss's / dungeon/trail machanics people just cant go around face tanking boss's anymore and expect to be healed right up…
when is one of the dev's going to speak up address the ninja nerfs to all the healer class's and tell us what was your reason for doing so. cause right now you have lost all trust again. And no wounder why the community talks bad about you lot all the time in the forms cause you keep pulling this sort of HAMSTER all the…
@the whole dev team you guys are a complete and utter joke at this point do you guys even play this game and the class's and run end game dungeons/trails if you start nerfing the healers no one will be able to do any end game content at all cause there will be no healers left in the game. you should all take a good hard…
Well team cryptic i must admit that you lot are anything but dull these days. Why do you always have to go changing things in the game that are not need at this time and brake the game even more for your player base. Rather than just fixing what is need to make your game better. Then maybe ask your player base what they…
sarahconnor said: why is there more maintenance today January 21 2020 was the release of Infernal Descent why you need 20.000 total item level for that and why the monsters are at 80 that is to strong for any one who is at 80 some players don't have 20.000 total item level and before the last maintenance I had over 18.000…
yeah tia-mat still broken the mobs still hit way to hard two hits and your dead.For some thing that you said you will fix. Do you actually have people that test stuff. Cause what the point in having patch notes if your not going to fix what is on them.